Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Directly replace the the corresponding Segment by Blanks, preserving '\r' and '\n'
 /// characters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curSourceText"></param>
 /// <param name="from">The start position in the buffer</param>
 /// <param name="to">The ending position in the buffer</param>
 private void ReplaceByBlanks(StringSourceText sourceText, int from, int to)
     for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
         char c = sourceText[i];
         sourceText[i] = (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) ? c : ' ';
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a Delete string Corresponding to a segment in a buffer.
 /// We want to create a replacement string that only contains whitespaces
 /// and '\r' or \n' characters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curSourceText"></param>
 /// <param name="from">The start position in the buffer</param>
 /// <param name="to">The ending position in the buffer</param>
 /// <returns>The replacement characters</returns>
 protected char[] GetDeleteString(StringSourceText sourceText, int from, int to)
     char[] result = new char[to - from];
     for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
         char c = sourceText[from + i];
         result[i] = (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) ? c : ' ';
Esempio n. 3
        static SourceText?TryLoadSourceText(string directory, string path)
            var full = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(directory, Path.ChangeExtension(path, ModuleFileNameExtension) !));

                return(StringSourceText.FromAsync(full, File.OpenRead(full)).Result);
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: Catch more specific exceptions?
Esempio n. 4
        int Run(Options options)
            var path = options.Module.FullName;

            if (!options.Module.Exists)
                Log.ErrorLine("Module '{0}' could not be found.", path);

            var loader = new StandardModuleLoader(ModuleLoaderMode.Normal);

            _ = loader.SearchPaths.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) !);

            var text    = StringSourceText.FromAsync(path, File.OpenRead(path)).Result;
            var context = new SyntaxContext();

                var mod = loader.LoadModule(text, context);

                foreach (var decl in mod.Declarations.OfType <Function>())
            catch (ModuleLoadException)
                // All errors will be reported in the context.

            foreach (var diag in context.Diagnostics)

            // TODO

            return(context.HasDiagnostics ? 1 : 0);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a linear Generation
        /// //1) A Non commented line with no Associated nodes is generated without any change.
        /// //2) If the line is commented then first comment all following lines that have the same intersection with the corresponding target Nodes.
        /// //3) For each node related to a line, and not already generated the corresponding code.
        /// //4) Flush of Function declations.
        /// <param name="mapper">The linearization representation</param>
        /// <param name="Input">Input source lines</param>
        /// <returns>The Generated Source Document</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private SourceText LinearGeneration <A>(LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper mapper, IReadOnlyList <A> Input) where A : ITextLine
            SourceText targetSourceText = new GapSourceText();
            //Stack Used to save current generation buffer when switching in a function declaration generation.
            //Beacuse a function declartion has its own buffer.
            Stack <SourceText> stackOuterBuffer = new Stack <SourceText>();
            Stack <SourceText> stackLocalBuffer = new Stack <SourceText>();
            //Bit Array of Generated Nodes.
            BitArray generated_node = new BitArray(mapper.NodeCount);

            //For detecting line having characters in columns [73-80]
            Lines_73_80_Flags = new HashSet <int>();
            //The previous line generation buffer
            StringSourceText previousBuffer = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < mapper.LineData.Length; i++)
                //1) A Non commented line with no Associated nodes is generated without any change.
                if (!mapper.CommentedLines[i] && mapper.LineData[i].LineNodes == null)
                    //If there was a previous buffer ==> Flush it
                    if (previousBuffer != null)
                        if (!mapper.IsGeneratedEmptyBuffer(previousBuffer))
                            AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, previousBuffer);
                        previousBuffer = null;
                    string text = Input[i].Text;
                    if (mapper.LineData[i].Buffer != null)
                    {//This line has been assigned a target Buffer
                        mapper.LineData[i].Buffer.Insert(text, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                        mapper.LineData[i].Buffer.Insert(Environment.NewLine, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                        targetSourceText.Insert(text, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                        targetSourceText.Insert(Environment.NewLine, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                //2) If the line is commented then first comment all following lines that have the same intersection with
                // the corresponding target Nodes.
                List <int> line_nodes = mapper.LineData[i].LineNodes;
                //If there was a previous buffer ==> Flush it
                if (previousBuffer != null && mapper.CommentedLines[i])
                    if (!mapper.IsGeneratedEmptyBuffer(previousBuffer))
                        AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, previousBuffer);
                    previousBuffer = null;
                for (int j = i; mapper.CommentedLines[j]; j++)
                    List <int> current_nodes = mapper.LineData[j].LineNodes;
                    if (!LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.HasIntersection(line_nodes, current_nodes))
                        break;//This commented line has no nodes which intersect with the previous line.
                    IEnumerable <ITextLine> lines = Indent(Input[j], true);
                    foreach (var line in lines)
                        string text = line.Text.TrimEnd();
                        targetSourceText.Insert(text, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                        targetSourceText.Insert(Environment.NewLine, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size);
                        CheckFunctionDeclCommentedheader(mapper, current_nodes, text);
                    mapper.CommentedLines[j] = false;//This commented line has been generated now
                    line_nodes = current_nodes;
                //3)For each node related to this line, and not already generated.
                line_nodes = mapper.LineData[i].LineNodes;
                foreach (int node_index in line_nodes)
                    if (node_index == -1 || mapper.Nodes[node_index].node.IsFlagSet(Node.Flag.GeneratorCanIgnoreIt))
                    {//bad Node
                    if (generated_node[node_index])
                        continue;                                                                           //Already Generated.
                    bool             bFunctionBodyNode = mapper.Nodes[node_index].FunctionBodyNode != null; //Is this node in a function body ?
                    StringSourceText curSourceText     = mapper.Nodes[node_index].Buffer;
                    if (curSourceText != previousBuffer && previousBuffer != null)
                    {//Flush previous buffer
                        if (!mapper.IsGeneratedEmptyBuffer(previousBuffer))
                            AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, previousBuffer);
                        previousBuffer = null;
                    Node node                = mapper.Nodes[node_index].node;
                    bool bGenerated          = node is Generated;
                    bool bForceGenerateLines = true;
                    if (!bGenerated)
                    {   //This Node is not Generated: If it removed then remove its source code otherwise do Nothing it is already in the source buffer.
                        bForceGenerateLines = false;
                        if (mapper.Nodes[node_index].Removed)
                        {//If this node is removed
                            //var sourceLine = TargetDocument[i];
                            Position from = mapper.Nodes[node_index].From;
                            Position to   = mapper.Nodes[node_index].To;
                            //Delete <==> Replace with blanks
                            ReplaceByBlanks(curSourceText, from.Pos, to.Pos);
                        else if (mapper.Nodes[node_index].node.IsFlagSet(Node.Flag.ForceGetGeneratedLines))
                        {//As lines to generate and replace
                            bForceGenerateLines = true;
                    if (bForceGenerateLines)
                        bool     bIsFunctionDecl = mapper.Nodes[node_index] is LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData;
                        bool     bFirst          = true;
                        Position from            = mapper.Nodes[node_index].From;
                        Position to = mapper.Nodes[node_index].To;
                        bool     bIsGenerateAndReplace = node is GeneratedAndReplace;
                        if (bIsGenerateAndReplace)
                        {//The node has a source code that must be replaced
                            string code = (node as GeneratedAndReplace).ReplaceCode;
                            GenerateIntoBufferCheckLineExceed(from, to, curSourceText, code, i + 1);
                            foreach (var line in NodeLines(node, generated_node))
                                bool         bInsertSplit = false;
                                StringWriter sw           = new StringWriter();
                                if (bFirst && !bIsFunctionDecl && curSourceText != null)
                                {//The first element don't ident it just insert it a the right position
                                 //issue #892 => Anyway Handle splitting
                                    bFirst       = false;
                                    bInsertSplit = true;
                                    foreach (var l in Indent(line, null))
                                string text = sw.ToString();
                                if (bIsFunctionDecl)
                                { //This the Function Header output.
                                    LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData funData = mapper.Nodes[node_index] as LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData;
                                    int f = Math.Min(from.Pos, curSourceText.Size);
                                    int t = Math.Min(to.Pos, curSourceText.Size);
                                    if (f != t)
                                        //Create a the erase string to erase in the original source code
                                        //The Function header.
                                        //Erase in the original source code the Function header?
                                        ReplaceByBlanks(curSourceText, f, t);
                                        //Output the pre-stored comment header
                                        InsertLineMaybeSplit(funData.FunctionDeclBuffer, funData.CommentedHeader.ToString(), funData.FunctionDeclBuffer.Size, funData.FunctionDeclBuffer.Size, bInsertSplit);
                                    //Insert the sequence
                                    InsertLineMaybeSplit(funData.FunctionDeclBuffer, text, funData.FunctionDeclBuffer.Size, funData.FunctionDeclBuffer.Size, bInsertSplit);
                                    if (curSourceText == null)
                                        InsertLineMaybeSplit(targetSourceText, text, targetSourceText.Size, targetSourceText.Size, bInsertSplit);
                                        InsertLineMaybeSplit(curSourceText, text, Math.Min(from.Pos, curSourceText.Size), Math.Min(to.Pos, curSourceText.Size), bInsertSplit);
                                from = to;
                        //Don't pad in case of replacement or insertion in a function declaration
                        if (!bIsGenerateAndReplace && !bIsFunctionDecl)
                            //Pad a splitted segment
                            if (mapper.Nodes[node_index].Positions != null)
                                int    span = mapper.Nodes[node_index].Positions.Item3;
                                string pad  = new string(' ', span);
                                curSourceText.Insert(pad, to.Pos, to.Pos);
                        if (bIsFunctionDecl)
                        {   //Switch in function declaration -> push the current buffers
                            LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData funData = mapper.Nodes[node_index] as LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData;
                            //Now Generate in Function Declaration Buffer.
                            targetSourceText = funData.FunctionDeclBuffer;
                            curSourceText    = null;
                    //This node is now generated.
                    generated_node[node_index] = true;
                    if (mapper.Nodes[node_index].node.IsFlagSet(Node.Flag.EndFunctionDeclarationNode))
                    {   //Leaving function declaration --> Pop saved buffers.
                        if (previousBuffer != null)
                            if (!mapper.IsGeneratedEmptyBuffer(previousBuffer))
                                AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, previousBuffer);
                            previousBuffer = null;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stackOuterBuffer.Count > 0 && stackLocalBuffer.Count > 0);
                        if (stackOuterBuffer.Count > 0 && stackLocalBuffer.Count > 0)
                            targetSourceText = stackOuterBuffer.Pop();
                            curSourceText    = (StringSourceText)stackLocalBuffer.Pop();
                        previousBuffer = curSourceText;
                        previousBuffer = curSourceText;
            //If there was a previous buffer ==> Flush it
            if (previousBuffer != null)
                if (!mapper.IsGeneratedEmptyBuffer(previousBuffer))
                    AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, previousBuffer);
                previousBuffer = null;
            //4)//Flush of Function declation body
            foreach (int fun_index in mapper.FunctionDeclarationNodeIndices)
                LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData funData = mapper.Nodes[fun_index] as LinearNodeSourceCodeMapper.NodeFunctionData;
                AppendBufferContent(targetSourceText, funData.FunctionDeclBuffer);
            //5)//Generate Line Exceed Diagnostics
Esempio n. 6
        protected override SourceText?GetSourceText(ModulePath path)
            // Core modules are not subject to any security checks, so make sure they're not loaded
            // from arbitrary file system locations.
            if (path.IsCore)
                    var rsc    = $"{nameof(Flare)}.{string.Join('.', path.Components)}.{ModuleFileNameExtension}";
                    var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(rsc);

                    return(stream != null?StringSourceText.FromAsync(Path.Combine(_assemblyPath, rsc),
                                                                     stream).Result : null);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ModuleLoadException($"Core module '{path}' failed to load: {e.Message}", e);

            var str = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, path.Components);

            foreach (var dir in SearchPaths)
                if (TryLoadSourceText(dir, str) is SourceText source)

            if (!UseEnvironmentVariable)

            foreach (var dir in GetSearchPaths(EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process))
                if (TryLoadSourceText(dir, str) is SourceText source)

            foreach (var dir in GetSearchPaths(EnvironmentVariableTarget.User))
                if (TryLoadSourceText(dir, str) is SourceText source)

            foreach (var dir in GetSearchPaths(EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine))
                if (TryLoadSourceText(dir, str) is SourceText source)

Esempio n. 7
        int Run(Options options)
            ReadLine.AutoCompletionHandler = null;

            var loader = new StandardModuleLoader(ModuleLoaderMode.Interactive);
            var i      = 0;

            while (true)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                Console.Write($"flare({i})> ");

                var text      = new StringBuilder();
                var quit      = false;
                var continued = false;

                while (true)
                    var input = ReadLine.Read();

                    if (input != string.Empty)

                    var broken = false;

                    if (input == "'repl:quit")
                        quit = true;
                    if (continued && input == "'repl:break")
                        broken = true;
                        _ = text.AppendLine(input);

                    var lex = LanguageLexer.Lex(StringSourceText.From("<repl>", text.ToString()));

                    foreach (var diag in lex.Diagnostics)

                    if (!lex.IsSuccess)

                    var parse = LanguageParser.Parse(lex, SyntaxMode.Interactive);

                    if (!broken && IsIncomplete(parse))
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                        Console.Write($".....({i})> ");

                        continued = true;


                    foreach (var diag in parse.Diagnostics)

                    var analysis = LanguageAnalyzer.Analyze(parse, loader, new SyntaxContext());

                    foreach (var diag in analysis.Diagnostics)


                if (quit)

