Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the string representation of SHA1 of a byte data array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetSHA1(byte[] data)
     using (SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create())
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the string representation of MD5 of a byte data array.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetMD5(byte[] data)
     using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <List <TreeNodeUI> > GetNodesAsync(string alias, ParentPath?parentPath)
            var collection = _collectionProvider.GetCollection(alias);

            if (collection == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to get collection for given alias ({alias}).");

            var parent = await _parentService.GetParentAsync(parentPath);

            if (collection.TreeView?.EntityVisibility == EntityVisibilty.Visible)
                // TODO: pagination
                var query    = Query.TakeElements(25);
                var entities = await collection.Repository.GetAllAsync(parent, query);

                return(await entities.ToListAsync(async entity =>
                    var entityVariant = collection.GetEntityVariant(entity);

                    var node = new TreeNodeUI
                        Id = entity.Id,
                        Name = collection.TreeView.Name !.StringGetter.Invoke(entity),
                        RootVisibleOfCollections = collection.Collections.All(subCollection => subCollection.TreeView?.RootVisibility == CollectionRootVisibility.Visible),
                        Collections = collection.Collections.ToList(subCollection => subCollection.Alias)

                    var editAuthorizationChallenge = await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(

                    if (editAuthorizationChallenge.Succeeded)
                        node.Path = UriHelper.Node(Constants.Edit, collection.Alias, entityVariant, parentPath, entity.Id);
                        var viewAuthorizationChallenge = await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(

                        if (viewAuthorizationChallenge.Succeeded)
                            node.Path = UriHelper.Node(Constants.View, collection.Alias, entityVariant, parentPath, entity.Id);

                    return node;
                return(new List <TreeNodeUI>());
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the string representation of SHA1
 /// of a string data using a specific encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="encoding"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetSHA1(string data, Encoding encoding)
     using (SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create())
         var hash = sha1.ComputeHash(encoding.GetBytes(data));
Esempio n. 5
        protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService()
            if (myAddIn == null)
                myAddIn = new StringGetter();

Esempio n. 6
 public static string GetMD5(string data, Encoding encoding)
     using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
         var d         = encoding.GetBytes(data);
         var hashBytes = md5.ComputeHash(d);
Esempio n. 7
        // local

        protected int LoadHudData(StringGetter cb, UnityEvent datachange, UnityEvent datadone, string cap, string donecap, int slot)
            MoreDebug.Log("go: " +;
            HudBridgeElement data = new HudBridgeElement();
            data.InitFromBridge(cb, datachange, datadone, cap, donecap, slot);
            return(hudkeys.Count - 1);
Esempio n. 8
 public void FromBase64StringTest(string base64, string fact, CodePage cp = CodePage.Default)
     if (cp == CodePage.Default)
         Assert.Equal(fact, StringGetter.FromBase64String(base64));
         Assert.Equal(fact, StringGetter.FromBase64String(base64, cp));
         Assert.Equal(fact, StringGetter.FromBase64String(base64, EncodingUtil.GetEncoding(cp)));
Esempio n. 9
        public void GetHexStringTest()
            byte[]       data0 = { 0x5a, 0x4b };
            const string fact0 = "5A4B";

            Assert.Equal(fact0, StringGetter.GetHexString(data0));

            byte[]       data1 = { 0x06, 0x11, 0xab, 0xca, 0xfe };
            const string fact1 = "";

            Assert.Equal(fact1, StringGetter.GetHexString(data1, "."), true);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Delegate_CreateDelegate_StaticCriticalProperty()
            PropertyInfo pi    = typeof(Assembly).GetProperty("CodeBase");
            MethodInfo   miget = pi.GetGetMethod();
            StringGetter dget  = null;

            Assert.IsNotNull(miget, "CurrentDirectory");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget, false);
            Assert.IsNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, miget);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_CodeBase");
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,string)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Assembly), "get_CodeBase");
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, miget, false);
            Assert.IsNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_codebase", true);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,string,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                // delegate could not be created
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Assembly), "get_codebase", true);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_codebase", true, false);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Assembly), "get_codebase", true, false);
            Assert.IsNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");
Esempio n. 11
        public void InitFromBridge(StringGetter cb, UnityEvent dc, UnityEvent di, string cap, string orv, int ds)

            Callback          = cb;
            onDataChange      = dc;
            onDataInvalidated = di;
            Caption           = cap;
            OverrideValue     = orv;
            DisplaySlot       = ds;

Esempio n. 12
        public void Delegate_CreateDelegate_InstanceTransparentProperty()
            X509Certificate cert  = new X509Certificate();
            PropertyInfo    pi    = typeof(X509Certificate).GetProperty("Issuer");
            MethodInfo      miget = pi.GetGetMethod();
            StringGetter    dget  = null;

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                // Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo) is for static members only
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget, false);
            Assert.IsNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo,boolean)");              // not static

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), cert, miget);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), cert, "get_Issuer");
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,string)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(X509Certificate), "get_Issuer");
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), cert, miget, false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), cert, "get_issuer", true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,string,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(X509Certificate), "get_issuer", true);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), cert, "get_issuer", true, false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(X509Certificate), "get_issuer", true, false);
            Assert.IsNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");
Esempio n. 13
        public void GetHumanReadableByteCountTest()
            const long   num0  = 1024L;
            const string fact0 = "1.0 KiB";

            Assert.Equal(fact0, StringGetter.GetHumanReadableByteCount(num0));

            const long   num1  = 16L;
            const string fact1 = "16 B";

            Assert.Equal(fact1, StringGetter.GetHumanReadableByteCount(num1));

            const long   num2  = 1000000L;
            const string fact2 = "1.00 MB";

            Assert.Equal(fact2, StringGetter.GetHumanReadableByteCount(num2, true, 2));

            const long   num3  = 1_132_951_587L;
            const string fact3 = "1.055 GiB";

            Assert.Equal(fact3, StringGetter.GetHumanReadableByteCount(num3, false, 3));
Esempio n. 14
        public void Delegate_CreateDelegate_StaticTransparentProperty()
            PropertyInfo pi    = typeof(Environment).GetProperty("NewLine");
            MethodInfo   miget = pi.GetGetMethod();

            StringGetter dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget);

            Assert.IsNotNull(dget(), "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), miget, false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget(), "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,MethodInfo,boolean)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, miget);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget(), "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_NewLine");
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Environment), "get_NewLine");
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget(), "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, miget, false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_newline", true);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,string,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Environment), "get_newline", true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,string,bool)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (delegate {
                dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), null, "get_newline", true, false);
            }, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,object,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");

            dget = (StringGetter)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(StringGetter), typeof(Environment), "get_newline", true, false);
            Assert.IsNotNull(dget, "Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type,Type,MethodInfo,bool,bool)");
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the storage from a <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        /// The <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/> from which the storage should be loaded.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">
        /// The <see cref="DBFilesClient.NET.LoadFlags"/> to be used when loading.
        /// </param>
        public unsafe virtual void Load(Stream stream, LoadFlags flags)

            byte[] headerBytes;
            byte[] data;
            byte[] pool;

            fixed(byte *headerPtr = headerBytes = new byte[DBCHeader.Size])
                if (stream.Read(headerBytes, 0, DBCHeader.Size) != DBCHeader.Size)
                    throw new IOException("Failed to read the DBC header.");

                var header = (DBCHeader *)headerPtr;

                if (!flags.HasFlag(LoadFlags.IgnoreWrongFourCC) && header->FourCC != 0x43424457)
                    throw new ArgumentException("This is not a valid DBC file.");

                if (header->RecordSize != m_entrySize)
                    throw new ArgumentException("This DBC file has wrong record size ("
                                                + header->RecordSize + ", expected is " + m_entrySize + ").");

                m_records = header->Records;

                int index, size;

                index = 0;
                size  = header->Records * header->RecordSize;
                data  = new byte[size];
                while (index < size)
                    index += stream.Read(data, index, size - index);

                index = 0;
                size  = header->StringPoolSize;
                pool  = new byte[size];
                while (index < size)
                    index += stream.Read(pool, index, size - index);

            fixed(byte *pdata_ = data)
                byte *pdata = pdata_;

                if (m_records > 0)
                    uint  minId  = uint.MaxValue;
                    uint  maxId  = uint.MinValue;
                    byte *pdata2 = pdata;

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_records; i++)
                        uint id = *(uint *)pdata2;

                        if (minId > id)
                            minId = id;

                        if (maxId < id)
                            maxId = id;

                        pdata2 += m_entrySize;

                    this.Resize(minId, maxId);

                fixed(byte *ppool = m_haveString?pool : null)
                    sbyte *      spool     = (sbyte *)ppool;
                    int          poolLen   = pool.Length;
                    StringGetter strGetter = offset => LazyCString.LoadString(spool, poolLen, offset);

                    bool ignoreLazyCStrings = !flags.HasFlag(LoadFlags.LazyCStrings);

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_records; i++)
                        var entry = (T)m_ctor.Invoke(null);

                        m_loadMethod(pdata, pool, strGetter, entry, ignoreLazyCStrings);

                        uint id = *(uint *)pdata;
                        m_entries[id - m_minId] = entry;

                        pdata += m_entrySize;
Esempio n. 16
        public override unsafe void Load(Stream stream, LoadFlags flags)

            byte[] headerBytes;
            byte[] data;
            byte[] pool;

            fixed(byte *headerPtr = headerBytes = new byte[DB2Header.Size])
                if (stream.Read(headerBytes, 0, DB2Header.Size) != DB2Header.Size)
                    throw new IOException("Failed to read the DB2 header.");

                var header = (DB2Header *)headerPtr;

                if (!flags.HasFlag(LoadFlags.IgnoreWrongFourCC) && header->FourCC != 0x32424457)
                    throw new ArgumentException("This is not a valid DB2 file.");

                if (header->RecordSize != m_entrySize)
                    throw new ArgumentException("This DB2 file has wrong record size ("
                                                + m_entrySize + ", expected is " + header->RecordSize + ").");

                m_records  = header->Records;
                this.Hash  = header->Hash;
                this.Build = header->Build;

                if (header->Build > 12880)
                    fixed(byte *extHeaderPtr = headerBytes = new byte[DB2ExtendedHeader.Size])
                        if (stream.Read(headerBytes, 0, DB2ExtendedHeader.Size) != DB2ExtendedHeader.Size)
                            throw new IOException("Failed to read the extended DB2 header.");

                        var extHeader = (DB2ExtendedHeader *)extHeaderPtr;

                        this.Locale = extHeader->Locale;

                        if (extHeader->MaxId != 0)
                            int diff;
                                diff = (int)(extHeader->MaxId - extHeader->MinId + 1) * 6;

                            if (stream.CanSeek)
                                stream.Seek(diff, SeekOrigin.Current);
                                var dummy = new byte[4096];
                                while (diff > 0)
                                    diff -= stream.Read(dummy, 0, Math.Min(diff, 4096));

                int index, size;

                index = 0;
                size  = header->Records * header->RecordSize;
                data  = new byte[size];
                while (index < size)
                    index += stream.Read(data, index, size - index);

                index = 0;
                size  = header->StringPoolSize;
                pool  = new byte[size];
                while (index < size)
                    index += stream.Read(pool, index, size - index);

            fixed(byte *pdata_ = data)
                byte *pdata = pdata_;

                if (m_records > 0)
                    this.Resize(*(uint *)pdata, *(uint *)(pdata + m_entrySize * (m_records - 1)));

                fixed(byte *ppool = m_haveString?pool : null)
                    sbyte *      spool     = (sbyte *)ppool;
                    int          poolLen   = pool.Length;
                    StringGetter strGetter = offset => LazyCString.LoadString(spool, poolLen, offset);

                    bool ignoreLazyCStrings = !flags.HasFlag(LoadFlags.LazyCStrings);

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_records; i++)
                        var entry = (T)m_ctor.Invoke(null);

                        m_loadMethod(pdata, pool, strGetter, entry, ignoreLazyCStrings);

                        uint id = *(uint *)pdata;
                        m_entries[id - m_minId] = entry;

                        pdata += m_entrySize;