Esempio n. 1
        public void SetRunnerContext(string name, string value)
            ArgUtil.NotNullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));
            var runnerContext = ExpressionValues["runner"] as RunnerContext;

            runnerContext[name] = new StringContextData(value);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetGitHubContext(string name, string value)
            ArgUtil.NotNullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));
            var githubContext = ExpressionValues["github"] as GitHubContext;

            githubContext[name] = new StringContextData(value);
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetResult(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            string result)
            var step = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);

            step["result"] = new StringContextData(result);
Esempio n. 4
        public void SetOutcome(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            ActionResult outcome)
            var step = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);

            step["outcome"] = new StringContextData(outcome.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
Esempio n. 5
        public void SetConclusion(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            ActionResult conclusion)
            var step = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);

            step["conclusion"] = new StringContextData(conclusion.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
Esempio n. 6
        public void SetOutcome(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            string outcome)
            var step = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);

            step["outcome"] = new StringContextData(outcome);
Esempio n. 7
        public void SetConclusion(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            string conclusion)
            var step = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);

            step["conclusion"] = new StringContextData(conclusion);
Esempio n. 8
        public void SetEnvContext(string name, string value)
            ArgUtil.NotNullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));

            var envContext = ExpressionValues["env"] as DictionaryContextData;
            envContext[name] = new StringContextData(value);
            var envContext = ExpressionValues["env"] as CaseSensitiveDictionaryContextData;
            envContext[name] = new StringContextData(value);
Esempio n. 9
        public void SetOutput(
            string scopeName,
            string stepName,
            string outputName,
            string value,
            out string reference)
            var step    = GetStep(scopeName, stepName);
            var outputs = step["outputs"].AssertDictionary("outputs");

            outputs[outputName] = new StringContextData(value);
            if (_propertyRegex.IsMatch(outputName))
                reference = $"steps.{stepName}.outputs.{outputName}";
                reference = $"steps['{stepName}']['outputs']['{outputName}']";
Esempio n. 10
        public void InitializeJob(Pipelines.AgentJobRequestMessage message, CancellationToken token)
            // Validation
            ArgUtil.NotNull(message, nameof(message));
            ArgUtil.NotNull(message.Resources, nameof(message.Resources));
            ArgUtil.NotNull(message.Variables, nameof(message.Variables));
            ArgUtil.NotNull(message.Plan, nameof(message.Plan));

            _cancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);

            Global = new GlobalContext();

            // Plan
            Global.Plan     = message.Plan;
            Global.Features = PlanUtil.GetFeatures(message.Plan);

            // Endpoints
            Global.Endpoints = message.Resources.Endpoints;

            // Variables
            Global.Variables = new Variables(HostContext, message.Variables);

            // Environment variables shared across all actions
            Global.EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>(VarUtil.EnvironmentVariableKeyComparer);

            // Job defaults shared across all actions
            Global.JobDefaults = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Job Outputs
            JobOutputs = new Dictionary <string, VariableValue>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Actions environment
            ActionsEnvironment = message.ActionsEnvironment;

            // Service container info
            Global.ServiceContainers = new List <ContainerInfo>();

            // Steps context (StepsRunner manages adding the scoped steps context)
            Global.StepsContext = new StepsContext();

            // File table
            Global.FileTable = new List <String>(message.FileTable ?? new string[0]);

            // Expression values
            if (message.ContextData?.Count > 0)
                foreach (var pair in message.ContextData)
                    ExpressionValues[pair.Key] = pair.Value;

            ExpressionValues["secrets"] = Global.Variables.ToSecretsContext();
            ExpressionValues["runner"]  = new RunnerContext();
            ExpressionValues["job"]     = new JobContext();

            Trace.Info("Initialize GitHub context");
            var githubAccessToken  = new StringContextData(Global.Variables.Get("system.github.token"));
            var base64EncodedToken = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"x-access-token:{githubAccessToken}"));

            var githubJob     = Global.Variables.Get("system.github.job");
            var githubContext = new GitHubContext();

            githubContext["token"] = githubAccessToken;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(githubJob))
                githubContext["job"] = new StringContextData(githubJob);
            var githubDictionary = ExpressionValues["github"].AssertDictionary("github");

            foreach (var pair in githubDictionary)
                githubContext[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
            ExpressionValues["github"] = githubContext;

            Trace.Info("Initialize Env context");
            ExpressionValues["env"] = new DictionaryContextData();
            ExpressionValues["env"] = new CaseSensitiveDictionaryContextData();

            // Prepend Path
            Global.PrependPath = new List <string>();

            // JobSteps for job ExecutionContext
            JobSteps = new Queue <IStep>();

            // PostJobSteps for job ExecutionContext
            PostJobSteps = new Stack <IStep>();

            // StepsWithPostRegistered for job ExecutionContext
            StepsWithPostRegistered = new HashSet <Guid>();

            // Job timeline record.
                timelineId: message.Timeline.Id,
                timelineRecordId: message.JobId,
                parentTimelineRecordId: null,
                recordType: ExecutionContextType.Job,
                displayName: message.JobDisplayName,
                refName: message.JobName,
                order: null); // The job timeline record's order is set by server.

            // Logger (must be initialized before writing warnings).
            _logger = HostContext.CreateService <IPagingLogger>();
            _logger.Setup(_mainTimelineId, _record.Id);

            // Initialize 'echo on action command success' property, default to false, unless Step_Debug is set
            EchoOnActionCommand = Global.Variables.Step_Debug ?? false;

            // Verbosity (from GitHub.Step_Debug).
            Global.WriteDebug = Global.Variables.Step_Debug ?? false;

            // Hook up JobServerQueueThrottling event, we will log warning on server tarpit.
            _jobServerQueue.JobServerQueueThrottling += JobServerQueueThrottling_EventReceived;