public override void OnStart(StartState state)
            StringCollectionParser parser = new StringCollectionParser();

            _toggle = parser;

            Type type = Parser.ModTypes.Find(t => t.Name == module && typeof(PartModule).IsAssignableFrom(t));

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < part.Modules.Count; i++)
                PartModule partModule = part.Modules[i];
                if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(partModule))

                BaseField field      = partModule.Fields[key];
                String    fieldValue = field.GetValue(partModule).ToString();
                if (fieldValue != value)

                _targetModule = partModule;
        public override void OnStart(StartState state)
            StringCollectionParser parser = new StringCollectionParser(); //Comma seperated list

            parser.SetFromString(toggle);                                 //Actions to be triggered
            _toggle = parser;                                             //list of actions

            //Find a Type where the name matches the targeted PartModule and the module is assignable from the assembly t
            Type type = Parser.ModTypes.Find(t => t.Name == module && typeof(PartModule).IsAssignableFrom(t));

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < part.Modules.Count; i++) //Iterate through all modules on this part
                PartModule partModule = part.Modules[i];
                //if type is not an instance of this partmodule, skip the rest of this block and continue the loop
                if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(partModule))

                BaseField field      = partModule.Fields[key];                //field = the field named the same as key
                String    fieldValue = field.GetValue(partModule).ToString(); //get the value of that field
                if (fieldValue != value)                                      //if that value isnt what we want, continue

                _targetModule = partModule; //we found the right module
                break;                      //stop the loop