Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult OrderIndexot(int?page, string SoDH)
            int imPage = 0;
            var all    = db.Ords.OrderByDescending(o => o.Id).ToList();

            ViewBag.Bill = db.v_OrderDetail_Product.OrderByDescending(o => o.Id).ToList();

            int pageSize   = 25;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                if (Session["SoDH"] != null)
                    SoDH            = Session["SoDH"].ToString();
                    Session["SoDH"] = null;
                page = 1;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SoDH))
                int oId = Int32.Parse(SoDH);
                all = all.Where(p => p.Id == oId || p.Tel == oId.ToString() || p.Name == oId.ToString()).OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).ToList();

            // begin [get last page]
            if (page != null)
                ViewBag.mPage = (int)page;
                imPage        = (int)page;
                ViewBag.mPage = 1;
                imPage        = 1;
            ViewBag.PageSize = pageSize;

            // Thiết lập phân trang
            PagedListRenderOptions pro = new PagedListRenderOptions();

            pro.DisplayLinkToFirstPage                      = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToLastPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToPreviousPage                   = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToNextPage                       = PagedListDisplayMode.Always;
            pro.DisplayLinkToIndividualPages                = true;
            pro.DisplayPageCountAndCurrentLocation          = false;
            pro.MaximumPageNumbersToDisplay                 = 5;
            pro.DisplayEllipsesWhenNotShowingAllPageNumbers = true;
            pro.EllipsesFormat                     = "…";
            pro.LinkToFirstPageFormat              = "Trang đầu";
            pro.LinkToPreviousPageFormat           = "«";
            pro.LinkToIndividualPageFormat         = "{0}";
            pro.LinkToNextPageFormat               = "»";
            pro.LinkToLastPageFormat               = "Trang cuối";
            pro.PageCountAndCurrentLocationFormat  = "Page {0} of {1}.";
            pro.ItemSliceAndTotalFormat            = "Showing items {0} through {1} of {2}.";
            pro.FunctionToDisplayEachPageNumber    = null;
            pro.ClassToApplyToFirstListItemInPager = null;
            pro.ClassToApplyToLastListItemInPager  = null;
            pro.ContainerDivClasses                = new[] { "pagination-container" };
            pro.UlElementClasses                   = new[] { "pagination" };
            pro.LiElementClasses                   = Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            string Chuoi = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++)
                Chuoi += "<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered dataTable table-hover\" cellspacing=\"0\"  style=\"border-collapse: collapse;\">";
                Chuoi += "<tr>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"CheckBoxsmall\" style=\"width: 10px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb;\">";
                Chuoi += "<input name=\"mPage\" id=\"mPage\" value=\"" + imPage.ToString() + "\" hidden=\"hidden\" />";
                Chuoi += "<input name=\"PageSize\" id=\"PageSize\" value=\"" + pageSize.ToString() + "\" hidden=\"hidden\" />";
                //Chuoi+="@Html.CheckBox(\"chk\" "+ all[i].Id.ToString() +", new { id = \"chkSelect\", onclick = \"Javascript:chkSelect_OnClick(this,0)\", @class = \"chk\" })";
                Chuoi += "<input type=\"checkbox\" Name=\"chk" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "\" id = \"chkSelect\" onclick = \"Javascript:chkSelect_OnClick(this,0)\" class =\"chk\" />";
                Chuoi += "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" id=\"name\" style=\"width: 250px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb; color: #fff\">Số đơn hàng: " + all[i].Id.ToString() + "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" id=\"date\" style=\"width: 150px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb; color: #fff\">Ngày đặt hàng: " + all[i].SDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" id=\"date\" style=\"width: 200px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb; color: #fff\">Họ tên: " + all[i].Customer.Name + "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" id=\"date\" style=\"width: 200px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb; color: #fff\">Điện thoại: " + all[i].Customer.Tel + "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" id=\"status\" style=\"width: 200px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb; color: #fff;\">Tình trạng: ";
                Chuoi += "<label id=\"" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "\" style=\"display:inline; font-weight:bold;\">" + StringClass.ShowStateBill(all[i].Status.ToString()) + "</label>";
                Chuoi += "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"number\" style=\"text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px 10px; background-color: #22c0cb;\">";
                Chuoi += "<a style=\"width:50px; float:left;color:#fff\" href=\"../../Order/OrderEdit?id=" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "\" class=\"action-link-button\" title=\"Chi tiết hóa đơn\"><i class=\"icon-info-sign\"></i></a>";
                Chuoi += "<a style=\"width:10px; float:left; color:#fff\" href=\"OrderDelete?id=" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "&page=" + imPage.ToString() + "&pagesize=" + pageSize.ToString() + "\" class=\"yesno action-link-button\" title=\"Bạn chắc chắn muốn xóa hóa đơn này ?\"><i class=\"icon-trash\"></i></a>";
                Chuoi += "</th>";
                Chuoi += "</tr>";
                Chuoi += "</table>";
                Chuoi += "<!--Chi tiết hóa đơn-->";
                int oID  = all[i].Id;
                var bill = (from b in db.v_OrderDetail_Product where b.IdOr == oID select b).ToList();
                //Chuoi+="float? totalPrice = (from o in Model where (o.Id == Model[i].Id) select o).Single().Amount;";
                Chuoi += "<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered dataTable table-hover\" cellspacing=\"0\" id=\"cph_Main_ctl00_ctl00_grvProducts\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse;\">";
                Chuoi += "<tr>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 60px; text-align: center;\">Ảnh SP</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 170px;\">Tên Sản phẩm</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 60px;\">Số lượng</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 90px;\">Giá bán(vnđ)</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 90px;\">Thành tiền(vnđ)</th>";
                //Chuoi+="<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 330px;\">Tiền vận chuyển(vnđ)</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" rowspan=\"500\">Tổng tiền(vnđ)";

                //Chuoi+="<p style=\"color: red\">"+ os.os.Format_Price(all[i].Amount.ToString()) +" VNĐ</p>Nhập mã bưu điện<br />";
                //Chuoi += "<input type=\"text\" Name=\"Ord" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "\" value = \"\" id=\"PostCode" + all[i].Id.ToString() + "\" class =\"PostCode\" style=\"width:120px;\"/>";
                Chuoi += "</th>";
                Chuoi += "<th scope=\"col\" style=\"width: 120px; text-align: center;\" rowspan=\"500\">";
                if (all[i].Status == "1")
                    Chuoi += "<label id=\"Nhantien\" class=\"btn Nhantien\" data-id=\"" + all[i].Id + "\"><i class=\"icon-save\"></i>&nbsp;Đã nhận tiền</label>";
                else if (all[i].Status == "2")
                    Chuoi += "<label id=\"Guihang\" class=\"btn Guihang\" data-id=\"" + all[i].Id + "\"><i class=\"icon-save\"></i>&nbsp;Đã gửi hàng</label>";
                else if (all[i].Status == "3")
                    Chuoi += "<label>Đơn hàng đã gửi</label>";
                    Chuoi += "<label>Đơn hàng bị hủy</label>";
                Chuoi += "</th>";
                Chuoi += " </tr>";
                for (int j = 0; j < bill.Count; j++)
                    Chuoi += "<tr style=\"background-color: #fff\">";
                    Chuoi += "<td class=\"text-center\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; padding: 2px 0px;\">";
                    Chuoi += "<img width=\"60px\" src=\"" + bill[j].Image + "\" alt=\"\"/></td>";
                    Chuoi += "<td style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">" + bill[j].Name + "";
                    //Chuoi += "<p style=\"color: #22c0cb; text-align: left; padding: 0; margin: 0\"> - Màu: " + bill[j].CName + " <br /> - Size: " + bill[j].SName + "";
                    Chuoi += "</p>";
                    Chuoi += "</td>";
                    Chuoi += "<td class=\"text\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; text-align: center\">" + bill[j].Name + "</td>";
                    Chuoi += "<td class=\"text\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; text-align: center\">" + StringClass.Format_Price(bill[j].Price.ToString()) + "</td>";
                    Chuoi += "<td class=\"text\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; text-align: center\">" + StringClass.Format_Price(bill[j].Total.ToString()) + "</td>";

                    //Chuoi += " <td class=\"text\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">- Tiền VC: <span style=\"color: red\">" + StringClass.Format_Price(all[i].PriceVC.ToString()) + "<br />";
                    //Chuoi += "- Cộng thêm 20% cước VC ngoại thành, nông thôn nếu có:<span style=\"color: red\">" + StringClass.Format_Price(all[i].PriceNT.ToString()) + "</span><br />";
                    //    if (all[i].TypePay == "1")
                    //    {
                    //        Chuoi+="<label style=\"font-weight: bold\">- Hình thức VC: Chuyển phát nhanh</label>";
                    //    }
                    //    else if (all[i].TypePay == "2")
                    //    {
                    //        Chuoi+="<label style=\"font-weight: bold\">- Hình thức VC: Chuyển phát bình thường</label>";
                    //    }
                    //    else if (all[i].TypePay == "3")
                    //    {
                    //       Chuoi+=" <label style=\"font-weight: bold\">- Hình thức VC: Chuyển bằng ô tô</label>";
                    //    }
                    Chuoi += "</tr>";
                Chuoi += "</table>";
                Chuoi += "<div id=\"mnbtomad\">";
                Chuoi += "<div class=\"head\">Thông tin nhận hàng:</div>";
                if (all[i].Name != null && all[i].Name != "")
                    string NameProvince = "";
                    string times        = "";
                    int    tinhid       = int.Parse(all[i].ProviceId.ToString());
                    var    provi        = db.Provinces.Where(m => m.Id == tinhid).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (provi != null)
                        NameProvince = provi.Name;
                        if (all[i].TypePay == "1")
                            times = provi.Time;
                        else if (all[i].TypePay == "2")
                            times = provi.Time1;
                            times = provi.Time2;
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item\" style=\"margin-left: 135px;\">Họ tên: <span>" + all[i].Name + "</span></div>";
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item\">Điện thoại: <span>" + all[i].Tel + "</span></div>";
                    //if (all[i].TypePay == "1")
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Chuyển phát nhanh - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    //else if (all[i].TypePay == "2")
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Chuyển phát thường - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Ô tô - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item500\">Địa chỉ: <span>" + all[i].Address + " - " + NameProvince + "</span></div>";
                    string times        = "";
                    string NameProvince = "";
                    int    tinhid       = int.Parse(all[i].Customer.Provice.ToString());
                    var    provi        = db.Provinces.Where(m => m.Id == tinhid).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (provi != null)
                        NameProvince = provi.Name;
                        if (all[i].TypePay == "1")
                            times = provi.Time;
                        else if (all[i].TypePay == "2")
                            times = provi.Time1;
                            times = provi.Time2;
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item\" style=\"margin-left: 135px;\">Họ tên: <span>" + all[i].Customer.Name + "</span></div>";
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item\">Điện thoại: <span>" + all[i].Customer.Tel + "</span></div>";
                    //if (all[i].TypePay == "1")
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Chuyển phát nhanh - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    //else if (all[i].TypePay == "2")
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Chuyển phát thường - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    //    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item400\">Gửi hàng bằng:<span> Ô tô - </span><b>" + times + "</b></div>";
                    Chuoi += "<div class=\"item500\">Địa chỉ: <span>" + all[i].Customer.Address + " - " + NameProvince + "</span></div>";
                Chuoi += "</div>";
                Chuoi += "</div>";
            ViewBag.or  = Chuoi;
            ViewBag.Pro = pro;

            return(View(all.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult OrderIndex()
            string page      = "1"; //so phan trang hien tai
            var    pagesize  = 25;  //so ban ghi tren 1 trang
            var    numOfNews = 0;   //tong so ban ghi co duoc truoc khi phan trang
            int    curpage   = 0;   // trang hien tai dung cho phan trang

            if (Request["page"] != null)
                page    = Request["page"];
                curpage = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
            var all   = db.Ords.ToList();
            var pages = all.Skip(curpage * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList();
            //var pages = db.sp_Order_Phantrang(page, pagesize, "", "").ToList();
            var url = Request.Path;

            numOfNews     = all.Count;
            ViewBag.Pager = Phantrang.PhanTrang(25, curpage, numOfNews, url);
            string Chuoi = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count; i++)
                int pid = pages[i].IdCus;
                var cus = db.sp_Customer_GetById(pid).ToList();
                if (cus.Count > 0)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        Chuoi += "<tr id=\"trOdd_" + i + "\" class=\"trOdd\" onmousemove=\"Javascript:chkSelect_OnMouseMove1(this)\" onmouseout=\"Javascript:chkSelect_OnMouseOut1(this," + i + ")\">";
                        Chuoi += "<td class=\"CheckBoxsmall\"><input id='chkSelect' name='chk" + pages[i].Id + "' onclick = 'Javascript:chkSelect_OnClick(this,0)' class=\"chk\" type='checkbox'/></td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Text'>" + cus[0].Name + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Text'>" + cus[0].Address + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='DateTime'>" + pages[i].SDate + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='TextSmall'>" + StringClass.ShowStateBill(pages[i].Status.ToString()) + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Function'>";
                        Chuoi += "<a href='/OrderEdit/" + pages[i].Id + "' class='vedit'>Sửa</a>";
                        Chuoi += "<a href='/OrderDelete/" + pages[i].Id + "' onclick='return DeleteConfirm()' class='vdelete'>Xóa</a>";

                        Chuoi += "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "</tr>";
                        Chuoi += "<tr id=\"trEven_" + i + "\" class=\"trEven\" onmousemove=\"Javascript:chkSelect_OnMouseMove1(this)\" onmouseout=\"Javascript:chkSelect_OnMouseOut1(this," + i + ")\">";
                        Chuoi += "<td class=\"CheckBoxsmall\"><input id='chkSelect' name='chk" + pages[i].Id + "' onclick = 'Javascript:chkSelect_OnClick(this,0)' class=\"chk\" type='checkbox'/></td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Text'>" + cus[0].Name + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Text'>" + cus[0].Address + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='DateTime'>" + pages[i].SDate + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='TextSmall'>" + StringClass.ShowStateBill(pages[i].Status.ToString()) + "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "<td class='Function'>";
                        Chuoi += "<a href='/OrderEdit/" + pages[i].Id + "' class='vedit'>Sửa</a>";
                        Chuoi += "<a href='/OrderDelete/" + pages[i].Id + "' onclick='return DeleteConfirm()' class='vdelete'>Xóa</a>";
                        Chuoi += "</td>";
                        Chuoi += "</tr>";
            ViewBag.View = Chuoi;