private static void Write(IStream stream) { try { int i = 1; StrKey k1 = k1 = new StrKey("k1"); while (true) { stream.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-value" + i))); i++; Console.WriteLine("Written " + i + " values"); if (i % 10 == 0) { stream.Seal(false); } if (isWriting) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in write: " + e); } }
public void ReadObject() { long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStreams; i++) { dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("ID"), new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(count)), count); dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("Type"), new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes(types[count % types.Length])), count); dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("EnterTimestamp"), new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(94.00000)), count); dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("ExitTimestamp"), new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(231.00000)), count); dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("EntryArea"), new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(2)), count); dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("ExitArea"), new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(1)), count); List <int> l = new List <int>() { 114, 114, 117, 121, 134, 133, 141, 115, 136, 129, 127, 120, 138, 130, 128, 126, 121, 129, 123, 127, 120, 121, 121, 131, 132, 117, 136, 126, 131, 127, 133, 133, 129, 128, 115, 137, 128, 125, 120, 129, 134, 128, 129, 130, 127, 133, 128, 126, 133, 130, 122, 127, 128, 121, 126, 129, 130, 122, 123, 127, 134, 121, 126, 135, 132, 123, 134, 126, 129, 124, 134, 131, 130, 124 }; dataStreams.ElementAt(i).Append(new StrKey("SMPC"), new ByteValue(l.SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray()), count); } long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start; using (writer = File.AppendText(outputFilePath)) writer.Write(count + "," + time); Console.Write(count + "," + time); count++; }
public void DirStreamTest_TestUpdateByteValue() { dds_byte_val = streamFactory.openFileDataStream <StrKey>(streamID, callerInfo, locationInfo, streamSecurityType, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write); dds_byte_val.Update(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu"))); dds_byte_val.Update(k2, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k2-msr"))); dds_byte_val.Update(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-msr"))); }
public void SyncFileStreamTest_TestRepeatedClose() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance; IStream dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(new FqStreamID("99-2729", "A0", "TestMultiClose"), new CallerInfo(null, "A0", "A0", 1), locationInfo, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write); dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu-" + i))); dfs_byte_val.Close(); Thread.Sleep(5000); } }
public void LocalListedValueDataStreamTest_TestUpdateByteValue() { vds.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu"))); vds.Append(k2, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k2-msr"))); vds.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-msr"))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string AzureaccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountName"); string AzureaccountKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AccountSharedKey"); LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure); /* * string dataFile = "D:\\b"; * int KB = 1024; * int[] chunk_sizes = { 4*1024*KB , 8*1024*KB }; * * for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) * { * for (int threads = 1; threads <= 1; threads++) * { * foreach (int csize in chunk_sizes) * { * Console.Write(">"); * File.Copy(dataFile, dataFile + threads + "," + csize); * * AzureHelper helper = new AzureHelper(AzureaccountName, AzureaccountKey, "foo123123", CompressionType.None, EncryptionType.None, null, null, new Logger(), csize, threads); * long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks; * helper.UploadFileAsChunks(dataFile + threads + "," + csize); * long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks; * Console.WriteLine(threads + "," + csize + "," + (((double)(end - start) / (double)10000000)) ); * } * * } * } */ li = null; FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("1299-2716", "A", "TestBS"); CallerInfo ci = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1); StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance; sf.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci); IStream dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write); StrKey k1 = new StrKey("k1"); dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu"))); dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-msr"))); dfs_byte_val.Seal(false); dfs_byte_val.Append(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-uw"))); dfs_byte_val.Close(); Console.ReadKey(); dfs_byte_val = sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write); Console.WriteLine("Get in read : " + dfs_byte_val.Get(k1)); IEnumerable <IDataItem> data = dfs_byte_val.GetAll(k1, 0, StreamFactory.NowUtc()); foreach (IDataItem dataItem in data) { Console.WriteLine(dataItem.GetVal().ToString()); } dfs_byte_val.Close(); Console.ReadKey(); /* * ValueSerializerBase<StrKey> vsb = new ValueSerializerBase<StrKey>(); * Byte[] buffer1 = vsb.SerializeToByteStream().ToArray(); * Byte[] buffer2 = SerializerHelper<StrKey>.SerializeToProtoStream(k1).ToArray(); * * FileStream fout = new FileStream("tmp.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); * BinaryWriter fs_bw = new BinaryWriter(fout); * fs_bw.Write(buffer1); * fs_bw.Write("-----W00t!-----"); * fs_bw.Write(buffer2); * fs_bw.Write("-----W00t!-----"); * fs_bw.Close(); * fout.Close(); */ }
public void ValueDataStreamTest_TestUpdateByteValue() { dfs_byte_val.Update(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-cmu"))); dfs_byte_val.Update(k2, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k2-msr"))); dfs_byte_val.Update(k1, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes("k1-msr"))); }
public List <RetVal> PredictOccupancy(long startSlotIndex, long endSlotIndex) { List <RetVal> retVal = new List <RetVal>(); System.IO.StreamReader datafile = null; if (dataFilePath != null) //assuming datafile has one occupancy value per line read to startSlotIndex { string line; int counter = 0; datafile = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.dataFilePath); if (startSlotIndex != 0) { while ((line = datafile.ReadLine()) != null) { if (counter == startSlotIndex) { break; } counter++; } } } StreamFactory streamFactory = StreamFactory.Instance; FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID("preheatnaive", "A", "TestBS"); CallerInfo ci = new CallerInfo(null, "A", "A", 1); streamFactory.deleteStream(fq_sid, ci); IStream occupancyGroundTruthStream = streamFactory.openValueDataStream <StrKey, ByteValue>(fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write, null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, new Logger()); int slotIndex = 0; long startTime, retrievelTime, computeTime, appendTime; while (true) { startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; List <int> currentPOV = ConstructCurrentPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex); List <List <int> > previousDaysPOV = ConstructPreviousPOV(occupancyGroundTruthStream, slotIndex); retrievelTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime; startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; int predictedOccupancy = Predict(currentPOV, previousDaysPOV); computeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime; startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; if (datafile == null) // if no datafile to read the ground truth from just append randomly { occupancyGroundTruthStream.Append(occupancyKey, new ByteValue(BitConverter.GetBytes(random.Next(2))), slotIndexBase + slotIndex); } else { string line = datafile.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { Console.WriteLine("reached the end of datafile"); break; } occupancyGroundTruthStream.Append(occupancyKey, new ByteValue(StreamFactory.GetBytes(line)), slotIndexBase + slotIndex); } slotIndex++; appendTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime; Console.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1} {2} {3}", slotIndex, retrievelTime, computeTime, appendTime); using (results = File.AppendText(outputFilePath)) results.WriteLine("Slot number {0} {1} {2} {3}", slotIndex, retrievelTime, computeTime, appendTime); //retVal.Add(new RetVal(endTime - startTime, predictedOccupancy)); if (slotIndex == endSlotIndex) { break; } } occupancyGroundTruthStream.Close(); return(retVal); }