Esempio n. 1
        protected void Initialize(Logger Log, FqStreamID FQSID,
                                  int num, CallerInfo Ci, LocationInfo Li,
                                  StreamFactory.StreamOp op, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType type,
                                  CompressionType ctype, int ChunkSizeForUpload, int ThreadPoolSize)
            // Logging related
            logger = Log;
            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log("Start ValueDataStream Init DataStructures");

            // Naming related
            streamid        = FQSID;
            stream          = new MetaDataService.FQStreamID();
            stream.HomeId   = FQSID.HomeId;
            stream.AppId    = FQSID.AppId;
            stream.StreamId = FQSID.StreamId;
            BaseDir         = Path.GetFullPath((null != Ci.workingDir) ? Ci.workingDir : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            targetDir       = BaseDir + "/" + streamid.ToString();
            seq_num         = num;
            targetDir       = targetDir + "/" + seq_num;
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))

            // Ownership related
            caller        = new MetaDataService.Principal();
            caller.HomeId = streamid.HomeId;
            caller.AppId  = Ci.appName;
            owner         = new MetaDataService.Principal();
            owner.HomeId  = streamid.HomeId;
            owner.AppId   = streamid.AppId;

            // Location
            account             = new MetaDataService.AccountInfo();
            account.accountName = Li.accountName;
            account.accountKey  = Li.accountKey;
            account.location    = "" +;

            // Index related
            index     = new Dictionary <IKey, List <DataBlockInfo> >();
            t_s       = StreamFactory.NowUtc();
            t_e       = 0;
            IndexHash = null;
            isSealed  = false;

            // Low level
            hasher = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();

            // State maint
            streamop              = op;
            streamtype            = type;
            streamcompressiontype = ctype;

            //sync related
            this.StreamChunkSizeForUpload = ChunkSizeForUpload;
            this.StreamThreadPoolSize     = ThreadPoolSize;
Esempio n. 2
 public OldDataDirStream(FqStreamID FQSID, StreamFactory.StreamOp Op, CallerInfo Ci, ISync sync)
     : base(FQSID, Op, Ci, sync)
     if (!typeof(IValue).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ValType)))
         throw new InvalidDataException("ValType must implement IValue");
Esempio n. 3
        public static string doDiskSpeed(string filesize, string blocksize, StreamFactory.StreamOp op)
            // For the example
            // Use ProcessStartInfo class
            ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();

            startInfo.CreateNoWindow  = false;
            startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            startInfo.FileName        = "DiskSpd.exe";
            startInfo.WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            startInfo.Arguments       = " -UN ";

            if (op == StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write)
                startInfo.Arguments += " -w ";

            startInfo.Arguments += " -b" + blocksize;
            startInfo.Arguments += " -c" + filesize;
            startInfo.Arguments += " -d5";
            startInfo.Arguments += " testfile.dat";
            startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

            string ret = "";

                // Start the process with the info we specified.
                // Call WaitForExit and then the using statement will close.
                using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
                    ret = exeProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception {0}", e);
                // Log error.
Esempio n. 4
 public FileDataStream(Logger Log, FqStreamID FQSID, int num,
                       CallerInfo Ci, LocationInfo Li,
                       StreamFactory.StreamOp op, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType type,
                       CompressionType ctype, int ChunkSizeForUpload, int UploadThreadPoolSize,
                       string prkey, string pukey, MetaDataService.ACLEntry key_md,
                       IndexInfo ii, bool alreadyExists = true)
     : base(Log, FQSID, num, Ci, Li, op, type, ctype, ChunkSizeForUpload, UploadThreadPoolSize,
            prkey, pukey, key_md, ii, alreadyExists: alreadyExists)
     remoteRead = false;
     // if remote stream, read op. fetch valueFile when needed for get queries
     if (this.synchronizer != null && streamop == StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read)
         remoteRead = true;
Esempio n. 5
        public ValueDataStream(Logger Log, FqStreamID FQSID, int num,
                               CallerInfo Ci, LocationInfo Li,
                               StreamFactory.StreamOp op, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType type,
                               CompressionType ctype, int ChunkSizeForUpload, int UploadThreadPoolSize,
                               string prkey, string pukey, MetaDataService.ACLEntry key_md,
                               IndexInfo ii,
                               bool alreadyExists = true)
            Initialize(Log, FQSID, num, Ci, Li, op, type, ctype, ChunkSizeForUpload, UploadThreadPoolSize);

            if (streamtype == StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Secure)
                // Key related
                OwnerPriKey = prkey;
                OwnerPubKey = pukey;
                acl_md      = key_md;
            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log("End ValueDataStream Init DataStructures");

            // Fetch data
            FetchAndFillIndex(ii, alreadyExists);

            // Reset sync to upload
            if (op == StreamFactory.StreamOp.Write)

            isClosed = false;
            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log("Start ValueDataStream ReadFromDisk Open");
            if (logger != null)
                logger.Log("End ValueDataStream ReadFromDisk Open");
            disposed = false;
Esempio n. 6
 /* syncIntervalSec:
  *   -ve ==> don't sync on writes;  only sync on close.
  *   0   ==> sync on every write
  *   +ve ==> sync every x seconds
  * Throws System.Exception e.g., on network disconnection for remote streams. Catch in Caller.
 public IStream openFileDataStream <KeyType>(FqStreamID FQSID,
                                             CallerInfo Ci,
                                             LocationInfo Li,
                                             StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType type,
                                             CompressionType ctype,
                                             StreamFactory.StreamOp op,
                                             string mdserveraddress = null,
                                             int ChunkSizeForUpload = 4 *1024 *1024,
                                             int ThreadPoolSize     = 1,
                                             Logger log             = null,
                                             bool sideload          = false,
                                             int syncIntervalSec    = -1)
     where KeyType : IKey, new()
     if (Li == null)
         Li = new LocationInfo("", "", SynchronizerType.None);
     return(new MetaStream <KeyType, ByteValue>(FQSID, Ci, Li,
                                                op, type, ctype, StreamDataType.Files,
                                                syncIntervalSec, mdserveraddress,
                                                ChunkSizeForUpload, ThreadPoolSize,
                                                log, sideload));
Esempio n. 7
        public OldDataFileStream(FqStreamID FQSID, StreamFactory.StreamOp Op, CallerInfo Ci, ISync sync)
            if (!typeof(IKey).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(KeyType)))
                throw new InvalidDataException("KeyType must implement IKey");
            if (!typeof(IValue).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ValType)))
                throw new InvalidDataException("ValType must implement IValue");

            callerId     = Ci.friendlyName;
            callerSecret = Ci.secret;

            synchronizer = sync;

            isClosed = false;
            disposed = false;
            sha1     = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            index    = new Dictionary <IKey, List <TS_Offset> >();
            /* ts_index = new List<TS_Offset>(); */

            latest_tso = new TS_Offset(0, 0);

            // Get the current directory.
            string BaseDir = Path.GetFullPath((null != Ci.workingDir) ? Ci.workingDir : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            targetDir = BaseDir + "/" + FQSID.ToString();
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))

            if (synchronizer != null)

            md = new OldMetaData(targetDir, ".md");

            // Check if stream has to be CREATED
            if (!md.load)
                if (FQSID.AppId == callerId)
                    Console.WriteLine("Created stream " + targetDir + " for " + callerId);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(callerId + " not permitted to create stream for " + FQSID.AppId);

            // Open stream for read or write
            if (Op == StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read)
                if (!OpenForRead())
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Couldn't open stream for reading");
                if (!OpenForWrite())
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Couldn't open stream for writing");

            // Build index
                // permission checks succeeded

                // load index from file if present
                // TODO: if not and stream.dat is present: recreate index from stream.dat
                string IndexFQN = targetDir + "/index.dat";
                if (File.Exists(IndexFQN))
                    FileStream iout = new FileStream(IndexFQN, FileMode.Open,
                                                     FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                    BinaryReader index_br = new BinaryReader(iout);

                        while (true)
                            string key  = index_br.ReadString();
                            IKey   ikey = SerializerHelper <KeyType> .DeserializeFromJsonStream(key) as IKey;

                            int num_offsets          = index_br.ReadInt32();
                            List <TS_Offset> offsets = new List <TS_Offset>(num_offsets);
                            for (int i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++)
                                long      ts     = index_br.ReadInt64();
                                long      offset = index_br.ReadInt64();
                                TS_Offset tso    = new TS_Offset(ts, offset);
                                if (ts > latest_tso.ts)
                                    latest_tso = tso;
                            index[ikey] = offsets;
                    catch (EndOfStreamException)
                        // done

                 * // load ts_index
                 * string TsIndexFQN = targetDir + "/ts_index.dat";
                 * if (File.Exists(TsIndexFQN))
                 * {
                 *  FileStream iout = new FileStream(TsIndexFQN, FileMode.Open,
                 *                                   FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                 *  BinaryReader index_br = new BinaryReader(iout);
                 *  try
                 *  {
                 *      while (true)
                 *      {
                 *          long ts = index_br.ReadInt64();
                 *          long offset = index_br.ReadInt64();
                 *          ts_index.Add(new TS_Offset(ts, offset));
                 *      };
                 *  }
                 *  catch (EndOfStreamException)
                 *  {
                 *      // done
                 *  }
                 *  finally
                 *  {
                 *      index_br.Close();
                 *  }
                 * }

                // create the FileStream
                fout = new FileStream(targetDir + "/stream.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
                                      FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                fout.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                fs_bw = new BinaryWriter(fout);

                fin = new FileStream(targetDir + "/stream.dat", FileMode.Open,
                                     FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

                fs_br = new BinaryReader(fin);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to open file: " + targetDir + "/stream.dat");
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e);