Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Advances the stream to the next value.
 /// If before the beginning of the stream, advances to the first value
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>True if the advance was successful. False if the end of the stream was reached.</returns>
 protected override bool ReadNext(TKey key, TValue value)
     if (!m_completed && m_encodingMethod.TryDecode(m_stream, key, value))
Esempio n. 2
        //unsafe private void ProcessReadWithPointers(TreeStream<TKey, TValue> scanner)
        //    int bytesForSerialization = m_encodingMethod.MaxCompressedSize;
        //    byte[] buffer;
        //    int position;
        //    int bufferSize;
        //    int origPosition;
        //    m_stream.UnsafeGetInternalSendBuffer(out buffer, out position, out bufferSize);
        //    origPosition = position;
        //    fixed (byte* lp = buffer)
        //    {
        //        TKey key = new TKey();
        //        TValue value = new TValue();
        //        int loop = 0;
        //        while (scanner.Read(key, value))
        //        {
        //            if (bufferSize - position < bytesForSerialization)
        //            {
        //                m_stream.UnsafeAdvanceSendPosition(position - origPosition);
        //                m_stream.Flush();
        //                position = 0;
        //                origPosition = 0;
        //            }
        //            position += m_encodingMethod.Encode(lp + position, key, value);
        //            loop++;
        //            if (loop > 1000)
        //            {
        //                loop = 0;
        //                if (m_stream.AvailableReadBytes > 0)
        //                {
        //                    m_stream.UnsafeAdvanceSendPosition(position - origPosition);
        //                    return;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    m_stream.UnsafeAdvanceSendPosition(position - origPosition);

        private void ProcessWrite()
            TKey   key   = new TKey();
            TValue value = new TValue();

            while (m_encodingMethod.TryDecode(m_stream, key, value))
                m_sortedTreeEngine.Write(key, value);