public Container(Stream stream)
            UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
            Name = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
            ContainerType = stream.ReadUInt8();
            Flags = (ContainerFlags)stream.ReadUInt16();
            PrimitiveCount = stream.ReadUInt16();
            PackfileBaseOffset = stream.ReadUInt32();
            CompressionType = stream.ReadUInt8();
            stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
            StubContainerParentName = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
            Int32 auxDataSize = stream.ReadInt32();
            AuxData = new byte[auxDataSize];
            stream.Read(AuxData, 0, auxDataSize);
            TotalCompressedPackfileReadSize = stream.ReadInt32();

            Primitives = new List<Primitive>();
            PrimitiveSizes = new List<WriteTimeSizes>();

            for (UInt16 i = 0; i < PrimitiveCount; i++)
                var sizes = stream.ReadStruct<WriteTimeSizes>();

            for (UInt16 i = 0; i < PrimitiveCount; i++)
                Primitive primitive = new Primitive(stream);
Esempio n. 2
            public R8Frame(Stream s)
                // Scan forward until we find some data
                var type = s.ReadUInt8();
                while (type == 0)
                    type = s.ReadUInt8();

                var width = s.ReadInt32();
                var height = s.ReadInt32();
                var x = s.ReadInt32();
                var y = s.ReadInt32();

                Size = new Size(width, height);
                Offset = new int2(width / 2 - x, height / 2 - y);

                /*var imageOffset = */
                var paletteOffset = s.ReadInt32();
                var bpp = s.ReadUInt8();
                if (bpp != 8)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Error: {0} bits per pixel are not supported.".F(bpp));

                var frameHeight = s.ReadUInt8();
                var frameWidth = s.ReadUInt8();
                FrameSize = new Size(frameWidth, frameHeight);

                // Skip alignment byte

                Data = s.ReadBytes(width * height);

                // Ignore palette
                if (type == 1 && paletteOffset != 0)
                    s.Seek(520, SeekOrigin.Current);
Esempio n. 3
        public XccGlobalDatabase(Stream stream)
            s = stream;

            var entries = new List<string>();
            while (s.Peek() > -1)
                var count = s.ReadInt32();
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var chars = new List<char>();
                    byte c;

                    // Read filename
                    while ((c = s.ReadUInt8()) != 0)
                    entries.Add(new string(chars.ToArray()));

                    // Skip comment
                    while ((c = s.ReadUInt8()) != 0) { }

            Entries = entries.ToArray();
Esempio n. 4
			public ShpD2Frame(Stream s)
				var flags = (FormatFlags)s.ReadUInt16();
				s.Position += 1;
				var width = s.ReadUInt16();
				var height = s.ReadUInt8();
				Size = new Size(width, height);

				// Subtract header size
				var dataLeft = s.ReadUInt16() - 10;
				var dataSize = s.ReadUInt16();

				byte[] table;
				if ((flags & FormatFlags.PaletteTable) != 0)
					var n = (flags & FormatFlags.VariableLengthTable) != 0 ? s.ReadUInt8() : (byte)16;
					table = new byte[n];
					for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
						table[i] = s.ReadUInt8();

					dataLeft -= n;
					table = new byte[256];
					for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
						table[i] = (byte)i;
					table[1] = 0x7f;
					table[2] = 0x7e;
					table[3] = 0x7d;
					table[4] = 0x7c;

				Data = new byte[width * height];

				// Decode image data
				var compressed = s.ReadBytes(dataLeft);
				if ((flags & FormatFlags.SkipFormat80) == 0)
					var temp = new byte[dataSize];
					Format80.DecodeInto(compressed, temp);
					compressed = temp;

				Format2.DecodeInto(compressed, Data, 0);

				// Lookup values in lookup table
				for (var j = 0; j < Data.Length; j++)
					Data[j] = table[Data[j]];
Esempio n. 5
		static bool IsShpTD(Stream s)
			var start = s.Position;

			// First word is the image count
			var imageCount = s.ReadUInt16();
			if (imageCount == 0)
				s.Position = start;
				return false;

			// Last offset should point to the end of file
			var finalOffset = start + 14 + 8 * imageCount;
			if (finalOffset > s.Length)
				s.Position = start;
				return false;

			s.Position = finalOffset;
			var eof = s.ReadUInt32();
			if (eof != s.Length)
				s.Position = start;
				return false;

			// Check the format flag on the first frame
			s.Position = start + 17;
			var b = s.ReadUInt8();

			s.Position = start;
			return b == 0x20 || b == 0x40 || b == 0x80;
Esempio n. 6
 public static byte[] ReadUInt8Array(this Stream s, long count)
     byte[] data = new byte[count];
     for (long i = 0; i < count; ++i)
         data[i] = s.ReadUInt8();
Esempio n. 7
		bool IsR8(Stream s)
			var start = s.Position;

			// First byte is nonzero
			if (s.ReadUInt8() == 0)
				s.Position = start;
				return false;

			// Check the format of the first frame
			s.Position = start + 25;
			var d = s.ReadUInt8();

			s.Position = start;
			return d == 8;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a string from stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The amount of chars.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding of the string.</param>
        /// <returns>A string read from stream.</returns>
        public static string ReadString(this Stream stream, int size, Encoding encoding)
            if (encoding is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(encoding));

Esempio n. 9
        static bool IsR8(Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;

            // First byte is nonzero
            if (s.ReadUInt8() == 0)
                s.Position = start;

            // Check the format of the first frame
            s.Position = start + 25;
            var d = s.ReadUInt8();

            s.Position = start;
            return(d == 8);
        public AssetAssemblerFile(Stream stream)
            Header         = stream.ReadStruct <Stream2ContainerHeader>();
            AllocatorTypes = new Dictionary <byte, string>();
            PrimitiveTypes = new Dictionary <byte, string>();
            ContainerTypes = new Dictionary <byte, string>();
            Containers     = new List <IContainer>();

            uint allocatorTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();

            for (uint i = 0; i < allocatorTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name         = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte   id           = stream.ReadUInt8();
                AllocatorTypes.Add(id, name);

            uint primitiveTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();

            for (uint i = 0; i < primitiveTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name         = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte   id           = stream.ReadUInt8();
                PrimitiveTypes.Add(id, name);

            uint containerTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();

            for (uint i = 0; i < containerTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name         = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte   id           = stream.ReadUInt8();
                ContainerTypes.Add(id, name);

            for (uint i = 0; i < Header.NumContainers; i++)
                Container container = new Container(stream);
        public static ImmutablePalette PaletteFromStream(Stream s, PaletteFromDrFileInfo info)
            var colors        = new uint[Palette.Size];
            var headerName    = s.ReadASCII(4);
            var headerVersion = s.ReadInt32();

            if (headerName != "PALS")
                throw new InvalidDataException("Palette header was not PALS");

            if (headerVersion != 0x0102)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Palette version `{0}` was incorrect (expected `0x0102`)".F(headerVersion));

            // Data is made up of 3x256 bytes, each ranging 0-63. Data is grouped by channel.
            var list = new List <byte>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Palette.Size * 6; i++)

            var rList = list.Take(256).ToList();
            var gList = list.Skip(256).Take(256).ToList();
            var bList = list.Skip(512).Take(256).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < Palette.Size; i++)
                // Index 0 should always be completely transparent/background color
                if (i == 0)
                    colors[i] = 0;
                else if (i < 160 || i == 255)
                    colors[i] = (uint)Color.FromArgb(
                        Math.Min((rList[i] * info.StandardPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255),
                        Math.Min((gList[i] * info.StandardPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255),
                        Math.Min((bList[i] * info.StandardPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255)).ToArgb();
                    colors[i] = (uint)Color.FromArgb(
                        Math.Min((rList[i] * info.TerrainPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255),
                        Math.Min((gList[i] * info.TerrainPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255),
                        Math.Min((bList[i] * info.TerrainPaletteMultiplier) + info.Gamma, 255)).ToArgb();

            // Shadow hack
            colors[info.ShadowIndex] = (uint)Color.FromArgb(112, 0, 0, 0).ToArgb();

            return(new ImmutablePalette(colors));
Esempio n. 12
        public IEnumerator <Color> GetEnumerator()
            for (long i = 0; i < PixelCount / 2; ++i)
                byte b = SourceStream.ReadUInt8();
                yield return(colors[(b >> 4) & 0x0F]);

                yield return(colors[b & 0x0F]);
Esempio n. 13
        void UnpackCncTileData(Stream ms)
            for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++)
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j] = new TileReference <ushort, byte>();

            for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j].Type  = ms.ReadUInt8();
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j].Index = ms.ReadUInt8();
Esempio n. 14
 public static byte[] ReadUInt8Array(this Stream s, long count)
     // TODO: Isn't this just the same as ReadBytes() except slower?
     byte[] data = new byte[count];
     for (long i = 0; i < count; ++i)
         data[i] = s.ReadUInt8();
Esempio n. 15
        public DdfSpriteFrame(Stream s, float2 offset)
            var fileOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
            var format     = s.ReadUInt32();
            var fileSize   = s.ReadInt32();
            var width      = s.ReadInt32();
            var height     = s.ReadInt32();

            Size      = new Size(width, height);
            FrameSize = new Size(width, height);
            Offset    = new float2(width / 2 + offset.X, height / 2 + offset.Y);

            if (format == 0)
                s.Position = fileOffset;
                Data       = s.ReadBytes(fileSize);
                Data = new byte[width * height];

                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    s.Position = fileOffset + y * 4;
                    var rowOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                    s.Position = fileOffset + height * 4 + rowOffset;
                    var x = 0;

                    while (true)
                        var length = s.ReadInt16();

                        if (length == 0)

                        if (length < 0)
                            for (var i = 0; i < -length; i++)
                                Data[y * width + x++] = 0x00;
                            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                                Data[y * width + x++] = s.ReadUInt8();
Esempio n. 16
        private static void Decompress(Stream compressed, Stream uncompressed, int length)
            // TODO figure out which compression this is.
            while (uncompressed.Position < length)
                var uncompressedSize = compressed.ReadUInt32();
                var compressedSize   = compressed.ReadUInt32();

                if (compressedSize == uncompressedSize)
                    var chunkEndOffset = compressed.Position + compressedSize;

                    while (compressed.Position < chunkEndOffset)
                        var bitmasks = compressed.ReadBytes(2);

                        for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            if ((bitmasks[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) == 0)
                                var metaBytes = compressed.ReadBytes(2);
                                var total     = 1 + (metaBytes[0] & 0x000F);
                                var offset    = ((metaBytes[0] & 0x00F0) << 4) | metaBytes[1];

                                for (var bytesLeft = total; bytesLeft > 0;)
                                    var amount = Math.Min(bytesLeft, offset);

                                    uncompressed.Position -= offset;
                                    var data = uncompressed.ReadBytes(amount);

                                    uncompressed.Position += offset - amount;

                                    bytesLeft -= offset;

                            if (compressed.Position == chunkEndOffset)
Esempio n. 17
        public FlvTag(Stream stream, ref long offset)
            this.TagType  = (TagType)stream.ReadUInt8(ref offset);
            this.DataSize = stream.ReadUInt24(ref offset);

            var value = stream.ReadUInt24(ref offset);

            value         |= stream.ReadUInt8(ref offset) << 24;
            this.Timestamp = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(value).Ticks;

            this.StreamID = stream.ReadUInt24(ref offset);
            var mediaInfo = stream.ReadUInt8(ref offset);

            this.Count = this.DataSize - 1;

            if (this.TagType == TagType.Video)
                this.Offset = offset + 4;
                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes(ref offset, (int)this.Count);
                this.VideoData = new VideoData(mediaInfo, bytes);

                if (this.VideoData.CodecID == CodecID.AVC && this.VideoData.AVCVideoPacket.AVCPacketType == AVCPacketType.AVCNALU)
                    this.Timestamp += TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(this.VideoData.AVCVideoPacket.CompositionTime).Ticks;
            else if (this.TagType == TagType.Audio)
                this.Offset = offset + 1;
                byte[] bytes = stream.ReadBytes(ref offset, (int)this.Count);
                this.AudioData = new AudioData(mediaInfo, bytes);
            else if (this.TagType == TagType.ScriptData)
                long position = stream.Position;
                stream.Position += this.Count;
                offset           = stream.Position;
                this.ScriptData  = new ScriptData(stream, position, this.DataSize);

            this.TagSize = stream.ReadUInt32(ref offset);
Esempio n. 18
        public static string ReadASCIIZ(this Stream s)
            var  bytes = new List <byte>();
            byte b;

            while ((b = s.ReadUInt8()) != 0)
            return(new string(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(bytes.ToArray())));
Esempio n. 19
        public FlvTag(Stream stream)
            //=== Head ===
            this.Offset   = stream.Position - 1;
            this.DataSize = stream.ReadUInt24();                   //3 DataSize
            var time = stream.ReadUInt24( );                       //3 Timestamp

            time         |= stream.ReadUInt8( ) << 24;             //1 TimestampExtended
            this.TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time);
            var streamid = (int)stream.ReadUInt24( );              //3 StreamID
Esempio n. 20
        private XDVDFSEntry ReadEntry(long baseOffset, long entryOffset)
            stream.Position = baseOffset + entryOffset;
            var e = new XDVDFSEntry
                left    = stream.ReadUInt16LE(),
                right   = stream.ReadUInt16LE(),
                sector  = stream.ReadUInt32LE(),
                length  = stream.ReadUInt32LE(),
                attribs = stream.ReadUInt8(),
                nameLen = stream.ReadUInt8()

   = stream.ReadASCIINullTerminated(e.nameLen);
            if (e.nameLen !=
                throw new InvalidDataException("Filename length did not match expected length.");
Esempio n. 21
        public static bool LoadSound(Stream s, out byte[] rawData, out int sampleRate)
            rawData = null;

            sampleRate = s.ReadUInt16();
            var dataSize   = s.ReadInt32();
            var outputSize = s.ReadInt32();

            var readFlag = s.ReadByte();

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundFlags), readFlag))

            var readFormat = s.ReadByte();

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundFormat), readFormat))

            var output        = new byte[outputSize];
            var offset        = 0;
            var index         = 0;
            var currentSample = 0;

            while (dataSize > 0)
                var chunk = Chunk.Read(s);
                for (var n = 0; n < chunk.CompressedSize; n++)
                    var b = s.ReadUInt8();

                    var t = DecodeSample(b, ref index, ref currentSample);
                    output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                    output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                    if (offset < outputSize)
                        /* possible that only half of the final byte is used! */
                        t = DecodeSample((byte)(b >> 4), ref index, ref currentSample);
                        output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                        output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                dataSize -= 8 + chunk.CompressedSize;

            rawData = output;
Esempio n. 22
        static void ParseBody(Stream encryptedStream, Stream decryptedStream, int length)
            while (decryptedStream.Position < length)
                var chunkDecryptedSize = encryptedStream.ReadUInt32();
                var chunkEncryptedSize = encryptedStream.ReadUInt32();

                if (chunkEncryptedSize == chunkDecryptedSize)
                    var chunkEndOffset = encryptedStream.Position + chunkEncryptedSize;

                    while (encryptedStream.Position < chunkEndOffset)
                        var bitmasks = encryptedStream.ReadBytes(2);

                        for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            if ((bitmasks[i / 8] & 1 << i % 8) == 0)
                                var metaBytes      = encryptedStream.ReadBytes(2);
                                var readSize       = 1 + (metaBytes[0] & 0x000F);
                                var readOffset     = (metaBytes[0] & 0x00F0) << 4 | metaBytes[1];
                                var substitutes    = new byte[readSize];
                                var returnPosition = decryptedStream.Position;

                                for (var j = 0; j < readSize; j++)
                                    decryptedStream.Position = returnPosition - readOffset + j % readOffset;
                                    substitutes[j]           = decryptedStream.ReadUInt8();

                                decryptedStream.Position = returnPosition;

                            if (encryptedStream.Position == chunkEndOffset)
Esempio n. 23
 private PFS_HDR readPfsHdr()
     return(new PFS_HDR()
         version = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         magic = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         id = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         fmode = _stream.ReadUInt8(),
         clean = _stream.ReadUInt8(),
         ronly = _stream.ReadUInt8(),
         rsv = _stream.ReadUInt8(),
         mode = _stream.ReadInt16LE(),
         unk1 = _stream.ReadInt16LE(),
         blocksz = _stream.ReadInt32LE(),
         nbackup = _stream.ReadInt32LE(),
         nblock = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         dinodeCount = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         ndblock = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         dinodeBlockCount = _stream.ReadInt64LE(),
         superroot_ino = _stream.ReadInt64LE()
Esempio n. 24
        public static bool IsTga(Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;

                // Require true-color images
                s.Position += 1;
                var colorMapType = s.ReadUInt8();
                if (colorMapType != 0)

                var imageType = s.ReadUInt8();
                if (imageType != 2)

                var colorMapOffsetAndSize = s.ReadUInt32();
                if (colorMapOffsetAndSize != 0)

                var colorMapBits = s.ReadUInt8();
                if (colorMapBits != 0)

                s.Position = start;
Esempio n. 25
        public static uint DecodeVarLen(this Stream stream, ref int bytesLeft)
            uint currPacketLength = 0;
            byte currByte         = 0;

                currByte         = stream.ReadUInt8();
                currPacketLength = (currPacketLength << 7) | (byte)(currByte & 0x7F);
            } while ((bytesLeft > 0) && (currByte & 0x80) == 0x80);
Esempio n. 26
        public static ulong ReadUInt(this Stream s, Bitness bits, Endianness endian)
            switch (bits)
            case Bitness.B8: return(s.ReadUInt8());

            case Bitness.B16: return(s.ReadUInt16().FromEndian(endian));

            case Bitness.B32: return(s.ReadUInt32().FromEndian(endian));

            case Bitness.B64: return(s.ReadUInt64().FromEndian(endian));
            throw new Exception("Reading uint not implemented for bitness " + bits.ToString());
        public Stream2File(Stream stream)
            Header = stream.ReadStruct<ContainerFileHeader>();

            uint allocatorTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint i = 0; i < allocatorTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte id = stream.ReadUInt8();
                AllocatorTypes.Add(id, name);

            uint primitiveTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint i = 0; i < primitiveTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte id = stream.ReadUInt8();
                PrimitiveTypes.Add(id, name);

            uint containerTypeCount = stream.ReadUInt32();
            for (uint i = 0; i < containerTypeCount; i++)
                UInt16 stringLength = stream.ReadUInt16();
                string name = stream.ReadAsciiString(stringLength);
                byte id = stream.ReadUInt8();
                ContainerTypes.Add(id, name);

            for (uint i = 0; i < Header.NumContainers; i++)
                Container container = new Container(stream);
Esempio n. 28
        public MobdImage(Stream stream, uint flags, Generation generation)
            bool flipped;

            Width  = stream.ReadInt32();
            Height = stream.ReadInt32();
            Pixels = new byte[Width * Height];

            if (generation == Generation.Gen1)
                flipped = (flags & 0x1) == 1;

                var isCompressed = stream.ReadUInt8() == 2;

                if (isCompressed)
                    stream.ReadBytes(Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);
                flipped = ((flags >> 31) & 0x1) == 1;
                var isCompressed = ((flags >> 27) & 0x1) == 1;
                var has256Colors = ((flags >> 26) & 0x1) == 1;

                if (isCompressed)
                    DecompressGen2(stream, has256Colors);
                    stream.ReadBytes(Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);

            if (!flipped)

            for (var i = 0; i < Height; i++)
                Array.Reverse(Pixels, i * Width, Width);
Esempio n. 29
 private static void ReadString(Stream s, List <byte> sb, List <byte> contentbytes)
     while (true)
         byte next = s.ReadUInt8();
         if (next < 0x20)
             if (next == 0)
             else if (next == 0x01)
             else if (next == 0x02)
             else if (next == 0x10)
             else if (next == 0x11 || next == 0x12)
             //if (next == 0x23) {
             //	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
             //		next = s.ReadUInt8();
             //		if (next == 0) {
             //			break;
             //		}
             //		// there's also some special case with 0x4b here, let's see if we can ignore this...
             //	}
             //} else {
Esempio n. 30
        private static dynamic ParseValue(Stream stream)
            var typeIdentifier = stream.ReadByte();

            if (typeIdentifier < 0x80) //MPF_FIXMAP
                throw new Exception($"Unhandled value type: {typeIdentifier}");
            else if (typeIdentifier < 0x90) //MPF_FIXARRAY
                throw new Exception($"Unhandled value type: {typeIdentifier}");
            else if (typeIdentifier < 0xa0) //MPF_FIXSTR
                throw new Exception($"Unhandled value type: {typeIdentifier}");
            else if (typeIdentifier < 0xc0) //MPF_NIL
                var len = typeIdentifier - 0xa0;

            switch (typeIdentifier)
            case 0xD9:

            case 0xda:

            case 0xCE:

            case 0xC4:

            case 0xCC:

            case 0xCD:

            case 0xcf:

                throw new Exception($"Unhandled value type: {typeIdentifier}");
Esempio n. 31
        public MobdImage(Stream stream, uint flags, GameFormat gameFormat)
            bool flipped;

            this.Width  = stream.ReadInt32();
            this.Height = stream.ReadInt32();
            this.Pixels = new byte[this.Width * this.Height];

            if (gameFormat == GameFormat.Gen1)
                flipped = (flags & 0x1) == 1;

                var isCompressed = stream.ReadUInt8() == 2;

                if (isCompressed)
                    stream.ReadBytes(this.Pixels, 0, this.Pixels.Length);
                flipped = ((flags >> 31) & 0x1) == 1;
                var isCompressed = ((flags >> 27) & 0x1) == 1;
                var has256Colors = ((flags >> 26) & 0x1) == 1;

                if (isCompressed)
                    this.DecompressGen2(stream, has256Colors);
                    stream.ReadBytes(this.Pixels, 0, this.Pixels.Length);

            if (!flipped)

            for (var i = 0; i < this.Height; i++)
                Array.Reverse(this.Pixels, i * this.Width, this.Width);
Esempio n. 32
        public XccGlobalDatabase(Stream stream)
            s = stream;

            var entries = new List <string>();
            var chars   = new char[32];

            while (s.Peek() > -1)
                var count = s.ReadInt32();
                entries.Capacity += count;
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // Read filename
                    byte c;
                    var  charsIndex = 0;
                    while ((c = s.ReadUInt8()) != 0)
                        if (charsIndex >= chars.Length)
                            Array.Resize(ref chars, chars.Length * 2);
                        chars[charsIndex++] = (char)c;

                    entries.Add(new string(chars, 0, charsIndex));

                    // Skip comment
                    while (s.ReadUInt8() != 0)

            Entries = entries.ToArray();
Esempio n. 33
        static void UnpackTileData(Stream s, byte[] data, Size size, Rectangle frameBounds)
            var width = 4;

            for (var j = 0; j < size.Height; j++)
                var start = (j - frameBounds.Y) * frameBounds.Width + (size.Width - width) / 2 - frameBounds.X;
                for (var i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    data[start + i] = s.ReadUInt8();

                width += (j < size.Height / 2 - 1 ? 1 : -1) * 4;
Esempio n. 34
        public static void SwapBytes(this Stream s, long pos0, long pos1)
            long oldp = s.Position;

            s.Position = pos0;
            byte b0 = s.ReadUInt8();

            s.Position = pos1;
            byte b1 = s.PeekUInt8();

            s.Position = pos0;
            s.Position = oldp;
Esempio n. 35
            public IP2LocationReader(Stream source)
                // Copy stream data for reuse
                stream = new MemoryStream();
                stream.Position = 0;

                if (stream.ReadUInt8() != 1)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Only IP2Location type 1 databases are supported.");

                columnCount = stream.ReadUInt8();
                var year  = stream.ReadUInt8();
                var month = stream.ReadUInt8();
                var day   = stream.ReadUInt8();

                Date = new DateTime(2000 + year, month, day);

                v4Count  = stream.ReadUInt32();
                v4Offset = stream.ReadUInt32();
                v6Count  = stream.ReadUInt32();
                v6Offset = stream.ReadUInt32();
Esempio n. 36
        private void DoTargetCopy(ulong length)
            long d = Patch.ReadSignedNumber();

            AddChecked(ref TargetRelativeOffset, d, Target.Length);
            for (ulong i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                long p = Target.Position;
                Target.Position = (long)TargetRelativeOffset;
                byte b = Target.ReadUInt8();
                Target.Position = p;
Esempio n. 37
 public AVCPacket(Stream stream, int Count)
     //Header:  00 00 00 00
     //NALU:    01 00 00 00
     this.Type = (AVCPacketType)stream.ReadUInt8(); //1
     this.Time = (int)stream.ReadUInt24();          //CompositionTime     //3
     if (this.Type == AVCPacketType.AVCSequenceHeader)
         this.AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord = stream.ReadBytes(Count - 4);
         this.NALUs = stream.ReadBytes(Count - 4);
Esempio n. 38
        public BinaryDataHeader(Stream s, int2 expectedSize)
            Format = s.ReadUInt8();
            var width = s.ReadUInt16();
            var height = s.ReadUInt16();
            if (width != expectedSize.X || height != expectedSize.Y)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

            if (Format == 1)
                TilesOffset = 5;
                HeightsOffset = 0;
                ResourcesOffset = (uint)(3 * width * height + 5);
            else if (Format == 2)
                TilesOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                HeightsOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                ResourcesOffset = s.ReadUInt32();
                throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format '{0}'".F(Format));
Esempio n. 39
        bool IsShpTS(Stream s)
            var start = s.Position;

            // First word is zero
            if (s.ReadUInt16() != 0)
                s.Position = start;
                return false;

            // Sanity Check the image count
            s.Position += 4;
            var imageCount = s.ReadUInt16();
            if (s.Position + 24 * imageCount > s.Length)
                s.Position = start;
                return false;

            // Check the size and format flag
            // Some files define bogus frames, so loop until we find a valid one
            s.Position += 4;
            ushort w, h, f = 0;
            byte type;
                w = s.ReadUInt16();
                h = s.ReadUInt16();
                type = s.ReadUInt8();
            while (w == 0 && h == 0 && f++ < imageCount);

            s.Position = start;
            return type < 4;
Esempio n. 40
        // VQA Frame
        public void DecodeVQFR(Stream s)
            while (true)
                // Chunks are aligned on even bytes; may be padded with a single null
                if (s.Peek() == 0) s.ReadByte();
                var type = s.ReadASCII(4);
                var subchunkLength = (int)int2.Swap(s.ReadUInt32());

                    // Full frame-modifier
                    case "CBFZ":
                        Format80.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength), cbf);
                    case "CBF0":
                        cbf = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength);

                    // frame-modifier chunk
                    case "CBP0":
                    case "CBPZ":
                        // Partial buffer is full; dump and recreate
                        if (cbChunk == cbParts)
                            if (type == "CBP0")
                                cbf = (byte[])cbp.Clone();
                                Format80.DecodeInto(cbp, cbf);

                            cbOffset = cbChunk = 0;

                        var bytes = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength);
                        cbOffset += subchunkLength;

                    // Palette
                    case "CPL0":
                        for (var i = 0; i < numColors; i++)
                            var r = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
                            var g = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
                            var b = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
                            palette[i] = (uint)((255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);

                    // Frame data
                    case "VPTZ":
                        Format80.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength), origData);
                        // This is the last subchunk
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown sub-chunk {0}".F(type));
Esempio n. 41
		// VQA Frame
		public void DecodeVQFR(Stream s, string parentType = "VQFR")
			while (true)
				// Chunks are aligned on even bytes; may be padded with a single null
				if (s.Peek() == 0) s.ReadByte();
				var type = s.ReadASCII(4);
				var subchunkLength = (int)int2.Swap(s.ReadUInt32());

				switch (type)
					// Full frame-modifier
					case "CBFZ":
						var decodeMode = s.Peek() == 0;
						s.ReadBytes(fileBuffer, 0, subchunkLength);
						Array.Clear(cbf, 0, cbf.Length);
						Array.Clear(cbfBuffer, 0, cbfBuffer.Length);
						var decodeCount = 0;
						decodeCount = Format80.DecodeInto(fileBuffer, cbfBuffer, decodeMode ? 1 : 0, decodeMode);
						if ((videoFlags & 0x10) == 16)
							var p = 0;
							for (var i = 0; i < decodeCount; i += 2)
								var packed = cbfBuffer[i + 1] << 8 | cbfBuffer[i];
								/* 15      bit      0
								   0rrrrrgg gggbbbbb
								   HI byte  LO byte*/
								cbf[p++] = (byte)((packed & 0x7C00) >> 7);
								cbf[p++] = (byte)((packed & 0x3E0) >> 2);
								cbf[p++] = (byte)((packed & 0x1f) << 3);
							cbf = cbfBuffer;

						if (parentType == "VQFL")
					case "CBF0":
						cbf = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength);

					// frame-modifier chunk
					case "CBP0":
					case "CBPZ":
						// Partial buffer is full; dump and recreate
						if (currentChunkBuffer == chunkBufferParts)
							if (type == "CBP0")
								cbf = (byte[])cbp.Clone();
								Format80.DecodeInto(cbp, cbf);

							chunkBufferOffset = currentChunkBuffer = 0;

						var bytes = s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength);
						bytes.CopyTo(cbp, chunkBufferOffset);
						chunkBufferOffset += subchunkLength;

					// Palette
					case "CPL0":
						for (var i = 0; i < numColors; i++)
							var r = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
							var g = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
							var b = (byte)(s.ReadUInt8() << 2);
							palette[i] = (uint)((255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);


					// Frame data
					case "VPTZ":
						Format80.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(subchunkLength), origData);

						// This is the last subchunk
					case "VPRZ":
						Array.Clear(origData, 0, origData.Length);
						s.ReadBytes(fileBuffer, 0, subchunkLength);
						if (fileBuffer[0] != 0)
							vtprSize = Format80.DecodeInto(fileBuffer, origData);
							Format80.DecodeInto(fileBuffer, origData, 1, true);
					case "VPTR":
						Array.Clear(origData, 0, origData.Length);
						s.ReadBytes(origData, 0, subchunkLength);
						vtprSize = subchunkLength;
						throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown sub-chunk {0}".F(type));
Esempio n. 42
		public VqaReader(Stream stream)
		{ = stream;

			// Decode FORM chunk
			if (stream.ReadASCII(4) != "FORM")
				throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (invalid FORM section)");
			/*var length = */stream.ReadUInt32();

			if (stream.ReadASCII(8) != "WVQAVQHD")
				throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (not WVQAVQHD)");
			/*var length2 = */stream.ReadUInt32();

			/*var version = */stream.ReadUInt16();
			videoFlags = stream.ReadUInt16();
			Frames = stream.ReadUInt16();
			Width = stream.ReadUInt16();
			Height = stream.ReadUInt16();

			blockWidth = stream.ReadUInt8();
			blockHeight = stream.ReadUInt8();
			Framerate = stream.ReadUInt8();
			chunkBufferParts = stream.ReadUInt8();
			blocks = new int2(Width / blockWidth, Height / blockHeight);

			numColors = stream.ReadUInt16();
			/*var maxBlocks = */stream.ReadUInt16();
			/*var unknown1 = */stream.ReadUInt16();
			/*var unknown2 = */stream.ReadUInt32();

			// Audio
			sampleRate = stream.ReadUInt16();
			audioChannels = stream.ReadByte();
			sampleBits = stream.ReadByte();

			/*var unknown3 =*/stream.ReadUInt32();
			/*var unknown4 =*/stream.ReadUInt16();
			/*maxCbfzSize =*/stream.ReadUInt32(); // Unreliable

			/*var unknown5 =*/stream.ReadUInt32();

			var frameSize = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(Width, Height));

			if (IsHqVqa)
				cbfBuffer = new byte[maxCbfzSize];
				cbf = new byte[maxCbfzSize * 3];
				origData = new byte[maxCbfzSize];
				cbfBuffer = new byte[Width * Height];
				cbf = new byte[Width * Height];
				cbp = new byte[Width * Height];
				origData = new byte[2 * blocks.X * blocks.Y];

			palette = new uint[numColors];
			frameData = new uint[frameSize, frameSize];
			var type = stream.ReadASCII(4);
			while (type != "FINF")
				// Sub type is a file tag
				if (type[3] == 'F')
					var jmp = int2.Swap(stream.ReadUInt32());
					stream.Seek(jmp, SeekOrigin.Current);
					type = stream.ReadASCII(4);
					throw new NotSupportedException("Vqa uses unknown Subtype: {0}".F(type));

			/*var length = */stream.ReadUInt16();
			/*var unknown4 = */stream.ReadUInt16();

			// Frame offsets
			offsets = new uint[Frames];
			for (var i = 0; i < Frames; i++)
				offsets[i] = stream.ReadUInt32();
				if (offsets[i] > 0x40000000)
					offsets[i] -= 0x40000000;
				offsets[i] <<= 1;


Esempio n. 43
        public TmpTSTile(Stream s, Size size)
            Size = size;

            // Ignore tile header for now
            s.Position += 52;

            Data = new byte[size.Width * size.Height];

            // Unpack tile data
            var width = 4;
            for (var i = 0; i < size.Height; i++)
                var start = i * size.Width + (size.Width - width) / 2;
                for (var j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    Data[start + j] = s.ReadUInt8();

                width += (i < size.Height / 2 - 1? 1 : -1) * 4;

            // Ignore Z-data for now
            // Ignore extra data for now
Esempio n. 44
        void UnpackCncTileData(Stream ms)
            for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++)
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j] = new TileReference<ushort, byte>();

            for (int j = 0; j < mapSize; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j].Type = ms.ReadUInt8();
                    map.MapTiles.Value[i, j].Index = ms.ReadUInt8();
Esempio n. 45
        public static bool LoadSound(Stream s, out byte[] rawData, out int sampleRate)
            rawData = null;

            sampleRate = s.ReadUInt16();
            var dataSize = s.ReadInt32();
            var outputSize = s.ReadInt32();

            var readFlag = s.ReadByte();
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundFlags), readFlag))
                return false;

            var readFormat = s.ReadByte();
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundFormat), readFormat))
                return false;

            var output = new byte[outputSize];
            var offset = 0;
            var index = 0;
            var currentSample = 0;

            while (dataSize > 0)
                var chunk = Chunk.Read(s);
                for (var n = 0; n < chunk.CompressedSize; n++)
                    var b = s.ReadUInt8();

                    var t = DecodeSample(b, ref index, ref currentSample);
                    output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                    output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                    if (offset < outputSize)
                        /* possible that only half of the final byte is used! */
                        t = DecodeSample((byte)(b >> 4), ref index, ref currentSample);
                        output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                        output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                dataSize -= 8 + chunk.CompressedSize;

            rawData = output;
            return true;
Esempio n. 46
        public VqaReader(Stream stream)
   = stream;

            // Decode FORM chunk
            if (stream.ReadASCII(4) != "FORM")
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (invalid FORM section)");
            /*var length = */ stream.ReadUInt32();

            if (stream.ReadASCII(8) != "WVQAVQHD")
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid vqa (not WVQAVQHD)");
            /* var length = */stream.ReadUInt32();

            /*var version = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var flags = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            Frames = stream.ReadUInt16();
            Width = stream.ReadUInt16();
            Height = stream.ReadUInt16();

            blockWidth = stream.ReadUInt8();
            blockHeight = stream.ReadUInt8();
            Framerate = stream.ReadUInt8();
            cbParts = stream.ReadUInt8();
            blocks = new int2(Width / blockWidth, Height / blockHeight);

            numColors = stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var maxBlocks = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var unknown1 = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var unknown2 = */stream.ReadUInt32();

            // Audio
            /*var freq = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var channels = */stream.ReadByte();
            /*var bits = */stream.ReadByte();
            /*var unknown3 = */stream.ReadBytes(14);

            var frameSize = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(Width, Height));
            cbf = new byte[Width*Height];
            cbp = new byte[Width*Height];
            palette = new uint[numColors];
            origData = new byte[2*blocks.X*blocks.Y];
            frameData = new uint[frameSize, frameSize];

            var type = stream.ReadASCII(4);
            if (type != "FINF")
                stream.Seek(27, SeekOrigin.Current);
                type = stream.ReadASCII(4);

            /*var length = */stream.ReadUInt16();
            /*var unknown4 = */stream.ReadUInt16();

            // Frame offsets
            offsets = new UInt32[Frames];
            for (var i = 0; i < Frames; i++)
                offsets[i] = stream.ReadUInt32();
                if (offsets[i] > 0x40000000)
                    offsets[i] -= 0x40000000;
                offsets[i] <<= 1;


Esempio n. 47
        void ReadVoxelData(Stream s, VxlLimb l)
            var baseSize = l.Size[0]*l.Size[1];
            var colStart = new int[baseSize];
            for (var i = 0; i < baseSize; i++)
                colStart[i] = s.ReadInt32();
            s.Seek(4*baseSize, SeekOrigin.Current);
            var dataStart = s.Position;

            // Count the voxels in this limb
            l.VoxelCount = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < baseSize; i++)
                // Empty column
                if (colStart[i] == -1)

                s.Seek(dataStart + colStart[i], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var z = 0;
                    z += s.ReadUInt8();
                    var count = s.ReadUInt8();
                    z += count;
                    l.VoxelCount += count;
                    s.Seek(2*count + 1, SeekOrigin.Current);
                } while (z < l.Size[2]);

            // Read the data
            l.VoxelMap = new Dictionary<byte, VxlElement>[l.Size[0],l.Size[1]];
            for (var i = 0; i < baseSize; i++)
                // Empty column
                if (colStart[i] == -1)

                s.Seek(dataStart + colStart[i], SeekOrigin.Begin);

                byte x = (byte)(i % l.Size[0]);
                byte y = (byte)(i / l.Size[0]);
                byte z = 0;
                l.VoxelMap[x,y] = new Dictionary<byte, VxlElement>();
                    z += s.ReadUInt8();
                    var count = s.ReadUInt8();
                    for (var j = 0; j < count; j++)
                        var v = new VxlElement();
                        v.Color = s.ReadUInt8();
                        v.Normal = s.ReadUInt8();

                        l.VoxelMap[x,y].Add(z, v);
                    // Skip duplicate count
                } while (z < l.Size[2]);
Esempio n. 48
		static void UnpackTileData(Stream s, byte[] data, Size size, Rectangle frameBounds)
			var width = 4;
			for (var j = 0; j < size.Height; j++)
				var start = (j - frameBounds.Y) * frameBounds.Width + (size.Width - width) / 2 - frameBounds.X;
				for (var i = 0; i < width; i++)
					data[start + i] = s.ReadUInt8();

				width += (j < size.Height / 2 - 1 ? 1 : -1) * 4;
Esempio n. 49
            public ShpTSFrame(Stream s, Size frameSize)
                var x = s.ReadUInt16();
                var y = s.ReadUInt16();
                var width = s.ReadUInt16();
                var height = s.ReadUInt16();

                // Pad the dimensions to an even number to avoid issues with half-integer offsets
                var dataWidth = width;
                var dataHeight = height;
                if (dataWidth % 2 == 1)
                    dataWidth += 1;

                if (dataHeight % 2 == 1)
                    dataHeight += 1;

                Offset = new int2(x + (dataWidth - frameSize.Width) / 2, y + (dataHeight - frameSize.Height) / 2);
                Size = new Size(dataWidth, dataHeight);
                FrameSize = frameSize;

                Format = s.ReadUInt8();
                s.Position += 11;
                FileOffset = s.ReadUInt32();

                if (FileOffset == 0)

                // Parse the frame data as we go (but remember to jump back to the header before returning!)
                var start = s.Position;
                s.Position = FileOffset;

                Data = new byte[dataWidth * dataHeight];

                if (Format == 3)
                    // Format 3 provides RLE-zero compressed scanlines
                    for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
                        var length = s.ReadUInt16() - 2;
                        Format2.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(length), Data, dataWidth * j);
                    // Format 2 provides uncompressed length-prefixed scanlines
                    // Formats 1 and 0 provide an uncompressed full-width row
                    var length = Format == 2 ? s.ReadUInt16() - 2 : width;
                    for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
                        s.ReadBytes(Data, dataWidth * j, length);

                s.Position = start;
Esempio n. 50
        public static byte[] LoadSound(Stream s)
            /*var sampleRate =*/ s.ReadUInt16();
            var dataSize = s.ReadInt32();
            var outputSize = s.ReadInt32();
            /*var flags = (SoundFlags)*/ s.ReadByte();
            /*var format = (SoundFormat)*/ s.ReadByte();

            var output = new byte[outputSize];
            var offset = 0;
            var index = 0;
            var currentSample = 0;

            while (dataSize > 0)
                var chunk = Chunk.Read(s);
                for (int n = 0; n < chunk.CompressedSize; n++)
                    var b = s.ReadUInt8();

                    var t = DecodeSample(b, ref index, ref currentSample);
                    output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                    output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                    if (offset < outputSize)
                        /* possible that only half of the final byte is used! */
                        t = DecodeSample((byte)(b >> 4), ref index, ref currentSample);
                        output[offset++] = (byte)t;
                        output[offset++] = (byte)(t >> 8);

                dataSize -= 8 + chunk.CompressedSize;

            return output;
Esempio n. 51
            public FileDescriptor(Stream stream, uint index, long tableOffset)
                Index = index;
                Flags = (CABFlags)stream.ReadUInt16();
                ExpandedSize = stream.ReadUInt32();
                stream.Position += 4;
                CompressedSize = stream.ReadUInt32();

                stream.Position += 4;
                DataOffset = stream.ReadUInt32();
                stream.Position += 4;
                MD5 = stream.ReadBytes(16);

                stream.Position += 16;
                NameOffset = stream.ReadUInt32();
                DirectoryIndex = stream.ReadUInt16();
                stream.Position += 12;
                LinkToPrevious = stream.ReadUInt32();
                LinkToNext = stream.ReadUInt32();

                LinkFlags = (LinkFlags)stream.ReadUInt8();
                Volume = stream.ReadUInt16();

                var pos = stream.Position;
                stream.Position = tableOffset + NameOffset;
                Filename = stream.ReadASCIIZ();
                stream.Position = pos;
Esempio n. 52
		void UnpackCncTileData(Stream ms)
			for (var j = 0; j < mapSize; j++)
				for (var i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
					var type = ms.ReadUInt8();
					var index = ms.ReadUInt8();
					map.MapTiles.Value[new CPos(i, j)] = new TerrainTile(type, index);
Esempio n. 53
        public FrameHeader(Stream stream, Size frameSize)
            var x = stream.ReadUInt16();
            var y = stream.ReadUInt16();
            var width = stream.ReadUInt16();
            var height = stream.ReadUInt16();

            Offset = new float2(x + 0.5f * (width - frameSize.Width), y + 0.5f * (height - frameSize.Height));
            Size = new Size(width, height);
            FrameSize = frameSize;

            Format = stream.ReadUInt8();
            stream.Position += 11;
            FileOffset = stream.ReadUInt32();
 void UnpackTileData(Stream ms)
     for (var j = 0; j < MapSize; j++)
         for (var i = 0; i < MapSize; i++)
             var type = ms.ReadUInt8();
             var index = ms.ReadUInt8();
             Map.Tiles[new CPos(i, j)] = new TerrainTile(type, index);
Esempio n. 55
			public TmpTSFrame(Stream s, Size size, int u, int v)
				if (s.Position != 0)
					Size = size;

					// Skip unnecessary header data
					s.Position += 20;

					// Extra data is specified relative to the top-left of the template
					var extraX = s.ReadInt32() - (u - v) * size.Width / 2;
					var extraY = s.ReadInt32() - (u + v) * size.Height / 2;
					var extraWidth = s.ReadInt32();
					var extraHeight = s.ReadInt32();
					var flags = s.ReadUInt32();

					var bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
					if ((flags & 0x01) != 0)
						var extraBounds = new Rectangle(extraX, extraY, extraWidth, extraHeight);
						bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, extraBounds);

						Offset = new float2(bounds.X + 0.5f * (bounds.Width - size.Width), bounds.Y + 0.5f * (bounds.Height - size.Height));
						Size = new Size(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

					// Skip unnecessary header data
					s.Position += 12;

					Data = new byte[bounds.Width * bounds.Height];
					DepthData = new byte[bounds.Width * bounds.Height];

					UnpackTileData(s, Data, size, bounds);
					UnpackTileData(s, DepthData, size, bounds);

					if ((flags & 0x01) == 0)

					// Load extra data (cliff faces, etc)
					for (var j = 0; j < extraHeight; j++)
						var start = (j + extraY - bounds.Y) * bounds.Width + extraX - bounds.X;
						for (var i = 0; i < extraWidth; i++)
							var extra = s.ReadUInt8();
							if (extra != 0)
								Data[start + i] = extra;

					// Extra data depth
					for (var j = 0; j < extraHeight; j++)
						var start = (j + extraY - bounds.Y) * bounds.Width + extraX - bounds.X;
						for (var i = 0; i < extraWidth; i++)
							var extra = s.ReadUInt8();

							// XCC source indicates that there are only 32 valid values
							if (extra < 32)
								DepthData[start + i] = extra;
					Data = new byte[0];