/// <summary> /// 出库保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="st"></param> public void OutBoundItem(StoreTable st) { using (var dbContext = new StoreDbContext()) { dbContext.Update <StoreTable>(st); } }
public ActionResult InBoundEdit(FormCollection collection) { var model = new StoreTable(); //this.TryUpdateModel<StoreTable>(model); InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("DictionaryProperty.dpid")) { Guid proid = new Guid(collection["clID"]); int temp = 0; if (!int.TryParse(collection["InBoundCount"], out temp)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The current password is incorrect or the new password is invalid."); return(PartialView()); } model.number = int.Parse(collection["InBoundCount"]); DictionaryProperty dp = this.StoreService.GetDicProperty(proid, collection["Materialnames"]); model.store_item_id = dp.dpid; //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = dp.dpid; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = model.number; ibr.boundtype = "入库"; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); ///入库 this.StoreService.InsertStoreItem(model); } return(this.RefreshParent()); }
/// <summary> /// 入库,如果有增加数量,如果没有新增 /// </summary> /// <param name="st"></param> public void InsertStoreItem(StoreTable st) { using (var dbContext = new StoreDbContext()) { var item = dbContext.StoreTable.Where(u => u.store_item_id == st.store_item_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (item == null) { st.kcid = Guid.NewGuid(); dbContext.Insert <StoreTable>(st); } else { decimal totalnumber = item.number.Value; string guid = item.kcid.ToString(); Guid tempguid = new Guid(guid); st.number += totalnumber; st.kcid = tempguid; ///问题的原因在于,我们之前已经附加过当前实体,如果再进行Attach的时候,就会报这样的错。 // 解决办法:1.销毁之前的上下文,重新开启上下文。(等于白说) //2.更改当前上下文的实体的状态。(这个是问题关键) var entry = dbContext.Set <StoreTable>().Find(tempguid); if (entry != null) { dbContext.Entry <StoreTable>(entry).State = System.Data.EntityState.Detached; //这个是在同一个上下文能修改的关键 } dbContext.Update <StoreTable>(st); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["Username"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect("StartPage.aspx"); } this.Welcome.InnerText = "Welcome " + Session["Username"].ToString(); //This is from JavaScript! string constring = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("App_Data/Database.accdb"); OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(constring); con.Open(); string sql = string.Format("select * from [Products]"); OleDbDataAdapter cmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); cmd.Fill(dt); con.Close(); StoreTable.DataSource = dt; StoreTable.DataBind(); } catch (Exception error) { Response.Redirect("StartPage.aspx"); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化出库edit框 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Create() { var OrderList = this.StoreService.GetOrderList(new OrderRequest()); this.ViewBag.OrderType = new SelectList(OrderList, "dt_id", "name"); //获取组织机构列表(领用人) BranchRequest brequest = new BranchRequest(); brequest.PageSize = 10000; var lyr = this.OAService.GetBranchList(brequest); List <string> clmcs = new List <string>(); clmcs.Add("请选择领用人..."); foreach (Branch branchItem in lyr) { clmcs.Add(branchItem.Name); } this.ViewBag.employment = new SelectList(clmcs); var model = new StoreTable(); return(View("OutBoundEdit", model)); }
private void UpdateSelected(StoreTable product) { _selectedCost = product.Cost; PositionSmall.Content = product.GoodName; CodeSmall.Content = product.Code; PriceSmall.Content = $"{product.Cost:f2} руб."; QtySmall.Content = $"{product.Qty:f2} шт."; SumSmall.Content = $"{product.Cost:f2} руб."; }
/// <summary> /// 环库EDIT初始化 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ReturnOrder() { var OrderList = this.StoreService.GetOrderList(new OrderRequest()); this.ViewBag.OrderType = new SelectList(OrderList, "dt_id", "name"); var model = new StoreTable(); return(View("ReturnOrderEdit", model)); }
public void DeleteStore(int id) { StoreTable store = storeEntities.StoreTables.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == id); if (store != null) { storeEntities.StoreTables.Remove(store); } storeEntities.SaveChanges(); }
public StoreTable GetStore(int store_id) { StoreTable store = storeEntities.StoreTables.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ID == store_id); if (store != null) { return(store); } else { return(null); } }
public StoreTable GetStoreWithAddress(String address) { StoreTable store = storeEntities.StoreTables.Where(e => e.Address == address).FirstOrDefault(); if (store != null) { return(store); } else { return(null); } }
public Boolean isExist(String name, String address) { StoreTable store = storeEntities.StoreTables.Where(e => e.StoreName == name || e.Address == address).FirstOrDefault(); if (store != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public StoreTable addStore([FromBody] StoreTable store) { if (store != null) { storeEntities.StoreTables.Add(store); storeEntities.SaveChanges(); return(store); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化入库edit框 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult InBoundEdit() { var OrderList = this.StoreService.GetOrderList(new OrderRequest()); this.ViewBag.OrderType = new SelectList(OrderList, "dt_id", "name"); List <string> clmcs = new List <string>(); clmcs.Add("请选择材料..."); this.ViewBag.Materialnames = new SelectList(clmcs); var model = new StoreTable(); return(View("InBoundEdit", model)); }
public StoreTable updateStore(String store_name, String store_address, StoreTable store) { StoreTable entity = storeEntities.StoreTables.FirstOrDefault(e => e.StoreName == store_name && e.Address == store_address); if (entity != null) { entity.StoreName = store.StoreName; entity.City = store.City; entity.Address = store.Address; entity.PointsLimit = store.PointsLimit; entity.PaymentToGetOnePoint = store.PaymentToGetOnePoint; entity.PercentageDiscount = store.PercentageDiscount; } storeEntities.SaveChanges(); return(entity); }
// SHOW goods on the stock: private void SelectGood_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var storeList = new List <StoreTable>(); _goodsInStore = ContextFactory.Instance.StoreTable.Where(x => x.Qty != 0); var dynamicId = 1; Products.ItemsSource = null; foreach (var good in _goodsInStore) { var newGood = new StoreTable(dynamicId, good.GoodName, good.Cost, good.Qty, good.Code); if (!_sessionOpened) { storeList.Add(newGood); // FIRST click } if (_sessionOpened && _sessionGoods.All(x => x.Code != newGood.Code)) { storeList.Add(newGood); // NEXT adding } dynamicId++; } if (storeList.Count == 0) { Products.ItemsSource = _sessionGoods; Products.Items.Refresh(); _isStockOpened = false; MessageBox.Show("Склад пуст или вами выбраны все доступные в нем товары.", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } Products.ItemsSource = storeList; // SESSION open trigger: if (!_sessionOpened) { _sessionOpened = true; _sessionGoods = new List <StoreTable>(); InterfaceReInit(); } _selectedCost = 0; _isStockOpened = true; }
public ActionResult StoreEdit(string id, FormCollection collection) { StoreTable st = this.StoreService.GetStoreItem(new Guid(id)); st.number = decimal.Parse(collection["number"]); InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = st.store_item_id; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = st.number; ibr.boundtype = "库存修改"; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(st.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); this.StoreService.OutBoundItem(st); return(this.RefreshParent()); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化修改库房数量 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult StoreEdit(string id) { StoreTable st = this.StoreService.GetStoreItem(new Guid(id)); DictionaryProperty dp = this.StoreService.GetDictionaryProperty(st.store_item_id.Value); string leafname = this.StoreService.GetTreeName(dp.leaf_id.Value); string parentname = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); StoreWindowModel swm = new StoreWindowModel(); swm.clmc = dp.clmc; swm.ddlx = leafname; swm.khmc = parentname; swm.pm = dp.pm; swm.mf = dp.mf; swm.js = dp.js.ToString(); swm.number = st.number.Value.ToString(); return(View("StoreEdit", swm)); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("DictionaryProperty.dpid")) { StoreTableRequest request = new StoreTableRequest(); request.PageSize = 1000; request.Gid = new Guid(collection["DictionaryProperty.dpid"]); int OutProductNumber; if (!int.TryParse(collection["OutBoundCount"], out OutProductNumber)) { var model = new StoreTable(); return(View("OutBoundEdit", model)); } //OutProductNumber = int.Parse(collection["OutBoundCount"]); //出库订单件数 var result = this.StoreService.GetStoreList(request); Guid tempid = new Guid(); foreach (StoreTable st in result) { if (st.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id == request.Gid) { st.number = st.number - (st.DictionaryProperty.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber)); InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = st.store_item_id; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = st.number; ibr.boundtype = "出库材料"; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(st.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); tempid = st.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id.Value; //出库 this.StoreService.OutBoundItem(st); } } //插入到出库记录表 OutBoundRecord obr = new OutBoundRecord(); obr.ckid = Guid.NewGuid(); obr.node_id = tempid; obr.number = OutProductNumber; this.StoreService.InsertOutBoundRecord(obr); } return(this.RefreshParent()); }
/// <summary> /// 插入库存操作记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="ibr"></param> public void InsertInboundRecord(InBoundRecord ibr) { using (var dbContext = new StoreDbContext()) { StoreTable st = dbContext.StoreTable.Include("DictionaryProperty.DictionaryTree").Where(u => u.store_item_id == ibr.inbound_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (st == null) { ibr.before_number = 0; } else { ibr.before_number = st.number; ibr.khmc = GetParentNameByLeafID(st.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id.Value); } dbContext.Insert <InBoundRecord>(ibr); } }
public ActionResult Add(StoreTable storeTable) { ModelContainer context = new ModelContainer(); List <Link> link = new List <Link> { new Link { addDate = DateTime.Now, lastVisit = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-20), status = true, link = "http://" + storeTable.baseURL, } }; List <BadWords> badwords = new List <BadWords>(); List <string> bwords = storeTable.badwords[0].Split(',').ToList(); foreach (string badword in bwords) { BadWords bw = new BadWords { badWord = badword.Trim() }; badwords.Add(bw); } Store store = new Store { name = storeTable.storeName, baseUrl = storeTable.baseURL, currency = storeTable.currency, titleSelector = storeTable.titleSelector, originalPriceSelector = storeTable.originalPriceSelector, salePriceSelector = storeTable.salePriceSelector, Link = link, BadWords = badwords }; context.Stores.Add(store); context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult ReturnOrder(FormCollection collection) { if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("DictionaryProperty.dpid")) { StoreTableRequest request = new StoreTableRequest(); request.PageSize = 1000; request.Gid = new Guid(collection["DictionaryProperty.dpid"]); int OutProductNumber = int.Parse(collection["OutBoundCount"]); //出库订单件数 var result = this.StoreService.GetStoreList(request); //获取订单下所有材料 StoreTreeNameRequests stnRequest = new StoreTreeNameRequests(); stnRequest.PageSize = 1000; stnRequest.treeID = request.Gid; var clResultList = this.StoreService.GetNodeProperty(stnRequest); //循环材料列表,如果在StoreTable中存在更新其数量,如果不在插入数据 foreach (DictionaryProperty dp in clResultList) { StoreTable st = new StoreTable(); st.number = 0; st.number = st.number + (dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber)); st.store_item_id = dp.dpid; InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = st.store_item_id; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber); ibr.boundtype = "还库材料"; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); this.StoreService.InsertStoreItem(st); } } return(this.RefreshParent()); }
public async Task <bool> ProcessOrderAsync(Order order) { //Recupera o ID da loja e os dados de cada produto StoreTable storeTable = await _storeTableQueryService.GetStoreTableAsync(order.TableId); order.StoreId = storeTable.StoreId; foreach (var item in order.OrderItems) { Product prod = await _productQueryService.GetProductAsync(item.ProductId); item.Price = prod.Price; item.ProductName = prod.Name; } _uow.BeginTransaction(); await _orderRepository.CreateAsync(order); _orderStatusService.AddTracking(order.Id, order.OrderStatus); await _uow.SaveChangesAsync(); var paidInvoiceId = await _paymentService.ExecutePayment(order.Id, order.CustomerId, getOrderTotal(order)); if (paidInvoiceId != null) { //Invoice paid. Lets change order status order.PaymentApproved = true; order.PaymentId = paidInvoiceId.ToString(); _orderRepository.Update(order); await _uow.SaveChangesAsync(); await SetOrderStatus(order.StoreId, order.Id, OrderStatus.PaymentConfirmed); return(true); } return(false); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("DictionaryProperty.dpid")) { StoreTableRequest request = new StoreTableRequest(); request.PageSize = 10000; request.Gid = new Guid(collection["DictionaryProperty.dpid"]); int OutProductNumber; if (!int.TryParse(collection["OutBoundCount"], out OutProductNumber)) { var model = new StoreTable(); return(View("OutBoundEdit", model)); } var lydw = collection["employment"]; /// var result = this.StoreService.GetStoreList(request); Guid tempid = new Guid();//订单ID,出库记录表用 //获取订单下所有材料 StoreTreeNameRequests stnRequest = new StoreTreeNameRequests(); stnRequest.PageSize = 1000; stnRequest.treeID = request.Gid; var dpLists = this.StoreService.GetNodeProperty(stnRequest); foreach (DictionaryProperty dp in dpLists) { var storeItem = this.StoreService.ExistDPInStore(dp); tempid = dp.leaf_id.Value; //判断store里是否有dp if (storeItem == null) { StoreTable st = new StoreTable(); st.number = 0; st.number = st.number - (dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber)); st.store_item_id = dp.dpid; InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = st.store_item_id; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber); ibr.boundtype = "出库材料"; ibr.employment = lydw; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); //出库 this.StoreService.InsertStoreItem(st); } else//有StoreItem { storeItem.number = storeItem.number - (dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber)); InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = storeItem.store_item_id; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = dp.js.Value * Convert.ToDecimal(OutProductNumber); ibr.boundtype = "出库材料"; ibr.employment = lydw; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(storeItem.DictionaryProperty.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); //出库 this.StoreService.OutBoundItem(storeItem); } // } //插入到出库记录表 OutBoundRecord obr = new OutBoundRecord(); obr.ckid = Guid.NewGuid(); obr.node_id = tempid; obr.employment = lydw; obr.number = OutProductNumber; this.StoreService.InsertOutBoundRecord(obr); } return(this.RefreshParent()); }
public ActionResult InBoundEdit(FormCollection collection) { var model = new StoreTable(); var inBoundCounts = collection["InBoundCounts"]; //this.TryUpdateModel<StoreTable>(model); InBoundRecord ibr = new InBoundRecord(); if (bool.Parse(collection["pllr"].Split(',')[0])) { //批量添加材料 //var tempdpids = TempData["dpids"]; string dpids = collection["cllb"]; string[] arrTemp = dpids.Split(','); string[] arrCountTemp = inBoundCounts.Split(','); for (int i = 1; i < arrTemp.Length; i++) { decimal temp = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(arrCountTemp[i - 1], out temp)) { temp = 0; } var modelTemp = new StoreTable(); InBoundRecord ibrTemp = new InBoundRecord(); Guid proid = new Guid(arrTemp[i]); modelTemp.number = temp; DictionaryProperty dp = this.StoreService.GetDicProperty(proid, collection["Materialnames"]); modelTemp.store_item_id = dp.dpid; //插入数据到入库记录表 ibrTemp.inbound_id = dp.dpid; ibrTemp.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibrTemp.number = modelTemp.number; ibrTemp.boundtype = "入库"; ibrTemp.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibrTemp); ///入库 this.StoreService.InsertStoreItem(modelTemp); } return(this.RefreshParent()); } if (collection.AllKeys.Contains("DictionaryProperty.dpid")) { Guid proid = new Guid(collection["clID"]); decimal temp = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(collection["InBoundCount"], out temp)) { temp = 0; } model.number = temp; DictionaryProperty dp = this.StoreService.GetDicProperty(proid, collection["Materialnames"]); model.store_item_id = dp.dpid; //插入数据到入库记录表 ibr.inbound_id = dp.dpid; ibr.rkid = Guid.NewGuid(); ibr.number = model.number; ibr.boundtype = "入库"; ibr.khmc = this.StoreService.GetParentNameByLeafID(dp.leaf_id.Value); this.StoreService.InsertInboundRecord(ibr); ///入库 this.StoreService.InsertStoreItem(model); } return(this.RefreshParent()); }