Esempio n. 1
        public static bool MoveStoreFrontFolders(this StoreFrontConfiguration config, string applicationPath, HttpServerUtilityBase server, string oldFolder, BaseController controller)
            string oldFolderToMap = config.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMapToStoreFronts(applicationPath) + "/" + oldFolder;
            string newFolderToMap = config.StoreFrontVirtualDirectoryToMap(applicationPath);
            string oldFolderPath  = server.MapPath(oldFolderToMap);
            string newFolderPath  = server.MapPath(newFolderToMap);

            //default behavior is to move the old folder to the new name
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(oldFolderPath))
                    System.IO.Directory.Move(oldFolderPath, newFolderPath);
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Store Front Folder Moved", "Store Front folder was moved from '" + oldFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "' to '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'", UserMessageType.Success);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Error Moving Client Folder!", "There was an error moving the client folder from '" + oldFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "' to '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'. You will need to move the folder manually. Error: " + ex.Message, UserMessageType.Warning);
                    bool result = config.CreateStoreFrontFolders(applicationPath, server);
                    if (result)
                        if (controller != null)
                            controller.AddUserMessage("Folders Created", "Store Front folders were created in : " + newFolderToMap.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Info);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Error Creating Store Front Folders!", "There was an error creating the Store Front folders in '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'. You will need to create the folders manually. Error: " + ex.Message, UserMessageType.Warning);
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult Edit(StoreFront storeFront, bool?createDefaultConfig, int?themeId, bool?populateProducts, bool?populateDiscounts, bool?populatePages)
            if ((storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() == null) && !(createDefaultConfig ?? false) && (populatePages ?? false))
                ModelState.AddModelError("createDefaultConfig", "You must select check the Create Default Configuration box when using Load Simple Sample Pages");
            if ((storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() == null) && !(createDefaultConfig ?? false) && (populateProducts ?? false))
                ModelState.AddModelError("createDefaultConfig", "You must select check the Create Default Configuration box when using Load Sample Products");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                IGstoreDb db = GStoreDb;
                storeFront = db.StoreFronts.Update(storeFront);

                if (createDefaultConfig.HasValue && createDefaultConfig.Value)
                    ActionResult configResult = CreateConfig(storeFront.StoreFrontId, themeId);

                if (storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() != null)
                    StoreFrontConfiguration config = storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny();
                    if (!config.StoreFrontFoldersAllExist(Request.ApplicationPath, Server))
                        config.CreateStoreFrontFolders(Request.ApplicationPath, Server);
                        AddUserMessage("Store Front Folders Sync'd", "Store Front Folder sync'd or created for StoreFront '" + config.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] for client '" + storeFront.Client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                AddUserMessage("Store Front Updated", "Store Front [" + storeFront.StoreFrontId + "] for client '" + storeFront.Client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "] was updated successfully!", UserMessageType.Success);

                if (populateDiscounts ?? false)
                    AddUserMessage("Populated Discounts", "Sample Discounts are Loaded", UserMessageType.Success);
                if (populateProducts ?? false)
                    if (storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Could not Populate Products", "Could not populate products. Store Front does not have an active configuration", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        AddUserMessage("Populated Products", "Sample Products, Bundles, and Categories are Loaded", UserMessageType.Success);
                if (populatePages ?? false)
                    if (storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny() == null)
                        AddUserMessage("Could not Populate Pages", "Could not populate Pages. Store front does not have an active configuration", UserMessageType.Danger);
                        AddUserMessage("Populated Pages", "Simple Pages with Menu Links are Loaded", UserMessageType.Success);


            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.StoreFrontBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, storeFront.ClientId, storeFront, false);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a configuration where there is none for a storefront
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult CreateConfig(int?id, int?themeId)
            if (!id.HasValue || id.Value == 0)
                return(HttpBadRequest("storeFrontId is null or 0"));
            StoreFront storeFront = GStoreDb.StoreFronts.FindById(id.Value);

            if (storeFront == null)
                return(HttpBadRequest("storeFront not found by id: " + id.Value));

            StoreFrontConfiguration configToCopyFrom = storeFront.CurrentConfigOrAny();
            StoreFrontConfiguration newConfig        = GStoreDb.StoreFrontConfigurations.Create();

            if (configToCopyFrom != null)
                newConfig = newConfig.UpdateValuesFromEntity(configToCopyFrom);
                newConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId = 0;
                newConfig.StoreFront = storeFront;
                newConfig.Client     = storeFront.Client;
                UserProfile profile = GStoreDb.SeedAutoMapUserBestGuess();
                if (profile == null)
                    AddUserMessage("Config Create Error!", "No users found to link to new configuration for client '" + storeFront.Client.Name + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]. Method: SeedAutoMapUserBestGuess"
                                   + "<br/><a href=\"" + Url.Action("Create", "UserProfileSysAdmin") + "\">Click HERE to create a new user profile for this client.</a>", UserMessageType.Danger);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Create", "UserProfileSysAdmin", new { clientId = storeFront.ClientId, storeFrontId = storeFront.StoreFrontId }));

                Theme theme = null;
                if (themeId.HasValue && themeId != 0)
                    theme = storeFront.Client.Themes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ThemeId == themeId.Value);
                if (theme == null)
                    theme = storeFront.Client.Themes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FolderName.ToLower() == Settings.AppDefaultThemeFolderName.ToLower());
                if (theme == null)
                    theme = storeFront.Client.Themes.AsQueryable().ApplyDefaultSort().FirstOrDefault();

                if (theme == null)
                    AddUserMessage("Config Create Error!", "No Themes found to link to new configuration for client '" + storeFront.Client.Name + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "]. Method: FirstTheme"
                                   + "<br/> <a href=\"" + Url.Action("Create", "ThemeSysAdmin") + "\">Click HERE to create a new theme for this client.</a>", UserMessageType.Danger);
                    return(RedirectToAction("Create", "ThemeSysAdmin", new { clientId = storeFront.ClientId }));

                newConfig.StoreFront   = storeFront;
                newConfig.StoreFrontId = storeFront.StoreFrontId;
                newConfig.AccountAdmin        = profile;
                newConfig.WelcomePerson       = profile;
                newConfig.OrderAdmin          = profile;
                newConfig.RegisteredNotify    = profile;
                newConfig.AccountTheme        = theme;
                newConfig.AdminTheme          = theme;
                newConfig.CartTheme           = theme;
                newConfig.BlogTheme           = theme;
                newConfig.BlogAdminTheme      = theme;
                newConfig.ChatTheme           = theme;
                newConfig.CheckoutTheme       = theme;
                newConfig.CatalogTheme        = theme;
                newConfig.CatalogAdminTheme   = theme;
                newConfig.DefaultNewPageTheme = theme;
                newConfig.NotificationsTheme  = theme;
                newConfig.OrdersTheme         = theme;
                newConfig.OrderAdminTheme     = theme;
                newConfig.ProfileTheme        = theme;

            newConfig = GStoreDb.StoreFrontConfigurations.Add(newConfig);

            string storeFrontRootFolder = newConfig.StoreFront.StoreFrontVirtualDirectoryToMap(Request.ApplicationPath);

            string clientFrontFolderVirtualPath = storeFront.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMap(Request.ApplicationPath);
            string storeFrontFolderVirtualPath  = newConfig.StoreFrontVirtualDirectoryToMapThisConfig(Request.ApplicationPath);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(clientFrontFolderVirtualPath)))
                storeFront.Client.CreateClientFolders(Request.ApplicationPath, Server);
                AddUserMessage("Client Folders Created.", "Client Folders Created for Client '" + storeFront.Client.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + storeFront.ClientId + "] in '" + clientFrontFolderVirtualPath.ToHtml() + "'.", UserMessageType.Success);

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(storeFrontFolderVirtualPath)))
                bool result = newConfig.CreateStoreFrontFolders(Request.ApplicationPath, Server);
                if (result)
                    AddUserMessage("Store Front Folders Created.", "Store Front Folders Created for New Configuration '" + newConfig.ConfigurationName.ToHtml() + "' [" + newConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "] in '" + storeFrontFolderVirtualPath.ToHtml() + "'.", UserMessageType.Success);
                    AddUserMessage("File system Error!", "Store Front Folders could not be created for New Configuration '" + newConfig.ConfigurationName.ToHtml() + "' [" + newConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "] in '" + storeFrontFolderVirtualPath.ToHtml() + "'.", UserMessageType.Success);

            AddUserMessage("Store Front Configuration Created.", "Store Front Configuration '" + newConfig.ConfigurationName.ToHtml() + "' [" + newConfig.StoreFrontConfigurationId + "] created successfully for Store Front '" + newConfig.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + newConfig.StoreFrontId + "].", UserMessageType.Success);
