public Product CreateProduct(StoreObjectReference container, Box.PackagedBud bud) { // Create a container and put packaged bud into it GameObject newContainer = Instantiate(container.gameObject_); newContainer.transform.position = bud.parentBox.transform.position; ProductGO productGO = newContainer.GetComponent <ProductGO>(); if (container.proType == StoreObjectReference.productType.jar) { StorageJar storageJar = new StorageJar(container, newContainer); storageJar.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); productGO.product = storageJar; float incrementValue = 1; List <Bud> newBuds = new List <Bud>(); while (bud.weight > 0) { if (bud.weight - 1 < 0) { incrementValue = bud.weight; } GameObject budGO = new GameObject( + " Nug"); budGO.transform.SetParent(newContainer.transform); budGO.transform.localPosition =; Bud newBud = budGO.AddComponent <Bud>(); newBud.strain = bud.strain; newBud.weight = incrementValue; newBuds.Add(newBud); bud.weight -= incrementValue; } print("Adding buds"); storageJar.AddBud(newBuds); return(storageJar); } return(null); }
public string GetProductInfo(Product product) { switch (product.productType) { case Product.type_.storageJar: StorageJar jar = (StorageJar)product; return("Strain: " + jar.GetStrain().name); case Product.type_.glassBong: case Product.type_.acrylicBong: Bong bong = (Bong)product; return("Height: " + bong.height); case Product.type_.glassPipe: case Product.type_.acrylicPipe: Pipe pipe = (Pipe)product; return("Length: " + pipe.length); case Product.type_.rollingPaper: RollingPaper paper = (RollingPaper)product; return(paper.paperType.ToString()); case Product.type_.edible: Edible edible = (Edible)product; return(edible.edibleType.ToString()); case StorageBox box = (StorageBox)product; return("Products: " + box.products.Count); } return("ProductType"); }
public void AddStartJar() { List <StoreObjectReference> containerObjects = db.GetProducts(StoreObjectReference.productType.container); GameObject jar = Instantiate(containerObjects[1].gameObject_); ProductGO productGO = jar.GetComponent <ProductGO>(); productGO.objectID = containerObjects[1].objectID; StorageJar storageJar = new StorageJar(containerObjects[1], jar); storageJar.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); storageJar.objectID = containerObjects[1].objectID; productGO.product = storageJar; productGO.canHighlight = true; jar.GetComponent <Jar>().product = storageJar; List <Bud> toAdd = new List <Bud>(); Strain toUse = db.GetRandomStrain(); for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { GameObject bud = new GameObject("Bud"); Bud newBud = bud.AddComponent <Bud>(); newBud.strain = toUse; newBud.weight = UnityEngine.Random.Range(.65f, 1.35f); newBud.weight = Mathf.Round(newBud.weight * 100f) / 100f; // Round to 2 decimal places jar.GetComponent <Jar>().AddBud(bud); bud.transform.position =; toAdd.Add(newBud); } storageJar.AddBud(toAdd); ShelfPosition jarPosition = dm.dispensary.Storage_cs[0].GetRandomStorageLocation(storageJar); jar.transform.position = jarPosition.transform.position; jar.transform.parent = jarPosition.transform; jarPosition.shelf.parentShelf.AddProduct(storageJar); }
public StorageJar_s(StorageJar jar) : base(Product.type_.storageJar, jar.uniqueID, jar.objectID, jar.subID, jar.GetName(), jar.productGO.transform.position, jar.productGO.transform.eulerAngles) { strain = jar.GetStrain(); foreach (Bud bud in jar.buds) { buds.Add(bud.MakeSerializable()); } }
public Strain GetStrain() { if (product != null) { StorageJar storageJar = (StorageJar)product; return(storageJar.GetStrain()); } return(new Strain()); }
public float GenerateInterest(Product product) { float interestValue = 50; if (desiredProducts.Count > 0) { foreach (Product desiredProduct in desiredProducts) { if (product.productType == desiredProduct.referenceType) { interestValue += 20; switch (product.productType) { case Product.type_.glassPipe: case Product.type_.acrylicPipe: Pipe pipe = (Pipe)product; DesiredGlass glassPipe = (DesiredGlass)desiredProduct; float inspectingLength = pipe.length; float desiredLength = glassPipe.height; float lengthDifference = Mathf.Abs(inspectingLength - desiredLength); int pipeInterest = (int)MapValue(0, 25, 30, 0, lengthDifference); // Take a difference of 0-25 and convert it respectively to a range of 30-0 interestValue += pipeInterest; break; case Product.type_.glassBong: case Product.type_.acrylicBong: Bong bong = (Bong)product; DesiredGlass glassBong = (DesiredGlass)desiredProduct; float inspectingHeight = bong.height; float desiredHeight = glassBong.height; float heightDifference = Mathf.Abs(inspectingHeight - desiredHeight); int bongInterest = (int)MapValue(0, 22, 30, 0, heightDifference); // Take a difference of 0-22 and convert it respectively to a range of 30-0 interestValue += bongInterest; break; case Product.type_.edible: Edible edible = (Edible)product; DesiredEdible desiredEdible = (DesiredEdible)desiredProduct; if (edible.edibleType == desiredEdible.desiredType) { float thcDifference = Mathf.Abs(edible.THCpercent - desiredEdible.desiredTHC); int edibleInterest = (int)MapValue(0, 250, 30, 0, thcDifference); // Take a difference of 0-250 and convert it respectively to a range of 30-0 interestValue += edibleInterest; } break; case Product.type_.rollingPaper: RollingPaper paper = (RollingPaper)product; DesiredPaper desiredPaper = (DesiredPaper)desiredProduct; if (paper.paperType == desiredPaper.desiredType) { interestValue += 30; } break; } } } } if (desiredStrains.Count > 0 && product.GetProductType() == Product.type_.storageJar) { interestValue += 10; StorageJar jar = (StorageJar)product; Strain bestMatch = null; float bestMatchValue = 50; foreach (DesiredStrain strain in desiredStrains) { float matchValue = StrainTypeMatch(strain.strain, jar.GetStrain()); if (matchValue > bestMatchValue) { bestMatch = strain.strain; bestMatchValue = matchValue; } } if (bestMatch != null) { int strainInterest = (int)MapValue(0, 100, 0, 40, bestMatchValue); interestValue += strainInterest; } } print(customerName + ": " + product.GetName() + " " + interestValue); return(interestValue); }
public Product CreateProduct(StoreObjectReference toCreate, Vector3 pos) { GameObject newProductGameObject = Instantiate(toCreate.gameObject_); ProductGO newProductGO = newProductGameObject.GetComponent <ProductGO>(); newProductGO.transform.position = pos; newProductGO.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (toCreate.color.colorIsAssigned) { newProductGameObject = ApplyColor(newProductGameObject, toCreate.color.color); } /*if (newProductGO.colorable) * { * if (toCreate.randomColor != null) * { * newProductGameObject = ApplyColor(newProductGameObject, toCreate.randomColor); * } * else * { * newProductGameObject = ApplyRandomColor(newProductGameObject); * } * }*/ Product.type_ productType; switch (toCreate.proType) { case StoreObjectReference.productType.jar: productType = Product.type_.storageJar; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.glassBong: productType = Product.type_.glassBong; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.acrylicBong: productType = Product.type_.acrylicBong; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.glassPipe: productType = Product.type_.glassPipe; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.acrylicPipe: productType = Product.type_.acrylicPipe; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.rollingPaper: productType = Product.type_.rollingPaper; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.edible: productType = Product.type_.edible; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.bowl: productType = Product.type_.bowl; break; case StoreObjectReference.productType.grinder: productType = Product.type_.grinder; break; default: productType = Product.type_.reference; break; } newProductGO.objectID = toCreate.objectID; switch (productType) { case Product.type_.glassBong: case Product.type_.acrylicBong: Bong newBong = new Bong(toCreate, newProductGameObject); newBong.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); newBong.objectID = toCreate.objectID; newBong.boxWeight = toCreate.boxWeight; newProductGO.product = newBong; return(newBong); case Product.type_.glassPipe: case Product.type_.acrylicPipe: Pipe newPipe = new Pipe(toCreate, newProductGameObject); newPipe.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); newPipe.objectID = toCreate.objectID; newPipe.boxWeight = toCreate.boxWeight; newProductGO.product = newPipe; return(newPipe); case Product.type_.storageJar: StorageJar newJar = new StorageJar(toCreate, newProductGameObject); newJar.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); newJar.objectID = toCreate.objectID; newJar.boxWeight = toCreate.boxWeight; newProductGO.product = newJar; return(newJar); case Product.type_.bowl: Bowl newBowl = new Bowl(toCreate, newProductGameObject); newBowl.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); newBowl.objectID = toCreate.objectID; newBowl.boxWeight = toCreate.boxWeight; newProductGO.product = newBowl; //newBowl = (Bowl)ApplyRandomColor(newBowl); return(newBowl); case Product.type_.grinder: Grinder newGrinder = new Grinder(toCreate, newProductGameObject); newGrinder.uniqueID = Dispensary.GetUniqueProductID(); newGrinder.objectID = toCreate.objectID; newGrinder.boxWeight = toCreate.boxWeight; newProductGO.product = newGrinder; //newGrinder = (Grinder)ApplyRandomColor(newGrinder); return(newGrinder); } return(null); }