//******************** Network Interface ****************************

    public static NetworkInterfaceResponse HandleNetworkCommand(Player player, NetworkInterfaceCommand nic)
        StorageHopper sh = nic.target as StorageHopper;

        switch (nic.command)
        case InterfaceTogglePermissions:
            TogglePermissions(player, sh);

        case InterfaceToggleHoover:
            ToggleHoover(player, sh);

        case InterfaceTakeItems:
            TakeItems(player, sh);

        case InterfaceStoreItems:
            StoreItems(player, sh, nic.itemContext);

        NetworkInterfaceResponse response = new NetworkInterfaceResponse();

        response.entity    = sh;
        response.inventory = player.mInventory;

    public static bool ToggleHoover(Player player, StorageHopper hopper)

        if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer)
            NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceToggleHoover, null, null, hopper, 0);
        return(true);        // not necessary, but makes things more readable
Esempio n. 3
        protected override Byte CalculateOutput(SegmentEntity entity, UInt16 data)
            StorageHopper hopper = entity as StorageHopper;

            if (hopper == null)
            return((Byte)Math.Min(hopper.mnStorageUsed, Byte.MaxValue));
    public static bool TakeItems(Player player, StorageHopper hopper)
        if (hopper.mnStorageUsed > 0)
//			ushort lCube, lValue;
//			lSelectedHopper.GetSpecificCube(eHopperRequestType.eAny, out lCube, out lValue);//this also reduces CubeStacks
//			if (lCube != eCubeTypes.NULL)
//			{
//				Debug.Log("Transferring "+ TerrainData.mEntries[lCube].Name +" from StorageHopper to player inventory");
//				WorldScript.mLocalPlayer.mInventory.CollectValue(lCube, lValue, 1);
//				WorldScript.mLocalPlayer.mInventory.VerifySuitUpgrades();//we may have just taken a suit upgrade OUT.
//				return;
//			}
            //only remove Items now
            //This is really ficking stupid, we should duplicate the item and ASK if it'll fit and THEN remove it. Please god someone change this.
            ItemBase lItem = hopper.RemoveFirstInventoryItem();
            if (lItem != null)
                Debug.Log("RemovingFirstInventoryItem from StorageHopper for " + player.mUserName);

                //This has a potential issue where the server and client diverge

                //TODO: ensure it fits?
                if (!player.mInventory.AddItem(lItem))
                    //Do we know why it didn't fit?

                    //Doesn't fit, put it back in
                    if (!hopper.AddItem(lItem))                    //oh dear god threading
                        //THROW IT TO THE GROUND
                        ItemManager.instance.DropItem(lItem, player.mnWorldX, player.mnWorldY, player.mnWorldZ, Vector3.zero);
                    if (player.mbIsLocalPlayer == true)
                        //if we know what sort of item it was, colour the text!

                        Color lCol = Color.green;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemCubeStack)
                            ItemCubeStack lCubeStack = lItem as ItemCubeStack;
                            if (CubeHelper.IsGarbage(lCubeStack.mCubeType))
                                lCol = Color.red;
                            if (CubeHelper.IsSmeltableOre(lCubeStack.mCubeType))
                                lCol = Color.green;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemStack)
                            //probably a crafted item of some sort; we could introspect further into bar types
                            lCol = Color.cyan;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemSingle)
                            lCol = Color.white;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemCharge)
                            //Drill head/Minecart
                            lCol = Color.magenta;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemDurability)
                            //Drill head
                            lCol = Color.yellow;
                        if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemLocation)
                            lCol = Color.gray;

                        FloatingCombatTextManager.instance.QueueText(hopper.mnX, hopper.mnY + 1, hopper.mnZ, 1.0f, player.GetItemName(lItem), lCol, 1.5f);
                player.mInventory.VerifySuitUpgrades();     //we may have just taken a suit upgrade OUT.

                if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer)                //Tell the server we took the items
                    NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceTakeItems, null, lItem, hopper, 0);

    public static bool StoreItems(Player player, StorageHopper hopper, ItemBase itemToStore)
        if (player == WorldScript.mLocalPlayer)
            if (!WorldScript.mLocalPlayer.mInventory.RemoveItemByExample(itemToStore, true))
                // player didn't have this item
                Debug.Log("Player " + player.mUserName + " doesnt have " + itemToStore);

        //stored first to reduce the gap - the VSU below could take several hundred MS due to logging.
        if (!hopper.AddItem(itemToStore))
            Debug.LogWarning("Bad thing that used to be unhandled! Thread interaccess probably caused this to screw up!");

            if (player == WorldScript.mLocalPlayer)
                //Give the NETWORK player their items back!
                player.mInventory.AddItem(itemToStore);                //This needs to be communicated to the player, NOT just added to the local version of the inventory

        if (player.mbIsLocalPlayer)
            Color    lCol  = Color.green;
            ItemBase lItem = itemToStore;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemCubeStack)
                ItemCubeStack lCubeStack = lItem as ItemCubeStack;
                if (CubeHelper.IsGarbage(lCubeStack.mCubeType))
                    lCol = Color.red;
                if (CubeHelper.IsSmeltableOre(lCubeStack.mCubeType))
                    lCol = Color.green;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemStack)
                //probably a crafted item of some sort; we could introspect further into bar types
                lCol = Color.cyan;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemSingle)
                lCol = Color.white;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemCharge)
                //Drill head/Minecart
                lCol = Color.magenta;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemDurability)
                //Drill head
                lCol = Color.yellow;
            if (lItem.mType == ItemType.ItemLocation)
                lCol = Color.gray;

            FloatingCombatTextManager.instance.QueueText(hopper.mnX, hopper.mnY + 1, hopper.mnZ, 0.75f, "Stored " + player.GetItemName(lItem), lCol, 1.5f);

        player.mInventory.VerifySuitUpgrades();        //we may have just taken a suit upgrade OUT.

        if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer)
            NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceStoreItems, null, itemToStore, hopper, 0);
