public override void Apply(WordDocument doc) { //get the Class IDs of the directories Guid macroClsid = new Guid(); Guid vbaClsid = new Guid(); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in doc.Storage.AllEntries) { if (entry.Path == "\\Macros") { macroClsid = entry.ClsId; } else if (entry.Path == "\\Macros\\VBA") { vbaClsid = entry.ClsId; } } //create a new storage StructuredStorageWriter storage = new StructuredStorageWriter(); storage.RootDirectoryEntry.setClsId(macroClsid); //copy the VBA directory StorageDirectoryEntry vba = storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStorageDirectoryEntry("VBA"); vba.setClsId(vbaClsid); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in doc.Storage.AllStreamEntries) { if (entry.Path.StartsWith("\\Macros\\VBA")) { vba.AddStreamDirectoryEntry(entry.Name, doc.Storage.GetStream(entry.Path)); } } //copy the project streams storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStreamDirectoryEntry("PROJECT", doc.Storage.GetStream("\\Macros\\PROJECT")); storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStreamDirectoryEntry("PROJECTwm", doc.Storage.GetStream("\\Macros\\PROJECTwm")); //write the storage to the xml part storage.write(_targetPart.GetStream()); }
public void Apply(XlsDocument xls) { //get the Class IDs of the directories Guid macroClsid = new Guid(); Guid vbaClsid = new Guid(); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in xls.Storage.AllEntries) { if (entry.Path == projectFolder) { macroClsid = entry.ClsId; } else if (entry.Path == vbaFolder) { vbaClsid = entry.ClsId; } } //create a new storage StructuredStorageWriter storage = new StructuredStorageWriter(); storage.RootDirectoryEntry.setClsId(macroClsid); //copy the VBA directory StorageDirectoryEntry vba = storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStorageDirectoryEntry("VBA"); vba.setClsId(vbaClsid); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in xls.Storage.AllStreamEntries) { if (entry.Path.StartsWith(vbaFolder)) { vba.AddStreamDirectoryEntry(entry.Name, xls.Storage.GetStream(entry.Path)); } } //copy the project streams storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStreamDirectoryEntry("PROJECT", xls.Storage.GetStream(projectFile)); storage.RootDirectoryEntry.AddStreamDirectoryEntry("PROJECTwm", xls.Storage.GetStream(projectWmFile)); //write the storage to the xml part storage.write(ctx.SpreadDoc.WorkbookPart.VbaProjectPart.GetStream()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int bytesToReadAtOnce = 512; char[] invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); TraceLogger.LogLevel = TraceLogger.LoggingLevel.Error; ConsoleTraceListener consoleTracer = new ConsoleTraceListener(); Trace.Listeners.Add(consoleTracer); Trace.AutoFlush = true; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No parameter found. Please specify one or more compound document file(s)."); return; } foreach (string file in args) { StructuredStorageReader storageReader = null; DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan extractionTime = new TimeSpan(); try { // init StorageReader storageReader = new StructuredStorageReader(file); // read stream _entries ICollection <DirectoryEntry> streamEntries = storageReader.AllStreamEntries; //ICollection<DirectoryEntry> allEntries = storageReader.AllEntries; //allEntries.Add(storageReader.RootDirectoryEntry); List <DirectoryEntry> allEntries = new List <DirectoryEntry>(); allEntries.AddRange(storageReader.AllEntries); allEntries.Sort( delegate(DirectoryEntry a, DirectoryEntry b) { return(a.Sid.CompareTo(b.Sid)); } ); //foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in allEntries) //{ // Console.WriteLine(entry.Sid + ":"); // Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Name, entry.LengthOfName); // Console.WriteLine("CLSID: " + entry.ClsId); // string hexName = ""; // for (int i = 0; i < entry.Name.Length; i++) // { // hexName += String.Format("{0:X2} ", (UInt32)entry.Name[i]); // } // Console.WriteLine("{0}", hexName); // UInt32 left = entry.LeftSiblingSid; // UInt32 right = entry.RightSiblingSid; // UInt32 child = entry.ChildSiblingSid; // Console.WriteLine("{0:X02}: Left: {2:X02}, Right: {3:X02}, Child: {4:X02}, Name: {1}, Color: {5}", entry.Sid, entry.Name, (left > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : left, (right > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : right, (child > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : child, entry.Color.ToString()); // Console.WriteLine("----------"); // Console.WriteLine(""); //} // create valid path names Dictionary <DirectoryEntry, KeyValuePair <string, Guid> > pathNames1 = new Dictionary <DirectoryEntry, KeyValuePair <string, Guid> >(); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in allEntries) { string name = entry.Path; for (int i = 0; i < invalidChars.Length; i++) { name = name.Replace(invalidChars[i], '_'); } pathNames1.Add(entry, new KeyValuePair <string, Guid>(name, entry.ClsId)); } // Create Directory Structure StructuredStorageWriter sso = new StructuredStorageWriter(); sso.RootDirectoryEntry.setClsId(storageReader.RootDirectoryEntry.ClsId); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in pathNames1.Keys) { StorageDirectoryEntry sde = sso.RootDirectoryEntry; string[] storages = entry.Path.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < storages.Length; i++) { if (entry.Type == DirectoryEntryType.STGTY_ROOT) { continue; } if (entry.Type == DirectoryEntryType.STGTY_STORAGE || i < storages.Length - 1) { StorageDirectoryEntry result = sde.AddStorageDirectoryEntry(storages[i]); sde = (result == null) ? sde : result; if (i == storages.Length - 1) { sde.setClsId(entry.ClsId); } continue; } VirtualStream vstream = storageReader.GetStream(entry.Path); sde.AddStreamDirectoryEntry(storages[i], vstream); } } // Write sso to stream MemoryStream myStream = new MemoryStream(); sso.write(myStream); // Close input storage storageReader.Close(); storageReader = null; // Write stream to file byte[] array = new byte[bytesToReadAtOnce]; int bytesRead; string outputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + "_output" + Path.GetExtension(file); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(file)); outputFileName = path + "\\" + outputFileName; FileStream outputFile = new FileStream(outputFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); myStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); do { bytesRead = myStream.Read(array, 0, bytesToReadAtOnce); outputFile.Write(array, 0, bytesRead); } while (bytesRead == array.Length); outputFile.Close(); // --------- extract streams from written file storageReader = new StructuredStorageReader(outputFileName); // read stream _entries streamEntries = storageReader.AllStreamEntries; // create valid path names Dictionary <string, string> pathNames2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (DirectoryEntry entry in streamEntries) { string name = entry.Path; for (int i = 0; i < invalidChars.Length; i++) { name = name.Replace(invalidChars[i], '_'); } pathNames2.Add(entry.Path, name); } // create output directory string outputDir = '_' + (Path.GetFileName(outputFileName)).Replace('.', '_'); outputDir = outputDir.Replace(':', '_'); outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFileName) + "\\" + outputDir; Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); // for each stream foreach (string key in pathNames2.Keys) { // get virtual stream by path name IStreamReader streamReader = new VirtualStreamReader(storageReader.GetStream(key)); // read bytes from stream, write them back to disk FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputDir + "\\" + pathNames2[key] + ".stream", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fs); array = new byte[bytesToReadAtOnce]; do { bytesRead = streamReader.Read(array); writer.Write(array, 0, bytesRead); writer.Flush(); } while (bytesRead == array.Length); writer.Close(); fs.Close(); } // close storage storageReader.Close(); storageReader = null; extractionTime = DateTime.Now - begin; Console.WriteLine("Streams extracted in " + String.Format("{0:N2}", extractionTime.TotalSeconds) + "s. (File: " + file + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error: " + e.Message + " (File: " + file + ")"); Console.WriteLine("*** StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace + " (File: " + file + ")"); } finally { if (storageReader != null) { storageReader.Close(); } } } }