Esempio n. 1
        public frmCategoryEdit(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;

            AllowScaling = false;

            lbListOfCodes             = new CListBox();
            lbListOfCodes.Location    = new Point(10, 10);
            lbListOfCodes.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            lbListOfCodes.Size        = new Size((this.Width / 3) - 30, this.Height - 200);

            lbListOfCategories             = new CListBox();
            lbListOfCategories.Location    = new Point(lbListOfCodes.Left + lbListOfCodes.Width, 10);
            lbListOfCategories.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
            lbListOfCategories.Size        = new Size((this.Width / 2) - 30, this.Height - 200);

            AddMessage("INST1", "Insert key to add a category, Enter to edit the selected one, Esc to exit.", new Point(10, BelowLastControl));

            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
            this.Size            = new Size(815, 640);

            lbListOfCodes.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbListOfCodes_KeyDown);
            lbListOfCodes.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbListOfCodes_SelectedIndexChanged);
            lbListOfCodes.SelectedIndex         = 0;

            this.Text = "Category Edit";
Esempio n. 2
        public frmNewBatchEditOptions(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine              = se;
            this.AllowScaling    = false;
            this.Size            = new Size(550, 150);
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;

            AddInputControl("SHOPCODE", "Shop Code :", new Point(10, 20), 300, "Enter the Shop Code, F5 for a list");
            InputTextBox("SHOPCODE").GotFocus += new EventHandler(ShopCodeGotFoucs);
            AddInputControl("SUPCODE", "Supplier Code :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Press F5 for a list of suppliers");
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").MaxCharCount       = 6;
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").KeyDown           += new KeyEventHandler(SupCodeKeyDown);
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.Append;
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
            AddInputControl("CAT", "Category :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Press F5 to select a category");
            InputTextBox("CAT").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(CatKeyDown);

            for (int i = 0; i < ibArray.Length; i++)
                ibArray[i].tbInput.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(tbKeyDown);


            this.Text = "Batch Edit Options";
 public Security GetSecurity(string symbol)
     using (DataContext)
         var sec = DataContext.Securities.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Symbol == symbol);
         if (sec == null)
             var engine = new StockEngine();
             sec = engine.GetSecurityQuotes(symbol).FirstOrDefault();
             var opStatus = Save(sec);
             if (!opStatus.Status)
                 sec = new Stock {
                     Company = "Error getting quote."
         if (sec is Stock)
             sec.DataPoints = new DataSimulator().GetDataPoints(sec.Last);
Esempio n. 4
        public frmCatGroupAddEdit(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;

            AddMessage("INST", "Insert to add a category group, Shift & Delete to delete a category group. Enter to edit the category group with the same keys.", new Point(10, 10));

            lbListOfCatGroups                       = new CListBox();
            lbListOfCatGroups.Location              = new Point(10, BelowLastControl);
            lbListOfCatGroups.Size                  = new Size(500, this.Height - 60);
            lbListOfCatGroups.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbListOfCatGroups_SelectedIndexChanged);
            lbListOfCatGroups.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbListOfCatGroups_KeyDown);

            lbListOfCatsInGroup          = new CListBox();
            lbListOfCatsInGroup.Location = new Point(520, lbListOfCatGroups.Top);
            lbListOfCatsInGroup.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbListOfCatsInGroup_KeyDown);
            lbListOfCatsInGroup.Size     = new Size(500, this.Height - 60);

            string[] sItems = sEngine.GetListOfCategoryGroupNames();
            lbListOfCatGroups.SelectedIndex = 0;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            this.Text = "Add / Edit Category Groups";
Esempio n. 5
        /*public bool OnlyShowOwedCommissioners
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return bShowingOnlyOwed;
         *  }
         *  set
         *  {
         *      lbCode.Items.Clear();
         *      lbName.Items.Clear();
         *      string[] sCodes = sEngine.GetListOfCommissioners();
         *      for (int i = 0; i < sCodes.Length; i++)
         *      {
         *          if ((sEngine.GetCommissionerAmountOwed(sCodes[i]) != 0 && value) || !value)
         *          {
         *              lbCode.Items.Add(sCodes[i]);
         *              lbName.Items.Add(sEngine.GetCommissionerName(sCodes[i]));
         *          }
         *      }
         *      if (lbCode.Items.Count > 0)
         *          lbCode.SelectedIndex = 0;
         *  }
         * }*/

        public frmListOfCommissioners(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine           = se;
            this.AllowScaling = false;

            this.Size            = new Size(280, 300);
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;

            AddMessage("INST", "Press Insert to add or edit a commissioner.", new Point(10, 10));

            lbCode                       = new CListBox();
            lbCode.Location              = new Point(10, BelowLastControl);
            lbCode.Size                  = new Size(60, this.Height - 65);
            lbCode.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbCode.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbCode.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);

            lbName                       = new CListBox();
            lbName.Location              = new Point(lbCode.Left + lbCode.Width, lbCode.Top);
            lbName.Size                  = new Size(200, this.Height - 65);
            lbName.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbName.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbName.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);


            this.Text = "Select a Commissioner";
Esempio n. 6
        public frmOrderSetup(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.AllowScaling    = false;
            this.Size            = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 400);
            this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(frmOrderSetup_VisibleChanged);
            this.KeyDown        += new KeyEventHandler(frmOrderSetup_KeyDown);

            AddMessage("INST", "Please enter header information about the order here :", new Point(10, 20));
            AddInputControl("SHOPCODE", "Shop Code :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250);
            InputTextBox("SHOPCODE").GotFocus += new EventHandler(ShopCodeGotFocus);
            AddInputControl("ORDERNUM", "Order Number :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250, "Previous order was number " + sEngine.LastOrderNumber.ToString() + ", press F5 (or double click in the box) for a list of orders");
            InputTextBox("ORDERNUM").Text         = (sEngine.LastOrderNumber + 1).ToString();
            InputTextBox("ORDERNUM").DoubleClick += new EventHandler(frmOrderSetupOrderNum_DoubleClick);
            InputTextBox("ORDERNUM").KeyDown     += new KeyEventHandler(OrderNumKeyDown);
            AddInputControl("SUPCODE", "Supplier Code :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250, "Press F5 (or double click in the box) to select a supplier.");
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").KeyDown           += new KeyEventHandler(SupCodeKeyDown);
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").GotFocus          += new EventHandler(SupCodeGotFocus);
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.Append;
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
            InputTextBox("SUPCODE").DoubleClick += new EventHandler(SupplierCodeDoubleClick);
            AddInputControl("SUPREF", "Supplier Ref:", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250, "Enter the reference number for this order that the supplier uses");
            AddInputControl("NOTES", "Notes :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 350, "Any notes about the order");
            AddInputControl("REQ", "Is this a requisition order?", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250, "Y/N");
            InputTextBox("REQ").Text      = "N";
            InputTextBox("REQ").GotFocus += new EventHandler(ReqGotFocus);
            AddInputControl("DUE", "Due Date :", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 250, "The expected delivery date of this order");
            InputTextBox("DUE").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(DueKeyDown);
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;

            dtNow = dtNow.AddDays(7);
            string sDay = dtNow.Day.ToString();

            while (sDay.Length < 2)
                sDay = "0" + sDay;
            string sMonth = dtNow.Month.ToString();

            while (sMonth.Length < 2)
                sMonth = "0" + sMonth;
            string sYear = dtNow.Year.ToString()[2].ToString() + dtNow.Year.ToString()[3].ToString();

            InputTextBox("DUE").Text = sDay + sMonth + sYear;
            AddMessage("RAISED", "Date Raised : " + sEngine.GetDDMMYYDate(), new Point(10, BelowLastControl));

            this.Text = "Order Setup";

            bOK          = new Button();
            bOK.Size     = new Size(100, 40);
            bOK.Location = new Point(10, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - bOK.Top - bOK.Height);
            bOK.Text     = "OK";
            bOK.Click   += new EventHandler(bOK_Click);
Esempio n. 7
 public frmOffersReceptDesigner(string sBarcode, ref StockEngine sEngine)
     this.sBarcode = sBarcode;
     this.sEngine  = sEngine;
     textBox1.Text = sEngine.LoadOffersReceipt(sBarcode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="se">The stockengine to use</param>
        /// <param name="bReceiving">True if receiving, false if returning</param>
        public frmReceiveComissionItem(ref StockEngine se, bool bReceiving)
            this.bReceiving      = bReceiving;
            sEngine              = se;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Size            = new Size(750, 140);
            if (bReceiving)
                AddInputControl("SHOPCODE", "Shop Code : ", new Point(10, 10), 300, "Enter the code of the shop to receive the item to");
                InputTextBox("SHOPCODE").GotFocus += new EventHandler(ShopCodeGotFocus);
                AddInputControl("BARCODE", "Item's Barcode : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Enter the barcode of the comission item to receive. Press F5 to search.");
                InputTextBox("BARCODE").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(BarcodeKeyDown);
                AddInputControl("QTY", "Quantity Receiving : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Enter the quantity of this item to receive");
                InputTextBox("QTY").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(QtyKeyDown);

                this.Text = "Receive A Commission Item";
                AddInputControl("SHOPCODE", "Shop Code : ", new Point(10, 10), 300, "Enter the code of the shop that the item is being returned from");
                InputTextBox("SHOPCODE").GotFocus += new EventHandler(ShopCodeGotFocus);
                AddInputControl("BARCODE", "Item's Barcode : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Enter the barcode of the comission item to return. Press F5 to search");
                InputTextBox("BARCODE").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(BarcodeKeyDown);
                AddInputControl("QTY", "Quantity Returning : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 300, "Enter the quantity of this item to return");
                InputTextBox("QTY").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(QtyKeyDown);

                this.Text = "Return A Commission Item";
        public void SaveToDatabase_And_LoadFromDatabase()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine  engine = GetEngine();
            List <Quote> stocks = new List <Quote>();
            Quote        stock1 = new Quote("SYM1")
                Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                LastTradePrice = 1.50m,

            Quote stock2 = new Quote("SYM2")
                Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                LastTradePrice = 2.50m


            // Act
            List <Quote> stocksFromDb = engine.AllQuotes().ToList();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(stocksFromDb.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(stock1.Id));
            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[0].LastTradePrice, Is.EqualTo(stock1.LastTradePrice));
            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[0].Symbol, Is.EqualTo(stock1.Symbol));

            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[1].Id, Is.EqualTo(stock2.Id));
            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[1].LastTradePrice, Is.EqualTo(stock2.LastTradePrice));
            Assert.That(stocksFromDb[1].Symbol, Is.EqualTo(stock2.Symbol));
 void frmStockValSetup_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F5)
         frmReportDates frd = new frmReportDates(Period.Monthly);
         if (frd.SelectedFolder != "$NONE")
             InputTextBox("DATE").Text = frd.SelectedFolder;
     else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
         if (InputTextBox("DATE").Text != "")
             sOldEngine = new StockEngine(InputTextBox("DATE").Text);
     else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape)
Esempio n. 11
 public frmGetBarcode(ref StockEngine se)
     sEngine = se;
     this.FormClosing    += new FormClosingEventHandler(frmGetBarcode_FormClosing);
     this.VisibleChanged += frmGetBarcode_VisibleChanged;
Esempio n. 12
        public frmSingleInputBox(string sQuestion, ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine              = se;
            this.AllowScaling    = false;
            this.Size            = new Size(510, 110);
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            lblQuestion          = new Label();
            lblQuestion.Location = new Point(10, 10);
            lblQuestion.Text     = sQuestion;
            lblQuestion.AutoSize = true;

            tbResponse          = new TextBox();
            tbResponse.Location = new Point(10, BelowLastControl);
            tbResponse.Size     = new Size(400, 25);
            tbResponse.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(tbResponse_KeyDown);

            bOK          = new Button();
            bOK.Location = new Point(414, tbResponse.Top);
            bOK.Size     = new Size(65, 23);
            bOK.Text     = "OK";
            bOK.Click += new EventHandler(bOK_Click);
Esempio n. 13
        public frmAddSingleItem(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;

            AddInputControl("BARCODE", "Item Barcode : ", new Point(10, 10), 500, "Enter the barcode of the item");
            AddInputControl("DESCRIPTION", "Item Description : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 500, "Enter the description of the item");
            AddInputControl("RRP", "Price : ", new Point(10, BelowLastControl), 500, "Enter the selling price of the item");
Esempio n. 14
 public frmVATRateEdit(ref StockEngine se)
     sEngine              = se;
     this.AllowScaling    = false;
     this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
     this.Size            = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 70);
Esempio n. 15
    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieves the stock quote from the Internet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="symbol">Specify the symbol of the stock to retrieve.</param>
    /// <returns>The value of the stock quote.</returns>
    public static StockEngine Execute(string symbol)
        StockEngine    engine  = new StockEngine(symbol, false);
        HttpWebRequest request = engine.CreateRequest();

        public frmPayForCommissionItem(ref StockEngine sEngine)
            // Get the barcode of the commission item
            frmSingleInputBox fsfiGetCode = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the Barcode of the commission item. Press F5 to look up:", ref sEngine);

            if (fsfiGetCode.Response != "$NONE")
                frmSingleInputBox fsfiGetQtySold = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the quantity of items that you are paying for:", ref sEngine);
                if (fsfiGetQtySold.Response != "$NONE")
                    decimal dQtyPaid = -1;
                        dQtyPaid = Convert.ToDecimal(fsfiGetQtySold.Response);
                        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid number entered.");
                    frmSingleInputBox fGetAmount = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the total amount that you paid for the items:", ref sEngine);
                    if (fGetAmount.Response != "$NONE")
                        decimal dAmountPaid = -1;
                            dAmountPaid = Convert.ToDecimal(fGetAmount.Response);
                            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid amount entered.");
                        frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine);
                        if (flos.SelectedShopCode != "$NONE")
                            // Code here to straighten out the stock files
                            if (sEngine.MarkCommissionItemAsPaid(fsfiGetCode.Response, dQtyPaid, dAmountPaid, flos.SelectedShopCode))
                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(dQtyPaid.ToString() + " " + sEngine.GetMainStockInfo(fsfiGetCode.Response)[1] + " paid for at a total of " + dAmountPaid.ToString());
                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unfortunately the items couldn't be paid for. This could be because the total you've ever received is less than the total you're trying to pay for");
Esempio n. 17
 public frmGraphSettings(ref StockEngine sEngine)
     this.sEngine         = sEngine;
     AllowScaling         = false;
     this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow;
     this.Size            = new System.Drawing.Size(550, 600);
     this.Text            = "Graph Settings";
        public frmWeeklySalesSummary(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine   = se;
            this.Size = new Size(700, 590);
            this.SurroundListBoxes = true;

            lbWeekNum                       = new CListBox();
            lbWeekNum.Location              = new Point(10, 31);
            lbWeekNum.Size                  = new Size(50, 500);
            lbWeekNum.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbWeekNum.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbLastYear_KeyDown);
            lbWeekNum.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbLastYear_SelectedIndexChanged);
            AddMessage("WEEK", "Week", new Point(10, 10));

            lbLastYear                       = new CListBox();
            lbLastYear.Location              = new Point(60, 31);
            lbLastYear.Size                  = new Size(150, 500);
            lbLastYear.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbLastYear.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbLastYear_KeyDown);
            lbLastYear.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbLastYear_SelectedIndexChanged);
            lbLastYear.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.Yes;
            AddMessage("LY", "Last Year", new Point(60, 10));

            lbThisYear                       = new CListBox();
            lbThisYear.Location              = new Point(210, 31);
            lbThisYear.Size                  = new Size(150, 500);
            lbThisYear.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbThisYear.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbLastYear_KeyDown);
            lbThisYear.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.Yes;
            lbThisYear.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbLastYear_SelectedIndexChanged);
            AddMessage("TY", "This Year", new Point(210, 10));

            lbWeekCommencing                       = new CListBox();
            lbWeekCommencing.Location              = new Point(400, 31);
            lbWeekCommencing.Size                  = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width - 10 - lbWeekCommencing.Left, 500);
            lbWeekCommencing.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbWeekCommencing.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbLastYear_KeyDown);
            lbWeekCommencing.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbLastYear_SelectedIndexChanged);
            AddMessage("WC", "Week Commencing", new Point(360, 10));

            lbAverage          = new Label();
            lbAverage.Location = new Point(lbWeekNum.Left, lbWeekNum.Top + lbWeekNum.Height);
            lbAverage.AutoSize = true;

            this.AllowScaling    = false;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Text            = "Weekly Sales Summary";

            //lbWeekNum.SelectedIndex = sEngine.WeekCalc(DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()) - 1;
        public AddMultiBarcodeItem(ref StockEngine sEngine)
            frmSingleInputBox fsiGetBarcode = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the barcode for the new multi-barcode item", ref sEngine);

            if (fsiGetBarcode.Response != "$NONE")
                Barcode = fsiGetBarcode.Response;
                frmSingleInputBox fsiGetDesc = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the description for the new multi-barcode item", ref sEngine);
                if (fsiGetDesc.Response != "$NONE")
                    frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine);
                    frmListOfTills flot = new frmListOfTills(ref sEngine, flos.SelectedShopCode);
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("When the till is free, it will temporarily move to this computer. Enter the number 0 as your ID, and enter the transaction as you would like it to appear when you enter " + fsiGetBarcode.Response + " at the till. Then press the space bar and the till program will quit back to this", "Instructions", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    string[] sData    = sEngine.GetStoredTransactionFromTill(Convert.ToInt32(flot.sSelectedTillCode));
                    int      nOfLines = 0;
                    foreach (string line in sData)
                        if (line.Contains(','))
                    string[]  sBarcodes      = new string[nOfLines];
                    decimal[] dQuantities    = new decimal[nOfLines];
                    decimal[] dAmountPerItem = new decimal[nOfLines];

                    for (int i = 0; i < nOfLines; i++)
                        string[] sTemp = sData[i].Split(',');
                        sBarcodes[i]      = sTemp[0];
                        dQuantities[i]    = Convert.ToDecimal(sTemp[1]);
                        dAmountPerItem[i] = Convert.ToDecimal(sTemp[2]) / dQuantities[i];

                    sEngine.AddMultiItemItem(fsiGetBarcode.Response, fsiGetDesc.Response, flos.SelectedShopCode, sBarcodes, dQuantities, dAmountPerItem);

                    if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Upload changes to all tills now?", "Upload?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                    Barcode = "$NULL";
                Barcode = "$NULL";
 public frmReportSelect(Period rType, ref StockEngine se)
     sEngine           = se;
     rtSelectedReport  = rType;
     this.AllowScaling = false;
     this.Size         = new Size(820, 233);
     this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
     this.VisibleChanged += frmReportSelect_VisibleChanged;
 public frmAddEditOffers(ref StockEngine sEngine)
     this.sEngine         = sEngine;
     this.AllowScaling    = false;
     this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
     this.Size            = new Size(825, 550);
     this.Text            = "Add/Edit Offers";
Esempio n. 22
        public MainWindow()

            configHandler   = new ConfigurationHandler(this);
            createNewDialog = new CreateNewDialog(configHandler);
            stockEngine     = new StockEngine(this);

            stockListView.ItemsSource = stockEngine.dashItems;
 public frmStockLevelReportConfig(ref StockEngine se)
     sEngine = se;
     this.AllowScaling    = false;
     this.Size            = new Size(750, 100);
     this.StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
     this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
     this.VisibleChanged += frmStockLevelReportConfig_VisibleChanged;
        public void LoadSymbolsFromTextFile()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine engine = GetEngine();

            // Act
            IEnumerable <string> symbols = engine.LoadSymbolsFromTextFile("aim.txt");

            // Assert
            Assert.That(symbols.Count(), Is.EqualTo(674));
        public void LookUpPrice_With_Bad_Symbol_Returns_Null()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine engine = GetEngine();

            // Act
            Quote quote = engine.LookupPrice("FARTYFART.L");

            // Assert
Esempio n. 26
        long tickCount_ = 0;                // 시간 등록
        public void start()
            StockEngine engine = StockEngine.getInstance;

            engine.addOrder(new SuddenlyHighTradingStock());
            engine.addOrder(new YesterdayHighTradingStock());
            engine.addOrder(new AgencyTradingStock());
            engine.addOrder(new NewHighPriceStock());

            tickCount_ = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
Esempio n. 27
        public frmListOfSuppliers(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;
            AddMessage("CODE", "Supplier Code", new Point(10, 10));
            AddMessage("NAME", "Supplier Name", new Point(100, 10));
            AddMessage("EDIT", "Press Insert To Add / Edit A Supplier, Shift+Del to Delete", new Point(10, BelowLastControl));
            this.AllowScaling      = false;
            this.SurroundListBoxes = true;
            this.Size            = new Size(400, 100);
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Text            = "Select A Supplier";

            lbCode             = new CListBox();
            lbCode.Height      = 5;
            lbCode.Location    = new Point(10, BelowLastControl);
            lbCode.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

            lbName             = new CListBox();
            lbName.Height      = 5;
            lbName.Location    = new Point(100, lbCode.Top);
            lbName.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

            string[] sTillCodes = sEngine.GetListOfSuppliers();
            for (int i = 0; i < sTillCodes.Length; i++)
                string[] sTillData = sEngine.GetSupplierDetails(sTillCodes[i]);
                if (this.Height < 700)
                    lbCode.Height += lbCode.ItemHeight;
                    lbName.Height += lbName.ItemHeight;
                    this.Height   += lbName.ItemHeight;
            lbCode.Size = new Size(90, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbCode.Top);
            lbName.Size = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width - 10 - lbName.Left, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbName.Top);

            lbName.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbName_SelectedIndexChanged);
            lbName.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbName_KeyDown);
            lbCode.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbName_KeyDown);
            lbCode.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbCode_SelectedIndexChanged);

            if (lbName.Items.Count >= 1)
                lbName.SelectedIndex = 0;

            this.Text = "Select A Supplier";
        public frmStockValSetup(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine = se;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Size            = new Size(850, 70);
            this.Text            = "Stock Valuation Setup";

            AddInputControl("DATE", "Date of Stock Valuation : ", new Point(10, 10), 500, "Press F5 for a list of dates, leave blank for as of today.");
            InputTextBox("DATE").KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(frmStockValSetup_KeyDown);

            this.VisibleChanged += frmStockValSetup_VisibleChanged;
Esempio n. 29
        public frmInvoiceCosts(ref StockEngine se)
            sEngine   = se;
            this.Size = new Size(1024, 768);
            this.SurroundListBoxes = true;

            lbBarcode                       = new CListBox();
            lbBarcode.Location              = new Point(10, 31);
            lbBarcode.Size                  = new Size(200, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbBarcode.Top);
            lbBarcode.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbBarcode.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbBarcode.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);
            AddMessage("BARCODE", "Barcode", new Point(10, 10));

            lbDesc                       = new CListBox();
            lbDesc.Location              = new Point(210, 31);
            lbDesc.Size                  = new Size(300, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbBarcode.Top);
            lbDesc.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbDesc.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbDesc.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);
            AddMessage("DESC", "Description", new Point(210, 10));

            lbQtyRecd                       = new CListBox();
            lbQtyRecd.Location              = new Point(510, 31);
            lbQtyRecd.Size                  = new Size(100, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbBarcode.Top);
            lbQtyRecd.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbQtyRecd.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbQtyRecd.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.Yes;
            lbQtyRecd.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);
            AddMessage("RECD", "Qty Received", new Point(510, 10));

            lbCost                       = new CListBox();
            lbCost.Location              = new Point(610, 31);
            lbCost.Size                  = new Size(100, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbBarcode.Top);
            lbCost.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbCost.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);
            lbCost.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.Yes;
            lbCost.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelChanged);
            AddMessage("COST", "Cost", new Point(610, 10));

            this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(frmInvoiceCosts_VisibleChanged);
            this.FormClosing    += new FormClosingEventHandler(frmInvoiceCosts_FormClosing);
            this.AllowScaling    = false;
            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Text            = "Enter Invoice Costs";
            this.Width           = lbCost.Left + lbCost.Width + 10 + (this.Width - this.ClientSize.Width);
            // Get the settlement discount
Esempio n. 30
        public frmSuppliersForItem(ref StockEngine se, string Barcode)
            sEngine                = se;
            this.AllowScaling      = false;
            this.Size              = new Size(400, 240);
            this.FormBorderStyle   = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            this.Text              = "Suppliers for " + sEngine.GetMainStockInfo(Barcode)[1];
            this.SurroundListBoxes = true;

            int nOfResults = 0;

            string[,] sSuppliers = sEngine.GetListOfSuppliersForItem(Barcode, ref nOfResults);

            AddMessage("NAME", "Supplier Name", new Point(10, 10));
            lbSupName                       = new CListBox();
            lbSupName.Location              = new Point(10, 35);
            lbSupName.Size                  = new Size(200, this.ClientSize.Height - lbSupName.Top - 10);
            lbSupName.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelectedChanged);
            lbSupName.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbSupName.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);

            AddMessage("COST", "Last Cost", new Point(210, 10));
            lbSupCost                       = new CListBox();
            lbSupCost.Location              = new Point(210, 35);
            lbSupCost.Size                  = new Size(75, this.ClientSize.Height - lbSupName.Top - 10);
            lbSupCost.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelectedChanged);
            lbSupCost.RightToLeft           = RightToLeft.Yes;
            lbSupCost.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbSupCost.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);

            AddMessage("CODE", "Supplier Code", new Point(285, 10));
            lbSupCode                       = new CListBox();
            lbSupCode.Location              = new Point(285, 35);
            lbSupCode.Size                  = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width - lbSupCode.Left - 10, this.ClientSize.Height - lbSupName.Top - 10);
            lbSupCode.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelectedChanged);
            lbSupCode.BorderStyle           = BorderStyle.None;
            lbSupCode.KeyDown              += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown);

            for (int i = 0; i < nOfResults; i++)
                lbSupName.Items.Add(sEngine.GetSupplierDetails(sSuppliers[i, 1])[1]);
                lbSupCost.Items.Add(FormatMoneyForDisplay(sSuppliers[i, 3]));
                lbSupCode.Items.Add(sSuppliers[i, 2]);

            if (nOfResults > 0)
                lbSupName.SelectedIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the stock quote from the Internet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="symbol">Specify the symbol of the stock to retrieve.</param>
 /// <returns>The value of the stock quote.</returns>
 public static StockEngine Execute(string symbol)
     StockEngine engine = new StockEngine(symbol, false);
     HttpWebRequest request = engine.CreateRequest();
     return engine;