Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create new display and stock instances
            StockDisplay stockDisplay  = new StockDisplay();
            StockDisplay stockDisplay1 = new StockDisplay();
            Stock        stock         = new Stock();

            Stock.AskPriceDelegate aDelegate = new
            Stock.AskPriceDelegate bDelegate = new

            stock.AskPriceChanged += aDelegate;
            stock.AskPriceChanged += bDelegate;

            for (int looper = 0; looper < 10; looper++)
                stock.AskPrice = looper;

            stock.AskPriceChanged -= aDelegate;

            for (int looper = 0; looper < 10; looper++)
                stock.AskPrice = looper;

            stock.AskPriceChanged -= bDelegate;

Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main()
            //create new display and stock instances
            var stockDisplay = new StockDisplay();
            var stock = new Stock();

            //create a new delegate instance and bind it
            //to the observer's askpricechanged method
            var aDelegate = new

            //add the delegate to the event
            stock.AskPriceChanged += aDelegate;

            //loop 100 times and modify the ask price
            for (var looper = 0; looper < 100; looper++)
                stock.AskPrice = looper;

            //remove the delegate from the event
            stock.AskPriceChanged -= aDelegate;

Esempio n. 3
    public void TestFunction()
        Ag.LogDouble(" Test Function >>>>  ");
        //create new display and stock instances
        StockDisplay stockDisplay = new StockDisplay();
        Stock        stockObj     = new Stock();

        //create a new delegate instance and bind it
        //to the observer's askpricechanged method
        Stock.AskPriceDelegate aDelegate = new Stock.AskPriceDelegate(stockDisplay.AskPriceChanged);
        // DlgtType dlgtObject = new DlgtType ( function );  // 대리자 객체 생성.

        //add the delegate to the event
        stockObj.AskPriceChangedDlgt += aDelegate;
        // anInstance.aMember += dlgtObject ;

        //loop 100 times and modify the ask price
        for (int looper = 0; looper < 100; looper++)
            stockObj.AskPrice = looper;

        //remove the delegate from the event
        stockObj.AskPriceChangedDlgt -= aDelegate;
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Main()
            //create new display and stock instances
            var stockDisplay = new StockDisplay();
            var stock        = new Stock();

            //create a new delegate instance and bind it
            //to the observer's askpricechanged method
            var aDelegate = new

            //add the delegate to the event
            stock.AskPriceChanged += aDelegate;

            //loop 100 times and modify the ask price
            for (var looper = 0; looper < 100; looper++)
                stock.AskPrice = looper;

            //remove the delegate from the event
            stock.AskPriceChanged -= aDelegate;

        } //Main