Esempio n. 1
        private void PairSkyBot(List <Tracklet> Tracklets, double ArcLengthSec, string ReportFieldName, int CCDNumber, FitsImage[] ImageSet, Step.StepPipeline Pipeline)
            foreach (Image img in ImageSet)
                SkyBotImageData skid = img.GetProperty <SkyBotImageData>();

                foreach (Tracklet tk in Tracklets)
                    skid.TryPair(tk, ArcLengthSec);

                var unp = skid.GetUnpaired();
                if (unp.Count != 0)
                    Logger("SkyBoT: Unpaired objects left: ");
                    foreach (var o in unp)
                        string     SkData = "SkyBoT: " + ExtraIO.EquatorialPointStringFormatter.FormatToString(o, ExtraIO.EquatorialPointStringFormatter.Format.MPC);
                        PixelPoint pp     = img.Transform.GetPixelPoint(o);
                        SkData += ";" + pp.ToString();
                        var    Reasons = Pipeline.QueryWhyNot(o, 5);
                        string LRs     = "Reasons: ";
                        foreach (string x in Reasons)
                            LRs += x + ";";
                        if (Reasons.Count == 0)
                            Logger("Not found in removal log, so not detected.");

            for (int i = 0; i < Tracklets.Count; i++)
                Tracklet tk = Tracklets[i];
                if (!tk.TryFetchProperty(out ObjectIdentity objid))
                    objid = new ObjectIdentity();
                objid.ComputeNamescoreWithDefault(tk, null, ReportFieldName, CCDNumber, i);
        public List <Tracklet> AnalyzeCCD(PipelineArguments Args)
            Logger("Setting up pipeline");
            /* Deal with incorrect SWARP flux scaling */
            SWarpScaling.ApplyTransform = CorrectSWARP;

            string RunDir = Args.RunDir;

            if (!Directory.Exists(RunDir))

            /* Read input images and preprocess for poisson noise */
            int ImageCount = Args.Inputs.Length;

            FitsImage[] FirstProcess = new FitsImage[ImageCount];
            double[]    PFW          = PipelineHelperFunctions.LinearizedPoissonKernel(PoissonRadius);

            Step.StepPipeline sp = new Step.StepPipeline(StandardBITPIX, RunDir, Args.Inputs.Length, MaxDetections);
            sp.LogHookImage     = LogImage;
            sp.LogHookDetection = LogDet;
            sp.LogMessage       = LogMessage;

            bool HasBadpix = Args.Badpixel != null;

            Logger("Begining to run the pipeline");
            var zpTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Dictionary <IO.Image, double> > .Factory.StartNew(() => CalibrateZP(Args.Inputs));

            var skTask = System.Threading.Tasks.Task <bool> .Factory.StartNew(() => PrecacheSkyBot(Args.Inputs));

            BitArray[] map = PipelineHelperFunctions.ExtractBadpixel(Args.Badpixel, Logger);

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageCount; i++)
                FitsImage Pipeline = Args.Inputs[i];
                Pipeline.GetProperty <ImageSource>().AddToSet(Pipeline, "Original");
                sp.SetModel(i, Pipeline, new List <IO.ImageProperties>()
                    Pipeline.GetProperty <ObservationTime>()

                if (!UseCoreFilter)
                    sp.RunPipeline(RestrictedMean.RestrictedMeanFilter, "Poisson", i, ref Pipeline, PFW, RestrictedMean.Parameters(PoissonRadius));
                else if (HasBadpix)
                    sp.RunPipeline(CoreFilter.Filter, "Poisson", i, ref Pipeline, new CoreFilter.CoreFilterParameters(PFW, map), CoreFilter.Parameters(PoissonRadius));
                    throw new ArgumentException("Must specify Badpixel files if trying to run with CoreFilter");

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.Normalization))
                    if (!sp.EnsureImage("Normalized", i, out FitsImage Normalized))
                        Point4Distance p4d = new Point4Distance(Pipeline, Normalized, NormalizationMeshSize);
                        Logger("Generated Normalized image " + i);
                        Logger("Found Normalized image " + i);
                    Normalized.GetProperty <ImageSource>().AddToSet(Args.Inputs[i], "Normalized");
                    Pipeline = Normalized;
                FirstProcess[i] = Pipeline;

            /* Create the central median */
            string CentralPath = Path.Combine(RunDir, "Central.fits");

            if (!sp.EnsureCentralImage("Central", out FitsImage Central))
                HardMedians.MultiImageMedian.Run(null, FirstProcess, Central, HardMedians.MultiImageMedianParameters);
                Logger("Generated Central image");
                Logger("Found Central image");

            Logger("Computed the multi-image median");

            /* Prepare the mask, slow object detector, trail detector, weights for second median filtering, etc. */
            ImageStatistics CentralStats = new ImageStatistics(Central);

            if (Args.Clipped)
                CentralStats = new ImageStatistics(Central, CentralStats.ZeroLevel, 2 * CentralStats.StDev);
            StarData StarList = new StarData();

            ComputeDetectorData(Central, CentralStats, StarList, out MaskByMedian.MaskProperties MaskProp, out DotDetector SlowDetector,
                                out LongTrailDetector.LongTrailData LTD);
            if (Args.Clipped)
                SlowDetector.HighThresholdMultiplier *= 2;
                SlowDetector.LowThresholdMultiplier  *= 2;

            DetectionReducer dr = new DetectionReducer()
                PairingRadius = 0.7

            if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.SourceExtractor))
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not read detections from SE catalog.", ex); }

            Logger("Set up detectors");

            List <ImageDetection> FullDetectionsList = new List <ImageDetection>();

            double[] FMW2 = PipelineHelperFunctions.LinearizedMedianKernel();
            LTLimit  ltl  = new LTLimit()
                MinPix = TrailMinPix
            RipFilter rf = new RipFilter()
                SigmaTop = 30

            Logger("Ready for final image processing and detection");

            for (int i = 0; i < ImageCount; i++)
                List <ImageDetection> LocalDetectionList = new List <ImageDetection>();

                FitsImage DetectionSource = FirstProcess[i];

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.Masking))
                    sp.RunPipeline(MaskByMedian.Masker, "Masked", i, ref DetectionSource, MaskProp, MaskByMedian.Parameters);

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.SecondMedian))
                    sp.RunPipeline(HardMedians.WeightedMedian, "Second Median", i, ref DetectionSource, FMW2, HardMedians.WeightedMedianParameters(SecMedRadius));

                ImageStatistics SecMedStat = new ImageStatistics(DetectionSource);

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.LongTrailDetector))
                    var Dets = sp.RunDetector((FitsImage img) =>
                        LongTrailDetector.PrepareAlgorithmForImage(img, SecMedStat, ref LTD);
                        LongTrailDetector.Algorithm.Run(LTD, DetectionSource, LongTrailDetector.Parameters);
                    }, DetectionSource, "Trail", DetectionAlgorithm.Trail);

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.BlobDetector))
                    var Dets = sp.RunDetector(SlowDetector.Detect, DetectionSource, "Blob", DetectionAlgorithm.Blob);

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.SourceExtractor))
                    var dts = sp.RunDetector((arg) =>
                        List <ImageDetection> Dets = ExtraIO.SourceExtractor.ParseSEFile(Args.CatalogData[i], Args.Inputs[i]);
                        Dets   = Dets.Where((x) => x.FetchProperty <ObjectPhotometry>().Flux > 300).ToList();
                        var ND = dr.Reduce(Dets);
                    }, DetectionSource, "SE", DetectionAlgorithm.SourceExtractor);

                if (Operations.HasFlag(EnabledOperations.OutputDetectionMap))
                    DetectionDebugMap(RunDir, i, LocalDetectionList, DetectionSource);

                rf.ImgMean  = SecMedStat.ZeroLevel;
                rf.ImgSigma = SecMedStat.StDev;
                var NLDL = sp.RunFilters(LocalDetectionList, "LocalToGlobal", ltl, rf);
                Logger("Total " + NLDL.Count + " detections.");
            Logger("Filtering and pairing detections...");

            LinearityThresholdFilter LTF = new LinearityThresholdFilter()
                MaxLineThickness = MaxLineThickness
            List <ImageDetection> FilteredDetections = sp.RunFilters(FullDetectionsList, "MainFilter", LTF);

            StarList.MarkStarCrossed(FilteredDetections, StarCrossRadiusM, StarCrossMinFlux);
            if (Args.CCDBadzone != null)
                FilteredDetections = sp.RunFilters(FilteredDetections, "Badzone", Args.CCDBadzone);

            Logger("Before PrePair " + FilteredDetections.Count);
            PrePair.MatchDetections(FilteredDetections, MaxPairmatchDistance, MixMatch, SameArcSep);

            Logger("Left with " + FilteredDetections.Count + " detections");
            LinePoolSimple lps = new LinePoolSimple()
                MaxLinErrorArcSec = MaxResidual, SearchExtraSmall = SmallExtraSearchRadius, SearchExtraBig = BigExtraSearchRadius


            var Pairings = lps.FindTracklets();

            sp.NotePairings(FilteredDetections, Pairings);

            Logger("Found " + Pairings.Count + " raw tracklets");

            LinearityTest lintest = new LinearityTest();
            StaticFilter  stf     = new StaticFilter();
            TotalError    te      = new TotalError();
            var           TK2List = sp.RunFilters(Pairings, "Tracklet Filtering", stf, te);

            Logger("After filtering: " + TK2List.Count + " candidate objects found");

            sp.LogDetections(Path.Combine(RunDir, "detlog.txt"));

            Dictionary <IO.Image, double> ZP = zpTask.Result;


            var Recovered = RecoverTracklets(TK2List, Args.Inputs, Path.Combine(RunDir, "reclog.txt"), ZP);

            TrackletsDeduplication.Deduplicate(Recovered, 1.0);

            Logger("Recovered " + Recovered.Count + " candidate objects");

            PairSkyBot(Recovered, SkyBoTDistance, Args.FieldName, Args.CCDNumber, Args.Inputs, sp);
