public async Task ProfileAsync() { var id = Context.User.Id; var color = Color.Red; var description = "You are not registered!"; var embed = new LocalEmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("User profile"); var player = ContrackerService.Contracker .GetPlayer(discordId: id.ToString()); if (player != null) { description = "You are gamer."; color = Color.Green; var steamname = SteamService.GetSteamName(player.Steam); embed.AddField("Discord", Discord.MentionUser(Context.User)) .AddField("Steam", $"[{steamname}]({player.Steam})") .AddField("Total CP", player.Cp) .AddField("Stars", player.Stars); } await ReplyAsync(embed : embed .WithDescription(description) .WithColor(color) .Build()).ConfigureAwait(true); }
public async Task RegisterAsync(int accountNumber = -1) { Snowflake id = Context.User.Id; var users = DUserService.GetAccounts(id).Result; string title; string description; var player = ContrackerService.GetPlayer(discordId: id.ToString()); if (player == null) { switch (users.Count) { case 0: title = "Fail"; description = "`No Steam accounts associated with your account.`\n" + "[Go here]( " + "to see how to link your Steam account. You may unlink your account once you register."; break; case 1: if (DUserService.IsVerified(id).Result) { try { title = "Success"; description = "`API request sent...`"; ContrackerService.Contracker.CreatePlayer(users.First(), id.ToString()); } catch (XmlException e) { title = "Fail"; description = "`An error has occured. Probably server's fault.`"; Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { title = "Fail"; description = "`Your Steam account is not verified.`\n" + "[Go here]( " + "to see how to verify your Steam account."; } break; default: if (accountNumber != -1 && accountNumber < users.Count) { title = "Success"; description = "`Pretend this sends an API request...`\nwith account " + $"`{SteamService.GetSteamName(users[accountNumber]).Replace("`", "")}` " + $"or steamid `{users[accountNumber]}`"; } else { title = "Fail"; description = "`You have multiple linked Steam accounts.`\n" + "Use command `!register n` and replace `n` with the correct account number shown below." + "```\n" + string.Join("\n", users.Select((x, index) => $"{index} - {SteamService.GetSteamName(x).Replace("`", "")}")) + "```"; } break; } } else { title = "You are already registered!"; description = "You are registered on Steam account " + $"`{SteamService.GetSteamName(player.Steam)}`"; } await ReplyAsync(embed : new LocalEmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(title) .WithDescription(description) .WithColor(Color.Honeydew) .Build()).ConfigureAwait(true); }