public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Stealthid,Stealthprof")] Stealth stealth) { if (id != stealth.Stealthid) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(stealth); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!StealthExists(stealth.Stealthid)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(stealth)); }
public override void setup(GameObject GO) { if (stealth) { Stealth stel = GO.AddComponent <Stealth>(); stel.invismat = stealthMat; stel.GoDark(); } if (Chain) { if (! { GameMaster.instance.CM.ChainStart(chainLnegth, Bonus, GO); if (GO.GetComponent <FoodData>() != null) { GO.GetComponent <FoodData>().chained = true; } } //GameMaster.instance.CM.ChainRequest(GO, this); // ask chainmanger //if false do not add chain script to gameobject } else if (!Special()) { if (GameMaster.instance.CM.ChainRequest(GO)) { GO.GetComponent <FoodData>().Chain(); } } base.setup(GO); //apply special conditions }
public void Large_NoSizeBonus_NoPenalty() { // Arrange var dexterity = Mock.Of <IAbilityScore>(); var mockAbilityScores = new Mock <IAbilityScoreSection>(); mockAbilityScores.Setup(abs => abs.Dexterity) .Returns(dexterity); var mockCharacter = new Mock <ICharacter>(); mockCharacter.Setup(c => c.AbilityScores) .Returns(mockAbilityScores.Object); mockCharacter.Setup(c => c.Size) .Returns(SizeCategory.Large); Stealth stealthSkill = new Stealth(mockCharacter.Object); // Assert Assert.IsTrue(stealthSkill.ArmorCheckPenaltyApplies); Assert.AreEqual(0, stealthSkill.SizeBonuses.GetTotal()); Assert.AreEqual(4, stealthSkill.Penalties.GetTotal(), "Large characters have a -4 penalty on Stealth checks."); }
private void Stealth(NecClient client, int skillId) { // I am doing this from memory, it could very well be wrong :) // Not blocking any actions if stealthed. // Stealth will be turned off if start casting another skill or damage is done. int errorCode = 0; Stealth stealth = new Stealth(_server, client, skillId); server.instances.AssignInstance(stealth); client.character.activeSkillInstance = stealth.instanceId; if (!_server.settingRepository.skillBase.TryGetValue(skillId, out SkillBaseSetting skillBaseSetting)) { _Logger.Error($"Getting SkillBaseSetting from skillid [{skillId}]"); errorCode = -1; RecvSkillStartCastR startFail = new RecvSkillStartCastR(errorCode, 0.0F); router.Send(startFail, client); return; } RecvSkillStartCastR skillFail = new RecvSkillStartCastR(errorCode, skillBaseSetting.castingTime); router.Send(skillFail, client); stealth.StartCast(); }
void Awake() { bulletHitParticlesPooler = GameObject.Find("Bullet Hit Particles").GetComponent<ObjectPoolerScript>(); if (playerControlled) { } else { soldierScript = GetComponentInParent<Soldier>(); } audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); gunLine = GetComponent<LineRenderer> (); targetCircle = GameObject.Find("circle (outline)").transform; timer = 60/firingRPM; if (timer > 0.2f) effectsDisplayTime = 0.2f; else effectsDisplayTime = timer-0.1f; if(!hasLaser) { try{ transform.parent.FindChild("Laser").gameObject.SetActive(false);}catch{} } stealthScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<Stealth> (); shootNoise = audioSource.clip; }
public void OnStartStrangle() { if (_strangleTarget == null) { MyAnimator.SetTrigger("CancelBite"); MyAnimEventHandler.TriggerOnEndStrangle(); return; } Character target = _strangleTarget; target.SendCommand(CharacterCommands.Idle); target.SendCommand(CharacterCommands.StopAim); target.IsBodyLocked = true; //align enemy facing direction to player's Vector3 lineOfSight = target.transform.position - transform.position; lineOfSight = new Vector3(lineOfSight.x, 0, lineOfSight.z); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lineOfSight); target.transform.rotation = rotation; target.MyAnimator.SetTrigger("GetStrangled"); target.MyStatus.AddBleeding(0.5f); Stealth.SetNoiseLevel(10, 0.8f); }
public void Target(IPoint3D p) { IPoint3D orig = p; Map map = Caster.Map; SpellHelper.GetSurfaceTop(ref p); Point3D from = Caster.Location; Point3D to = new Point3D(p); PlayerMobile pm = Caster as PlayerMobile; // IsStealthing should be moved to Server.Mobiles if (!pm.IsStealthing) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1063087); // You must be in stealth mode to use this ability. } else if (Sigil.ExistsOn(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(1061632); // You can't do that while carrying the sigil. } else if (WeightOverloading.IsOverloaded(Caster)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502359, "", 0x22); // Thou art too encumbered to move. } else if (!SpellHelper.CheckTravel(Caster, TravelCheckType.TeleportFrom) || !SpellHelper.CheckTravel(Caster, map, to, TravelCheckType.TeleportTo)) { } else if (map?.CanSpawnMobile(p.X, p.Y, p.Z) != true) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502831); // Cannot teleport to that spot. } else if (SpellHelper.CheckMulti(to, map, true, 5)) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502831); // Cannot teleport to that spot. } else if (Region.Find(to, map).IsPartOf <HouseRegion>()) { Caster.SendLocalizedMessage(502829); // Cannot teleport to that spot. } else if (CheckSequence()) { SpellHelper.Turn(Caster, orig); Mobile m = Caster; m.Location = to; m.ProcessDelta(); Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(from, m.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3728, 10, 10, 2023); m.PlaySound(0x512); Stealth.OnUse(m); // stealth check after the a jump } FinishSequence(); }
void Start() { gravity = Physics2D.gravity.y; inAir = false; stealthUI = gameObject.GetComponent <Stealth>(); jumpsInTotal = 0; normalSpeed = movementSpeed; }
public void locatedStealth(Stealth m_detectedStealth,float m_levelOfDetection) { m_levelOfDetection = Mathf.Clamp(m_levelOfDetection,0,1); if(m_levelOfDetection > levelOfDetection){ detectedStealth = m_detectedStealth; levelOfDetection = m_levelOfDetection; m_detectedStealth.wasDetected(this); } }
public void ShouldReturnName() { //assign ISkill actualSkillBase = new Stealth(); //act ITextObj name = actualSkillBase.Name(); //assert name.Should().Be(new TextObj("Stealth")); }
public void Bonus_StealthSpecified_ShouldWork() { SetupCharacter(); Skills stealth = new Stealth(true, true); Assert.AreEqual(-5, stealth.Bonus); Assert.IsTrue(stealth.Proficiency); Assert.IsTrue(stealth.Expertise); }
public void locatedStealth(Stealth m_detectedStealth, float m_levelOfDetection) { m_levelOfDetection = Mathf.Clamp(m_levelOfDetection, 0, 1); if (m_levelOfDetection > levelOfDetection) { detectedStealth = m_detectedStealth; levelOfDetection = m_levelOfDetection; m_detectedStealth.wasDetected(this); } }
public void ShouldReturnBaseAttribute() { //arrange ISkill skill = new Stealth(); ICharacterAttribute dexterityAttribute = new DexterityAttribute(); //act ICharacterAttribute actualAttribute = skill.BaseAttribute(); //assert actualAttribute.Should().Be(dexterityAttribute); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Stealthid,Stealthprof")] Stealth stealth) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(stealth); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(stealth)); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { for (int i = 0; i < recentCheckpoint.Length; i++) { recentCheckpoint[i] = new Vector3(1000, 1000, 0); } player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); playerStealthScript = player.GetComponent <Stealth>(); recentCheckpoint[checkpointNum] = player.transform.position; checkpointNum++; }
public void ShouldReturnBonusOfBaseAttribute() { //arrange DexterityAttribute dexterityAttribute = new DexterityAttribute(new AttributeScore(14)); ISkill stealth = new Stealth(dexterityAttribute); IAttributeScore expectedScore = new AttributeScore(2); //act IAttributeScore actualScore = stealth.SkillBonus(); //assert actualScore.Should().Be(expectedScore); }
void Start() { gravity = Physics2D.gravity.y; stealthUI = gameObject.GetComponent <Stealth>(); jumpsInTotal = 0; normalSpeed = movementSpeed; //lastPos.y = transform.position.y; //InvokeRepeating("GetPos", 0.7f, 0.3f); //health *= 100; //load.LoadData(); ani.SetBool("isDead", isDead); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); playerMovementScript = player.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>(); playerStealthScript = player.GetComponent <Stealth>(); cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); skillCanvas = GameObject.Find("SkillCanvas"); if (skillCanvas != null) { skillCanvas.SetActive(false); } }
internal void Connect() { Stealth.AddTraceMessage(string.Format("Connect Stealth client. Host: {0}, Port: {1}", _host, _port), "Stealth.Network"); _client = new TcpClient(_host, _port); _reader = new BinaryReader(_client.GetStream()); _writer = new BinaryWriter(_client.GetStream()); Stealth.AddTraceMessage("Start reciever", "Stealth.Network"); var factory = new TaskFactory(_cts.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskContinuationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); factory.StartNew(Receiver, _cts.Token); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { eye = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Eye"); civilian = this.gameObject; nav = civilian.GetComponent <NavMeshAI>(); civTransform = civilian.transform; index = civTransform.GetSiblingIndex(); //Don't run the Update() method if the NPC is an Android // if (!isAndroid) // { stealthScript = eye.GetComponent <Stealth>(); // } coroutine = WaitforPauseMenu(); }
public static void mod_ChangeLevel(MapData map) { if (IEModOptions.SaveBeforeTransition) // added this block { AutosaveIfAllowed(); } try { foreach (PartyMemberAI rai in PartyMemberAI.PartyMembers) { if (rai != null) { if (rai.StateManager != null) { AIState currentState = rai.StateManager.CurrentState; if (currentState != null) { currentState.StopMover(); } rai.StateManager.AbortStateStack(); } Stealth component = rai.GetComponent <Stealth>(); if (component) { component.ClearAllSuspicion(); } } } StartPoint.s_ChosenStartPoint = null; BeginLevelUnload(map.SceneName); ConditionalToggleManager.Instance.ResetBetweenSceneLoads(); PersistenceManager.SaveGame(); FogOfWar.Save(); string levelFilePath = PersistenceManager.GetLevelFilePath(map.SceneName); GameState.IsRestoredLevel = File.Exists(levelFilePath); if (GameUtilities.Instance != null) { bool loadFromSaveFile = false; GameUtilities.Instance.StartCoroutine(GameResources.LoadScene(map.SceneName, loadFromSaveFile)); } GameState.Instance.CurrentNextMap = map; } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogException(exception); } }
private void Stealth(NecClient client, int skillId, SkillBaseSetting skillBaseSetting) { float cooldown = 0.0F; Logger.Debug($"IsStealthed [{client.Character.IsStealthed()}]"); if (client.Character.IsStealthed()) { cooldown = skillBaseSetting.CastingCooldown; } RecvSkillExecR execSuccess = new RecvSkillExecR(0, cooldown, skillBaseSetting.RigidityTime); Router.Send(execSuccess, client); Stealth stealth = (Stealth)Server.Instances.GetInstance((uint)client.Character.activeSkillInstance); stealth.SkillExec(); }
void Start() { _characterBehavior = GetComponent <CharacterBehavior>(); _controller = GetComponent <CharacterBehaviorController>(); _tank = GetComponent <Tank>(); _stealth = GetComponent <Stealth>(); if (Jetpack != null) { Jetpack.enableEmission = false; if (_UICamera != null) { _UICamera.GetComponent <GUIManager>().SetJetpackBar(!JetpackUnlimited); } _characterBehavior.BehaviorState.JetpackFuelDurationLeft = JetpackFuelDuration; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); startingPos = transform.position; if (!verticalPatrol) { SetDirection(Vector2.right); } else { SetDirection(Vector2.up); } player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); playerStealthScript = player.GetComponent <Stealth>(); gameManagerScript = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); }
private void SendPacket(Packet packet) { while (_writer == null || !_writer.BaseStream.CanWrite) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (Stealth.EnableTracing) { Stealth.AddTraceMessage(string.Format("Send packet. Type: {0}, Param: {1}", packet.Method, string.Join(",", packet.Data.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")))), "Stealth.Network"); } var pb = packet.GetBytes(); var lb = BitConverter.GetBytes(pb.Length).Reverse().ToArray(); _writer.Write(lb); _writer.Write(pb); _writer.Flush(); }
public override string ToString() { return(Acrobatics.ToString() + ' ' + AnimalHandling.ToString() + ' ' + Arcana.ToString() + ' ' + Athletics.ToString() + ' ' + Deception.ToString() + ' ' + History.ToString() + ' ' + Insight.ToString() + ' ' + Intimidation.ToString() + ' ' + Investigation.ToString() + ' ' + Medicine.ToString() + ' ' + Nature.ToString() + ' ' + Perception.ToString() + ' ' + Performance.ToString() + ' ' + Persusion.ToString() + ' ' + Religion.ToString() + ' ' + SleightOfHand.ToString() + ' ' + Stealth.ToString() + ' ' + Survival.ToString()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { NetworkAnimator netAnimator = GetComponent <NetworkAnimator>(); for (int i = 0; i < netAnimator.animator.parameterCount; i++) { netAnimator.SetParameterAutoSend(i, true); } biteArea = transform.GetChild(2).gameObject; if (!this.isLocalPlayer) { return; } // Set custom attributes for class: PlayerEffects pe = GetComponent <PlayerEffects>(); pe.CmdSetAttributes(1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f, 0.8f); // Add abilities to class: PlayerAbilityManager abilityManager = GetComponent <PlayerAbilityManager>(); Sprint sp = gameObject.AddComponent <Sprint>(); sp.init(50, 1); abilityManager.abilities.Add(sp); Stealth st = gameObject.AddComponent <Stealth>(); st.init(1, 0); abilityManager.abilities.Add(st); GameObject.Find("AbilityPanel").GetComponent <AbilityPanel>().setupPanel(abilityManager); CmdApplySmell(); this._playerController = GetComponent <PlayerController>(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Stealth stealthScript = (Stealth)target; DrawDefaultInspector(); //creates patrol path if (GUILayout.Button("Create patrol path")) { if (stealthScript.pathParent == null) { // set up the path parent stealthScript.pathParent = new GameObject(); stealthScript.pathParent.transform.position = stealthScript.gameObject.transform.position; = "Path Controller"; stealthScript.pathParent.transform.parent = stealthScript.gameObject.transform; PathController controller = stealthScript.pathParent.AddComponent <PathController>(); } //make the path parent the selected Selection.activeGameObject = stealthScript.pathParent; } }
private void Receiver(object state) { var token = (CancellationToken)state; while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { if (_reader != null && _reader.BaseStream.CanRead && ((NetworkStream)_reader.BaseStream).DataAvailable) { while (((NetworkStream)_reader.BaseStream).DataAvailable) { var packetLen = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_reader.ReadBytes(4), 0); var packet = new Packet(); packet.Method = (PacketType)_reader.ReadUInt16(); packet.DataLength = _reader.ReadInt16(); packet.Data = _reader.ReadBytes(packet.DataLength); if (Stealth.EnableTracing) { Stealth.AddTraceMessage(string.Format("Read packet. Type: {0}, Param: {1}", packet.Method, string.Join(",", packet.Data.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")))), "Stealth.Network"); } ProcessPacket(packet); } } else { Thread.Sleep(10); } } token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when an unit goes on stealth. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">The Event's arguments</param> private static void Stealth_OnStealth(Stealth.OnStealthEventArgs obj) { if (MenuHelper.isMenuEnabled("dz191.vhr.misc.general.reveal")) { if (obj.Sender.Distance(ObjectManager.Player) <= 600f && obj.IsStealthed && !obj.Sender.IsMe) { if (Items.HasItem(2043) && Items.CanUseItem(2043)) { Items.UseItem(2043, obj.Sender.ServerPosition.Extend(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition, 400f)); } } } }
// PartyMemberAI public void UpdateNew() { if (this.m_mover != null && this.m_mover.AIController == null) { this.m_mover.AIController = this; } if (this.m_instructionTimer > 0f) { PartyMemberAI mInstructionTimer = this; mInstructionTimer.m_instructionTimer = mInstructionTimer.m_instructionTimer - Time.deltaTime; } if (this.m_instructions != null) { foreach (SpellCastData mInstruction in this.m_instructions) { mInstruction.Update(); } } if (GameState.s_playerCharacter != null && base.gameObject == GameState.s_playerCharacter.gameObject && PartyMemberAI.DebugParty) { UIDebug.Instance.SetText("Party Debug", PartyMemberAI.GetPartyDebugOutput(), Color.cyan); UIDebug.Instance.SetTextPosition("Party Debug", 0.95f, 0.95f, UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight); } if (this.m_destinationCircleState != null) { if (!base.StateManager.IsStateInStack(this.m_destinationCircleState)) { this.m_destinationCircleState = null; this.HideDestination(); } else { this.ShowDestination(this.m_destinationCirclePosition); } } if (!(GameState.s_playerCharacter != null) || !GameState.s_playerCharacter.RotatingFormation || !this.Selected) { this.HideDestinationTarget(); } else { this.ShowDestinationTarget(this.m_desiredFormationPosition); } if (this.m_revealer == null) { this.CreateFogRevealer(); } else { this.m_revealer.WorldPos = base.gameObject.transform.position; this.m_revealer.RequiresRefresh = false; } if (GameState.Paused) { base.CheckForNullEngagements(); if (this.m_ai != null) { this.m_ai.Update(); } base.DrawDebugText(); return; } if (this.m_ai == null) { return; } if (GameState.Option.AutoPause.IsEventSet(AutoPauseOptions.PauseEvent.EnemySpotted) || IEModOptions.FastSneak != IEModOptions.FastSneakOptions.Normal) { this.UpdateEnemySpotted(); } if (this.QueuedAbility != null && this.QueuedAbility.Ready) { AIState currentState = this.m_ai.CurrentState; Consumable component = this.QueuedAbility.GetComponent <Consumable>(); if (!(component != null) || !component.IsIngestibleOrPotion) { Attack attack = currentState as Attack; TargetedAttack targetedAttack = currentState as TargetedAttack; if (this.QueuedAbility.Passive || attack == null && targetedAttack == null) { this.QueuedAbility.Activate(currentState.Owner); } else if (targetedAttack == null || !this.QueuedAbility.UsePrimaryAttack && !this.QueuedAbility.UseFullAttack) { Ability queuedAbility = AIStateManager.StatePool.Allocate <Ability>(); queuedAbility.QueuedAbility = this.QueuedAbility; if (attack == null) { base.StateManager.PushState(queuedAbility); } else if (!attack.CanCancel) { base.StateManager.QueueStateAtTop(queuedAbility); } else { attack.OnCancel(); base.StateManager.PopCurrentState(); base.StateManager.PushState(queuedAbility); } } } else { ConsumePotion queuedState = this.m_ai.QueuedState as ConsumePotion; if (!(currentState is ConsumePotion) && (queuedState == null || currentState.Priority < 1)) { ConsumePotion animationVariation = AIStateManager.StatePool.Allocate <ConsumePotion>(); base.StateManager.PushState(animationVariation); animationVariation.Ability = this.QueuedAbility; animationVariation.ConsumeAnimation = component.AnimationVariation; AttackBase primaryAttack = this.GetPrimaryAttack(); if (!(primaryAttack is AttackMelee) || !(primaryAttack as AttackMelee).Unarmed) { animationVariation.HiddenObjects = primaryAttack.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); } } } this.QueuedAbility = null; } BaseUpdate(); if (GameState.IsLoading || GameState.s_playerCharacter == null) { return; } if (this.m_alphaControl != null && this.m_alphaControl.Alpha < 1.401298E-45f) { this.m_alphaControl.Alpha = 1f; } if (this.m_mover != null && !GameState.InCombat) { bool fastSneakActive = false; if (IEModOptions.FastSneak != IEModOptions.FastSneakOptions.Normal && !(mod_Player.WalkMode)) { bool canSeeEnemy = false; if (IEModOptions.FastSneak == IEModOptions.FastSneakOptions.FastScoutingSingleLOS) { canSeeEnemy = this.m_enemySpotted; } else if (IEModOptions.FastSneak == IEModOptions.FastSneakOptions.FastScoutingAllLOS) { // if the fastSneak mod is active, then check if any enemies are spotted // if so...we walk for (int i = 0; i < PartyMemberAI.PartyMembers.Length; ++i) { var p = PartyMemberAI.PartyMembers[i]; if (p != null && p.m_enemySpotted) { canSeeEnemy = true; break; } } } else { //Should never get here, but make default behavior to not override stealth canSeeEnemy = true; } if (!canSeeEnemy) { fastSneakActive = true; } } bool flag = ((Stealth.IsInStealthMode(base.gameObject) && !fastSneakActive) || mod_Player.WalkMode); float desiredSpeed = (!flag ? this.m_mover.GetRunSpeed() : this.m_mover.GetWalkSpeed()); GameObject[] selectedPartyMembers = PartyMemberAI.SelectedPartyMembers; for (int i = 0; i < (int)selectedPartyMembers.Length; i++) { GameObject gameObject = selectedPartyMembers[i]; if (!(gameObject == null) && !(gameObject == base.gameObject) && flag == Stealth.IsInStealthMode(gameObject)) { Mover mover = gameObject.GetComponent <Mover>(); if (((!Stealth.IsInStealthMode(gameObject) || fastSneakActive) ? mover.GetRunSpeed() : mover.GetWalkSpeed()) < desiredSpeed) { desiredSpeed = mover.DesiredSpeed; } } } if (desiredSpeed < this.m_mover.GetWalkSpeed() * 0.75f) { desiredSpeed = this.m_mover.GetWalkSpeed(); } this.m_mover.UseCustomSpeed(desiredSpeed); } }
public _2043() { Stealth.Init(); }
// PartyMemberAI public void UpdateNew() { if (this.m_mover != null && this.m_mover.AIController == null) { this.m_mover.AIController = this; } if (this.m_instructionTimer > 0f) { PartyMemberAI mInstructionTimer = this; mInstructionTimer.m_instructionTimer = mInstructionTimer.m_instructionTimer - Time.deltaTime; } if (this.m_instructions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_instructions.Count; i++) { this.m_instructions[i].Update(); } } if (GameState.s_playerCharacter != null && base.gameObject == GameState.s_playerCharacter.gameObject && PartyMemberAI.DebugParty) { UIDebug.Instance.SetText("Party Debug", PartyMemberAI.GetPartyDebugOutput(), Color.cyan); UIDebug.Instance.SetTextPosition("Party Debug", 0.95f, 0.95f, UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight); } if (this.m_destinationCircleState != null) { if (!base.StateManager.IsStateInStack(this.m_destinationCircleState)) { this.m_destinationCircleState = null; this.HideDestination(); } else { this.ShowDestination(this.m_destinationCirclePosition); } } if (!(GameState.s_playerCharacter != null) || !GameState.s_playerCharacter.RotatingFormation || !this.Selected) { this.HideDestinationTarget(); } else { this.ShowDestinationTarget(this.m_desiredFormationPosition); } if (this.m_revealer == null) { this.CreateFogRevealer(); } else { this.m_revealer.WorldPos = base.gameObject.transform.position; this.m_revealer.RequiresRefresh = false; } if (GameState.Paused) { base.CheckForNullEngagements(); if (this.m_ai != null) { this.m_ai.Update(); } return; } if (this.m_ai == null) { return; } if (GameState.Option.AutoPause.IsEventSet(AutoPauseOptions.PauseEvent.EnemySpotted)) { this.UpdateEnemySpotted(); } if (this.QueuedAbility != null && this.QueuedAbility.Ready) { AIState currentState = this.m_ai.CurrentState; Consumable component = this.QueuedAbility.GetComponent <Consumable>(); if (!(component != null) || !component.IsFoodDrugOrPotion) { Attack attack = currentState as Attack; TargetedAttack targetedAttack = currentState as TargetedAttack; if (this.QueuedAbility.Passive || attack == null && targetedAttack == null) { this.QueuedAbility.Activate(currentState.Owner); } else if (targetedAttack == null || !this.QueuedAbility.UsePrimaryAttack && !this.QueuedAbility.UseFullAttack) { Ability queuedAbility = AIStateManager.StatePool.Allocate <Ability>(); queuedAbility.QueuedAbility = this.QueuedAbility; if (attack == null) { base.StateManager.PushState(queuedAbility); } else if (!attack.CanCancel) { base.StateManager.QueueStateAtTop(queuedAbility); } else { attack.OnCancel(); base.StateManager.PopCurrentState(); base.StateManager.PushState(queuedAbility); } } } else { ConsumePotion queuedState = this.m_ai.QueuedState as ConsumePotion; if (!(currentState is ConsumePotion) && (queuedState == null || currentState.Priority < 1)) { ConsumePotion animationVariation = AIStateManager.StatePool.Allocate <ConsumePotion>(); base.StateManager.PushState(animationVariation); animationVariation.Ability = this.QueuedAbility; animationVariation.ConsumeAnimation = component.AnimationVariation; AttackBase primaryAttack = this.GetPrimaryAttack(); if (!(primaryAttack is AttackMelee) || !(primaryAttack as AttackMelee).Unarmed) { animationVariation.HiddenObjects = primaryAttack.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); } } } this.QueuedAbility = null; } BaseUpdate(); if (GameState.IsLoading || GameState.s_playerCharacter == null) { return; } if (this.m_alphaControl != null && this.m_alphaControl.Alpha < 1.401298E-45f) { this.m_alphaControl.Alpha = 1f; } if (this.m_mover != null && !GameState.InCombat) { bool fastSneakActive = false; bool canSeeEnemy = false; bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < PartyMemberAI.PartyMembers.Length; ++i) { var p = PartyMemberAI.PartyMembers[i]; if (p != null && p.m_enemySpotted) { canSeeEnemy = true; break; } } if (!canSeeEnemy) { fastSneakActive = true; } if (Stealth.IsInStealthMode(base.gameObject) && !fastSneakActive) { flag = false; } this.m_mover.UseCustomSpeed((flag ? 4f : 2f)); } }