Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load appropriate DLL. Check Environment for 32 bit or 64 bit and load appropriate module.
        /// Get all the API function address from the DLL and store that in the appropriate
        /// Delegate function global variable. Must be called first thing before attempting any
        /// other function calls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the module is loaded. Else false.</returns>
        protected bool InitialiseDLL()
            if (!SetDllLib())

            StdIOIn  = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoInput);
            StdIOOut = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoOutput);
            StdIOErr = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoError);

            GsMessage    = "";
            GsErrMessage = "";

            gsNewInstance        = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_new_instance>("gsapi_new_instance");
            gsDeleteInstance     = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_delete_instance>("gsapi_delete_instance");
            gsSetStdio           = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_set_stdio>("gsapi_set_stdio");
            gsSetPoll            = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_set_poll>("gsapi_set_poll");
            gsSetDisplayCallback = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_set_display_callback>("gsapi_set_display_callback");
            gsSetArgEncoding     = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_set_arg_encoding>("gsapi_set_arg_encoding");
            gsRunStringBegin     = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_string_begin>("gsapi_run_string_begin");
            gsRunStringContinue  = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_string_continue>("gsapi_run_string_continue");
            gsRunStringEnd       = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_string_end>("gsapi_run_string_end");
            gsRunStringLength    = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_string_with_length>("gsapi_run_string_with_length");
            gsRunString          = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_string>("gsapi_run_string");
            gsInitArgs           = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_init_with_args>("gsapi_init_with_args");
            gsRunFile            = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_run_file>("gsapi_run_file");
            gsExit     = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_exit>("gsapi_exit");
            gsAddfs    = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_add_fs>("gsapi_add_fs");
            gsRemovefs = GetDelegateFunction <gsapi_remove_fs>("gsapi_remove_fs");
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Simplified instantiation of the class. Message event handler and GSDisplay event handler
 /// can be passed as parameter which are properly handled. Any of this pointer can be null
 /// if there is no need to handle them
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stdIn">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Input</param>
 /// <param name="stdOut">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Output</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Error</param>
 /// <param name="dh">Callback DisplayEventHandler function pointer for GSDisplay Event</param>
 /// <returns>True if successful</returns>
 public bool GSInitialise(StdioMessageEventHandler stdIn, StdioMessageEventHandler stdOut, StdioMessageEventHandler stdErr, DisplayEventHandler dh)
     if (InitialiseDLL())
         SetStdIOHandlers(stdIn, stdOut, stdErr);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Main Window
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindow()

            _stdIn         = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoInput);
            _stdOut        = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoOutput);
            _stdErr        = new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoError);
            _displayHandle = new DisplayEventHandler(GsInteractive_displayEvent);
            _gsInteractive = new GSInteractive();
            if (!_gsInteractive.GSInitialise(_stdIn, _stdOut, _stdErr, _displayHandle))
                MessageBox.Show("Ghostscript DLL not found or not of the right version. Make sure latest version of Ghostscript is installed.\nExiting the Application");
            _gsVersion     = _gsInteractive.GetRevisionInfo();
            tbkStatus.Text = string.Format("Ghostscript Version Found: {0} Dated: {1}", _gsVersion.revision, _gsVersion.revisiondate);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteCommand is the easier interface to gs_init_args, which takes care of all the
        /// background requirements for running this function and then cleans the environment
        /// after running the file. If you do not want to handle the stdIO then you can always
        /// call GetLastMessage and GetLastErrorMessage to get the messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Args that need to be passed</param>
        /// <param name="stdIn">If you want to handle Input locally set this. Generally leave this null for this call</param>
        /// <param name="stdOut">If you want to handle the messages then set this</param>
        /// <param name="stdErr">If you want to handle the error messages then set this</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int ExecuteCommand(string[] args, StdioMessageEventHandler stdIn = null, StdioMessageEventHandler stdOut = null, StdioMessageEventHandler stdErr = null)
            // Get a pointer to an instance of the Ghostscript API and run the API with the current arguments

            IntPtr pInstance = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    result;

            GsMessage    = "";
            GsErrMessage = "";
            lock (objLock)
                result = gsNewInstance(out pInstance, IntPtr.Zero);
                StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsNewInstance(out pInstance, IntPtr.Zero)'\n"), string.Format("pInstance returned: 0x{0:X16}\n", pInstance.ToInt64()));
                if (result != 0)

                    SetStdIOHandlers(stdIn, stdOut, stdErr);
                    result = gsSetStdio(pInstance, StdIOIn, StdIOOut, StdIOErr);

                    StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsSetStdio(0x{0:X16}, new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoInput), new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoOutput), new StdioMessageEventHandler(OnStdIoError))'\n", pInstance.ToInt64()));
                    result = gsSetArgEncoding(pInstance, GS_ARG_ENCODING.UTF8);
                    StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsSetArgEncoding(0x{0:X16}, GS_ARG_ENCODING.UTF8)'\n", pInstance.ToInt64()));

                    result = gsInitArgs(pInstance, args.Length, args);

                    StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsInitArgs(0x{0:X16}, {1}, {2})'\n", pInstance.ToInt64(), args.Length, _strArgs));
                    StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsExit(0x{0:X16})'\n", pInstance.ToInt64()));
                    StatusUpdate(string.Format("Sent Command: 'gsDeleteInstance(0x{0:X16})'\n", pInstance.ToInt64()));

Esempio n. 5
 private static extern int gsapi_set_stdio(IntPtr pInstance, StdioMessageEventHandler gsdll_stdin, StdioMessageEventHandler gsdll_stdout, StdioMessageEventHandler gsdll_stderr);
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the Callback StdioMessageEventHandler functions of the remote program for handling StdIO messages
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stdIn">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Input</param>
 /// <param name="stdOut">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Ouput</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">Callback StdioMessageEventHandler function pointer for StdIo-Error</param>
 public void SetIOHandlers(StdioMessageEventHandler stdIn, StdioMessageEventHandler stdOut, StdioMessageEventHandler stdErr)
     SetStdIOHandlers(stdIn, stdOut, stdErr);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the callback functions for stdio The stdin callback function should return the number of characters read, 0 for EOF,
 /// or -1 for error. The stdout and stderr callback functions should return the number of characters written. See KSPdfView for
 /// implementation of this
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pInstance">Ghostscript Instance handle obtained by calling GSNewInstance</param>
 /// <param name="stdIn">StdioMessageEventHandler pointer for Input</param>
 /// <param name="stdOut">StdioMessageEventHandler pointer for Output Message</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">StdioMessageEventHandler pointer for Error Output</param>
 /// <returns>returns zero if successful</returns>
 public int GSSetStdio(IntPtr pInstance, StdioMessageEventHandler stdIn, StdioMessageEventHandler stdOut, StdioMessageEventHandler stdErr)
     SetStdIOHandlers(stdIn, stdOut, stdErr);
     return(gsSetStdio(pInstance, StdIOIn, StdIOOut, StdIOErr));
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the private handler variables to remote StdioMessageEventHandler methods.
 /// If set the local method will pass the values to the remote handler
 /// for further processing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stdIn">Remote Input handler for StdioMessageEventHandler method</param>
 /// <param name="stdOut">Remote Output handler for StdioMessageEventHandler method</param>
 /// <param name="stdErr">Remote Error handler for StdioMessageEventHandler method</param>
 protected void SetStdIOHandlers(StdioMessageEventHandler stdIn, StdioMessageEventHandler stdOut, StdioMessageEventHandler stdErr)
     _stdIn  = stdIn;
     _stdOut = stdOut;
     _stdErr = stdErr;