/// <summary>Returns true if the current value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in represents null/not defined, false otherwise. /// Should not be used for testing if the original value (read from the db) is NULL</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">Index of the field to test if its currentvalue is null/undefined</param> /// <returns>true if the field's value isn't defined yet, false otherwise</returns> public bool TestCurrentFieldValueForNull(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex) { return(base.CheckIfCurrentFieldValueIsNull((int)fieldIndex)); }
/// <summary> Creates a new IEntityField2 instance for usage in the EntityFields object for the StatusEntity. Which EntityField is created is specified by fieldIndex</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">The field which IEntityField2 instance should be created</param> /// <returns>The IEntityField2 instance for the field specified in fieldIndex</returns> public static IEntityField2 Create(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex) { return(new EntityField2(FieldInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance().GetFieldInfo("StatusEntity", (int)fieldIndex))); }
/// <summary>Returns true if the original value for the field with the fieldIndex passed in, read from the persistent storage was NULL, false otherwise. /// Should not be used for testing if the current value is NULL, use <see cref="TestCurrentFieldValueForNull"/> for that.</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">Index of the field to test if that field was NULL in the persistent storage</param> /// <returns>true if the field with the passed in index was NULL in the persistent storage, false otherwise</returns> public bool TestOriginalFieldValueForNull(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex) { return(base.Fields[(int)fieldIndex].IsNull); }
/// <summary> Gets a scalar value, calculated with the aggregate and expression specified. the field index specified is the field the expression and aggregate are applied on.</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index of field to which to apply the aggregate function and expression</param> /// <param name="expressionToExecute">The expression to execute. Can be null</param> /// <param name="aggregateToApply">Aggregate function to apply. </param> /// <param name="filter">The filter to apply to retrieve the scalar</param> /// <param name="groupByClause">The groupby clause to apply to retrieve the scalar</param> /// <returns>the scalar value requested</returns> public object GetScalar(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex, IExpression expressionToExecute, AggregateFunction aggregateToApply, IPredicate filter, IGroupByCollection groupByClause) { return(GetScalar(fieldIndex, expressionToExecute, aggregateToApply, filter, null, groupByClause)); }
/// <summary> Gets a scalar value, calculated with the aggregate and expression specified. the field index specified is the field the expression and aggregate are applied on.</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index of field to which to apply the aggregate function and expression</param> /// <param name="expressionToExecute">The expression to execute. Can be null</param> /// <param name="aggregateToApply">Aggregate function to apply. </param> /// <returns>the scalar value requested</returns> public object GetScalar(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex, IExpression expressionToExecute, AggregateFunction aggregateToApply) { return(GetScalar(fieldIndex, expressionToExecute, aggregateToApply, null, null, null)); }
/// <summary> Gets a scalar value, calculated with the aggregate. the field index specified is the field the aggregate are applied on.</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index of field to which to apply the aggregate function and expression</param> /// <param name="aggregateToApply">Aggregate function to apply. </param> /// <returns>the scalar value requested</returns> public object GetScalar(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex, AggregateFunction aggregateToApply) { return(GetScalar(fieldIndex, null, aggregateToApply, null, null, null)); }
/// <summary>Creates a new IEntityField instance for usage in the EntityFields object for the StatusEntity. Which EntityField is created is specified by fieldIndex</summary> /// <param name="fieldIndex">The field which IEntityField instance should be created</param> /// <returns>The IEntityField instance for the field specified in fieldIndex</returns> public static IEntityField Create(StatusFieldIndex fieldIndex) { IFieldInfo info = FieldInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance().GetFieldInfo("StatusEntity", (int)fieldIndex); return(new EntityField(info, PersistenceInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance().GetFieldPersistenceInfo(info.ContainingObjectName, info.Name))); }