Esempio n. 1
        public async Task DisplayStatistics()
            int.TryParse(_settings["leaderboard-pagesize"], out int pagesize);

            var stats = _statisticsTable.GetSortedStatistics()
                        .GroupBy(c => c.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), (c, e) => new KeyValuePair <string, uint>(c, (uint)e.Sum(s => s.Value)))
                        .OrderByDescending(c => c.Value);

            const string commandLabel = "Command";
            const string countLabel   = "Count";

            int longestStat = Math.Max(commandLabel.Length, stats.Max(s => s.Key.Length));

            string tableRow = commandLabel + new string(' ', 1 + (longestStat - commandLabel.Length)) + "| " + countLabel;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine(new string('-', tableRow.Length).Insert(1 + longestStat, "+").Remove(tableRow.Length - 1));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, uint> stat in stats)
                string line = stat.Key + new string(' ', 1 + (longestStat - stat.Key.Length)) + "| " + stat.Value;

            await ReplyAsync("Here are the command usage statistics!\r\n```" + Environment.NewLine + sb.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "```");
        public async Task DisplayStatistics()
            int.TryParse(_settings["leaderboard-pagesize"], out int pagesize);

            var stats = _statisticsTable.GetSortedStatistics();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("Here are the command usage statistics:");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, uint> stat in stats)
                sb.AppendLine($"{ stat.Key } was used { stat.Value } times.");

            var message = await ReplyAsync(sb.ToString());