Esempio n. 1
    public void activate(GameObject player)
        var   pl      = player.GetComponent <Player>();
        float divider = pl == null ? 1 : pl.weaponSpeedMultiplier;

        if (Time.time - this.previousActivation > this.firedelay / divider)
            //Allow fire
            for (int i = 0; i < bulletAmount; i++)
                //Spawn a bullet
                var go = player.tag == "Enemy"?  bulletPoolEnemy[][(bulletIndicesEnemy[]++) % bulletPoolSize] :
                         bulletPool[][(bulletIndices[]++) % bulletPoolSize];
                go.transform.parent   = bulletContainer.transform;
                go.transform.rotation = player.transform.rotation;
                go.transform.position = player.transform.Find("shootPoint").position;

                /*GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab, player.transform.Find("shootPoint").position,
                 * player.transform.rotation
                 * , this.bulletContainer.transform);*/
                float   angle = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y + (UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5f) * (spread);
                Vector3 add   = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.PI / 180f),
                    Mathf.Sin(heightAngle * 180f / Mathf.PI),
                    Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.PI / 180f)

                float addSpeed  = 1f;
                float addDamage = 1f;
                //TODO - this might be moved to interface at some point, but for now. Lets keep it at player.
                if (pl != null)
                    //   addSpeed = pl.weaponSpeedMultiplier;
                    addDamage = pl.weaponDamageMultiplier;
                    //Enemies shoot halved speed.s
                    addSpeed   = 0.1f * GameConfig.difficulty + 0.7f;
                    addDamage *= GameConfig.difficulty;
                //     Debug.Log("Shoot angle: " + add);
                go.GetComponent <IAmmunition>().shooter   = player;
                go.GetComponent <IAmmunition>().direction = add * (bulletspeed * addSpeed + UnityEngine.Random.value * bulletSpeedRandomFactor * addSpeed)
                                                            + 0f * player.GetComponent <ITarget>().m_Move;
                //    Debug.Log("final shoot: " + go.GetComponent<IAmmunition>().direction);
                go.GetComponent <IAmmunition>().damage            = this.bulletDamage * addDamage;
                go.GetComponent <IAmmunition>().effectRadius      = this.effectRadius;
                go.GetComponent <IAmmunition>().bulletToShotRatio = 1f / (float)this.bulletAmount;

            StatisticManager.calculateShotStatistics(pl, bulletAmount);

            this.previousActivation = Time.time;