/// <summary> /// Return a text representation of this object. /// </summary> public override String ToString() => String.Concat(StationId.ToString(), " => ", ForwardedToRoamingNetworkId, // ?? "<none>", " / ", ForwardedToChargingStationOperator?.Id.ToString() ?? "<none>");
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (entityId_ != null) { hash ^= EntityId.GetHashCode(); } if (merchantId_ != null) { hash ^= MerchantId.GetHashCode(); } if (stationId_ != null) { hash ^= StationId.GetHashCode(); } if (Name.Length != 0) { hash ^= Name.GetHashCode(); } if (IpAddress.Length != 0) { hash ^= IpAddress.GetHashCode(); } if (Port != 0) { hash ^= Port.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Return the HashCode of this object. /// </summary> /// <returns>The HashCode of this object.</returns> public override Int32 GetHashCode() { unchecked { return(StationId.GetHashCode()); } }
public void _setLogInfo() { EncryptDecrypt ENC = new EncryptDecrypt(); Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ELOG_PAR1", ENC.Encrypt(OperatorId.ToString(), true))); Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ELOG_PAR2", ENC.Encrypt(LocalIPAddress().ToString(), true))); Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ELOG_PAR3", ENC.Encrypt(StationId.ToString(), true))); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hashCode; hashCode = MoniTime.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ StationId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ItemId.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public JObject ToJSON() => JSONObject.Create( new JProperty("stationId", StationId.ToString()), new JProperty("address", Address.ToJSON()), new JProperty("geoCoordinates", GeoCoordinates.Value.ToJSON()), new JProperty("evses", JSONArray.Create( EVSEDataRecords.Select(evseDataRecord => evseDataRecord.ToJSON())) ) );
public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = -510074534; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + MeasurementId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StationId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + MeasurementTypeId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + UnitId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Value.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + TimesStamp.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); }
public void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-wrong-arguments-number")); return; } var player = shell.Player as IPlayerSession; if (player == null) { return; } var ticker = EntitySystem.Get <GameTicker>(); var stationSystem = EntitySystem.Get <StationSystem>(); if (!ticker.PlayersInLobby.ContainsKey(player) || ticker.PlayersInLobby[player] == LobbyPlayerStatus.Observer) { Logger.InfoS("security", $"{player.Name} ({player.UserId}) attempted to latejoin while in-game."); shell.WriteError($"{player.Name} is not in the lobby. This incident will be reported."); return; } if (ticker.RunLevel == GameRunLevel.PreRoundLobby) { shell.WriteLine("Round has not started."); return; } else if (ticker.RunLevel == GameRunLevel.InRound) { string id = args[0]; if (!uint.TryParse(args[1], out var sid)) { shell.WriteError(Loc.GetString("shell-argument-must-be-number")); } var stationId = new StationId(sid); var jobPrototype = _prototypeManager.Index <JobPrototype>(id); if (!stationSystem.IsJobAvailableOnStation(stationId, jobPrototype)) { shell.WriteLine($"{jobPrototype.Name} has no available slots."); return; } ticker.MakeJoinGame(player, stationId, id); return; } ticker.MakeJoinGame(player, StationId.Invalid); }
public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = -1136939070; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StationId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + StationTypeId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + AddressId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + UserId.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(Name); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Longitude.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Latitude.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); }
public override string ToString() { string header = Length.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); header += Mid.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); header += (Revision > 0) ? Revision.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') : " "; header += NoAckFlag ? "1" : " "; header += (StationId != null) ? StationId.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') : string.Empty.PadLeft(2, ' '); header += (SpindleId != null) ? SpindleId.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') : string.Empty.PadLeft(2, ' '); header += (SequenceNumber > 0) ? SequenceNumber.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') : string.Empty.PadLeft(2, ' '); header += NumberOfMessages.ToString().PadLeft(1, ' '); header += MessageNumber.ToString().PadLeft(1, ' '); return(header); }
public IHttpActionResult GetSiteCurrentAqi(StationId sites) { string[] siteIds = sites.Id.Split(','); List <SiteAqi> rs = new List <SiteAqi>(); IAqiManager aqiManager = EngineContext.Current.Resolve <IAqiManager>(); var aqis = aqiManager.GetSiteCurrentAqi(sites.Id); for (int i = 0; i < siteIds.Length; i++) { rs.Add(new SiteAqi() { SiteId = siteIds[i], Aqi = aqis[i] }); } return(Ok(rs)); }
public static bool TryFindRandomTile(out Vector2i tile, out StationId targetStation, out EntityUid targetGrid, out EntityCoordinates targetCoords, IRobustRandom?robustRandom = null, IEntityManager?entityManager = null) { tile = default; robustRandom ??= IoCManager.Resolve <IRobustRandom>(); entityManager ??= IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>(); targetCoords = EntityCoordinates.Invalid; targetStation = robustRandom.Pick(entityManager.EntityQuery <StationComponent>().ToArray()).Station; var t = targetStation; // thanks C# var possibleTargets = entityManager.EntityQuery <StationComponent>() .Where(x => x.Station == t).ToArray(); targetGrid = robustRandom.Pick(possibleTargets).Owner; if (!entityManager.TryGetComponent <IMapGridComponent>(targetGrid !, out var gridComp)) { return(false); } var grid = gridComp.Grid; var atmosphereSystem = EntitySystem.Get <AtmosphereSystem>(); var found = false; var gridBounds = grid.WorldBounds; var gridPos = grid.WorldPosition; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var randomX = robustRandom.Next((int)gridBounds.Left, (int)gridBounds.Right); var randomY = robustRandom.Next((int)gridBounds.Bottom, (int)gridBounds.Top); tile = new Vector2i(randomX - (int)gridPos.X, randomY - (int)gridPos.Y); if (atmosphereSystem.IsTileSpace(grid, tile) || atmosphereSystem.IsTileAirBlocked(grid, tile)) { continue; } found = true; targetCoords = grid.GridTileToLocal(tile); break; } if (!found) { return(false); } return(true); }
protected bool TryParseStationId(string stationIdString, out StationId stationId) { if (ID_LENGTH != stationIdString.Length || false == IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MAP.ContainsKey(stationIdString[2])) { stationId = null; return(false); } stationId = new StationId { StationType = IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MAP[stationIdString[2]], CountryCode = stationIdString.Substring(0, 2), Id = stationIdString.Substring(3), FullId = stationIdString }; return(true); }
public void MergeFrom(CardTerminal other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.entityId_ != null) { if (entityId_ == null) { entityId_ = new global::HOLMS.Types.Money.Cards.CardTerminalIndicator(); } EntityId.MergeFrom(other.EntityId); } if (other.merchantId_ != null) { if (merchantId_ == null) { merchantId_ = new global::HOLMS.Types.Money.Cards.CardMerchantIndicator(); } MerchantId.MergeFrom(other.MerchantId); } if (other.stationId_ != null) { if (stationId_ == null) { stationId_ = new global::HOLMS.Types.IAM.ClientInstance(); } StationId.MergeFrom(other.StationId); } if (other.Name.Length != 0) { Name = other.Name; } if (other.IpAddress.Length != 0) { IpAddress = other.IpAddress; } if (other.Port != 0) { Port = other.Port; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 13; hash = (hash * 7) + StationId.GetHashCode(); if (Location != null) { hash = (hash * 7) + Location.GetHashCode(); } if (HeightOffset != null) { hash = (hash * 7) + HeightOffset.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeOffset != null) { hash = (hash * 7) + TimeOffset.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
/// <summary> /// Return a string representation of this object. /// </summary> public override String ToString() { return(StationId.ToString()); }
public BookingLineBuilder ForStation(StationId station) { _station = station; return(this); }
public override void Startup() { ResetTimeUntilPulse(); _target = _robustRandom.Pick(_entityManager.EntityQuery <StationComponent>().ToArray()).Station; base.Startup(); }
private void parameterRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { DollarSaverDB.ParameterRow parameter = (DollarSaverDB.ParameterRow)e.Item.DataItem; HiddenField paramIdHidden = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("paramIdHidden"); paramIdHidden.Value = parameter.ParameterId.ToString(); Label paramNameLabel = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("paramNameLabel"); paramNameLabel.Text = parameter.Name; Label paramTypeLabel = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("paramTypeLabel"); //paramTypeLabel.Text = parameter.ParameterType.Name; PlaceHolder validatorHolder = (PlaceHolder)e.Item.FindControl("validatorHolder"); RegularExpressionValidator rev; RequiredFieldValidator rfv; paramNameLabel.Text = parameter.Name; HiddenField paramValueHidden = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("paramValueHidden"); Label paramValueLabel = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("paramValueLabel"); TextBox paramValueBox = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("paramValueBox"); CheckBox paramCheckBox = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("paramCheckBox"); ListBox paramList = (ListBox)e.Item.FindControl("paramList"); PlaceHolder timeHolder = (PlaceHolder)e.Item.FindControl("timeHolder"); DropDownList hourList = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("hourList"); DropDownList minuteList = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("minuteList"); switch (parameter.ParameterTypeId) { case 1: // bit paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = false; paramCheckBox.Visible = true; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramCheckBox.Checked = true; if (parameter.Description != string.Empty) { paramTypeLabel.Text = " " + parameter.Description; } break; case 2: // date paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Columns = 10; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 12; // default value hacking.. if (parameter.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == "START DATE") { DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; startDate = startDate.AddMonths(-1); startDate = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, 1); paramValueBox.Text = startDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } else if (parameter.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == "END DATE") { DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; startDate = startDate.AddMonths(-1); startDate = new DateTime(startDate.Year, startDate.Month, 1); DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); paramValueBox.Text = endDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } Image calendarImage = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("calendarImage"); calendarImage.Visible = true; calendarImage.ImageUrl = "~/images/calendar_button.gif"; calendarImage.Attributes["OnClick"] = "showCalendarControl('" + paramValueBox.ClientID + "');"; //paramValueBox.Attributes["onblur"] = "hideCalendarControl();"; rev = GenerateDateREV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rev); rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); paramTypeLabel.Text = " (MM/DD/YYYY)"; break; case 3: // decimal paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Columns = 12; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 20; rev = GenerateDecimalREV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rev); rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); if (parameter.Description != string.Empty) { paramTypeLabel.Text = " " + parameter.Description; } break; case 4: // int paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Columns = 12; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 20; rev = GenerateIntREV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rev); rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); if (parameter.Description != string.Empty) { paramTypeLabel.Text = " " + parameter.Description; } break; case 5: // varchar paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Columns = 20; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 50; rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); if (parameter.Description != string.Empty) { paramTypeLabel.Text = " " + parameter.Description; } break; case 6: // Station paramValueLabel.Visible = true; paramValueBox.Visible = false; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueLabel.Text = Station.Name; paramValueHidden.Value = StationId.ToString(); break; case 7: // Char paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Columns = 20; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 50; rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); if (parameter.Description != string.Empty) { paramTypeLabel.Text = " " + parameter.Description; } break; case 8: // Date and Time paramValueLabel.Visible = false; paramValueBox.Visible = true; paramCheckBox.Visible = false; paramList.Visible = false; timeHolder.Visible = true; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { hourList.Items.Add(i.ToString("00")); } for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { minuteList.Items.Add(i.ToString("00")); } paramValueBox.Columns = 10; paramValueBox.MaxLength = 12; /* * if(reportToRun.TypeId == 2) { // MAC reports only * if(parameter.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == "START DATE") { * DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; * while(startDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday) { * startDate = startDate.AddDays(-1); * } * paramValueBox.Text = startDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); * } else if (parameter.Name.ToUpper().Trim() == "END DATE") { * paramValueBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); * } * } * */ Image calendarImage2 = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("calendarImage"); calendarImage2.Visible = true; calendarImage2.ImageUrl = "~/images/calendar_button.gif"; calendarImage2.Attributes["OnClick"] = "showCalendarControl('" + paramValueBox.ClientID + "');"; //paramValueBox.Attributes["onblur"] = "hideCalendarControl();"; rev = GenerateDateREV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rev); rfv = GenerateRFV(paramValueBox); validatorHolder.Controls.Add(rfv); paramTypeLabel.Text = " (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM)"; break; default: throw new Exception("ERROR: Unknown Parameter Type"); } } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (header_ != null) { hash ^= Header.GetHashCode(); } if (MeasurementTime != 0D) { hash ^= MeasurementTime.GetHashCode(); } if (SolutionStatus != 0) { hash ^= SolutionStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (PositionType != 0) { hash ^= PositionType.GetHashCode(); } if (BaselineLength != 0F) { hash ^= BaselineLength.GetHashCode(); } if (Heading_ != 0F) { hash ^= Heading_.GetHashCode(); } if (Pitch != 0F) { hash ^= Pitch.GetHashCode(); } if (Reserved != 0F) { hash ^= Reserved.GetHashCode(); } if (HeadingStdDev != 0F) { hash ^= HeadingStdDev.GetHashCode(); } if (PitchStdDev != 0F) { hash ^= PitchStdDev.GetHashCode(); } if (StationId.Length != 0) { hash ^= StationId.GetHashCode(); } if (SatelliteTrackedNumber != 0) { hash ^= SatelliteTrackedNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (SatelliteSoulutionNumber != 0) { hash ^= SatelliteSoulutionNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (SatelliteNumberObs != 0) { hash ^= SatelliteNumberObs.GetHashCode(); } if (SatelliteNumberMulti != 0) { hash ^= SatelliteNumberMulti.GetHashCode(); } if (SolutionSource != 0) { hash ^= SolutionSource.GetHashCode(); } if (ExtendedSolutionStatus != 0) { hash ^= ExtendedSolutionStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (GalileoBeidouSigMask != 0) { hash ^= GalileoBeidouSigMask.GetHashCode(); } if (GpsGlonassSigMask != 0) { hash ^= GpsGlonassSigMask.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public bool Equals(epgConfig other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } //if (!Version.Equals(other.Version)) return false; if (!UserAccount.LoginName.Equals(other.UserAccount?.LoginName)) { return(false); } if (!UserAccount.PasswordHash.Equals(other.UserAccount?.PasswordHash)) { return(false); } if (!RatingsOrigin.Equals(other.RatingsOrigin)) { return(false); } if (!DaysToDownload.Equals(other.DaysToDownload)) { return(false); } if (!TheTvdbNumbers.Equals(other.TheTvdbNumbers)) { return(false); } if (!PrefixEpisodeTitle.Equals(other.PrefixEpisodeTitle)) { return(false); } if (!PrefixEpisodeDescription.Equals(other.PrefixEpisodeDescription)) { return(false); } if (!AlternateSEFormat.Equals(other.AlternateSEFormat)) { return(false); } if (!AppendEpisodeDesc.Equals(other.AppendEpisodeDesc)) { return(false); } if (!OadOverride.Equals(other.OadOverride)) { return(false); } if (!SeasonEventImages.Equals(other.SeasonEventImages)) { return(false); } if (!SeriesPosterArt.Equals(other.SeriesPosterArt)) { return(false); } if (!SeriesWsArt.Equals(other.SeriesWsArt)) { return(false); } if (!TMDbCoverArt.Equals(other.TMDbCoverArt)) { return(false); } if (!IncludeSdLogos.Equals(other.IncludeSdLogos)) { return(false); } if (!PreferredLogoStyle.Equals(other.PreferredLogoStyle)) { return(false); } if (!AlternateLogoStyle.Equals(other.AlternateLogoStyle)) { return(false); } if (!AutoAddNew.Equals(other.AutoAddNew)) { return(false); } if (!AutoImport.Equals(other.AutoImport)) { return(false); } if (!Automatch.Equals(other.Automatch)) { return(false); } if (!ExcludeCastAndCrew.Equals(other.ExcludeCastAndCrew)) { return(false); } if (!CreateXmltv.Equals(other.CreateXmltv)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvIncludeChannelNumbers.Equals(other.XmltvIncludeChannelNumbers)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.Equals(other.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvAddFillerData.Equals(other.XmltvAddFillerData)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvFillerProgramLength.Equals(other.XmltvFillerProgramLength)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvFillerProgramDescription.Equals(other.XmltvFillerProgramDescription)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvExtendedInfoInTitleDescriptions.Equals(other.XmltvExtendedInfoInTitleDescriptions)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvSingleImage.Equals(other.XmltvSingleImage)) { return(false); } if (!XmltvOutputFile.Equals(other.XmltvOutputFile)) { return(false); } if (!ModernMediaUiPlusSupport.Equals(other.ModernMediaUiPlusSupport)) { return(false); } if (!BrandLogoImage.Equals(other.BrandLogoImage)) { return(false); } if (!SuppressStationEmptyWarnings.Equals(other.SuppressStationEmptyWarnings)) { return(false); } if (!ExpectedServicecount.Equals(other.ExpectedServicecount)) { return(false); } if (IncludedLineup != null && other.IncludedLineup != null) { if (IncludedLineup.Any(lineup => !other.IncludedLineup.Contains(lineup))) { return(false); } if (other.IncludedLineup.Any(lineup => !IncludedLineup.Contains(lineup))) { return(false); } } else if (IncludedLineup == null ^ other.IncludedLineup == null) { return(false); } if (StationId == null || other.StationId == null) { return(!(StationId == null ^ other.StationId == null)); } var thisStationId = StationId.Select(stationId => stationId.StationId).ToList(); var otherStationId = other.StationId.Select(stationId => stationId.StationId).ToList(); return(thisStationId.All(stationId => otherStationId.Contains(stationId)) && otherStationId.All(stationId => thisStationId.Contains(stationId))); }