public IState Play() { double goalProb = 10.0 / (goalkeeper.GK * 13.0 / 6.0 + 5.0); if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() < goalProb) { /***Goal***/ return(new GoalState(attTeam, defTeam, defender)); } else { /***GK saves***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: return(new CornerState(attTeam, defTeam)); case 1: return(new GKStartState(defTeam, attTeam)); case 2: return(new InboxReboundState(attTeam, defTeam)); default: return(null); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a fully generated human character. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Human GenerateHuman(Point2D location, int dimension) { int health = StaticRandom.Rand(this.MinHumanHealthPerLevel, this.MaxHumanHealthPerLevel); float movement = (float)StaticRandom.Rand(this.MinHumanMovement, this.MaxHumanMovement); return(new Human(health, movement, location, dimension)); }
public void Eval() { population.Sort((a, b) => { if (a.Measure() > b.Measure()) { return(-1); } else if (a.Measure() == b.Measure()) { return(0); } else { return(1); } }); List <T> newPopulation = population.GetRange(0, Math.Max(1, (int)(PopulationSize * top))); newPopulation.AddRange(ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, PopulationSize - Math.Max(1, (int)(PopulationSize * top))).Select(i => { if (StaticRandom.Rand(10) <= 2) { return(creatorFunction()); } return(mateFunction(population[i], population[GlobalImageData.rand.Next(0, Math.Max(1, (int)(PopulationSize * reproduction)))])); } )); population.Clear(); population = newPopulation; }
protected override void GenerateDetails(ProtoArray <Chunk> map, Random random) { int chunkWidth = map.Width; int chunkHeight = map.Height; int chunkX = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkWidth); int chunkY = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkHeight); int x = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Width); int y = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Height); while (map[chunkX, chunkY].Tiles[x, y].Resources != null) { chunkX = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkWidth); chunkY = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkHeight); x = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Width); y = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Height); } HumanFactory hFactory = new HumanFactory(); Point2D entityLocation = new Point2D(((chunkX * Chunk.Width) + x), (chunkY * Chunk.Height) + y); Human human = hFactory.GenerateHuman(entityLocation, this.Dimension); map[chunkX, chunkY].Creatures.Add(human); }
public IState Play() { double accProb = goalkeeper.LPS / 20.1; if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() < accProb) { switch (StaticRandom.Rand(4)) { case 0: return(new AttackCentreState(attTeam, defTeam, "counter")); case 1: return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'l', "counter")); case 2: return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'r', "counter")); case 3: return(new CentrePitchHeaderState(attTeam, defTeam)); default: return(null); } } else { return(new NoMomentsState(attTeam, defTeam)); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds a random location that can be walked upon by a creature. /// </summary> /// <param name="dimension"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Point2D FindRandomLocation(int dimension) { Dimension dim = World.Data.World.Dimensions[dimension]; //The coordinates of the random chunk int randomChunkX = StaticRandom.Rand(0, dim.Width); int randomChunkY = StaticRandom.Rand(0, dim.Height); //The coordinates of the tile within the chunk int randomX = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Width); int randomY = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Height); //The map coordinates of where to spawn the creature. int x = (randomChunkX * Chunk.Width) + randomX; int y = (randomChunkY * Chunk.Height) + randomY; if (dim[x, y].IsWalkable) { return(new Point2D(x, y)); } else { return(WorldUtil.FindRandomLocation(dimension)); } }
private static StaticTexture GetVisual() { int r = StaticRandom.Rand(0, 4); string textureName; switch (r) { case 0: textureName = TextureLoader.TextureGrass1; break; case 1: textureName = TextureLoader.TextureGrass2; break; case 2: textureName = TextureLoader.TextureGrass3; break; default: textureName = TextureLoader.TextureGrass4; break; } return(new StaticTexture(AssetManager.GetTextureIndex(textureName), RenderLayer.GrassBase)); }
private string GetRandomGrassTexture() { int r = StaticRandom.Rand(0, 4); string ret; switch (r) { case 1: ret = TextureLoader.TextureGrass2; break; case 2: ret = TextureLoader.TextureGrass3; break; case 3: ret = TextureLoader.TextureGrass4; break; default: ret = TextureLoader.TextureGrass1; break; } return(ret); }
public static T PickRandom <T>(this IEnumerable <T> enumerable) { Guard.Argument(() => !enumerable.IsNullOrEmpty(), nameof(enumerable)); var list = enumerable.ToList(); return(list[StaticRandom.Rand() % list.Count]); }
public IState Play() { double successProb = (2 * (attacker.SPS + attacker.LPS) + 10) / 100.0; if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() > successProb) { /***Pass is intercepted***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: if (counter) { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'l')); } else { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'l', "counter")); } case 1: if (counter) { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'r')); } else { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'r', "counter")); } case 2: return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); default: return(null); } } else if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() > 0.5) { /***Pass***/ if (counter) { return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'l', "counter")); } else { return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'l')); } } else if (counter) { return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'r', "counter")); } else { return(new AttackSideState(attTeam, defTeam, 'r')); } }
public IState Play() { double defProb = (2.25 * defender.DEF + 5) / 100; if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() < defProb) { /***Pass is intercepted***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: if (left) { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'r', "counter")); } else { return(new AttackSideState(defTeam, attTeam, 'l', "counter")); } case 1: if (left) { return(new ThrowInState(attTeam, defTeam, 'l')); } else { return(new ThrowInState(attTeam, defTeam, 'r')); } case 2: return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); default: return(null); } } else /***Not intercepted***/ { double y = attTeam.All(Position.CF, Position.AM).Max(x => x.HEA); double boxCrossProb = 1 + 0.00061 * y * y * y - 0.0024 * y * y + 0.004 * y - 1; double lowCrossProb = 1 + 0.00085 * y * y * y - 0.0243 * y * y - 0.054 * y + 3; lowCrossProb += boxCrossProb; /***Cross***/ if (StaticRandom.RandDouble(0, lowCrossProb) < boxCrossProb) { return(new BoxCrossAttemptState(attTeam, defTeam, newAttacker, newDefender, left, counter)); } /***Low cross***/ else { return(new LowCrossAttemptState(attTeam, defTeam, newAttacker, newDefender, left, counter)); } } }
public static void LightShuffle <T>(this IList <T> cards) { for (int i = cards.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { int j = StaticRandom.Rand(i + 1); var t = cards[i]; cards[i] = cards[j]; cards[j] = t; } }
private static string GenerateSalt() { const string pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; return(new string( Enumerable.Repeat(pool, 32) .Select(s => s[StaticRandom.Rand(min: 0, max: s.Length)]) .ToArray() )); }
static ControllerSettings GenerateRandomControllerSettings() { return(new ControllerSettings { BaseBet = StaticRandom.Rand(20), Target = (double)(StaticRandom.Rand(100) + 10) / 10, Multiplier = (double)(StaticRandom.Rand(300) + 50) / 100, PassGames = StaticRandom.Rand(10), Reducer = (double)StaticRandom.Rand(10) / 1000, }); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a fully generated human character. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Human GenerateHuman(Point2D location, int dimension, Guid playerID) { int health = StaticRandom.Rand(this.MinHumanHealthPerLevel, this.MaxHumanHealthPerLevel); float movement = (float)StaticRandom.Rand(this.MinHumanMovement, this.MaxHumanMovement); Human h = new Human(health, movement, location, dimension, playerID, this.GenerateRandomName()); h.CreatureSkills.Add(new HarvestingSkill(new DataTypes.Attribute.ComboAttribute(1, 1), true)); return(h); }
private EllipticArea GenerateRandomElipticArea() { return(new EllipticArea() { A = StaticRandom.Rand(1000) / 1000d, B = StaticRandom.Rand(1000) / 1000d, R = StaticRandom.Rand(500) / 1000d, U = StaticRandom.Rand(1000) / 1000d, V = StaticRandom.Rand(1000) / 1000d, Angle = StaticRandom.Rand(365) * Math.PI / 180, }); }
public static void Shuffle <T>(this IList <T> collection) { int n = collection.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = StaticRandom.Rand(n + 1); T value = collection[k]; collection[k] = collection[n]; collection[n] = value; } }
public static void Shuffle <T>(this IList <T> collection, int start, int end) { int n = end; while (n > start + 1) { n--; int k = StaticRandom.Rand(start, n + 1); T value = collection[k]; collection[k] = collection[n]; collection[n] = value; } }
// /// <summary> /// In place shuffle /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="sequence"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IList <T> Shuffle <T>(this IList <T> sequence) { for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++) { // for truly random int j = StaticRandom.Rand(0, i + 1); // i+1 exclusive upper bound T temp = sequence[i]; sequence[i] = sequence[j]; sequence[j] = temp; } return(sequence); }
private static string GetRandomDirtTexture() { int r = StaticRandom.Rand(0, 2); if (r == 0) { return(TextureLoader.TextureDirt1); } else { return(TextureLoader.TextureDirt2); } }
public static T GetRandomElementWithWeights <T>(this IEnumerable <T> collection) { int n = collection.Count(); int k = StaticRandom.Rand(n * (n + 1) / 2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (k < (i + 1) * (2 * n - i) / 2) { return(collection.ElementAt(i)); } } return(default(T)); }
public IState Play() { Stats.fks++; double shotProb = attacker.SP / 25.0; double goalProb = (attacker.SP - goalkeeper.GK + 3) / 22.0; if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() > shotProb) { /***Miss or shot into the wall***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); case 1: return(new OutboxReboundState(attTeam, defTeam)); case 2: return(new GoalKickState(defTeam, attTeam)); default: return(null); } } if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() < goalProb) /***Shot on goal and GK doesn't save***/ { Stats.fk_goal++; return(new GoalState(attTeam, defTeam, attacker)); } else { /***GK saves***/ Stats.fk_saves++; } switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: return(new GKStartState(defTeam, attTeam)); case 1: return(new InboxReboundState(attTeam, defTeam)); case 2: return(new CornerState(attTeam, defTeam)); default: return(null); } }
public override ProtoArray <Tile> GenerateDetails(ProtoArray <Tile> map, Random r) { int xSize = map.Width; int ySize = map.Height; int x = StaticRandom.Rand(0, xSize); int y = StaticRandom.Rand(0, ySize); HumanFactory hFactory = new HumanFactory(); map[x, y].Living = (hFactory.GenerateHuman(new Point(x, y))); return(map); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a random human name. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string GenerateRandomName() { string[] names = { "James", "John", "Jon", "Jill", "Jane" }; int max = names.Length; return(names[StaticRandom.Rand(0, max)]); }
public IState Play() { if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() < goalkeeper.HEA / 150.0) { /***GK interceptes/cleares/to the corner***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: return(new GKStartState(defTeam, attTeam)); case 1: return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); case 2: return(new CornerState(attTeam, defTeam)); default: return(null); } } double shotProb = 2.0; double clearProb = 1.0; double ownShotProb = 0.05; shotProb += (attacker.HEA + attacker.STR - 20) / 20.0; clearProb += (defender.HEA + defender.STR - 20) / 20.0; clearProb += shotProb; ownShotProb += clearProb; double p = StaticRandom.RandDouble(0, ownShotProb); if (p < shotProb) { /***Header**/ return(new ShotState(attTeam, defTeam, attacker, "header", assist)); } else if (p < clearProb) { /***Defender cleares***/ return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); } else { /***Own shot***/ return(new OwnShotState(attTeam, defTeam, defender)); } }
private string GetRandomStoneTexture() { int r = StaticRandom.Rand(0, 2); string ret; if (r == 0) { ret = TextureLoader.TextureStone1; } else { ret = TextureLoader.TextureStone2; } return(ret); }
protected override void GenerateDetails(ProtoArray <Chunk> map, Random r) { int chunkWidth = map.Width; int chunkHeight = map.Height; int chunkX = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkWidth); int chunkY = StaticRandom.Rand(0, chunkHeight); int x = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Width); int y = StaticRandom.Rand(0, Chunk.Height); HumanFactory hFactory = new HumanFactory(); Point2D location = new Point2D(((chunkX * Chunk.Width) + x), (chunkY * Chunk.Height) + y); map[chunkX, chunkY].Creatures.Add(hFactory.GenerateHuman(location, this.Dimension)); }
private string GetRandomDirtTexture() { int r = StaticRandom.Rand(0, 2); string ret; if (r == 0) { ret = TextureLoader.TextureDirt1; } else { ret = TextureLoader.TextureDirt2; } return(ret); }
private void eventHandler() { bool end = false; sechalf = false; int firstHalfEnd = StaticRandom.Rand(45, 49); int matchEnd = StaticRandom.Rand(90, 97); while (!end) { setState(state.Play()); switch (state.Type()) { case State.ATTACK_CENTRE: case State.ATTACK_SIDE: case State.FREE_KICK: case State.CORNER: case State.PENALTY: case State.GOAL: minute += 1; break; case State.COUNTER_ATTACK_CENTRE: case State.COUNTER_ATTACK_SIDE: minute += 0.5; break; case State.NO_MOMENTS: minute += StaticRandom.RandDouble(1, 4); break; default: break; } if (minute >= firstHalfEnd && !sechalf) { sechalf = true; minute = 45; setState(new StartState(awayTeam, homeTeam)); isHomeTeamAttacking = false; } if (minute >= matchEnd) { end = true; } } }
public IState Play() { double successProb = (2.25 * attacker.SPS + 5) / 100.0; if (counter) { successProb += 2.25 * (20 - defTeam.Any(Position.CM, Position.DM).DEF / 6.0) / 100.0; } else { successProb += 2.25 * (20 - defTeam.Any(Position.CM, Position.DM).DEF / 4.0) / 100.0; } if (StaticRandom.RandDouble() > successProb) { /***Pass is intercepted***/ switch (StaticRandom.Rand(3)) { case 0: case 1: if (counter) { return(new AttackCentreState(defTeam, attTeam)); } else { return(new AttackCentreState(defTeam, attTeam, "counter")); } case 2: return(new ClearenceState(defTeam, attTeam)); default: return(null); } } else /***Not intercepted - pass***/ if (counter) { return(new AttackCentreState(attTeam, defTeam, "counter")); } else { return(new AttackCentreState(attTeam, defTeam)); } }