/// <summary>
        /// Add interior people flats.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddPeople()
            GameObject node = new GameObject("People Flats");

            node.transform.parent = this.transform;

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockPeopleRecord obj in recordData.Interior.BlockPeopleRecords)
                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(obj.XPos, -obj.YPos, obj.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                // Import 3D character instead of billboard
                if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, node.transform) != null)

                // Spawn billboard gameobject
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, node.transform);

                // Set position
                DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                go.transform.position  = billboardPosition;
                go.transform.position += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);

                // Add RMB data to billboard

                // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add interior people flats.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddPeople(PlayerGPS.DiscoveredBuilding buildingData)
            GameObject node = new GameObject("People Flats");

            node.transform.parent = this.transform;
            bool isMemberOfBuildingGuild = GameManager.Instance.GuildManager.GetGuild(buildingData.factionID).IsMember();

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockPeopleRecord obj in recordData.Interior.BlockPeopleRecords)
                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(obj.XPos, -obj.YPos, obj.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                // Import 3D character instead of billboard
                if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, node.transform) != null)

                // Spawn billboard gameobject
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, node.transform);

                // Set position
                DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                go.transform.position  = billboardPosition;
                go.transform.position += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);

                // Add RMB data to billboard

                // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
                npc.SetLayoutData(obj, entryDoor.buildingKey);

                // Disable people if shop or building is closed
                DFLocation.BuildingTypes buildingType = buildingData.buildingType;
                if ((RMBLayout.IsShop(buildingType) && !GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideOpenShop) ||
                    (buildingType <= DFLocation.BuildingTypes.Palace && !RMBLayout.IsShop(buildingType) && !PlayerActivate.IsBuildingOpen(buildingType)))
                // Disable people if player owns this house
                else if (DaggerfallBankManager.IsHouseOwned(buildingData.buildingKey))
                // Disable people if this is TG/DB house and player is not a member
                else if (buildingData.buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.House2 && buildingData.factionID != 0 && !isMemberOfBuildingGuild)
                // Disable people if they are TG spymaster, but not in a legit TG house (TODO: spot any other instances for TG/DB)
                else if (buildingData.buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.House2 && buildingData.factionID == 0 &&
                         npc.Data.factionID == (int)GuildNpcServices.TG_Spymaster)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a quest NPC to marker position.
        /// </summary>
        static void AddQuestNPC(SiteTypes siteType, Quest quest, QuestMarker marker, Person person, Transform parent)
            // Get billboard texture data
            FactionFile.FlatData flatData;
            if (person.IsIndividualNPC)
                // Individuals are always flat1 no matter gender
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat1);
            if (person.Gender == Genders.Male)
                // Male has flat1
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat1);
                // Female has flat2
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat2);

            // Create target GameObject
            GameObject go = CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(flatData.archive, flatData.record, parent);

            go.name = string.Format("Quest NPC [{0}]", person.DisplayName);

            // Set position and adjust up by half height if not inside a dungeon
            Vector3 dungeonBlockPosition = new Vector3(marker.dungeonX * RDBLayout.RDBSide, 0, marker.dungeonZ * RDBLayout.RDBSide);

            go.transform.localPosition = dungeonBlockPosition + marker.flatPosition;
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            if (siteType != SiteTypes.Dungeon)
                go.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);

            // Add people data to billboard
            dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(person.FactionIndex, person.FactionData.flags);

            // Add QuestResourceBehaviour to GameObject
            QuestResourceBehaviour questResourceBehaviour = go.AddComponent <QuestResourceBehaviour>();


            // Set QuestResourceBehaviour in Person object
            person.QuestResourceBehaviour = questResourceBehaviour;

            // Add StaticNPC behaviour
            StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();

            npc.SetLayoutData((int)marker.flatPosition.x, (int)marker.flatPosition.y, (int)marker.flatPosition.z, person);

            // Set tag
            go.tag = QuestMachine.questPersonTag;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add interior people flats.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddPeople(PlayerGPS.DiscoveredBuilding buildingData)
            GameObject node = new GameObject(peopleFlats);

            node.transform.parent = this.transform;
            IGuild guild = GameManager.Instance.GuildManager.GetGuild(buildingData.factionID);
            bool   isMemberOfBuildingGuild = guild.IsMember();

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockPeopleRecord obj in recordData.Interior.BlockPeopleRecords)
                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(obj.XPos, -obj.YPos, obj.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                // Make person gameobject
                GameObject go = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, node.transform);
                if (!go)
                    // Spawn billboard gameobject
                    go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, node.transform);

                    // Set position
                    DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                    go.transform.position  = billboardPosition;
                    go.transform.position += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);

                    // Add RMB data to billboard

                // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
                npc.SetLayoutData(obj, entryDoor.buildingKey);

                // Disable people if shop or building is closed
                DFLocation.BuildingTypes buildingType = buildingData.buildingType;
                if ((RMBLayout.IsShop(buildingType) && !GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideOpenShop) ||
                    (buildingType <= DFLocation.BuildingTypes.Palace && !RMBLayout.IsShop(buildingType) &&
                     !(PlayerActivate.IsBuildingOpen(buildingType) || buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.GuildHall && guild.HallAccessAnytime())))
                // Disable people if player owns this house
                else if (DaggerfallBankManager.IsHouseOwned(buildingData.buildingKey))
                // Disable people if this is TG/DB house and player is not a member
                else if (buildingData.buildingType == DFLocation.BuildingTypes.House2 && buildingData.factionID != 0 && !isMemberOfBuildingGuild)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add misc block flats.
        /// Batching is conditionally supported.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddMiscBlockFlats(
            ref DFBlock blockData,
            Transform flatsParent,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = null,
            TextureAtlasBuilder miscBillboardsAtlas        = null,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardsBatch   = null)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockFlatObjectRecord obj in blockData.RmbBlock.MiscFlatObjectRecords)
                // Ignore lights as they are handled by AddLights()
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive)

                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(
                    -obj.YPos + blockFlatsOffsetY,
                    obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                // Import custom 3d gameobject instead of flat
                if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, flatsParent) != null)

                //// Use misc billboard atlas where available
                //if (miscBillboardsAtlas != null && miscBillboardsBatch != null)
                //    TextureAtlasBuilder.AtlasItem item = miscBillboardsAtlas.GetAtlasItem(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord);
                //    if (item.key != -1)
                //    {
                //        miscBillboardsBatch.AddItem(item.rect, item.textureItem.size, item.textureItem.scale, billboardPosition);
                //        continue;
                //    }

                // Add to batch where available
                //if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive && animalsBillboardBatch != null)
                //    animalsBillboardBatch.AddItem(obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition);
                //    continue;

                // Add standalone billboard gameobject
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, flatsParent);
                go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

                // Add animal sound
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive)

                // If flat record has a non-zero faction id, then it's an exterior NPC
                if (obj.FactionID != 0)
                    // Add RMB data to billboard
                    DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                    dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(obj.FactionID, obj.Flags, obj.Position);

                    // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                    StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add subrecord (building) exterior block flats.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddExteriorBlockFlats(
            ref DFBlock blockData,
            Transform flatsParent,
            Transform lightsParent,
            int mapId,
            int locationIndex,
            ClimateNatureSets climateNature = ClimateNatureSets.TemperateWoodland,
            ClimateSeason climateSeason     = ClimateSeason.Summer)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Get Nature Archive
            int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(climateNature, climateSeason);

            foreach (DFBlock.RmbSubRecord subRecord in blockData.RmbBlock.SubRecords)
                Vector3 subRecordPosition = new Vector3(subRecord.XPos, 0, -subRecord.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockFlatObjectRecord obj in subRecord.Exterior.BlockFlatObjectRecords)
                    // Don't add building exterior editor flats since they can't be used by any DFU systems
                    int archive = obj.TextureArchive;
                    if (archive == TextureReader.EditorFlatsTextureArchive)

                    // Calculate position
                    Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(
                        -obj.YPos + blockFlatsOffsetY,
                        obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                    billboardPosition += subRecordPosition;

                    // Add natures using correct climate set archive
                    if (archive >= (int)DFLocation.ClimateTextureSet.Nature_RainForest && archive <= (int)DFLocation.ClimateTextureSet.Nature_Mountains_Snow)
                        archive             = natureArchive;
                        billboardPosition.z = natureFlatsOffsetY;

                    GameObject go         = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(archive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, flatsParent);
                    bool       isImported = go != null;
                    if (!isImported)
                        // Add standalone billboard gameobject
                        go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(archive, obj.TextureRecord, flatsParent);
                        go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

                    // Add animal sound
                    if (archive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive)
                        AddAnimalAudioSource(go, obj.TextureRecord);

                    // If flat record has a non-zero faction id, then it's an exterior NPC
                    if (obj.FactionID != 0)
                        // Add RMB data to billboard
                        Billboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <Billboard>();
                        if (dfBillboard != null)
                            dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(obj.FactionID, obj.Flags, obj.Position);

                        // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                        StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
                        npc.SetLayoutData(obj, mapId, locationIndex);

                    // If this is a light flat, import light prefab
                    if (archive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive && !isImported)
                        if (dfUnity.Option_CityLightPrefab == null)

                        Vector2 size     = dfUnity.MeshReader.GetScaledBillboardSize(210, obj.TextureRecord);
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                            -obj.YPos + size.y,
                            obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;
                        position += subRecordPosition;

                        GameObjectHelper.InstantiatePrefab(dfUnity.Option_CityLightPrefab.gameObject, string.Empty, lightsParent, position);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add misc block flats.
        /// Batching is conditionally supported.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddMiscBlockFlats(
            ref DFBlock blockData,
            Transform flatsParent,
            int mapId,
            int locationIndex,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = null,
            TextureAtlasBuilder miscBillboardsAtlas        = null,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardsBatch   = null)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockFlatObjectRecord obj in blockData.RmbBlock.MiscFlatObjectRecords)
                // Ignore lights as they are handled by AddLights()
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive)

                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(
                    -obj.YPos + blockFlatsOffsetY,
                    obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                GameObject go = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, flatsParent);
                if (go == null)
                    // Add standalone billboard gameobject
                    go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, flatsParent);
                    go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

                // Add animal sound
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive)
                    AddAnimalAudioSource(go, obj.TextureRecord);

                // If flat record has a non-zero faction id, then it's an exterior NPC
                if (obj.FactionID != 0)
                    // Add RMB data to billboard
                    Billboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <Billboard>();
                    if (dfBillboard != null)
                        dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(obj.FactionID, obj.Flags, obj.Position);

                    // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                    StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
                    npc.SetLayoutData(obj, mapId, locationIndex);