public static LCAResultForTwoStatements GetCommonAncestorForSyntaxStatements(StatementSyntax x, StatementSyntax y)

            //Depth is average O(log n) operation, worst case is O(n) but it isn't the case for the syntax tree which is wide but not very deep.
            //For statements we could consider depth constrained by MethodDeclarationSyntax
            int depthX = x.Depth <MethodDeclarationSyntax, StatementSyntax>();
            int depthY = y.Depth <MethodDeclarationSyntax, StatementSyntax>();

            StatementSyntax currentX = x, prevX = null;
            StatementSyntax currentY = y, prevY = null;

            while (depthX != depthY)                            //First get nodes on the equal levels of depth
                if (depthX > depthY)
                    prevX    = currentX;
                    currentX = currentX.Parent <StatementSyntax>();
                    prevY    = currentY;
                    currentY = currentY.Parent <StatementSyntax>();

            while (currentX != currentY)                      //Then move up the branches until nodes coincide
                prevX    = currentX;
                prevY    = currentY;
                currentX = currentX.Parent <StatementSyntax>();
                currentY = currentY.Parent <StatementSyntax>();

            return(new LCAResultForTwoStatements(currentX, prevX, prevY));