protected static Planner <State> CreatePlanner() { var planningActions = new List <PlanningAction <State> > { new PlanningAction <State>( name: "swap 1 with 2", validator: x => x["1"] > 1, executor: x => { x["1"] -= 1; x["2"] += 1; }), new PlanningAction <State>( name: "swap 2 with 1", validator: x => x["2"] > 1, executor: x => { x["1"] += 1; x["2"] -= 1; }), }; var stateComparer = new StateComaparer(); return(new Planner <State>(PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions, stateComparer)); }
protected static Planner<State> CreatePlanner() { var planningActions = new List<PlanningAction<State>> { new PlanningAction<State>( name: "swap 1 with 2", validator: x => x["1"] > 1, executor: x => { x["1"] -= 1; x["2"] += 1; }), new PlanningAction<State>( name:"swap 2 with 1", validator: x => x["2"] > 1, executor: x => { x["1"] += 1; x["2"] -= 1; }), }; var stateComparer = new StateComaparer(); return new Planner<State>(PlanningMethod.DepthFirst, planningActions, stateComparer); }