static ExitCode MainProc(string[] Arguments, StartupTraceListener StartupListener) { ExitCode Result = Automation.Process(Arguments, StartupListener); ShouldKillProcesses = Automation.ShouldKillProcesses; return(Result); }
public static int Main(string[] Arguments) { // Ensure UTF8Output flag is respected, since we are initializing logging early in the program. if (CommandUtils.ParseParam(Arguments, "-Utf8output")) { Console.OutputEncoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false, false); } // Parse the log level argument if (CommandUtils.ParseParam(Arguments, "-Verbose")) { Log.OutputLevel = LogEventType.Verbose; } if (CommandUtils.ParseParam(Arguments, "-VeryVerbose")) { Log.OutputLevel = LogEventType.VeryVerbose; } // Initialize the log system, buffering the output until we can create the log file StartupTraceListener StartupListener = new StartupTraceListener(); Trace.Listeners.Add(StartupListener); // Configure log timestamps Log.IncludeTimestamps = CommandUtils.ParseParam(Arguments, "-Timestamps"); // Enter the main program section ExitCode ReturnCode = ExitCode.Success; try { // Set the working directory to the UE4 root Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetOriginalLocation()), "..", "..", "..")); // Ensure we can resolve any external assemblies as necessary. string PathToBinariesDotNET = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation()); AssemblyUtils.InstallAssemblyResolver(PathToBinariesDotNET); AssemblyUtils.InstallRecursiveAssemblyResolver(PathToBinariesDotNET); // Initialize the host platform layer HostPlatform.Initialize(); // Log the operating environment. Since we usually compile to AnyCPU, we may be executed using different system paths under WOW64. Log.TraceVerbose("{2}: Running on {0} as a {1}-bit process.", HostPlatform.Current.GetType().Name, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? 64 : 32, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o")); // Log if we're running from the launcher string ExecutingAssemblyLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; if (string.Compare(ExecutingAssemblyLocation, Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { Log.TraceVerbose("Executed from AutomationToolLauncher ({0})", ExecutingAssemblyLocation); } Log.TraceVerbose("CWD={0}", Environment.CurrentDirectory); // Hook up exit callbacks AppDomain Domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; Domain.ProcessExit += Domain_ProcessExit; Domain.DomainUnload += Domain_ProcessExit; HostPlatform.Current.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(CtrlHandlerDelegateInstance); // Log the application version FileVersionInfo Version = AssemblyUtils.ExecutableVersion; Log.TraceVerbose("{0} ver. {1}", Version.ProductName, Version.ProductVersion); // Don't allow simultaneous execution of AT (in the same branch) ReturnCode = InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(() => MainProc(Arguments, StartupListener)); } catch (AutomationException Ex) { // Output the message in the desired format if (Ex.OutputFormat == AutomationExceptionOutputFormat.Silent) { Log.TraceLog("{0}", ExceptionUtils.FormatExceptionDetails(Ex)); } else if (Ex.OutputFormat == AutomationExceptionOutputFormat.Minimal) { Log.TraceInformation("{0}", Ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n ")); Log.TraceLog("{0}", ExceptionUtils.FormatExceptionDetails(Ex)); } else { Log.WriteException(Ex, LogUtils.FinalLogFileName); } // Take the exit code from the exception ReturnCode = Ex.ErrorCode; } catch (Exception Ex) { // Use a default exit code Log.WriteException(Ex, LogUtils.FinalLogFileName); ReturnCode = ExitCode.Error_Unknown; } finally { // In all cases, do necessary shut down stuff, but don't let any additional exceptions leak out while trying to shut down. // Make sure there's no directories on the stack. NoThrow(() => CommandUtils.ClearDirStack(), "Clear Dir Stack"); // Try to kill process before app domain exits to leave the other KillAll call to extreme edge cases NoThrow(() => { if (ShouldKillProcesses && !Utils.IsRunningOnMono) { ProcessManager.KillAll(); } }, "Kill All Processes"); // Write the exit code Log.TraceInformation("AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode={0} ({1})", (int)ReturnCode, ReturnCode); // Can't use NoThrow here because the code logs exceptions. We're shutting down logging! Trace.Close(); } return((int)ReturnCode); }
/// <summary> /// Main method. /// </summary> /// <param name="Arguments">Command line</param> public static ExitCode Process(string[] Arguments, StartupTraceListener StartupListener) { // Initial check for local or build machine runs BEFORE we parse the command line (We need this value set // in case something throws the exception while parsing the command line) IsBuildMachine = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("uebp_LOCAL_ROOT")) || Arguments.Any(x => x.Equals("-BuildMachine", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // Scan the command line for commands to execute. var CommandsToExecute = new List <CommandInfo>(); string OutScriptsForProjectFileName; var AdditionalScriptsFolders = new List <string>(); ParseCommandLine(Arguments, CommandsToExecute, out OutScriptsForProjectFileName, AdditionalScriptsFolders); // Get the path to the telemetry file, if present string TelemetryFile = CommandUtils.ParseParamValue(Arguments, "-Telemetry"); Log.TraceVerbose("IsBuildMachine={0}", IsBuildMachine); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("IsBuildMachine", IsBuildMachine ? "1" : "0"); // should we kill processes on exit ShouldKillProcesses = !GlobalCommandLine.NoKill; Log.TraceVerbose("ShouldKillProcesses={0}", ShouldKillProcesses); if (CommandsToExecute.Count == 0 && GlobalCommandLine.Help) { DisplayHelp(); return(ExitCode.Success); } // Disable AutoSDKs if specified on the command line if (GlobalCommandLine.NoAutoSDK) { PlatformExports.PreventAutoSDKSwitching(); } // Setup environment Log.TraceLog("Setting up command environment."); CommandUtils.InitCommandEnvironment(); // Create the log file, and flush the startup listener to it TraceListener LogTraceListener = LogUtils.AddLogFileListener(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LogFolder, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.FinalLogFolder); StartupListener.CopyTo(LogTraceListener); Trace.Listeners.Remove(StartupListener); // Initialize UBT if (!UnrealBuildTool.PlatformExports.Initialize()) { Log.TraceInformation("Failed to initialize UBT"); return(ExitCode.Error_Unknown); } // Clean rules folders up ProjectUtils.CleanupFolders(); // Compile scripts. Compiler = new ScriptCompiler(); using (TelemetryStopwatch ScriptCompileStopwatch = new TelemetryStopwatch("ScriptCompile")) { Compiler.FindAndCompileAllScripts(OutScriptsForProjectFileName, AdditionalScriptsFolders); } if (GlobalCommandLine.CompileOnly) { Log.TraceInformation("Compilation successful, exiting (CompileOnly)"); return(ExitCode.Success); } if (GlobalCommandLine.List) { ListAvailableCommands(Compiler.Commands); return(ExitCode.Success); } if (GlobalCommandLine.Help) { DisplayHelp(CommandsToExecute, Compiler.Commands); return(ExitCode.Success); } // Enable or disable P4 support CommandUtils.InitP4Support(CommandsToExecute, Compiler.Commands); if (CommandUtils.P4Enabled) { Log.TraceLog("Setting up Perforce environment."); CommandUtils.InitP4Environment(); CommandUtils.InitDefaultP4Connection(); } // Find and execute commands. ExitCode Result = Execute(CommandsToExecute, Compiler.Commands); if (TelemetryFile != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(TelemetryFile)); CommandUtils.Telemetry.Write(TelemetryFile); } return(Result); }