Esempio n. 1
        private static ProcessInfo RunProcess(ref StartInfoExtended sInfoEx, string commandLine)
            int securityAttributeSize = Marshal.SizeOf <SecurityAttributes>();
            var pSec = new SecurityAttributes {
                nLength = securityAttributeSize
            var tSec = new SecurityAttributes {
                nLength = securityAttributeSize
            var success = ProcessApi.CreateProcess(
                lpApplicationName: null,
                lpCommandLine: commandLine,
                lpProcessAttributes: ref pSec,
                lpThreadAttributes: ref tSec,
                bInheritHandles: false,
                dwCreationFlags: Constants.EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT,
                lpEnvironment: IntPtr.Zero,
                lpCurrentDirectory: null,
                lpStartupInfo: ref sInfoEx,
                lpProcessInformation: out ProcessInfo pInfo

            if (!success)
                throw InteropException.CreateWithInnerHResultException("Could not create process.");

Esempio n. 2
 public static extern bool CreateProcess(
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpProcessAttributes,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpThreadAttributes,
     bool bInheritHandles,
     uint dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartInfoExtended lpStartupInfo,
     out ProcessInfo lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 3
        private static StartInfoExtended ConfigureProcessThread(IntPtr hPC, IntPtr attributes)
            // this method implements the behavior described in

            var lpSize  = IntPtr.Zero;
            var success = ProcessApi.InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(
                lpAttributeList: IntPtr.Zero,
                dwAttributeCount: 1,
                dwFlags: 0,
                lpSize: ref lpSize

            if (success || lpSize == IntPtr.Zero) // we're not expecting `success` here, we just want to get the calculated lpSize
                throw InteropException.CreateWithInnerHResultException("Could not calculate the number of bytes for the attribute list.");

            var startupInfo = new StartInfoExtended();

            startupInfo.StartupInfo.cb  = Marshal.SizeOf <StartInfoExtended>();
            startupInfo.lpAttributeList = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(lpSize);

            success = ProcessApi.InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(
                lpAttributeList: startupInfo.lpAttributeList,
                dwAttributeCount: 1,
                dwFlags: 0,
                lpSize: ref lpSize

            if (!success)
                throw InteropException.CreateWithInnerHResultException("Could not set up attribute list.");

            success = ProcessApi.UpdateProcThreadAttribute(
                lpAttributeList: startupInfo.lpAttributeList,
                dwFlags: 0,
                attribute: attributes,
                lpValue: hPC,
                cbSize: (IntPtr)IntPtr.Size,
                lpPreviousValue: IntPtr.Zero,
                lpReturnSize: IntPtr.Zero

            if (!success)
                throw InteropException.CreateWithInnerHResultException("Could not set pseudoconsole thread attribute.");

Esempio n. 4
 public Process(StartInfoExtended startupInfo, ProcessInfo processInfo)
     StartupInfo = startupInfo;
     ProcessInfo = processInfo;