Esempio n. 1
 // for profiling purpose only.
 private void SyncDirectoryInfoCacheToFileSystem()
     if (_splitDictInit)
     _splitDictInit = true;
Esempio n. 2
        internal void ShowDirectoryContent()
            if (!IsActive)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

            ClassLibrary.Do.SetCursorPosition(FromX, 1);
            string currDir = "Current Dir: ";

            if ((currDir + StartDirectory).Length > UntilX - FromX)
                currDir = "";

            currDir = currDir + StartDirectory;

            currDir = ClassLibrary.Do.TextLineCutter(currDir, UntilX - FromX);

            TotalItems = 0;
            List <string> allItems    = new List <string>();
            int           dirsCount   = 0;
            int           filesCount  = 0;
            int           pagesCount  = 0;
            int           currentPage = 0;

            DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();

            if (Directory.Exists(StartDirectory))
                foreach (DriveInfo drive in drives)
                    if (drive.Name.ToLower().Contains(StartDirectory.ToLower().Substring(0, 2)))
                        ClassLibrary.Do.SetCursorPosition(FromX, 2);

                        string currDisk = $"Current Disk: " + $"{drive.Name} Total:{GetFileSize(drive.TotalSize)} " +
                                          $"Free:{ GetFileSize(drive.TotalFreeSpace)}";
                        if (currDisk.Length > UntilX - FromX)
                            currDisk = $"{drive.Name} Total:{GetFileSize(drive.TotalSize)}";

                        currDisk = ClassLibrary.Do.TextLineCutter(currDisk, UntilX - FromX);

                // all dirs and files put in one List<string>
                string[] dirs  = new string [0];
                string[] files = new string[0];
                    dirs  = Directory.GetDirectories(StartDirectory);
                    files = Directory.GetFiles(StartDirectory);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ClassLibrary.Do.ShowAlert($"File panel - when try to get dirs and files from {StartDirectory} Error - " + e.Message, UntilX - FromX);
                // fill List<string>
                dirsCount  = dirs.Length;
                filesCount = files.Length;

                AllItems = allItems;

                TotalItems = allItems.Count;
                if (CurrentItem > TotalItems)
                    CurrentItem = 0;

                ItemsOnPage = PanelHeight - 11;

                // understand page which contains CurrentItem
                if (ItemsOnPage > TotalItems)
                    ItemsOnPage = TotalItems;
                    pagesCount  = 1;
                    currentPage = 1;
                    pagesCount = TotalItems / ItemsOnPage;

                    if (TotalItems % ItemsOnPage > 0)

                    currentPage = (CurrentItem / ItemsOnPage) + 1;

                //fill array which contain line numbers to show
                int[] itemsToShow = new int[ItemsOnPage];
                // if page is last - shrink numberes of array elements
                if (currentPage > 1 && currentPage == pagesCount)
                    itemsToShow = new int[TotalItems % ItemsOnPage];
                //fill  array
                for (int i = 0; i < itemsToShow.Length; i++)
                    if (currentPage > 1)
                        itemsToShow[i] = ((currentPage - 1) * ItemsOnPage) + i;
                        itemsToShow[i] = i;

                //understand where is CurrentItem in array itemsToShow
                int arrCurrent = CurrentItem % ItemsOnPage;

                //print lines of current page
                for (int i = 0; i < itemsToShow.Length; i++)
                    if (arrCurrent == i)
                        if (IsActive)
                            Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

                    if (allItems[itemsToShow[i]].Equals("..")) // print parent Directory
                        PrintStringToConsole("..", null, DateTime.MinValue, 0, i);
                        DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(allItems[itemsToShow[i]]);
                        if (arrCurrent == i && IsActive)
                            CurrentItemName = dirInfo.Name;

                        if (!dirInfo.Attributes.ToString().Contains("Directory")) //  files
                            FileInfo fileInf = new FileInfo(allItems[itemsToShow[i]]);

                                PrintStringToConsole(dirInfo.Name, null, dirInfo.CreationTime, fileInf.Length, i);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                ClassLibrary.Do.ShowAlert($"File panel - when try get data from file {allItems[itemsToShow[i]]} error - " + e.Message, UntilX - FromX);
                        else // dirs
                                PrintStringToConsole(dirInfo.Name, dirInfo.Attributes.ToString(), dirInfo.CreationTime, 0, i);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                ClassLibrary.Do.ShowAlert($"File panel - when try get data from directory {allItems[itemsToShow[i]]} error - " + e.Message, UntilX - FromX);

                    if (!IsActive)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;

                //fill all empty lines with spaces - delete previous data in panel
                if (currentPage == 1 || (currentPage > 1 && currentPage == pagesCount))
                    for (int i = itemsToShow.Length; i < PanelHeight - 11; i++)
                        ClassLibrary.Do.SetCursorPosition(FromX, 4 + i);
                        Console.WriteLine(" ".PadRight(UntilX - FromX));
            else // something wrong with current dir
                ClassLibrary.Do.ShowAlert("Current directory path not found: " + StartDirectory, UntilX - FromX);

                //is disk exist?
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(StartDirectory);
                if (StartDirectory.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                    dir = new DirectoryInfo(StartDirectory.Substring(0, StartDirectory.IndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));

                if (dir.Exists) // if exist - roll back on directory tree until find existing dir
                    StartDirectory = StartDirectory.Substring(0, StartDirectory.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
                else // find ready disk and set as StartDirectory
                    foreach (DriveInfo drive in drives)
                        if (drive.IsReady)
                            StartDirectory = drive.RootDirectory.ToString();


            // pagination summary:
            string paginationSummary = $"Page {currentPage} from {pagesCount}. Total Dirs: {dirsCount}, Files: {filesCount}";

            if (UntilX - FromX < 45)
                paginationSummary = $"Page {currentPage}/{pagesCount}. Dirs/Files: {dirsCount}/{filesCount}";

            int cursorX = (UntilX - FromX - paginationSummary.Length) / 2;

            if (cursorX < 0)
                cursorX = 0;
            ClassLibrary.Do.SetCursorPosition(cursorX + FromX, PanelHeight - 7);
            Console.Write(paginationSummary.PadRight(cursorX), '═');
