Esempio n. 1
        void DrawSystem()   // draw showing_system (may be null), showing_matcomds (may be null)

            StarScan.SystemNode data = panelStars.FindSystem(showing_system, discoveryform.history);

            string control_text = "No System";

            if (showing_system != null)
                control_text = showing_system.Name;

                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(checkBoxEDSM.Checked);
                    control_text += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";

                    int scanned = data.StarPlanetsScanned();

                    if (scanned > 0)
                        control_text += " " + "Scan".T(EDTx.UserControlSurveyor_Scan) + " " + scanned.ToString() + (data.FSSTotalBodies != null ? (" / " + data.FSSTotalBodies.Value.ToString()) : "");
                    control_text += " " + "No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan);

            panelStars.DrawSystem(data, showing_matcomds, discoveryform.history, (HasControlTextArea() && !extCheckBoxDisplaySystemAlways.Checked) ? null : control_text, bodyfilters);
Esempio n. 2
        void DrawSystem()   // draw showing_system (may be null), showing_matcomds (may be null)

            StarScan.SystemNode data = panelStars.FindSystem(showing_system, discoveryform.history);

            string control_text = "No System";

            if (showing_system != null)
                control_text = showing_system.Name;

                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(checkBoxEDSM.Checked);
                    control_text += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";
                    control_text += " " + "No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan);

            panelStars.DrawSystem(data, showing_matcomds, discoveryform.history, (HasControlTextArea() && !extCheckBoxDisplaySystemAlways.Checked) ? null : control_text, bodyfilters);
Esempio n. 3
        async void DrawSystem()   // draw showing_system (may be null), showing_matcomds (may be null)

            // showing_system = new SystemClass("Qi Lieh");
            //showing_system = new SystemClass("Pallaeni"); - problem with shrinking lines
            //   showing_system = new SystemClass("Borann");
            //showing_system = new SystemClass("Skaudai AM-B d14-138");
            //showing_system = new SystemClass("Eorgh Prou JH-V e2-1979");
            //  showing_system = new SystemClass("HYPAA FLYIAE CB-O D6-8");

            StarScan.SystemNode data = showing_system != null ? await discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystemAsync(showing_system, false, byname : true) : null;
            StarScan.SystemNode data = showing_system != null ? await discoveryform.history.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(showing_system, checkBoxEDSM.Checked) : null;
            string control_text = "No System";

            if (showing_system != null)
                control_text = showing_system.Name;

                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(checkBoxEDSM.Checked);
                    control_text += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";

                    int scanned = data.StarPlanetsScanned();

                    if (scanned > 0)
                        control_text += " " + "Scan".T(EDTx.UserControlSurveyor_Scan) + " " + scanned.ToString() + (data.FSSTotalBodies != null ? (" / " + data.FSSTotalBodies.Value.ToString()) : "");

                    int fsssignals = data.FSSSignalList.Count;
                    if (fsssignals > 0)
                        control_text += " " + " Signals " + fsssignals.ToString();
                    control_text += " " + "No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan);

            var curmats = discoveryform.history.MaterialCommoditiesMicroResources.GetLast();

            panelStars.DrawSystem(data, showing_matcomds, curmats, (HasControlTextArea() && !displayfilters.Contains("sys")) ? null : control_text, bodyfilters);

Esempio n. 4
        void DrawSystem()   // draw showing_system (may be null), showing_matcomds (may be null)

            StarScan.SystemNode data = panelStars.DrawSystem(showing_system, showing_matcomds, discoveryform.history);

            if (showing_system == null)
                SetControlText("No System");
                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(checkBoxEDSM.Checked);
                    SetControlText(data.system.Name + " (~" + value.ToString() + " cr)");
                    SetControlText(data == null ? "No Scan".Tx() : data.system.Name);
        public static async void ShowScanOrMarketForm(Form parent, Object tag, bool checkedsm, HistoryList hl)     // tag can be a Isystem or an He.. output depends on it.
            if (tag == null)

            ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm f = new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm();

            Size infosize  = parent.SizeWithinScreen(new Size(parent.Width * 6 / 8, parent.Height * 6 / 8), 128, 128 + 100);       // go for this, but allow this around window
            int  topmargin = 40;

            HistoryEntry           he  = tag as HistoryEntry;                     // is tag HE?
            ISystem                sys = he != null ? he.System : tag as ISystem; // if so, sys is he.system, else its a direct sys
            ScanDisplayUserControl sd  = null;
            string title = "System".T(EDTx.ScanDisplayForm_Sys) + ": " + sys.Name;

            AutoScaleMode asm = AutoScaleMode.Font;

            if (he != null && (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Market || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.EDDCommodityPrices))  // station data..
                he.FillInformation(out string info, out string detailed);

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("RTB", typeof(ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox), detailed, new Point(0, topmargin), infosize, null));

                JournalCommodityPricesBase jm = he.journalEntry as JournalCommodityPricesBase;
                title += ", " + "Station".T(EDTx.ScanDisplayForm_Station) + ": " + jm.Station;
                sd           = new ScanDisplayUserControl();
                sd.CheckEDSM = checkedsm;
                int selsize = (int)(EDDTheme.Instance.GetFont.Height / 16.0f * 48.0f);
                sd.Size = infosize;

                StarScan.SystemNode data = await hl.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(sys, sd.CheckEDSM);    // look up system async

                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(sd.CheckEDSM);
                    title += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";

                sd.BackColor = EDDTheme.Instance.Form;
                sd.DrawSystem(data, null, hl);

                int wastedh = infosize.Height - sd.DisplayAreaUsed.Y - 10 - 40;
                if (wastedh > 0)
                    infosize.Height -= wastedh;

                asm = AutoScaleMode.None;   // because we are using a picture box, it does not autoscale, so we can't use that logic on it.

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("Sys", null, null, new Point(0, topmargin), infosize, null)
                    control = sd

            f.AddOK(new Point(infosize.Width - 120, topmargin + infosize.Height + 10));

            f.Trigger += (dialogname, controlname, ttag) =>
                if (controlname == "OK")
                else if (controlname == "Close")

            f.InitCentred(parent, parent.Icon, title, null, null, asm, closeicon: true);

        private async void DrawSystem(HistoryEntry he, bool force)
            var samesys = last_he?.System != null && he?.System != null && he.System.Name == last_he.System.Name;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan grid " + samesys + " F:" + force);

            StarScan.SystemNode scannode = null;

            if (he == null)     //  no he, no display
                last_he = he;
                SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));
                scannode = await discoveryform.history.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(he.System, checkBoxEDSM.Checked); // get data with EDSM maybe

                if (scannode == null)                                                                             // no data, clear display, clear any last_he so samesys is false next time
                    last_he = null;
                    SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));

                if (samesys && !force)      // same system, no force, no redisplay

            last_he = he;

            // only record first row if same system
            var firstdisplayedrow = (dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount > 0 && samesys) ? dataGridViewScangrid.SafeFirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex() : -1;

            toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Visible = false;
            toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value   = 0;                             // reset the jumponium progress

            dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight = Font.ScalePixels(64); // based on icon size
            bodysize = dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight;
            iconsize = bodysize / 4;


            var all_nodes = scannode.Bodies.ToList(); // flatten tree of scan nodes to prepare for listing

            var stars       = 0;
            var planets     = 0;
            var terrestrial = 0;
            var gasgiants   = 0;
            var moons       = 0;

            List <MaterialCommodityMicroResource> historicmcl = discoveryform.history.MaterialCommoditiesMicroResources.Get(last_he.MaterialCommodity);
            List <MaterialCommodityMicroResource> curmcl      = discoveryform.history.MaterialCommoditiesMicroResources.GetLast();

            HashSet <string> jumponiums = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                // define strings to be populated
                var bdClass   = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDist    = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDetails = new StringBuilder();

                if (sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.ring)
                    // do nothing, by now
                else if (sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.beltcluster)
                    // if have a scan, we show belts, and its not edsm body, or getting edsm
                    if (sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null && IsSet(CtrlList.showBelts) && (!sn.ScanData.IsEDSMBody || checkBoxEDSM.Checked))
                        bdClass.Append("Belt Cluster");

                        if (sn.ScanData.ScanType == "Detailed")
                            bdDetails.Append("No scan data available");

                        if (Math.Abs(sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS) > 0)
                            bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                        var img = global::EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.Belt;

                        dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyDesignationOrName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                        var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                        cur.Tag          = img;
                        cur.Cells[0].Tag = null;
                        cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                            sn.ScanData.DisplayString(0, historicmcl, curmcl);
                // must have scan data and a name to be good, and either not edsm body or edsm check
                else if (sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null && (!sn.ScanData.IsEDSMBody || checkBoxEDSM.Checked))
                    var overlays = new StarColumnOverlays();

                    if (sn.ScanData.IsStar)
                        // is a star, so populate its information field with relevant data

                        // star class
                        if (sn.ScanData.StarTypeText != null)

                        // is the main star?
                        if (sn.ScanData.BodyName.EndsWith(" A", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            bdDist.AppendFormat("Main Star".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_MainStar));
                        // if not, then tell us its hierarchy leveland distance from main star
                        else if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                            if (sn.ScanData.IsStar || sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value > JournalScan.oneAU_m / 10)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.00}ls)", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_m), sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m);
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0}km", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000).ToString("N1"));

                        // display stellar bodies mass, in sols
                        if (sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Mass".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Mass)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.Value.ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                        // display stellar bodies radius in sols
                        if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneSolRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                        // show the temperature
                        if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value)).Append("K.");

                        // habitable zone for stars - do not display for black holes.
                        if (sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showHabitable))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZHab);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showMetalRich))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZMR);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showWaterWorlds))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZWW);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showEarthLike))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZEL);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showAmmonia))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZAW);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                            if (IsSet(CtrlList.showIcyBodies))
                                string hz = sn.ScanData.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZIP);
                                bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + hz);
                        // is a non-stellar body

                        // is terraformable? If so, prepend it to the body class
                        if (sn.ScanData.Terraformable)
                            bdClass.Append("Terraformable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Terraformable)).Append(", ");

                        if (sn.NodeType == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)      // Planet, not barycenter/belt

                            if (sn.Level <= 1)      // top level planet

                                if (sn.ScanData.GasWorld)

                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                                bdClass.Append(" ").Append("Moon".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Moon));

                                // moon distances from center body are measured from in SemiMajorAxis
                                if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.0}ls ({1:0}km)", sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m, sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000);

                        // Details

                        // display non-stellar bodies radius in earth radiuses
                        if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / 1000.0).ToString("N0") + "km (").
                            Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneEarthRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ER), ");

                        // show the temperature, both in K and C degrees
                        if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                            bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value).ToString("N2")).Append("K, (").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value - 273).ToString("N2")).Append("C).");

                        // print the main atmospheric composition and pressure, if presents
                        if (sn.ScanData.Atmosphere != "none")
                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append(", ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.Value / JournalScan.oneAtmosphere_Pa).ToString("N3")).Append("Pa.");

                        // tell us that a bodie is landable, and shows its gravity
                        if (sn.ScanData.IsLandable)
                            var Gg = "";

                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity.HasValue)
                                var g = sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity / JournalScan.oneGee_m_s2;
                                Gg = " (G: " + g.Value.ToString("N1") + ")";

                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Landable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Landable)).Append(Gg).Append(". ");
                            overlays.landable = true;

                        // tell us that there is some volcanic activity
                        if (sn.ScanData.Volcanism.HasChars())
                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Geological activity".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Geologicalactivity)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.Volcanism).Append(". ");
                            overlays.volcanism = true;

                        if (sn.ScanData.Mapped)
                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Surface mapped".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Surfacemapped)).Append(". ");
                            overlays.mapped = true;

                        if (sn.Organics != null)
                            string ol = JournalScanOrganic.OrganicList(sn.Organics);

                        // materials
                        if (sn.ScanData.HasMaterials)
                            var ret = "";
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> mat in sn.ScanData.Materials)
                                var mc = MaterialCommodityMicroResourceType.GetByFDName(mat.Key);
                                if (mc?.IsJumponium == true)
                                    ret = ret.AppendPrePad(mc.Name, ", ");
                                    overlays.materials = true;

                            if (ret.Length > 0 && IsSet(CtrlList.showMaterials))
                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("This body contains: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_BC)).Append(ret);

                    // have some belt, ring or other special structure?
                    if (sn.ScanData.HasRings)
                        for (int r = 0; r < sn.ScanData.Rings.Length; r++)
                            if (sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name.EndsWith("Belt", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                if (IsSet(CtrlList.showBelts))
                                    // is a belt
                                    bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Belt: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Belt));
                                    var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                    bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                    bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");
                                if (IsSet(CtrlList.showRings))
                                    // is a ring
                                    bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Ring: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Ring));
                                    var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                    bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                    bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");

                    // give estimated value
                    if (IsSet(CtrlList.showValues))
                        var value = sn.ScanData.EstimatedValue;
                        bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Value".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Value)).Append(" ").Append(value.ToString("N0"));

                    if (sn.ScanData.IsEDSMBody)

                    // pick an image

                    Bitmap img = (Bitmap)BaseUtils.Icons.IconSet.GetIcon(sn.ScanData.GetStarPlanetTypeImageName());

                    dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyDesignationOrName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                    var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                    cur.Tag = img;

                    cur.Cells[0].Tag = overlays;
                    cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                        sn.ScanData.DisplayString(0, historicmcl, curmcl);

                    sn.ScanData.Jumponium(jumponiums);      // add to jumponiums hash any seen

            toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value   = jumponiums.Count;
            toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Visible = toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value > 0;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Jumponiums " + toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value + " " + toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Visible);

            if (toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value == 8)
                toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.ToolTipText = "This is a green system, as it has all existing jumponium materials available!".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_GS);
                toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.ToolTipText = toolStripJumponiumProgressBar.Value + " jumponium materials found in system.".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_JS);

            string report = string.Format("Scan Summary for {0}: {1} stars; {2} planets ({3} terrestrial, {4} gas giants), {5} moons".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_ScanSummaryfor), scannode.System.Name, stars, planets, terrestrial, gasgiants, moons);

            report = "~" + scannode.ScanValue(checkBoxEDSM.Checked).ToString() + " cr " + report;
            toolStripStatusTotalValue.Text = report;

            if (firstdisplayedrow >= 0 && firstdisplayedrow < dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount)
Esempio n. 7
        async private void DrawSystem(ISystem sys, string tt = null)
            if (tt != null)
                titletext = tt;


            // if system, and we are in no focus or don't care
            if (sys != null && (uistate == EliteDangerousCore.UIEvents.UIGUIFocus.Focus.NoFocus || !autoHideToolStripMenuItem.Checked ||
                                (uistate == EliteDangerousCore.UIEvents.UIGUIFocus.Focus.FSSMode && dontHideInFSSModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked)))
                int          vpos = 0;
                StringFormat frmt = new StringFormat(wordWrapToolStripMenuItem.Checked ? 0: StringFormatFlags.NoWrap);
                frmt.Alignment = alignment;
                var textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor;
                var backcolour = IsTransparent ? Color.Transparent : this.BackColor;

                if (!IsControlTextVisible() && showSystemInfoOnScreenWhenInTransparentModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                        new Point(3, vpos),
                        new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 1000),
                        frmt: frmt);

                    vpos += i.Location.Height;

                StarScan.SystemNode systemnode = await discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystemAsync(sys, checkEDSMForInformationToolStripMenuItem.Checked); // get data with EDSM

                if (systemnode != null)                                                                                                                       // no data, clear display, clear any last_he so samesys is false next time
                    string infoline = "";

                    int scanned = systemnode.StarPlanetsScanned();

                    if (scanned > 0)
                        infoline = "Scan".T(EDTx.UserControlSurveyor_Scan) + " " + scanned.ToString() + (systemnode.FSSTotalBodies != null ? (" / " + systemnode.FSSTotalBodies.Value.ToString()) : "");

                    long value = systemnode.ScanValue(false);

                    if (value > 0 && showValuesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                        infoline = infoline.AppendPrePad("~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr", "; ");

                    if (infoline.HasChars())
                        var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                            new Point(3, vpos),
                            new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 1000),
                            frmt: frmt);
                        vpos += i.Location.Height;

                    var all_nodes = systemnode.Bodies.ToList();

                    if (all_nodes != null)
                        value = 0;

                        foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                            if (sn.ScanData != null && sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null)
                                var sd = sn.ScanData;

                                if ((sd.AmmoniaWorld && ammoniaWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.Earthlike && earthlikeWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.WaterWorld && waterWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.HasRings && !sd.AmmoniaWorld && !sd.Earthlike && !sd.WaterWorld && hasRingsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.HasMeaningfulVolcanism && hasVolcanismToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.Terraformable && terraformableToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (lowRadiusToolStripMenuItem.Checked && sd.nRadius.HasValue && sd.nRadius < lowRadiusLimit) ||
                                    (sn.Signals != null && hasSignalsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsStar && showAllStarsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsPlanet && showAllPlanetsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsBeltCluster && showBeltClustersToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                                    if (!sd.Mapped || hideAlreadyMappedBodiesToolStripMenuItem.Checked == false)      // if not mapped, or show mapped
                                        var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                                            new Point(3, vpos),
                                            new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 1000),
                                            InfoLine(last_sys, sn, sd),
                                            frmt: frmt);

                                        vpos  += i.Location.Height;
                                        value += sd.EstimatedValue;

                        if (value > 0 && showValuesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                            var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                                new Point(3, vpos),
                                new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 1000),
                                "^^ ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr",
                                frmt: frmt);
                            vpos += i.Location.Height;

Esempio n. 8
        private async void DrawSystem(HistoryEntry he, bool force)
            StarScan.SystemNode scannode = null;

            var samesys = last_he?.System != null && he?.System != null && he.System.Name == last_he.System.Name;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scan grid " + samesys + " F:" + force);

            if (he == null)     //  no he, no display
                last_he = he;
                SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));
                scannode = await discoveryform.history.starscan.FindSystemAsync(he.System, true); // get data with EDSM

                if (scannode == null)                                                             // no data, clear display, clear any last_he so samesys is false next time
                    last_he = null;
                    SetControlText("No Scan".T(EDTx.NoScan));

                if (samesys && !force)      // same system, no force, no redisplay

            last_he = he;

            // only record first row if same system
            var firstdisplayedrow = (dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount > 0 && samesys) ? dataGridViewScangrid.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex : -1;

            dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight = Font.ScalePixels(64);        // based on icon size
            bodysize = dataGridViewScangrid.RowTemplate.MinimumHeight;
            iconsize = bodysize / 4;


            var all_nodes = scannode.Bodies.ToList(); // flatten tree of scan nodes to prepare for listing

            var stars       = 0;
            var planets     = 0;
            var terrestrial = 0;
            var gasgiants   = 0;
            var moons       = 0;

            foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                // define strings to be populated
                var bdClass   = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDist    = new StringBuilder();
                var bdDetails = new StringBuilder();

                if (sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.ring)
                    // do nothing, by now
                else if (sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.beltcluster)
                    if (showStructures && sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null)
                        if (showBelts)
                            bdClass.Append("Belt Cluster");

                            if (sn.ScanData.ScanType == "Detailed")
                                bdDetails.Append("No scan data available");

                            if (Math.Abs(sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS) > 0)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                            var img = global::EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.ScanGrid_Belt;

                            dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                            var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                            cur.Tag          = img;
                            cur.Cells[0].Tag = null;
                            cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                                sn.ScanData.DisplayString(historicmatlist: last_he.MaterialCommodity, currentmatlist: discoveryform.history.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity);
                    var overlays = new Overlays();
                    // check for null data

                    if (sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null)
                        // check for body class
                        if (sn.ScanData.IsStar)
                            // is a star, so populate its information field with relevant data

                            // star class
                            if (sn.ScanData.StarTypeText != null)

                            // is the main star?
                            if (sn.ScanData.BodyName.EndsWith(" A", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("Main Star".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_MainStar));
                            // if not, then tell us its hierarchy leveland distance from main star
                            else if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                                if (sn.ScanData.IsStar || sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value > JournalScan.oneAU_m / 10)
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.00}ls)", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_m), sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m);
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0}km", (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000).ToString("N1"));

                            // display stellar bodies mass, in sols
                            if (sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Mass".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Mass)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.nStellarMass.Value.ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // display stellar bodies radius in sols
                            if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneSolRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // show the temperature
                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value)).Append("K.");

                            // habitable zone for stars - do not display for black holes.
                            if (showStellarZones)
                                if (showHabitable && sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Habitable Zone".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_HabitableZone) + ": {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.HabitableZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetHabZoneStringLs());
                                if (showMetalRich && sn.ScanData.MetalRichZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.MetalRichZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Metal Rich bodies".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_MetalRichbodies) + ": {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.MetalRichZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.MetalRichZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetMetalRichZoneStringLs());
                                if (showWaterWorlds && sn.ScanData.WaterWrldZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.WaterWrldZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Water worlds".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Waterworlds) + ": {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.WaterWrldZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.WaterWrldZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetWaterWorldZoneStringLs());
                                if (showEarthLike && sn.ScanData.EarthLikeZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.EarthLikeZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Earth likes planets".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Earthlikesplanets) + ": {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.EarthLikeZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.EarthLikeZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetEarthLikeZoneStringLs());
                                if (showAmmonia && sn.ScanData.AmmonWrldZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.AmmonWrldZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Ammonia worlds".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Ammoniaworlds) + ": {0}-{1}AU ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.AmmonWrldZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.AmmonWrldZoneOuter.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), sn.ScanData.GetAmmoniaWorldZoneStringLs());
                                if (showIcyBodies && sn.ScanData.IcyPlanetZoneInner != null && sn.ScanData.IcyPlanetZoneOuter != null && sn.ScanData.StarTypeID != EDStar.H)
                                    bdDetails.AppendFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Habitable Zone".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_HabitableZone) + ": {0}AU-{1} ({2}). ", (sn.ScanData.IcyPlanetZoneInner.Value / JournalScan.oneAU_LS).ToString("N2"), (sn.ScanData.IcyPlanetZoneOuter), sn.ScanData.GetIcyPlanetsZoneStringLs());
                            // is a non-stellar body

                            // is terraformable? If so, prepend it to the body class
                            if (sn.ScanData.Terraformable)
                                bdClass.Append("Terraformable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Terraformable)).Append(", ");

                            // is a planet?...
                            if (sn.ScanData.PlanetClass != null)


                            // tell us the distance from the arrivals in both AU and LS
                            if (sn.level <= 1 && sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)
                                bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.00}AU ({1:0.0}ls)", sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS / JournalScan.oneAU_LS, sn.ScanData.DistanceFromArrivalLS);

                            // ...or a moon?
                            if (sn.level >= 2 && sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.body)
                                if (sn.ScanData.PlanetClass != null)

                                bdClass.Append(" ").Append("Moon".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Moon));

                                // moon distances from center body are measured from in SemiMajorAxis
                                if (sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.HasValue)
                                    bdDist.AppendFormat("{0:0.0}ls ({1:0}km)", sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / JournalScan.oneLS_m, sn.ScanData.nSemiMajorAxis.Value / 1000);

                            if (sn.ScanData.PlanetClass != null && sn.ScanData.PlanetClass.Contains("Giant"))

                            // Details

                            // display non-stellar bodies radius in earth radiuses
                            if (sn.ScanData.nRadius.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Radius".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Radius)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nRadius.Value / JournalScan.oneEarthRadius_m).ToString("N2")).Append(", ");

                            // show the temperature, both in K and C degrees
                            if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.HasValue)
                                bdDetails.Append("Temperature".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Temperature)).Append(": ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value).ToString("N2")).Append("K, (").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfaceTemperature.Value - 273).ToString("N2")).Append("C).");

                            // print the main atmospheric composition and pressure, if presents
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sn.ScanData.Atmosphere) && sn.ScanData.Atmosphere != "None")
                                if (sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.HasValue)
                                    bdDetails.Append(", ").Append((sn.ScanData.nSurfacePressure.Value / JournalScan.oneAtmosphere_Pa).ToString("N3")).Append("Pa.");

                            // tell us that a bodie is landable, and shows its gravity
                            if (sn.ScanData.IsLandable)
                                var Gg = "";

                                if (sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity.HasValue)
                                    var g = sn.ScanData.nSurfaceGravity / JournalScan.oneGee_m_s2;
                                    Gg = " (G: " + g.Value.ToString("N1") + ")";

                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Landable".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Landable)).Append(Gg).Append(". ");
                                overlays.landable = true;

                            // tell us that there is some volcanic activity
                            if (sn.ScanData.Volcanism != null)
                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Geological activity".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Geologicalactivity)).Append(": ").Append(sn.ScanData.Volcanism).Append(". ");
                                overlays.volcanism = true;

                            if (sn.ScanData.Mapped)
                                bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Surface mapped".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Surfacemapped)).Append(". ");
                                overlays.mapped = true;

                            // materials
                            if (sn.ScanData.HasMaterials)
                                toolStripProgressBar.Visible = true;

                                var ret = "";
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> mat in sn.ScanData.Materials)
                                    var mc = MaterialCommodityData.GetByFDName(mat.Key);
                                    if (mc?.IsJumponium == true)
                                        ret = ret.AppendPrePad(mc.Name, ", ");
                                        overlays.materials = true;

                                if (ret.Length > 0 && showMaterials)
                                    bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("This body contains: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_BC)).Append(ret);


                        // have some belt, ring or other special structure?
                        if (showStructures)
                            if (sn.ScanData.HasRings)
                                for (int r = 0; r < sn.ScanData.Rings.Length; r++)
                                    if (sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name.EndsWith("Belt", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        if (showBelts)
                                            // is a belt
                                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Belt: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Belt));
                                            var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                            bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                            bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");
                                        if (showRings)
                                            // is a ring
                                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Ring: ".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Ring));
                                            var RingName = sn.ScanData.Rings[r].Name;
                                            bdDetails.Append(JournalScan.StarPlanetRing.DisplayStringFromRingClass(sn.ScanData.Rings[r].RingClass)).Append(" ");
                                            bdDetails.Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].InnerRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls to ").Append((sn.ScanData.Rings[r].OuterRad / JournalScan.oneLS_m).ToString("N2")).Append("ls. ");

                        //! for all relevant bodies:

                        // give estimated value
                        if (showValues)
                            var value = sn.ScanData.EstimatedValue;
                            bdDetails.Append(Environment.NewLine).Append("Value".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_Value)).Append(" ").Append(value.ToString("N0"));

                        // pick an image
                        var img = sn.ScanData.IsStar ? sn.ScanData.GetStarTypeImage() : sn.ScanData.GetPlanetClassImage();

                        dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, sn.ScanData.BodyName, bdClass, bdDist, bdDetails });

                        var cur = dataGridViewScangrid.Rows[dataGridViewScangrid.Rows.Count - 1];

                        cur.Tag = img;

                        cur.Cells[0].Tag = overlays;
                        cur.Cells[4].Tag = cur.Cells[0].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[1].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[2].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[3].ToolTipText = cur.Cells[4].ToolTipText =
                            sn.ScanData.DisplayString(historicmatlist: last_he.MaterialCommodity, currentmatlist: discoveryform.history.GetLast?.MaterialCommodity);

                // check if it's a green system
                isGreenSystem |= (hasArsenic && hasCadmium && hasCarbon && hasGermanium && hasNiobium && hasPopolonium && hasVanadium && hasYttrium);

                if (isGreenSystem)
                    toolStripProgressBar.ToolTipText = "This is a green system, as it has all existing jumponium materials available!".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_GS);
                    toolStripStatusGreen.Visible     = true;
                else if (!isGreenSystem)
                    toolStripProgressBar.ToolTipText = toolStripProgressBar.Value + " jumponium materials found in system.".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_JS);

                // set a meaningful title for the controller
                SetControlText(string.Format("Scan Summary for {0}: {1} stars; {2} planets ({3} terrestrial, {4} gas giants), {5} moons".T(EDTx.UserControlScanGrid_ScanSummaryfor), scannode.system.Name, stars, planets, terrestrial, gasgiants, moons));
                if (firstdisplayedrow >= 0 && firstdisplayedrow < dataGridViewScangrid.RowCount)

                toolStripStatusTotalValue.Text = "~" + scannode.ScanValue(true).ToString() + " cr";
        async private void DrawSystem(ISystem sys, string tt = null)
            if (tt != null)
                titletext = tt;


            // if system, and we are in no focus or don't care
            if (sys != null && (uistate == EliteDangerousCore.UIEvents.UIGUIFocus.Focus.NoFocus || !autoHideToolStripMenuItem.Checked ||
                                (uistate == EliteDangerousCore.UIEvents.UIGUIFocus.Focus.FSSMode && dontHideInFSSModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked)))
                int          vpos = 0;
                StringFormat frmt = new StringFormat(wordWrapToolStripMenuItem.Checked ? 0: StringFormatFlags.NoWrap);
                frmt.Alignment = alignment;
                var textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor;
                var backcolour = IsTransparent ? Color.Transparent : this.BackColor;

                if (!IsControlTextVisible() && showSystemInfoOnScreenWhenInTransparentModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                    var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                        new Point(3, vpos),
                        new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 10000),
                        frmt: frmt);

                    vpos += i.Location.Height;

                StarScan.SystemNode systemnode = await discoveryform.history.StarScan.FindSystemAsync(sys, checkEDSMForInformationToolStripMenuItem.Checked); // get data with EDSM

                if (systemnode != null)                                                                                                                       // no data, clear display, clear any last_he so samesys is false next time
                    string infoline = "";

                    int scanned = systemnode.StarPlanetsScanned();

                    if (scanned > 0)
                        infoline = "Scan".T(EDTx.UserControlSurveyor_Scan) + " " + scanned.ToString() + (systemnode.FSSTotalBodies != null ? (" / " + systemnode.FSSTotalBodies.Value.ToString()) : "");

                    long value = systemnode.ScanValue(false);

                    if (value > 0 && showValuesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                        infoline = infoline.AppendPrePad("~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr", "; ");

                    if (infoline.HasChars())
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Draw " + infoline);
                        var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                            new Point(3, vpos),
                            new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 10000),
                            frmt: frmt);
                        vpos += i.Location.Height;

                    var all_nodes = systemnode.Bodies.ToList();

                    if (all_nodes != null)
                        value = 0;

                        foreach (StarScan.ScanNode sn in all_nodes)
                            if (sn.ScanData != null && sn.ScanData?.BodyName != null && (!sn.ScanData.IsEDSMBody || checkEDSMForInformationToolStripMenuItem.Checked))
                                var sd = sn.ScanData;

                                if (
                                    (sd.IsLandable && landableToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsLandable && sd.HasAtmosphericComposition && landableWithAtmosphereToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsLandable && sd.HasMeaningfulVolcanism && landableWithVolcanismToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsLandable && sd.nRadius.HasValue && sd.nRadius >= largeRadiusLimit && landableAndLargeToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.AmmoniaWorld && ammoniaWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.Earthlike && earthlikeWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.WaterWorld && waterWorldToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.High_metal_content_body && highMetalContentBodyToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.PlanetTypeID == EDPlanet.Metal_rich_body && metalToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.HasRings && hasRingsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.HasMeaningfulVolcanism && hasVolcanismToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.nEccentricity.HasValue && sd.nEccentricity >= eccentricityLimit && highEccentricityToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.CanBeTerraformable && terraformableToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsPlanet && lowRadiusToolStripMenuItem.Checked && sd.nRadius.HasValue && sd.nRadius < lowRadiusLimit) ||
                                    (sn.Signals != null && hasSignalsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsStar && showAllStarsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsPlanet && showAllPlanetsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) ||
                                    (sd.IsBeltCluster && showBeltClustersToolStripMenuItem.Checked))
                                    if (!sd.Mapped || hideAlreadyMappedBodiesToolStripMenuItem.Checked == false)      // if not mapped, or show mapped
                                        var il = InfoLine(last_sys, sn, sd, hasVolcanismToolStripMenuItem.Checked, showValuesToolStripMenuItem.Checked, showMoreInformationToolStripMenuItem.Checked, showGravityToolStripMenuItem.Checked);
                                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Display " + il);
                                        var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                                            new Point(3, vpos),
                                            new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 10000),
                                            frmt: frmt);
                                        vpos  += i.Location.Height;
                                        value += sd.EstimatedValue;

                        if (value > 0 && showValuesToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                            var i = pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(
                                new Point(3, vpos),
                                new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 10000),
                                "^^ ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr",
                                frmt: frmt);
                            vpos += i.Location.Height;

                    if (fsssignalsdisplayed.HasChars())
                        string   siglist = "";
                        string[] filter  = fsssignalsdisplayed.Split(';');

                        // mirrors scandisplaynodes

                        var notexpired = systemnode.FSSSignalList.Where(x => !x.TimeRemaining.HasValue || x.ExpiryUTC >= DateTime.UtcNow).ToList();
                        notexpired.Sort(delegate(JournalFSSSignalDiscovered.FSSSignal l, JournalFSSSignalDiscovered.FSSSignal r) { return(l.ClassOfSignal.CompareTo(r.ClassOfSignal)); });

                        var expired = systemnode.FSSSignalList.Where(x => x.TimeRemaining.HasValue && x.ExpiryUTC < DateTime.UtcNow).ToList();
                        expired.Sort(delegate(JournalFSSSignalDiscovered.FSSSignal l, JournalFSSSignalDiscovered.FSSSignal r) { return(r.ExpiryUTC.CompareTo(l.ExpiryUTC)); });

                        int expiredpos = notexpired.Count;

                        int pos = 0;
                        foreach (var fsssig in notexpired)
                            if (filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.SignalName.Alt("!~~"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.SignalName_Localised.Alt("!~~"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.SpawningState_Localised.Alt("!~~"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.SpawningFaction_Localised.Alt("!~~"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.USSTypeLocalised.Alt("!~~"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                filter.ComparisionContains(fsssig.ClassOfSignal.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                                if (pos++ == expiredpos)
                                    siglist = siglist.AppendPrePad("Expired:".T(EDTx.UserControlScan_Expired), Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                                siglist = siglist.AppendPrePad(fsssig.ToString(true), Environment.NewLine);

                        if (siglist.HasChars())
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Display " + siglist);
                            pictureBoxSurveyor.AddTextAutoSize(new Point(3, vpos),
                                                               new Size(Math.Max(pictureBoxSurveyor.Width - 6, 24), 10000),
                                                               frmt: frmt);

Esempio n. 10
        public static void ShowScanOrMarketForm(Form parent, Object tag, bool checkedsm, HistoryList hl)     // tag can be a Isystem or an He.. output depends on it.
            Type ty = typeof(ScanDisplayForm);

            if (tag == null)

            ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm f = new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm();
            int width  = Math.Max(250, parent.Width * 4 / 5);
            int height = 800;

            HistoryEntry       he    = tag as HistoryEntry;                     // is tag HE?
            ISystem            sys   = he != null ? he.System : tag as ISystem; // if so, sys is he.system, else its a direct sys
            ScanDisplayControl sd    = null;
            string             title = "System".Tx(ty, "Sys") + ": " + sys.Name;

            if (he != null && (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Market || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.EDDCommodityPrices))  // station data..
                JournalCommodityPricesBase jm = he.journalEntry as JournalCommodityPricesBase;
                jm.FillInformation(out string info, out string detailed, 1);

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("RTB", typeof(ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox), detailed, new Point(0, 40), new Size(width - 20, height - 85), null));

                title += ", " + "Station".Tx(ty) + ": " + jm.Station;
                sd           = new ScanDisplayControl();
                sd.CheckEDSM = checkedsm;
                sd.ShowMoons = sd.ShowMaterials = sd.ShowOverlays = true;
                sd.Size = new Size(width - 20, 1024);

                StarScan.SystemNode data = sd.FindSystem(sys, hl);
                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(sd.CheckEDSM);
                    title += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";

                sd.BackColor = EDDTheme.Instance.Form;
                sd.DrawSystem(data, null, hl);

                height = Math.Min(800, Math.Max(400, sd.DisplayAreaUsed.Y)) + 100;

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("Sys", null, null, new Point(0, 40), new Size(width - 20, height - 85), null)
                    control = sd

            f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("OK", typeof(ExtendedControls.ExtButton), "OK".Tx(), new Point(width - 20 - 80, height - 40), new Size(80, 24), ""));

            f.Trigger += (dialogname, controlname, ttag) =>
                if (controlname == "OK" || controlname == "Cancel")

            f.Init(parent.Icon, new Size(width, height), new Point(-999, -999), title, null, null);

Esempio n. 11
        public static void ShowScanOrMarketForm(Form parent, Object tag, bool checkedsm, HistoryList hl)     // tag can be a Isystem or an He.. output depends on it.
            Type ty = typeof(ScanDisplayForm);

            if (tag == null)

            ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm f = new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm();

            Size infosize  = parent.SizeWithinScreen(new Size(parent.Width * 2 / 4, parent.Height * 2 / 4), 128, 128 + 100);    // go for this, but allow this around window
            int  topmargin = 40;

            HistoryEntry           he  = tag as HistoryEntry;                     // is tag HE?
            ISystem                sys = he != null ? he.System : tag as ISystem; // if so, sys is he.system, else its a direct sys
            ScanDisplayUserControl sd  = null;
            string title = "System".Tx(ty, "Sys") + ": " + sys.Name;

            AutoScaleMode asm = AutoScaleMode.Font;

            if (he != null && (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Market || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.EDDCommodityPrices))  // station data..
                JournalCommodityPricesBase jm = he.journalEntry as JournalCommodityPricesBase;
                jm.FillInformation(out string info, out string detailed, 1);

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("RTB", typeof(ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox), detailed, new Point(0, topmargin), infosize, null));

                title += ", " + "Station".Tx(ty) + ": " + jm.Station;
                sd           = new ScanDisplayUserControl();
                sd.CheckEDSM = checkedsm;
                sd.ShowMoons = sd.ShowMaterials = sd.ShowOverlays = true;
                int selsize = (int)(EDDTheme.Instance.GetFont.Height / 16.0f * 48.0f);
                sd.Size = infosize;

                StarScan.SystemNode data = sd.FindSystem(sys, hl);
                if (data != null)
                    long value = data.ScanValue(sd.CheckEDSM);
                    title += " ~ " + value.ToString("N0") + " cr";

                sd.BackColor = EDDTheme.Instance.Form;
                sd.DrawSystem(data, null, hl);

                infosize = new Size(Math.Max(400, sd.DisplayAreaUsed.X), Math.Max(200, sd.DisplayAreaUsed.Y));

                asm = AutoScaleMode.None;   // because we are using a picture box, it does not autoscale, so we can't use that logic on it.

                f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("Sys", null, null, new Point(0, topmargin), infosize, null)
                    control = sd

            f.Add(new ExtendedControls.ConfigurableForm.Entry("OK", typeof(ExtendedControls.ExtButton), "OK".Tx(), new Point(infosize.Width - 120, topmargin + infosize.Height + 10), new Size(100, 24), ""));

            f.Trigger += (dialogname, controlname, ttag) =>
                if (controlname == "OK" || controlname == "Cancel")

            f.InitCentred(parent, parent.Icon, title, null, null, asm);
