// GET: /Customers/GetCustomerID/:id public JsonResult GetCustomerID(int id) { Customers cus_info = new Customers(); CustomersData data3 = new CustomersData(); cus_info = data3.GetCustomerInfo_ByID(id); StaffData st = new StaffData(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); List <Staffs> staffList = new List <Staffs>(); dt = st.GetStaffRole(0, 5); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { staffList = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(dr => new Staffs() { StaffID = dr.Field <int>("StaffID"), StaffCode = dr.Field <string>("StaffCode"), StaffTitleName = dr.Field <string>("StaffTitleName"), StaffFirstName = dr.Field <string>("StaffFirstName"), StaffLastName = dr.Field <string>("StaffLastName"), StaffRoleID = dr.Field <int>("StaffRoleID"), StaffRoleName = dr.Field <string>("StaffRoleName"), StaffName = dr.Field <string>("StaffTitleName") + dr.Field <string>("StaffFirstName") + " " + dr.Field <string>("StaffLastName"), }).ToList(); } return(Json(new { dataCustomer = cus_info, dataZone = staffList, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// GET: /Setting/GetZone public JsonResult GetZone() { try { // รับค่าราคา StaffData st = new StaffData(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); List <ListItems> item = new List <ListItems>(); dt = st.GetZoneName(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { item = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(dr => new ListItems() { ID = dr.Field <int>("zoneid"), Code = dr.Field <string>("zonecode"), Value = dr.Field <string>("zonename"), }).ToList(); } return(Json(new { data = item, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; var ad = new AccountsData(); var sd = new StaffData(); var message = new UserMessage(); bool allInputsValid = ValidateInputs(username, password); //check all users inputs are valid var accountInfo = ad.GetAccountPassword(username, password); //get account password from database bool passwordMatch = accountInfo.Item1; //return if passwords matched between input and hashed stored password Int32.TryParse(accountInfo.Item2, out var staffId); //get the staffs id that's trying to log in if (allInputsValid && passwordMatch) { //if everything's valid, get all that staffs information, store in a data structure var staff = sd.GetStaffInformation(staffId, username, password); //reset login data and hide login component SetupTextBoxes(); Hide(); //bring the logged in menu up, user is now logged in var menuInterface = new MenuInterface(staff, this); menuInterface.ShowDialog(); } else if (allInputsValid) { message.Show("Your password does not match the password we have stored for your account."); } }
public IActionResult Delete([FromBody] StaffData request) { try { BaseResponse response = _staffsClient.DeleteAsync(request); LogData logData = new() { CallSide = nameof(StaffController), CallerMethodName = nameof(Delete), CreatedOn = _dateTimeUtil.GetCurrentDateTime(), Request = request, Response = response }; _logger.AddLog(logData); return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogData logData = new() { CallSide = nameof(StaffController), CallerMethodName = nameof(Delete), CreatedOn = _dateTimeUtil.GetCurrentDateTime(), Request = request, Response = ex }; _logger.AddErrorLog(logData); return(InternalServerError()); } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateInput()) { try { DataBase db = new StaffData(); _staff.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; _staff.LastName = txtLastName.Text; _staff.Addr1 = txtAddr1.Text; _staff.Addr2 = txtAddr2.Text; _staff.Addr3 = txtAddr3.Text; _staff.Addr4 = txtAddr4.Text; _staff.Postcode = txtPostcode.Text; _staff.Phone = txtPhone.Text; _staff.Email = txtEmail.Text; db.Update(_staff); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public void LoadFullList() { ep.SetError(dataGridView1, ""); try { dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataBase db; if (rdStudents.Checked) { db = new StudenData(); } else { db = new StaffData(); } _fullPersonList = db.GetList(); _bs.DataSource = _fullPersonList; dataGridView1.DataSource = _bs.DataSource; if (Application.OpenForms["MDIMainForm"] as MDIMainForm != null) { MDIMainForm mfrm = Application.OpenForms["MDIMainForm"] as MDIMainForm; } lblJobCount.Text = "Student Count - " + dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ep.SetError(dataGridView1, ex.Message); } }
public JsonResult GetListStaffs(int staffID) { try { StaffData st = new StaffData(); List <Staffs> item = new List <Staffs>(); item = st.GetStaff(staffID); List <StaffRole> item2 = new List <StaffRole>(); item2 = st.GetListStaffRole(0); return(Json(new { data = item, dataStaffRole = item2, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Ajax_Reject_Request_Item(ajax_model ajax_data) { ajax_model data = new ajax_model { name = ajax_data.name, main_data = ajax_data.main_data, }; using (var db = new DataBaseContext()) { int temp_id = Int32.Parse(data.main_data[0]); orders temp_order = db.orders_repository.Where(o => o.ordersId == temp_id).FirstOrDefault(); temp_order.order_status = "Reject_by_Head"; db.SaveChanges(); } object reply_to_client = new { key_itemname_lis = "SUCCESS", }; //Email Notification orders ord = OrdersData.GetOrderById(Int32.Parse(data.main_data[0])); string emailadd = StaffData.GetStaffByName(ord.staff_obj.name).email; Task task = Task.Run(() => { EmailNotification.SendNotificationEmailToEmployee(emailadd, "Requisition Progress Updated", "Your requisition was just rejected by manager, please check."); }); return(Json(reply_to_client, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// AJAX // Reject Department Requests public ActionResult Ajax_Reject_Department_Request(ajax_model ajax_model_data) { ajax_model ajax_data = new ajax_model { name = ajax_model_data.name, main_data = ajax_model_data.main_data, }; using (var db = new DataBaseContext()) { List <orders> order_lis = db.orders_repository.Where(or => or.staff_obj.department_obj.department_name == ajax_data.name).ToList(); foreach (orders or in order_lis) { or.order_status = "Rejected_by_Clerk"; db.SaveChanges(); } } object reply_to_client = new { key_itemname_lis = "SUCCESS", }; //Email Notification staff rep = StaffData.GetStaffByName(DepartmentData.GetRepresentativebyDepName(ajax_data.name)); string emailadd = rep.email; Task task = Task.Run(() => { EmailNotification.SendNotificationEmailToEmployee(emailadd, "New Disbursment Order Reminder", "There is a new disbursment order to your department was rejected by store clerk."); }); return(Json(reply_to_client, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public List <ListCustomerOnMobile> GetListCustomerOnMobile(int StaffID) { StaffData st = new StaffData(); List <Staffs> item = new List <Staffs>(); item = st.GetStaff(StaffID); Staffs staff = new Staffs(); staff = item.FirstOrDefault(); List <ListCustomerOnMobile> list = new List <ListCustomerOnMobile>(); MySqlConnection ObjConn = DBHelper.ConnectDb(ref errMsg); try { string sqlStr = @" SELECT c.CustomerId,ct.ContractID,CONCAT(c.CustomerTitleName,c.CustomerFirstName,' ',c.CustomerLastName) AS CustomerName ,ct.ContractStartDate,ct.ContractPeriod,ct.ContractPayEveryDay,ct.ContractSpecialholiday ,ct.ContractNumber,ct.ContractExpDate,ct.ContractAmount,ct.ContractPayment, (ct.ContractPayment-d.TotalPay ) AS TotalPay ,( SELECT DATE(DateAsOf) FROM daily_receipts WHERE ContractID=ct.ContractID AND CustomerID=c.CustomerId AND PriceReceipts>0 ORDER BY DateAsOf DESC LIMIT 1) AS lastDate FROM customer c LEFT JOIN contract ct ON c.CustomerId=ct.contractCustomerID LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(PriceReceipts)AS TotalPay , ContractID ,CustomerID FROM daily_receipts WHERE Deleted=0 GROUP BY ContractID ,CustomerID ) d ON d.ContractID=ct.ContractID AND d.CustomerID=ct.ContractCustomerID WHERE ct.ContractID IS NOT NULL AND ct.contractstatus=1 and ct.Activated=1 and ct.Deleted=0 and c.Deleted=0 "; DataTable dt1 = DBHelper.List("select * FROM staffrolepermission where StaffPermissionID=23 AND StaffRoleID=" + staff.StaffRoleID, ObjConn); if (dt1.Rows.Count != 1) { sqlStr += "AND c.SaleID=" + StaffID; } DataTable dt = DBHelper.List(sqlStr, ObjConn); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { list = ListCustomerOnMobile.ToObjectList(dt); } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { ObjConn.Close(); } }
public JsonResult ActivatedStaffs(int StaffID) { StaffData data = new StaffData(); try { if (Session["iuser"] == null) { throw new Exception(" Session หมดอายุ , กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบใหม่อีกครั้ง !! "); } int UpdateBy = (Int32)Session["iuser"]; data.ActivatedStaffs(StaffID, UpdateBy); return(Json(new { data = "บันทึกข้อมูลสำเร็จ", success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
//api : ../staffs/GetStaffPermission?staffroleID=1 public JsonResult GetStaffPermission(int staffroleID) { try { StaffData st = new StaffData(); List <StaffPermission> item = new List <StaffPermission>(); List <StaffRole> item1 = new List <StaffRole>(); item = st.GetStaffPermission(); item1 = st.GetListStaffRole(staffroleID); List <int> item2 = st.GetListStaffPermissionID(staffroleID); return(Json(new { data = item, dataStaffRole = item1, dataSelect = item2, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult GetStaffSettingOTP() { try { List <StaffSettingOTP> st = new List <StaffSettingOTP>(); StaffData data = new StaffData(); st = data.GetStaffSettingOTP(); List <int> select = new List <int>(); select = data.GetStaffOTPSelect(); return(Json(new { data = st, dataSelect = select, success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { data = ex.Message, success = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // -------------------------- CREATE REQUEST ITEM ------------------------------------------ public ActionResult View_Request_Item() { string user_name = Session["UserName"].ToString(); using (var db = new DataBaseContext()) { staff staff_obj = db.staff_repository.Where(x => x.name == user_name).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault(); List <orders> orders_lis = db.orders_repository.Where(x => x.staff_obj.staffId == staff_obj.staffId && (x.order_status == "pending" || x.order_status == "Reject_by_Head")).ToList(); List <string> item_description_lis = new List <string>(); foreach (orders or in orders_lis) { item_description_lis.Add(or.item_obj.item_description); } ViewBag.item_description_lis = item_description_lis; ViewBag.order_lis = (List <orders>)orders_lis; } //Email Notification staff s = StaffData.GetStaffByName((string)Session["UserName"]); string emailadd = StaffData.GetStaffByName(s.department_obj.head_name).email; Task task = Task.Run(() => { EmailNotification.SendNotificationEmailToEmployee(emailadd, "New Requisition Reminder", "There is a new requistion for your approval, please check."); }); return(View()); }
protected override StaffData Export(Staff entity, IReadContext context) { StaffData data = new StaffData(); data.Deactivated = entity.Deactivated; data.Id = entity.Id; data.StaffType = entity.Type.Code; data.Title = entity.Title; data.FamilyName = entity.Name.FamilyName; data.GivenName = entity.Name.GivenName; data.MiddleName = entity.Name.MiddleName; data.Sex = entity.Sex.ToString(); data.UserName = entity.UserName; data.LicenseNumber = entity.LicenseNumber; data.BillingNumber = entity.BillingNumber; data.TelephoneNumbers = CollectionUtils.Map <TelephoneNumber, TelephoneNumberData>(entity.TelephoneNumbers, delegate(TelephoneNumber tn) { return(new TelephoneNumberData(tn)); }); data.Addresses = CollectionUtils.Map <Address, AddressData>(entity.Addresses, delegate(Address a) { return(new AddressData(a)); }); data.EmailAddresses = CollectionUtils.Map <EmailAddress, EmailAddressData>(entity.EmailAddresses, delegate(EmailAddress a) { return(new EmailAddressData(a)); }); data.ExtendedProperties = ExtendedPropertyUtils.Copy(entity.ExtendedProperties); return(data); }
private void PopulateStaff() { DataBase db = new StaffData(); List <Staff> list = db.GetList().ConvertAll(x => x as Staff); List <Staff> list1 = db.GetList().ConvertAll(x => x as Staff); Staff staff = new Staff(); staff.FullAddress = string.Empty; staff.PersonId = 0; list.Insert(0, staff); list1.Insert(0, staff); cmbActivityCentreCoach.DataSource = list; cmbResidentCoach.DataSource = list1; cmbActivityCentreCoach.DisplayMember = "FullName"; cmbActivityCentreCoach.ValueMember = "PersonId"; cmbResidentCoach.DisplayMember = "FullName"; cmbResidentCoach.ValueMember = "PersonId"; cmbActivityCentreCoach.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", _student, "ActivityCentreCoachId"); cmbResidentCoach.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", _student, "ResidentCoachId"); }
private void btnAddUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateControls()) { try { SystemUser systemUser = new SystemUser(); if (cmbStaff.SelectedIndex != -1) { Staff staff = (Staff)cmbStaff.SelectedItem; systemUser.PersonId = staff.PersonId; if (staff.Email == string.Empty) { staff.Email = txtEmail.Text; StaffData sd = new StaffData(); sd.Update(staff); } } SystemUserData sud = new SystemUserData(); systemUser.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; systemUser.LastName = txtLastName.Text; systemUser.UserName = txtUserName.Text; systemUser.Email = txtEmail.Text; systemUser.UserPassword = "******"; sud.CreateUser(systemUser); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
protected void btnAttachDocYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { btnAttachDocYes.Enabled = false; btnAttachDocNo.Enabled = false; string type = new ConfigProductScreenBiz().GetFieldType(lblResultTicketId.Text.Trim(), SLMConstant.ConfigProductScreen.ActionType.View); if (cbResultHasAdamsUrl.Checked) { LeadDataForAdam leadData = SlmScr003Biz.GetLeadDataForAdam(lblResultTicketId.Text.Trim()); StaffData staff = SlmScr003Biz.GetStaff(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); string script = AppUtil.GetCallAdamScript(leadData, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, (staff.EmpCode != null ? staff.EmpCode : ""), true, type); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "calladam", script, true); } else { Response.Redirect("SLM_SCR_004.aspx?ticketid=" + lblResultTicketId.Text.Trim() + "&type=" + type); } } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message; _log.Error(message); AppUtil.ClientAlertAndRedirect(Page, message, "SLM_SCR_003.aspx"); } }
public string EditStaffData(StaffData dataObj) { try { string apiUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DomainUrl"].ToString() + dataObj.Url; string result = ""; var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(apiUrl); httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"; httpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; httpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Token", Request.Headers["Token"]); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) { var jsonstring = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dataObj.ReqStaffData); streamWriter.Write(jsonstring); streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); } var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } return(result); } catch (Exception exception) { return(exception.ToString()); } }
public ActionResult LogIn(StaffLogin login) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffCode) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffPassword)) { if (Session["iuser"] == null) { try { CustomersData data = new CustomersData(); login = data.GetStaffLogin(login); Session["iuser"] = login.StaffID; Session["iusername"] = login.StaffName; Session["istaffrole"] = login.StaffRoleID; Session["imageUrl"] = login.ImageUrl; StaffData st = new StaffData(); List <StaffPermissionGroup> item = new List <StaffPermissionGroup>(); item = st.GetStaffMenu(login.StaffRoleID); string menu = st.GetMenu(item); Session["imenu"] = menu; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = ex.Message; return(View()); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffCode) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffPassword)) { TempData["error"] = "กรุณากรอกรหัสพนักงานและรหัสผ่าน"; return(View()); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffCode)) { TempData["error"] = "กรุณากรอกรหัสพนักงาน"; return(View()); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(login.StaffPassword)) { TempData["error"] = "กรุณากรอกรหัสผ่าน"; return(View()); } else { TempData["error"] = "ไม่มีข้อมูลพนักงาน"; return(View()); } } }
public UpdateSelectedStaffWindowViewModel(StaffData StaffSelect, UserData UserList) { UserInfo = new UserData(); UserInfo = UserList; LoadSelected(StaffSelect); Updatecommand = new DelegateCommand <object>(Update); }
public List <ReadableSale> GetSpecificWordGroup(string customer, string manufacturer, string keywords, int staff_Id, string helper, DateTime salesOrderStartDate, DateTime salesOrderEndDate, DateTime salesStartDate, DateTime salesEndDate) { using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection()) { SQLWhereString whereString = new SQLWhereString(); string where = whereString.SearchKeyWhere <ReadableSale>(db, keywords); int openCustomer_Id = BusinessPartnerData.NameToId(db, customer)[0]; int closeCustomer_Id = BusinessPartnerData.NameToId(db, customer)[1]; int openManufacturer_Id = ManufacturerData.NameToId(db, manufacturer)[0]; int closeManufacturer_Id = ManufacturerData.NameToId(db, manufacturer)[1]; int openStaff_Id = StaffData.GetIdRange(db, staff_Id)[0]; int closeStaff_Id = StaffData.GetIdRange(db, staff_Id)[1]; int openHelper_Id = HelperData.NameToId(db, helper)[0]; int closeHelper_Id = HelperData.NameToId(db, helper)[1]; List <ReadableSale> readableSales = new List <ReadableSale>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) { readableSales = db.Database .SqlQuery <ReadableSale>(where) .ToList(); return(readableSales .Where(rs => rs.Customer_Id >= openCustomer_Id && rs.Customer_Id <= closeCustomer_Id && rs.Manufacturer_Id >= openManufacturer_Id && rs.Manufacturer_Id <= closeManufacturer_Id && rs.ResponsibleStaff_Id >= openStaff_Id && rs.ResponsibleStaff_Id <= closeStaff_Id && rs.Helper_Id >= openHelper_Id && rs.Helper_Id <= closeHelper_Id && rs.SalesOrderDate >= salesOrderStartDate && rs.SalesOrderDate <= salesOrderEndDate && rs.SalesDate >= salesStartDate && rs.SalesDate <= salesEndDate) .ToList()); } else { readableSales = db.ReadableSales .Where(rs => rs.Customer_Id >= openCustomer_Id && rs.Customer_Id <= closeCustomer_Id && rs.Manufacturer_Id >= openManufacturer_Id && rs.Manufacturer_Id <= closeManufacturer_Id && rs.ResponsibleStaff_Id >= openStaff_Id && rs.ResponsibleStaff_Id <= closeStaff_Id && rs.Helper_Id >= openHelper_Id && rs.Helper_Id <= closeHelper_Id && rs.SalesOrderDate >= salesOrderStartDate && rs.SalesOrderDate <= salesOrderEndDate && rs.SalesDate >= salesStartDate && rs.SalesDate <= salesEndDate) .ToList(); return(readableSales); } } }
public override ECommandResult Execute() { var data = new StaffData(); data.Id = DRStaff.Id; data.Name = Name; GameEntry.Database.Staff.AddStaff(data); return(ECommandResult.Success); }
public bool ValidateInputs(string username, string password, string password2, int staffId) { var ad = new AccountsData(); var sd = new StaffData(); var av = new AccountValidation(); var message = new UserMessage(); var passwordValidation = av.ValidatePassword(password, password2); //username validation class methods bool uniqueUsername = ad.CheckForExistingUsername(username); bool validUsername = av.ValidateUsername(username); //password validation class methods bool passwordsEqual = passwordValidation.Item1; bool validPassword = passwordValidation.Item2; //staff id validation class methods bool validStaffId = sd.CheckForValidStaffId(staffId); bool staffIdHasAccount = sd.CheckIfStaffIdHasAccount(staffId); //messages to show user if any of the validations fail //username validation messages if (!validUsername) { message.Show("This is not a valid username, please ensure its at least 3 characters and only letters and numbers"); return(false); } if (!uniqueUsername) { message.Show("This username already exists, please choose a different one."); return(false); } //password validation messages if (!passwordsEqual) { message.Show("Your passwords do not match, please ensure you enter the same password both times."); return(false); } if (!validPassword) { message.Show("This is not a valid password, please ensure it is at least 6 characters long."); return(false); } //staff id validation messages if (!validStaffId) { message.Show("This staff Id is not valid, please ensure it was entered correctly."); return(false); } //staff id already has an account if (!staffIdHasAccount) { message.Show("This staff Id already has an account associated with it, please talk to an administrator."); return(false); } return(true); }
public void LoadAllStaff(int organizationID) { SqlDataReader reader = new StaffData().GetStaffByOrganizationID(organizationID); while (reader.Read()) { this.Add(new Staff(reader)); } reader.Close(); }
public Staff(int personID) : base(personID) { SqlDataReader reader = new StaffData().GetStaffByID(personID); if (reader.Read()) { LoadStaff(reader); } reader.Close(); }
public Staff(Guid guid) : base(guid) { SqlDataReader reader = new StaffData().GetStaffByID(new Person(guid).PersonID); if (reader.Read()) { LoadStaff(reader); } reader.Close(); }
public async Task <ActionResult <StaffData> > UpdateStaff([FromBody] StaffData ev, int id) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var result = await staffRepo.updateAsync(id, ev); return(Ok()); }
public void LoadBySupervisorID(int supervisorID) { SqlDataReader reader = new StaffData().GetStaffBySupervisorID(supervisorID); while (reader.Read()) { this.Add(new Staff(reader)); } reader.Close(); }
public List <BeforeSubmittingQuotation> UnitPriceSetting(string staffEmailAddress) { using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection()) { string fullName = StaffData.EmailToFullName(db, staffEmailAddress); return(db.BeforeSubmittingQuotations .Where(sq => sq.ResponsibleStaff == fullName) .ToList()); } }