public IEnumerator DragAddSelectionToStackNode()
            // Create a stack
            StackNode stack = CreateStackNode(k_DefaultX, k_DefaultY);

            // Allow two frames to compute the layout of the stack and nodes
            yield return(null);

            yield return(null);

            // Select node1
            m_Node1.Select(graphView, false);

            Vector2 start         =;
            Vector2 centerOfStack = stack.LocalToWorld(stack.GetRect().center); // Center of the stack

            // Drag node1 onto the stack
            helpers.DragTo(start, centerOfStack);

            // Verify that node1 has been added to stack
            Assert.AreEqual(1, stack.childCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node1.parent);

            // Allow one frame to compute the layout of the stack
            yield return(null);

            // Select node2
            m_Node2.Select(graphView, false);

            start =;
            Vector2 centerOfNode1 =; // Center of Node1

            // Drag node2 onto the stack at the position of node1
            helpers.DragTo(start, centerOfNode1);

            // Verify that node2 has been added to the stack at the previous index of node1
            Assert.AreEqual(2, stack.childCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node2.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, stack.IndexOf(m_Node2));
        [UnityTest] // Case 1015984
        public IEnumerator DragRemoveAndThenAddSelectionBackToStackNode()
            // Creates a stack and add node1
            StackNode stack = CreateStackNode(k_DefaultX, k_DefaultY);


            // Allow two frames to compute the layout of the stack and nodes
            yield return(null);

            yield return(null);

            // Select node1
            m_Node1.Select(graphView, false);

            Vector2 start            =;
            Vector2 outsideStackNode = stack.LocalToWorld(k_OutsidePosition);

            // Drag node1 away from the stack
            helpers.DragTo(start, outsideStackNode);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, stack.childCount);

            // Allow one frame to compute the layout of the stack and node1
            yield return(null);

            start =;
            Vector2 centerOfStack = stack.LocalToWorld(stack.GetRect().center); // Center of the stack

            // Drag node1 onto the stack
            helpers.DragTo(start, centerOfStack);

            // Verify that node1 has been added back to the stack
            Assert.AreEqual(1, stack.childCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node1.parent);