Esempio n. 1
        public void DontCountAllMatchesOnFirstPage()
            // Create a test index with one cab file.
            StackHashTestIndexData testIndexData = new StackHashTestIndexData();

            testIndexData.NumberOfProducts      = 1;
            testIndexData.NumberOfFiles         = 1;
            testIndexData.NumberOfEvents        = 2;
            testIndexData.NumberOfEventInfos    = 1;
            testIndexData.NumberOfCabs          = 1;
            testIndexData.NumberOfScriptResults = 1;
            testIndexData.UseLargeCab           = false;

            StackHashSearchCriteria criteria1 = new StackHashSearchCriteria();

            criteria1.SearchFieldOptions = new StackHashSearchOptionCollection();
            criteria1.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new IntSearchOption()
                ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "Id", SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.GreaterThan, Start = 0, End = 0
            criteria1.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new StringSearchOption()
                ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Script, FieldName = "Content", SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.StringContains, Start = "Script", End = null, CaseSensitive = false

            StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection allSearchCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection();


            StackHashSortOrderCollection sortOrder = new StackHashSortOrderCollection();

            sortOrder.Add(new StackHashSortOrder()
                ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "Id", Ascending = true

            long startRow        = 1;
            long numRows         = 1;
            bool countAllMatches = false;
            StackHashSearchDirection direction = StackHashSearchDirection.Forwards;

            GetWindowedEventPackageResponse eventPackageResp =
                windowSearch(ErrorIndexType.SqlExpress, testIndexData, allSearchCriteria, startRow, numRows, sortOrder, direction, countAllMatches);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, eventPackageResp.EventPackages.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, eventPackageResp.MinimumRowNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, eventPackageResp.MaximumRowNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(numRows, eventPackageResp.TotalRows);
Esempio n. 2
        // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        // [ClassInitialize()]
        // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
        // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        // [ClassCleanup()]
        // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
        // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        // [TestInitialize()]
        // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
        // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        // [TestCleanup()]
        // public void MyTestCleanup() { }

        public void getWindowedEventsByOrder(ErrorIndexType indexType, int numProducts, int numFiles, int numEvents,
                                             int numEventInfos, int numCabs, int windowSize, bool restrictSearchToParticularProduct, bool addLotsOfSearchOptions,
                                             List <int> enabledProducts, StackHashSearchDirection direction)
            // Add a context.
            CreateNewStackHashContextResponse resp = m_Utils.CreateNewContext(indexType);

            String testPath = "c:\\stackhashunittests\\testindex\\";

            resp.Settings.ErrorIndexSettings.Folder = testPath;
            resp.Settings.ErrorIndexSettings.Name   = "TestIndex";
            m_Utils.DeleteIndex(0); // Make sure it is empty.

            // Create a test index with one cab file.
            StackHashTestIndexData testIndexData = new StackHashTestIndexData();

            testIndexData.NumberOfProducts      = numProducts;
            testIndexData.NumberOfFiles         = numFiles;
            testIndexData.NumberOfEvents        = numEvents;
            testIndexData.NumberOfEventInfos    = numEventInfos;
            testIndexData.NumberOfCabs          = numCabs;
            testIndexData.NumberOfScriptResults = numCabs;

            m_Utils.CreateTestIndex(0, testIndexData);

            GetProductsResponse getProductsResp = m_Utils.GetProducts(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(numProducts, getProductsResp.Products.Count());

            StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection allCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection();

            // Just get events for even numbered product ids.
            for (int productCount = 0; productCount < numProducts; productCount++)
                if ((enabledProducts == null) || enabledProducts.Contains(productCount + 1))
                    m_Utils.SetProductSynchronizationState(0, productCount + 1, true);

                // This doesn't really do anything - just in here so there is at least 1 search option.
                StackHashSearchCriteria newCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteria
                    SearchFieldOptions =
                        new StackHashSearchOptionCollection()
                        new IntSearchOption {
                            ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.Product,
                            FieldName        = "Id",
                            SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal,
                            Start            = productCount + 1,
                            End = productCount + 1

                if (addLotsOfSearchOptions)
                    // Add some "always true" options just to complicate things.
                    newCriteria.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new IntSearchOption {
                        ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.Event,
                        FieldName        = "Id",
                        SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.RangeExclusive,
                        Start            = 0,
                        End = Int32.MaxValue
                    newCriteria.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new IntSearchOption {
                        ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.Event,
                        FieldName        = "Id",
                        SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.RangeInclusive,
                        Start            = 0,
                        End = Int32.MaxValue
                    newCriteria.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new IntSearchOption {
                        ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.Event,
                        FieldName        = "Id",
                        SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.GreaterThan,
                        Start            = 0,
                        End = 0
                    newCriteria.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new DateTimeSearchOption {
                        ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.EventInfo,
                        FieldName        = "DateCreatedLocal",
                        SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.RangeExclusive,
                        Start            = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20),
                        End = DateTime.Now.AddYears(20)
                    newCriteria.SearchFieldOptions.Add(new DateTimeSearchOption
                        ObjectType       = StackHashObjectType.CabInfo,
                        FieldName        = "DateCreatedLocal",
                        SearchOptionType = StackHashSearchOptionType.RangeExclusive,
                        Start            = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20),
                        End = DateTime.Now.AddYears(20)

                if (restrictSearchToParticularProduct)
                    if (((productCount + 1) % 2) == 0)

            // The events will be returned possibly in event id order from the search.
            // Set the sort order based on the Offset - ascending - this should return the events
            // in reverse event ID order as the offsets descend.
            StackHashSortOrderCollection allSortOrders = new StackHashSortOrderCollection()
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "Offset", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "DateCreatedLocal", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "DateModifiedLocal", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "EventTypeName", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "Id", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "TotalHits", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event, FieldName = "BugId", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ApplicationName", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ApplicationVersion", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ApplicationTimeStamp", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ModuleName", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ModuleVersion", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ModuleTimeStamp", Ascending = true
                new StackHashSortOrder {
                    ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature, FieldName = "ExceptionCode", Ascending = true

            int totalEventsExpected = numProducts * numFiles * numEvents;

            List <int> expectedEventIds = new List <int>();

            int expectedEventId = 1;

            for (int productCount = 0; productCount < numProducts; productCount++)
                for (int fileCount = 0; fileCount < numFiles; fileCount++)
                    for (int eventCount = 0; eventCount < numEvents; eventCount++)
                        // Only add product events for even numbered products.
                        if (restrictSearchToParticularProduct)
                            if (((productCount + 1) % 2) == 0)
                        else if ((enabledProducts != null) && !enabledProducts.Contains(productCount + 1))


            for (int startRow = 1; startRow <= expectedEventIds.Count; startRow++)
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                // Get the next window.
                GetWindowedEventPackageResponse allPackages = m_Utils.GetWindowedEvents(0, allCriteria, startRow, windowSize, allSortOrders, direction, startRow == 1);

                TimeSpan totalTime = DateTime.Now - startTime;

                Console.WriteLine("Window: {0}, startRow: {1}, numRows: {2}, duration: {3}", windowSize, startRow, allPackages.EventPackages.Count, totalTime);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(null, allPackages.EventPackages);

                int expectedRowsReturned = startRow + windowSize - 1 > expectedEventIds.Count ? expectedEventIds.Count - startRow + 1 : windowSize;
                if (expectedRowsReturned < 0)
                    expectedRowsReturned = 0;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedRowsReturned, allPackages.EventPackages.Count);

                for (int eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < expectedRowsReturned; eventIndex++)
                    int nextExpectedEventId = expectedEventIds[startRow + eventIndex - 1];

                    StackHashEventPackage eventRetrieved = allPackages.EventPackages[eventIndex];

                    Assert.AreEqual(nextExpectedEventId, eventRetrieved.EventData.Id);
                    Assert.AreEqual(numCabs, eventRetrieved.Cabs.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(numEventInfos, eventRetrieved.EventInfoList.Count);

                    foreach (StackHashCabPackage cabPackage in eventRetrieved.Cabs)
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, cabPackage.Cab);
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, cabPackage.CabFileContents);
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files);
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files.Count);
                        Assert.AreEqual("cuckusrv.exe.mdmp", cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[0].FileName);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0x1a5cb, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[0].Length);
                        Assert.AreEqual("version.txt", cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[1].FileName);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0x24, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[1].Length);

                    // Get the event package through the other interface.
                    StackHashProduct product = new StackHashProduct()
                        Id = eventRetrieved.ProductId
                    StackHashFile file = new StackHashFile()
                        Id = eventRetrieved.EventData.FileId
                    StackHashEventPackage matchedPackage = m_Utils.GetEventPackage(0, product, file, eventRetrieved.EventData).EventPackage;

                    Assert.AreEqual(eventRetrieved.Cabs.Count, matchedPackage.Cabs.Count);

                    foreach (StackHashCabPackage cabPackage in matchedPackage.Cabs)
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, cabPackage.CabFileContents);
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files);
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files.Count);
                        Assert.AreEqual("cuckusrv.exe.mdmp", cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[0].FileName);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0x1a5cb, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[0].Length);
                        Assert.AreEqual("version.txt", cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[1].FileName);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0x24, cabPackage.CabFileContents.Files[1].Length);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy all events associated with the specified product file.
        /// Events are copied in blocks to avoid using too much memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">The product that owns the file.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file that owns the events to copy.</param>
        private void copyEvents(StackHashProduct product, StackHashFile file)
            // Define the search criteria for the events.
            StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection searchCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection()
                new StackHashSearchCriteria(
                    new StackHashSearchOptionCollection()
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.Product, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, product.Id, 0),
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.File, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, file.Id, 0),

            // Order by the event id and EventTypeName. Need to do both in case there is more than 1 event with the same
            // event type name. SQL server doesn't guarantee the order in which they would be returned back so one might be
            // missed if the event type name is not also specified here.
            StackHashSortOrderCollection sortOrder = new StackHashSortOrderCollection()
                new StackHashSortOrder(StackHashObjectType.Event, "Id", true),
                new StackHashSortOrder(StackHashObjectType.Event, "EventTypeName", true)

            // Copy 100 events at a time.
            int startRow     = 1;
            int numberOfRows = m_TaskParameters.EventsPerBlock;

            StackHashEventPackageCollection events;

            if (m_SourceIndex.IndexType == ErrorIndexType.SqlExpress)
                events = m_SourceIndex.GetEvents(searchCriteria, startRow, numberOfRows, sortOrder, null);
                events = m_SourceIndex.GetFileEvents(product.Id, file.Id, startRow, numberOfRows);

            while ((events != null) && (events.Count > 0))
                if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                    throw new StackHashException("Index event block copy aborted", StackHashServiceErrorCode.Aborted);

                copyEventBlock(product, file, events);
                startRow += numberOfRows;

                // Get the next block of events.
                if (events.Count >= numberOfRows)
                    if (m_SourceIndex.IndexType == ErrorIndexType.SqlExpress)
                        events = m_SourceIndex.GetEvents(searchCriteria, startRow, numberOfRows, sortOrder, null);
                        events = m_SourceIndex.GetFileEvents(product.Id, file.Id, startRow, numberOfRows);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a specific file.
        /// </summary>
        private void processFile(StackHashBugReportData request, StackHashProduct product, StackHashFile file)
            if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");

            BugTrackerProduct btProduct = new BugTrackerProduct(product.Name, product.Version, product.Id);
            BugTrackerFile    btFile    = new BugTrackerFile(file.Name, file.Version, file.Id);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeFiles) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.FileAdded(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile);

            if (request.TheEvent == null)
                // Parse the events.
                StackHashSortOrderCollection sortOrder = new StackHashSortOrderCollection()
                    new StackHashSortOrder(StackHashObjectType.Event, "Id", true),
                    new StackHashSortOrder(StackHashObjectType.Event, "EventTypeName", true)

                StackHashSearchOptionCollection searchOptions = new StackHashSearchOptionCollection()
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.Product, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, product.Id, 0),
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.File, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, file.Id, 0),

                StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection allCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection()
                    new StackHashSearchCriteria(searchOptions)

                int startRow     = 1;
                int numberOfRows = 100;
                StackHashEventPackageCollection allPackages = null;
                    allPackages = m_Index.GetEvents(allCriteria, startRow, numberOfRows, sortOrder, null);

                    foreach (StackHashEventPackage eventPackage in allPackages)
                        processEventPackage(request, product, file, eventPackage);

                    startRow += numberOfRows;
                } while (allPackages.Count > 0);
                StackHashSearchOptionCollection searchOptions = new StackHashSearchOptionCollection()
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.Product, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, product.Id, 0),
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.File, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, file.Id, 0),
                    new IntSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.Event, "Id", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, request.TheEvent.Id, 0),
                    new StringSearchOption(StackHashObjectType.Event, "EventTypeName", StackHashSearchOptionType.Equal, request.TheEvent.EventTypeName, request.TheEvent.EventTypeName, false),

                StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection allCriteria = new StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection()
                    new StackHashSearchCriteria(searchOptions)

                StackHashEventPackageCollection eventPackages = m_Index.GetEvents(allCriteria, null);

                if ((eventPackages != null) && (eventPackages.Count == 1))
                    processEventPackage(request, product, file, eventPackages[0]);
Esempio n. 5
        private void listViewEventsHeader_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            GridViewColumnHeader header = e.OriginalSource as GridViewColumnHeader;

            if (header != null)
                // can only sort columns with an associated tag
                string tagName = header.Tag as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName))
                    // remove previous sort adorner
                    if ((_lastSortColumn != null) && (_lastSortAdorner != null))
                    _lastSortAdorner = null;

                    ListSortDirection direction = ListSortDirection.Descending;

                    if (header == _lastSortColumn)
                        if (_lastSortDirection == ListSortDirection.Ascending)
                            direction = ListSortDirection.Descending;
                            direction = ListSortDirection.Ascending;

                    // to be applied after the event packages are fetched
                    _nextSortAdorner = new SortDirectionAdorner(header, direction);

                    _lastSortDirection = direction;
                    _lastSortColumn    = header;

                    StackHashSortOrder sortOrder = new StackHashSortOrder();
                    sortOrder.Ascending = (direction == ListSortDirection.Ascending);
                    sortOrder.FieldName = tagName;

                    switch (tagName)
                    case "Id":
                    case "TotalHits":
                    case "CabCount":
                    case "BugId":
                    case "PlugInBugId":
                    case "EventTypeName":
                    case "DateCreatedLocal":
                    case "DateModifiedLocal":
                    case "WorkFlowStatusName":
                        // these fields are from the event
                        sortOrder.ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.Event;

                        // all other tags are from the event signature
                        sortOrder.ObjectType = StackHashObjectType.EventSignature;

                    StackHashSortOrderCollection sort = new StackHashSortOrderCollection();

                    ClientLogic clientLogic = this.DataContext as ClientLogic;
                    Debug.Assert(clientLogic != null);

                    // run the sort, returning to the first page
                                                      clientLogic.CurrentProduct == null ?
                                                      UserSettings.Settings.GetDisplayHitThreshold(UserSettings.InvalidContextId) :
Esempio n. 6
        // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        // [ClassInitialize()]
        // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
        // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        // [ClassCleanup()]
        // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
        // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        // [TestInitialize()]
        // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
        // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        // [TestCleanup()]
        // public void MyTestCleanup() { }

        public GetWindowedEventPackageResponse windowSearch(ErrorIndexType errorIndexType, StackHashTestIndexData testIndexData, StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection allSearchCriteria,
                                                            long startRow, long numRows, StackHashSortOrderCollection sortOrder, StackHashSearchDirection direction, bool countAllMatches)
            // Add a context.
            CreateNewStackHashContextResponse resp = m_Utils.CreateNewContext(errorIndexType);

            String testPath = "c:\\stackhashunittests\\testindex\\";

            resp.Settings.ErrorIndexSettings.Folder = testPath;
            resp.Settings.ErrorIndexSettings.Name   = "TestIndex";
            resp.Settings.ErrorIndexSettings.Type   = errorIndexType;

            m_Utils.CreateTestIndex(0, testIndexData);

                // Enable all products so that they appear in searchs.
                StackHashProductInfoCollection products = m_Utils.GetProducts(0).Products;
                foreach (StackHashProductInfo product in products)
                    m_Utils.SetProductSynchronizationState(0, product.Product.Id, true);

                GetWindowedEventPackageResponse eventPackages = m_Utils.GetWindowedEvents(0, allSearchCriteria, startRow, numRows, sortOrder, direction, countAllMatches);
Esempio n. 7
 public StackHashEventPackageCollection GetEvents(StackHashSearchCriteriaCollection searchCriteriaCollection, long startRow, long numberOfRows, StackHashSortOrderCollection sortOptions, StackHashProductSyncDataCollection enabledProducts)