public void Push(T newElement) { StackElement temp = new StackElement(newElement, _peek); _peek = temp; Length++; }
/// <summary> /// Emits a not instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildNot(builder, value.Value, "not"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, value.ILType, value.Type)); }
/// <summary> /// Emits a rem instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value2 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement value1 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); if (TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value1) || TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value2)) { ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildFRem(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "remfp"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, value1.ILType, value1.Type)); } else { CastHelper.HelpIntCast(builder, ref value1, ref value2); ValueRef result; if (instruction.OpCode.Code == Code.Rem) { result = LLVM.BuildSRem(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "remsi"); } else /* Rem_Un */ { result = LLVM.BuildURem(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "remui"); } context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, value1.ILType, value1.Type)); } }
/// <summary> /// Emits a Ldind instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { Code code = instruction.OpCode.Code; StackElement pointer = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef ptr = pointer.Value; TypeRef ptrType = LLVM.PointerType(TypeHelper.GetTypeRefFromStOrLdind(code), 0); if (pointer.Type != ptrType) { CastHelper.HelpIntAndPtrCast(builder, ref ptr, ref pointer.Type, ptrType, "ldindcast"); } ValueRef res = LLVM.BuildLoad(builder, ptr, "elem"); // Some need to be pushed as an int32 on the stack. if (code == Code.Ldind_I1 || code == Code.Ldind_I2 || code == Code.Ldind_I4 || code == Code.Ldind_U1 || code == Code.Ldind_U2 || code == Code.Ldind_U4) { res = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, res, TypeHelper.Int32, "tmp"); } TypeRef type = LLVM.TypeOf(res); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(res, TypeHelper.GetBasicTypeFromTypeRef(type), type)); }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { if (args[0].Variability == Msil.EVariability.ExternVariable) throw new NotSupportedException("Delegate calls must have constant target!"); Delegate deleg = (Delegate)args[0].Sample; if (deleg == null) return false; StackElement[] callArgs; if (deleg.Method.IsStatic) { callArgs = new StackElement[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, callArgs, 0, args.Length - 1); } else { callArgs = new StackElement[args.Length]; Array.Copy(args, callArgs, args.Length); callArgs[0].Sample = deleg.Target; callArgs[0].Expr = LiteralReference.CreateConstant(deleg.Target); callArgs[0].Variability = Msil.EVariability.Constant; } stack.ImplementCall(deleg.Method, callArgs); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Добавить значение в стек /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Значение</param> public void Push(T value) { StackElement newElement = new StackElement(head, value); head = newElement; ++Length; }
public void Push(int value) { if (count < capacity) { if (count == 0) { stack[count] = new StackElement() { Value = value, MaxValue = value }; count++; } else { StackElement element = new StackElement(); element.Value = value; if (value < stack[count - 1].MaxValue) { element.MaxValue = stack[count - 1].MaxValue; } else { element.MaxValue = value; } stack[count] = element; count++; } } }
/// <summary> /// добавить значение в стек /// </summary> /// <param name="value">значение для добавления</param> public void Push(T value) { StackElement newHead = new StackElement(value, head); head = newHead; length++; }
/// <summary> /// Pushes new element to the stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="num"></param> public void Push(int num) { StackElement temp = new StackElement(); temp.value = num; = head; head = temp; }
/// <summary> /// Pops the element from the top of stack. /// </summary> public int Pop() { int result = Top(); if (!IsEmpty()) head =; return result; }
/// <summary> /// Emits a stloc instruction /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { Code code = instruction.OpCode.Code; int index; if (code >= Code.Stloc_0 && code <= Code.Stloc_3) { index = instruction.OpCode.Code - Code.Stloc_0; } else { VariableDefinition def = (VariableDefinition)instruction.Operand; index = def.Index; } StackElement element = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef data = element.Value; TypeRef destType = context.LocalTypes[index]; // Possible cast needed. if (element.Type != destType) { CastHelper.HelpIntAndPtrCast(builder, ref data, ref element.Type, destType, "stloccast"); } LLVM.BuildStore(builder, data, context.LocalValues[index]); }
/// <summary> /// Emits a ldfld instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement obj = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); FieldReference field = (FieldReference)instruction.Operand; uint index = context.Compiler.Lookup.GetFieldIndex(field); // Create pointer if not yet a pointer. if (obj.ILType.IsValueType && !obj.ILType.IsPointer) { ValueRef objPtr = LLVM.BuildAlloca(builder, obj.Type, "objptr"); LLVM.BuildStore(builder, obj.Value, objPtr); obj.Value = objPtr; } ValueRef ptr = LLVM.BuildInBoundsGEP(builder, obj.Value, new ValueRef[] { LLVM.ConstInt(TypeHelper.Int32, 0, false), LLVM.ConstInt(TypeHelper.Int32, index, false) }, "field"); ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildLoad(builder, ptr, "field"); if (instruction.HasPrefix(Code.Volatile)) { LLVM.SetVolatile(result, true); } context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, field.FieldType)); }
/// <summary> /// Helps with the pointer casting so that both values are of the same type. /// </summary> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> /// <param name="value1">The first value.</param> /// <param name="value2">The second value.</param> /// <param name="isPtrVal1">If the first value was a pointer.</param> /// <param name="isPtrVal2">If the second value was a pointer.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the cast.</param> public static void HelpPossiblePtrCast(BuilderRef builder, ref StackElement value1, ref StackElement value2, out bool isPtrVal1, out bool isPtrVal2, string name) { isPtrVal1 = TypeHelper.IsPointer(value1); isPtrVal2 = TypeHelper.IsPointer(value2); if (isPtrVal1 || isPtrVal2) { if (isPtrVal1) { value1.Value = LLVM.BuildPtrToInt(builder, value1.Value, TypeHelper.NativeIntType, "tmp"); } else { value1.Value = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, value1.Value, TypeHelper.NativeIntType, "tmp"); } if (isPtrVal2) { value2.Value = LLVM.BuildPtrToInt(builder, value2.Value, TypeHelper.NativeIntType, "tmp"); } else { value2.Value = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, value2.Value, TypeHelper.NativeIntType, "tmp"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Ensure the this element is properly placed in the SSML markup /// </summary> private static void ValidateElement(StackElement stackElement, SsmlElement currentElement) { if ((stackElement._possibleChildren & currentElement) == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, SR.Get(SRID.PromptBuilderInvalidElement), currentElement.ToString(), stackElement._state.ToString())); } }
public void Push(int num) { StackElement temp = new StackElement(); temp.Num = num; temp.Next = this.head; this.head = temp; }
/// <summary> /// Emits a stind instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement pointer = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef val = value.Value; ValueRef ptr = pointer.Value; TypeRef destType = TypeHelper.GetTypeRefFromStOrLdind(instruction.OpCode.Code); TypeRef destPtrType = LLVM.PointerType(destType, 0); if (destPtrType != pointer.Type) { // There is no instruction for a Stind to store a boolean, so we need to check manually. if (pointer.Type == LLVM.PointerType(TypeHelper.Boolean, 0)) { destType = TypeHelper.Boolean; } // We treat char as 8-bit. else if (pointer.Type == LLVM.PointerType(TypeHelper.Int8, 0)) { destType = TypeHelper.Int8; } val = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, val, destType, "stindcast"); // If the pointer is a native int, convert to a pointer of the appropriate type. if (pointer.Type == TypeHelper.NativeIntType) { ptr = LLVM.BuildIntToPtr(builder, ptr, destPtrType, "int2ptr"); } } LLVM.BuildStore(builder, val, ptr); }
public static IEnumerable<T> FindAllVisualDescendantByNameOfType<T>(this FrameworkElement parent, String name) where T : FrameworkElement { if (parent == null) yield break; Stack<StackElement> stack = new Stack<StackElement>(); int i = 0; while (true) { if (i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent)) { FrameworkElement child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i) as FrameworkElement; if (child != null) { T t = child as T; if (t != null && t.Name == name) yield return t; stack.Push(new StackElement { Element = parent, Position = i }); parent = child; i = 0; continue; } ++i; } else { // back at the root of the search if (stack.Count == 0) yield break; StackElement element = stack.Pop(); parent = element.Element; i = element.Position; ++i; } } }
// deletes an element in the top of the stack public int Pop() { int value = top.Value; top = top.Next; return(value); }
public void StartSentence(CultureInfo culture) { // check for well formed document StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Peek(); ValidateElement(stackElement, SsmlElement.Sentence); Element startSentence = new(ElementType.StartSentence); _elements.Add(startSentence); if (culture != null) { if (culture.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvariantCultureInfo), nameof(culture)); } startSentence._attributes = new Collection <AttributeItem>(); startSentence._attributes.Add(new AttributeItem("xml", "lang", culture.Name)); } else { culture = stackElement._culture; } _elementStack.Push(new StackElement(SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle, SsmlState.Sentence, culture)); }
/// <summary> /// Emits a stfld instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement obj = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); FieldReference field = (FieldReference)instruction.Operand; uint index = context.Compiler.Lookup.GetFieldIndex(field); ValueRef ptr = LLVM.BuildInBoundsGEP(builder, obj.Value, new ValueRef[] { LLVM.ConstInt(TypeHelper.Int32, 0, false), LLVM.ConstInt(TypeHelper.Int32, index, false) }, "field"); // Possible cast needed. TypeRef destType = TypeHelper.GetTypeRefFromType(field.FieldType); if (value.Type != destType) { CastHelper.HelpIntAndPtrCast(builder, ref value.Value, ref value.Type, destType, "stfldcast"); } ValueRef store = LLVM.BuildStore(builder, value.Value, ptr); if (instruction.HasPrefix(Code.Volatile)) { LLVM.SetVolatile(store, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Emits a localloc instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement size = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildArrayAlloca(builder, TypeHelper.Int8, size.Value, "stackalloc"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, typeof(byte[]).GetTypeReference())); }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { if (args[0].Variability == Msil.EVariability.ExternVariable) { throw new NotSupportedException("Delegate calls must have constant target!"); } Delegate deleg = (Delegate)args[0].Sample; if (deleg == null) { return(false); } StackElement[] callArgs; if (deleg.Method.IsStatic) { callArgs = new StackElement[args.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(args, 1, callArgs, 0, args.Length - 1); } else { callArgs = new StackElement[args.Length]; Array.Copy(args, callArgs, args.Length); callArgs[0].Sample = deleg.Target; callArgs[0].Expr = LiteralReference.CreateConstant(deleg.Target); callArgs[0].Variability = Msil.EVariability.Constant; } stack.ImplementCall(deleg.Method, callArgs); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Emits a compare instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value2 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement value1 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef ret; if (TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value2) || TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value1)) { ret = LLVM.BuildFCmp(builder, PredicateHelper.GetRealPredicateFromCode(instruction.OpCode.Code), value1.Value, value2.Value, "fcmp"); } else { if (value2.Type != value1.Type) { ValueRef tmp = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, value2.Value, value1.Type, "tmp"); ret = LLVM.BuildICmp(builder, PredicateHelper.GetIntPredicateFromCode(instruction.OpCode.Code), value1.Value, tmp, "icmp"); } else { ret = LLVM.BuildICmp(builder, PredicateHelper.GetIntPredicateFromCode(instruction.OpCode.Code), value1.Value, value2.Value, "icmp"); } } context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(ret, typeof(bool).GetTypeReference(), TypeHelper.Boolean)); }
/// <summary> /// Emits an add instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement value2 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement value1 = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); if (TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value1) || TypeHelper.IsFloatingPoint(value2)) { ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildFAdd(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "addfp"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, value1.ILType, value1.Type)); } else { bool isPtrVal1, isPtrVal2; CastHelper.HelpPossiblePtrCast(builder, ref value1, ref value2, out isPtrVal1, out isPtrVal2, "addcast"); // If one of the two values is a pointer, then the result will be a pointer as well. if (isPtrVal1 || isPtrVal2) { ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildAdd(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "addptr"); TypeRef resultingType = (isPtrVal1 ? value1.Type : value2.Type); TypeReference resultingILType = (isPtrVal1 ? value1.ILType : value2.ILType); ValueRef ptr = LLVM.BuildIntToPtr(builder, result, resultingType, "ptr"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(ptr, resultingILType, resultingType)); } // Cast to different int size. else { CastHelper.HelpIntCast(builder, ref value1, ref value2); ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildAdd(builder, value1.Value, value2.Value, "addi"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(result, value1.ILType, value1.Type)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Добавление элемента в стек /// </summary> public void Push(Type value) { StackElement newElement = new StackElement(); = head; newElement.value = value; head = newElement; }
/// <summary> /// Emits a ldftn instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { MethodDefinition method = (MethodDefinition)instruction.Operand; ValueRef result = LLVM.BuildIntToPtr(builder, context.Compiler.Lookup.GetFunction(NameHelper.CreateMethodName(method)).Value, TypeHelper.NativeIntType, "ldftn"); StackElement element = new StackElement(result, typeof(IntPtr).GetTypeReference(), TypeHelper.NativeIntType); context.CurrentStack.Push(element); }
public void Pop() { if (head == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack is empty"); } head =; }
public void Push(int value) { StackElement stackElement = new StackElement(value); stackElement.NextElement = Top; Top = stackElement; Count++; }
public int Pop() { var tempValue = head.Value; head = head.Next; Count--; return(tempValue); }
public void Push(int num) { StackElement temp = new StackElement(); temp.num = num; = this.head; this.head = temp; }
/// <summary> /// Helps with the int casting so that both values are of the same type. /// </summary> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> /// <param name="value1">The first value.</param> /// <param name="value2">The second value.</param> public static void HelpIntCast(BuilderRef builder, ref StackElement value1, ref StackElement value2) { if (value1.Type != value2.Type) { value2.Value = LLVM.BuildIntCast(builder, value2.Value, value1.Type, "tmpintcast"); value2.Type = value1.Type; value2.ILType = value1.ILType; } }
/// <summary> /// Удаление элемента /// </summary> public void Pop() { if (head == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Стек пуст"); } head =; }
/// <summary> /// Emits a ldelema instruction. /// </summary> /// <param name="instruction">The instruction.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param> public void Emit(Instruction instruction, MethodContext context, BuilderRef builder) { StackElement index = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); StackElement array = context.CurrentStack.Pop(); ValueRef gep = LLVM.BuildGEP(builder, array.Value, new ValueRef[] { index.Value }, "arrayelemptr"); context.CurrentStack.Push(new StackElement(gep, array.ILType, array.Type)); }
public void SetEnd(DateTime endDate, string className, string method) { StackElement temp = _root.Find(className, method); if (temp != null) { temp.SetEnd(endDate); } }
/// <summary> /// Push value to a stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value to be pushed.</param> public void Push(int value) { var newElement = new StackElement(value) { Next = head, Value = value }; head = newElement; }
/// <summary> /// Taking an element from stack /// </summary> public void Pop() { StackElement iterator = this.head; if (iterator == null) { throw new Exception("Stack is empty"); } this.head = iterator.Next; Console.WriteLine(iterator.Data); }
/// <summary> /// Get value from stack. /// </summary> public int Pop() { if (head == null) { return -1; } var temp = head.Value; head = head.Next; return temp; }
/// <summary> /// Get value from stack. /// </summary> public int Pop() { if (IsEmpty()) { return -33333; } var temp = head.Value; head = head.Next; return temp; }
/// <summary> /// Returns head value /// </summary> public int Pop() { if (head == null) { throw new Exception(); } var temp = head.Value; head = head.Next; return temp; }
public void Push(int value) { StackElement newElement = new StackElement(value); if (this.head == null) { this.head = newElement; return; } newElement.Next = this.head; this.head = newElement; }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var side = args[0].Sample as IXilinxBlockMemSide; if (side == null) return false; var code = IntrinsicFunctions.XILOpCode( DefaultInstructionSet.Instance.WrMem(side), typeof(void)); builder.Call(code.Callee, args[1].Expr, args[2].Expr); return true; }
public int Pop() { if (head == null) { Console.WriteLine("Stack is empty!"); return 0; } int temp = this.head.Num; StackElement pos = this.head; this.head = this.head.Next; return temp; }
public void Push(int i) { StackElement element = new StackElement(i); if (top == null) { top = element; } else { element.Next = top; top = element; } }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var side = args[0].Sample as IXilinxBlockMemSide; if (side == null) return false; var sample = StdLogicVector._0s(side.DataReadWidth); var code = IntrinsicFunctions.XILOpCode( DefaultInstructionSet.Instance.RdMem(side), TypeDescriptor.GetTypeOf(sample), args[1].Expr); stack.Push(code, sample); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Adds value to the list /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value to add</param> public void push(int value) { StackElement tmp = new StackElement(value); if (this.head == null) { this.head = tmp; return; } StackElement iterator = this.head; while (iterator.Next != null) { iterator = iterator.Next; } iterator.Next = tmp; }
public object Pop() { if (top == null) return null; var elem = top; top = elem.Next; if (top == null) { bottom = null; } count--; return elem.Item; }
public void Push(object o) { var elem = new StackElement(o); if (bottom == null) { bottom = elem; top = elem; } else { bottom.Next = elem; bottom = elem; } count++; }
/// <summary> /// Makes stack empty /// </summary> public void ClearStack() { head = null; }
public StackElement(int data, StackElement next) { = data; = next; }
public void SetTop(StackElement top) { = top; }
public int Pop() { StackElement ret = top; top = top.Next; return ret.Data; }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var ctx = stack.QueryAttribute<AsyncMethodDecompiler>(); if (ctx.ImplStyle == EAsyncImplStyle.FSM) { if (args.Length == 2 && ctx._curCoFSM.ResultVar != null) { builder.Store(ctx._curCoFSM.ResultVar, args[1].Expr); if (args[1].Expr.ResultType.IsComplete) ctx._curCoFSM.ResultVar.UpgradeType(args[1].Expr.ResultType); } var si = ctx.ForkInitialSI(); var pi = new ProceedWithStateInfo() { TargetState = si, TargetWaitState = false, LambdaTransition = false }; if (ctx._curCoFSM != null && ctx._curCoFSM.DoneVar != null) { var tr = LiteralReference.CreateConstant(true); builder.Store(ctx._curCoFSM.DoneVar, tr); pi.TargetState = null; } var fspec = new FunctionSpec(typeof(void)) { IntrinsicRep = IntrinsicFunctions.ProceedWithState(pi) }; builder.Call(fspec, LiteralReference.CreateConstant(pi)); } return true; }
public void Clear() { top = null; bottom = null; count = 0; }
public override void RewriteWrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, FieldInfo field, object instance, StackElement value, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var me = stack.QueryAttribute<AsyncMethodDecompiler>(); me._tasks[field.Name] = value; }
public override void RewriteWrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, FieldInfo field, object instance, StackElement value, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var me = stack.QueryAttribute<AsyncMethodDecompiler>(); var v = me._argFields[field.Name]; if (!me._declared.Contains(v)) { builder.DeclareLocal(v); me._declared.Add(v); } builder.Store(v, value.Expr); if (value.Sample != null) v.UpgradeType(TypeDescriptor.GetTypeOf(value.Sample)); if (me._curSI != null) me._curSI.LVState[field.Name] = value.Sample; }
public override void RewriteWrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, FieldInfo field, object instance, StackElement value, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var me = stack.QueryAttribute<AsyncMethodDecompiler>(); try { field.SetValue(me._fsmInstance, value.Sample); } catch (Exception) { var task = me.GetTaskFromAwaiter(value.Sample); var awaiterType = field.FieldType; var targetAwaiter = Activator.CreateInstance(awaiterType); var targetAwaiterField = awaiterType.GetField("m_task", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); targetAwaiterField.SetValue(targetAwaiter, task); field.SetValue(me._fsmInstance, targetAwaiter); } }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { return true; }
void QSort3(int loSt, int hiSt, int dSt) { int unLo, unHi, ltLo, gtHi, med, n, m; int lo, hi, d; StackElement[] stack = new StackElement[QSORT_STACK_SIZE]; int sp = 0; stack[sp].ll = loSt; stack[sp].hh = hiSt; stack[sp].dd = dSt; sp++; while (sp > 0) { if (sp >= QSORT_STACK_SIZE) { Panic(); } sp--; lo = stack[sp].ll; hi = stack[sp].hh; d = stack[sp].dd; if (hi - lo < SMALL_THRESH || d > DEPTH_THRESH) { SimpleSort(lo, hi, d); if (workDone > workLimit && firstAttempt) { return; } continue; } med = Med3(block[zptr[lo] + d + 1], block[zptr[hi ] + d + 1], block[zptr[(lo + hi) >> 1] + d + 1]); unLo = ltLo = lo; unHi = gtHi = hi; while (true) { while (true) { if (unLo > unHi) { break; } n = ((int)block[zptr[unLo]+d + 1]) - med; if (n == 0) { int temp = zptr[unLo]; zptr[unLo] = zptr[ltLo]; zptr[ltLo] = temp; ltLo++; unLo++; continue; } if (n > 0) { break; } unLo++; } while (true) { if (unLo > unHi) { break; } n = ((int)block[zptr[unHi]+d + 1]) - med; if (n == 0) { int temp = zptr[unHi]; zptr[unHi] = zptr[gtHi]; zptr[gtHi] = temp; gtHi--; unHi--; continue; } if (n < 0) { break; } unHi--; } if (unLo > unHi) { break; } { int temp = zptr[unLo]; zptr[unLo] = zptr[unHi]; zptr[unHi] = temp; unLo++; unHi--; } } if (gtHi < ltLo) { stack[sp].ll = lo; stack[sp].hh = hi; stack[sp].dd = d+1; sp++; continue; } n = ((ltLo-lo) < (unLo-ltLo)) ? (ltLo-lo) : (unLo-ltLo); Vswap(lo, unLo-n, n); m = ((hi-gtHi) < (gtHi-unHi)) ? (hi-gtHi) : (gtHi-unHi); Vswap(unLo, hi-m+1, m); n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1; m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1; stack[sp].ll = lo; stack[sp].hh = n; stack[sp].dd = d; sp++; stack[sp].ll = n + 1; stack[sp].hh = m - 1; stack[sp].dd = d+1; sp++; stack[sp].ll = m; stack[sp].hh = hi; stack[sp].dd = d; sp++; } }
public Stack() { top = null; }
public override bool Rewrite(CodeDescriptor decompilee, MethodBase callee, StackElement[] args, IDecompiler stack, IFunctionBuilder builder) { var ctx = stack.QueryAttribute<AsyncMethodDecompiler>(); if (ctx == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Method must be decompiled using AsyncMethodDecompiler."); if (ctx.ImplStyle != EAsyncImplStyle.FSM) throw new InvalidOperationException("Awaiting other tasks is only possible when decompiling to FSM."); ctx.ImplementAwait(decompilee, callee, args, stack, builder); return true; }