Esempio n. 1
 protected override void InitCustomComponents()
     _playerMovement = GetComponent <PlayerMovement>();
     _castSpell      = GetComponent <CastSpell>();
     _dash           = GetComponent <Dash>();
     _stab           = GetComponent <Stab>();
Esempio n. 2
        public TreeNode BuildTree()
            var treeView = new TreeNode($"{_info.Id:X8}");

            var numCells = new TreeNode($"NumCells: {_info.NumCells}");


            if (_info.Objects.Count != 0)
                var objects = new TreeNode("Objects:");
                foreach (var stab in _info.Objects)
                    var stabTree = new Stab(stab).BuildTree();
                    var obj      = new TreeNode($"{stabTree[0].Name.Replace("ID: ", "")}");


            /*if (_info.PackMask != 0)
             * {
             *  var packMask = new TreeNode($"PackMask: {_info.PackMask:X8}");
             *  treeView.Items.Add(packMask);
             * }*/

            if (_info.Buildings.Count != 0)
                var buildings = new TreeNode($"Buildings:");
                for (var i = 0; i < _info.Buildings.Count; i++)
                    var building = new TreeNode($"{i}");
                    building.Items.AddRange(new BuildInfo(_info.Buildings[i]).BuildTree());

            if (_info.RestrictionTables.Count != 0)
                var restrictions = new TreeNode($"Restrictions:");
                foreach (var kvp in _info.RestrictionTables)
                    restrictions.Items.Add(new TreeNode($"{kvp.Key:X8}: {kvp.Value:X8}"));


Esempio n. 3
        private void OnStab(Stab stab)
            var touchMap = PlayerActionsReader.Data.touchMap;

            foreach (var item in touchMap)
                if (item.Value)
Esempio n. 4
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var sternOne   = new Stern(2);
            var sternTwo   = new Stern(4);
            var sternThree = new Stern(9);

            var stabOne = new Stab(sternOne, sternTwo, 9);
            var stabTwo = new Stab(stabOne, sternThree, 10);


        // Returns the Force of a stab
        public static String getForce(Stab s, VariableCollection col)
            String force = "";

            foreach (Variable va in col.var)
                String name = "F(" + s.node1 + "," + s.node2 + ")";
                if (
                    force = va.value;

Esempio n. 6
        public void ValidateBalance_Case1()
            var sternOne   = new Stern(2) as INode;
            var sternTwo   = new Stern(4) as INode;
            var sternThree = new Stern(9) as INode;

            var stabOne = new Stab(sternOne, sternTwo, 9) as INode;
            var stabTwo = new Stab(stabOne, sternThree, 10) as INode;



            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(((Stab)stabOne).Position - 6) < 0.05);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(((Stab)stabTwo).Position - 6) < 0.05);
        // Returns a Stab Object as result of a name input S(diameter, node1, node2)
        public static Stab nameToStab(String name)
            Stab st = new Stab();

            int index1 = name.IndexOf("(");
            int index2 = name.IndexOf(")");

            String stab = name.Substring((index1) + 1, (index2) - 2);

            String[] werte = stab.Split(',');

            st.node1    = werte[1];
            st.node2    = werte[2];
            st.diameter = werte[0];

    private void Start()
        var playerPrefab = Globals.Tools.ObjectPooling.Grab(PoolType.Player);

        #region Camera

        new CameraFollow(playerPrefab, 2);

        #region Audio

        new AudioSystem(clips, this);

        #region Player

        var pistol = new WeaponFeature(PoolType.Bullet, 20, .1f, 1);
        var rocket = new WeaponFeature(PoolType.Rocket, 15, .3f, 5);

        var weapons = new IWeapon[2];

        weapons[(int)WeaponType.Pistol]         = new Pistol(pistol);
        weapons[(int)WeaponType.RocketLauncher] = new RocketLauncher(rocket);

        var playerBehaviours = new IBehaviour[8];

        playerBehaviours[0] = new GrowndCheck();
        playerBehaviours[1] = new LookAt();
        playerBehaviours[2] = new Move(2, 4);
        playerBehaviours[3] = new Duck();
        playerBehaviours[4] = new Jump(18);
        playerBehaviours[5] = new Shoot(weapons);
        playerBehaviours[6] = new Stab();
        playerBehaviours[7] = new Pick();

        new Player(playerPrefab, playerBehaviours, this);

        #region Rewards

        var loot = new Loot(lootsContainer);

        Globals.Tools.Event.Fire(EventType.OnSFX, Globals.SoundEffects.MissionStart); // SFX
Esempio n. 9
        } = new List <Stab>();                                       // List of objects in the cell and their positions

        /// <summary>
        /// Load the EnvCell (Dungeon/Interior Block) from the client_cell.dat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="landblockId">The full int32/dword landblock value as reported by the @loc command (e.g. 0x12345678)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EnvCell ReadFromDat(uint landblockId)
            // Check the FileCache so we don't need to hit the FileSystem repeatedly
            if (DatManager.CellDat.FileCache.ContainsKey(landblockId))
                EnvCell c = new EnvCell();

                if (DatManager.CellDat.AllFiles.ContainsKey(landblockId))
                    DatReader datReader = DatManager.CellDat.GetReaderForFile(landblockId);
                    c.CellId          = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                    c.Bitfield        = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                    datReader.Offset += 4; // Skip ahead 4 bytes, because this is the CellId. Again. Twice.

                    byte numTextures = datReader.ReadByte();

                    // Note that "portal" in this context does not refer to the swirly pink/purple thing, its basically connecting cells
                    byte numPortals = datReader.ReadByte();

                    // I believe this is what cells can be seen from this one. So the engine knows what else it needs to load/draw.
                    ushort numVisibleBlocks = datReader.ReadUInt16();

                    // Read what textures are used in this cell
                    for (uint i = 0; i < numTextures; i++)
                        c.Textures.Add(0x08000000u + datReader.ReadUInt16()); // these are stored in the dat as short vals, so we'll make them a full dword

                    c.EnvironmentId = (0x0D000000u + datReader.ReadUInt16());
                    c.CellStructure = datReader.ReadUInt16();

                    c.Position             = new Position();
                    c.Position.LandblockId = new LandblockId(landblockId);
                    c.Position.PositionX   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.PositionY   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.PositionZ   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.RotationW   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.RotationX   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.RotationY   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                    c.Position.RotationZ   = datReader.ReadSingle();

                    for (uint i = 0; i < numPortals; i++)
                        CellPortal cp = new CellPortal();
                        cp.Flags         = datReader.ReadUInt16();
                        cp.EnvironmentId = datReader.ReadUInt16();
                        cp.OtherCellId   = datReader.ReadUInt16();
                        cp.OtherPortalId = datReader.ReadUInt16();
                        cp.ExactMatch    = (byte)(cp.Flags & 1);
                        cp.PortalSide    = (byte)((cp.Flags >> 1) & 1);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < numVisibleBlocks; i++)

                    uint numObjects = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (uint i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
                        Stab s = new Stab();
                        s.Model = datReader.ReadUInt32();
                        s.Position.LandblockId = new LandblockId(landblockId);
                        s.Position.PositionX   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.PositionY   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.PositionZ   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.RotationW   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.RotationX   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.RotationY   = datReader.ReadSingle();
                        s.Position.RotationZ   = datReader.ReadSingle();

                // Store this object in the FileCache
                DatManager.CellDat.FileCache[landblockId] = c;
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new model mesh for a static land object
 /// </summary>
 public ModelMesh(Stab stab)
     Init(stab.Id, stab.Frame);
Esempio n. 11
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender,
                                              DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Get the BackgroundWorker that raised this event.
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            //bar.limit = tmlim;
            //bar.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            // Assign the result of the computation
            // to the Result property of the DoWorkEventArgs
            // object. This is will be available to the
            // RunWorkerCompleted eventhandler.

                label20.Text       = "Please wait...";
                progressBar1.Value = 0;

                DateTime now   = DateTime.Now;
                string   datum = now.ToString("dd-MM-yyy");
                datum = datum.Replace("-", "");

                string csv = directory + "\\" + projectName + "_csv_" + datum + ".csv";

                // Parse chosen .sol File to csv File

                XmlRootAttribute root = new XmlRootAttribute();
                root.ElementName = "CPLEXSolution";

                VariableCollection col = null;

                XmlSerializer s      = new XmlSerializer(typeof(VariableCollection), root);
                StreamReader  reader = new StreamReader(solFilePath);

                col = (VariableCollection)s.Deserialize(reader);

                // Write deserialized data in csv file.
                int count = col.var.Count();

                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                           new System.IO.StreamWriter(csv))
                    int i = 1; // counter for number of stabs

                    foreach (Variable va in col.var)
                        decimal dwert = 0;

                        if (!va.value.Contains("e"))
                            string temp = va.value.Replace(".", ",");
                            dwert = Convert.ToDecimal(temp);

                        if ((dwert > 0.85m) && (dwert < 1.15m)) // only stabs with value near 1 written in csv file
                            if ("S("))
                                Stab stab = nameToStab(;

                                String force = getForce(stab, col);

                                file.WriteLine(stab.node1 + ";" + stab.node2 + ";" + stab.diameter + ";" + force);

                        int percentComplete =
                            (int)((float)i / (float)count * 100);

                        //int pro = (int)((float)i / (float)count);

                    //file.WriteLine("Stabs: " + i); // To check if every Stab is represented
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured: " + ex.ToString(), "Info");
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new model mesh for a static land object
 /// </summary>
 public ModelInstance(Stab stab)
     Init(stab.Id, stab.Frame);