Esempio n. 1
        public SquareSitResponse Sit(SquareSitRequest request)
            var res = new SquareSitResponse();

            //var userID = Utils.GetUserIDByToken(request.Token);
            //var square = chessContext.Squares[userID];
            var     tableId = Utils.GetRequestParam <int>(request.Biz_Content, "table_id");
            var     table   = ChessingManager.Instance.Tables[tableId];
            ISquare square  = Square;

            if (square != null)
                if (square.Table != null && square.Table != table)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Error when user {0} Sit at table {1}, square with other table ", UserID, tableId));
                var newCamp = !table.Squares.Keys.Contains(Camp.RedCamp) ? Camp.RedCamp : Camp.BlackCamp;
                square = new Square(newCamp, newCamp == Camp.RedCamp ? ChessColor.Red : ChessColor.Black);
                ChessingManager.Instance.Squares.Add(UserID, square);

Esempio n. 2
        static void Demo()
            var     serverUrl = "http://localhost:28310/";
            IClient client    = new DefaultClient(serverUrl, null, null);

            var sitReq = new SquareSitRequest()
                Biz_Content = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "table_id", "1" }
            var sitRes = client.Execute(sitReq, "1");

            var readyReq = new SquareReadyRequest();
            var readyRes = client.Execute(readyReq);

            var moveReq1 = new ChessMoveRequest()
                Biz_Content = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "chesstype", ChessType.Cannons.ToString().ToLower() },
                    { "index", "0" },
                    { "relativex", "4" },
                    { "relativey", "2" },
            var moveRes1 = client.Execute(moveReq1);

            //tom and jerry sit at board 1
            //tom ready
            //jerry ready
            //board start

            //var red = new Square("tom");
            //var black = new Square("jerry");
            //var table = new Table();

            //var ing = new Chessing("tom vs jerry at 2018.6.20 17:40");


            //ing.Start(true);//at red
 public SquareSitResponse Sit(SquareSitRequest request)
     return(Utils.TryGetResponse(request, service.Sit, UserID));