public void PopulateSquadDropDownMenuItems() { foreach (var item in Registry.SquadNamesSet.Select(name => new ToolStripMenuItem(name))) { item.Click += OnSquadClicked; SquadsMenuItem.Add(item); } }
private void OnSquadClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { var selectedSquad = ""; try { if (FindAndWarnOnOpenLoaderDialog() || FindAndWarnOnOpenDeletePilotWindowDialog()) { return; } var clicked = SquadsMenuItem.Cast <ToolStripItem>().SingleOrDefault(item => item.Pressed); selectedSquad = clicked.Text; BuildAndDisplaySquadForm(selectedSquad, Registry.GetSquad(selectedSquad)); } catch (SquadDoesNotExistInRegistryException e) { Utility.WriteDebugTraceFile(e); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Failed to compile squad \"{0}\" data.\nCheck that the pilots nominated in your squad have data.", selectedSquad)); } }