Esempio n. 1
        public void Run()
            using (BloggingContext context = new BloggingContext())
                DbConnection connection = context.GetDbConnection();

                // Declare the fields that we want to query.
                // Note: Under normal usage of this library you would normally store the field definitions in the database.
                string[] fields = Blog.Fields;

                // Create the query from a DbConnection.
                // Note: We use the connection provided by the Entity Framework DbContext. There is no requirement to use a connection provided by Entity Framework.
                //       If you are using an Entity Framework DbContext in your code, we recommend making a method on your context exposing the provider.
                //       We will only be explicit in this sample.
                IQueryable <Record> query = new SqliteQueryable(connection, "Blogs", fields);

                // Traditional linq syntax can be used to predicate your queries
                // When comparing a field value you must specify the table and field with this square bracket style:
                // ["table"]["field"]
                // Note: The casts are required for the comparisions to be valid C#
                query = query.Where(x => (int)x["Blogs"]["BlogId"] == 1 || (int)x["Blogs"]["BlogId"] == 2);

                // Executing the query can be achieved with methods like ToArray, ToList, FirstOrDefault etc.
                // Note: Helper methods exist to flatten results which we will cover in other samples
                Record[] results = query.ToArray();

                SamplesHelper.RenderQuery("select * from Blogs where BlogId = 1 or BlogId = 2");
Esempio n. 2
        public void SqlQueryable_Contains_SubQuery()
            // Prepare the test data
            IQueryable <Record> outer = new SqliteQueryable(connection, "Course", new[] { "Id", "Name" });
            IQueryable <Record> inner = new SqliteQueryable(connection, "CourseStudent", new[] { "Id", "CourseId" });

            // Perfor the test operation
            Record[] records = outer
                               .Where(x => inner.Contains(y => y["CourseStudent"]["CourseId"], x["Course"]["Id"]))

            // Check the test result
            Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionTestHelper.CountCourses, records.Length);
Esempio n. 3
        public void SqlQueryable_Where_Comparison()
            // Prepare the test data
            string[]            fields    = new[] { "Id", "Name" };
            IQueryable <Record> queryable = new SqliteQueryable(connection, "Course", "Alias", fields);

            // Perform the test operation
            Record[] records = queryable
                               .Where(x => (int)x["Alias"]["Id"] == 1)

            // Check the test result
            Assert.AreEqual(1, records.Length);
Esempio n. 4
        public void SqlQueryable_Contains_StringArray()
            // Prepare the test data
            string[]            values    = new[] { "1", "3" };
            string[]            fields    = new[] { "Id", "Name" };
            IQueryable <Record> queryable = new SqliteQueryable(connection, "Course", "Alias", fields);

            // Perfor the test operation
            Record[] records = queryable
                               .Where(x => values.Contains((string)x["Alias"]["Id"]))

            // Check the test result
            Assert.AreEqual(values.Length, records.Length);
            foreach (Record record in records)