Esempio n. 1
        public async Task AliasCommand(params string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length == 1)
                 * await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                 * {
                 *  Title = "Insufficient Parameters",
                 *  Description = $"The way to use the command is `{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`",
                 *  Color = Color.Red
                 * }.WithCurrentTimestamp());*/
                var paginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage(new PaginatedAppearanceOptions
                    FooterFormat =
                        $"Do {await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}help alias to know more about adding aliases"
                }, Context.Channel,
                                                            new PaginatedMessage.MessagePage("Error :/"));
                var loembb = (await SqliteClass.GuildAliasGetter(Context.Guild.Id)).Select(k => new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    Name  = k.Item1,
                    Value = $"`{k.Item2}`"
                if (!loembb.Any())
                    await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                        Title       = "No aliases yet",
                        Description = "Add aliases using `alias add <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`",
                        Color       = Blurple


                paginatedMessage.SetPages("Here's a list of aliases that your server has", loembb, 7);
                await paginatedMessage.Resend();


            switch (args[0])
            case "add" or "+":
                if (args.Length == 2)
                    await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                            Title       = "Insufficient Parameters",
                            Description =
                                $"Command Syntax: `{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias + <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`",
                            Color = Color.Red


                var cmdAlias = args[1];
                var cmd      = string.Join(' ', args.Skip(2));
                cmd = cmd.Replace("^", "\\^").Replace("|", "\\|");
                await SqliteClass.AliasAdder(Context.Guild.Id, cmdAlias, cmd);
                await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                        Title       = $"Successfully added alias {cmdAlias}",
                        Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!",
                        Color       = Blurple


            case "remove" or "-":
                var didItExist = await SqliteClass.AliasRemover(Context.Guild.Id, args[1]) != 0;

                if (!didItExist)
                    await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                            Title       = "No such alias",
                            Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!",
                            Color       = Blurple
                    await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                            Title       = "Deleted alias",
                            Description = "Run `alias` to find the list of aliases in your guild!",
                            Color       = Blurple

                await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder
                        Title       = "Invalid Parameters",
                        Description =
                            $"The way to add aliases is \n`{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias + <alias-name> <cmd-and-parameters>`\nand removing is\n`{await SqliteClass.PrefixGetter(Context.Guild.Id)}alias - <alias-name>`",
                        Color = Color.Red
