Esempio n. 1
        public static string GenerateTemplate(ITableSchema schema, SqlScriptType type, bool ifExists)
            TableName   tableName = schema.TableName;
            TableClause script    = new TableClause(schema);

            switch (type)
            case SqlScriptType.INSERT:

            case SqlScriptType.SELECT:

            case SqlScriptType.UPDATE:

            case SqlScriptType.INSERT_OR_UPDATE:

            case SqlScriptType.DELETE:
                return(new Dependency(tableName.DatabaseName).DELETE(tableName)
                       + script.DELETE(schema.Columns));

            case SqlScriptType.DROP:
                return(new Dependency(tableName.DatabaseName).DROP_TABLE(tableName, ifExists)
                       + script.DROP_TABLE(ifExists));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL stored procedure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptType">
        /// A SqlScriptType indicating what to include in the script.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL stored procedure.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The valid SqlScriptType values are: Create, Drop, Comments.
        /// </remarks>
        public string Script(SqlScriptType scriptType)
            int dmoScriptType = 0;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Create) == SqlScriptType.Create)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Default |

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Drop) == SqlScriptType.Drop)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Drops;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Comments) == SqlScriptType.Comments)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Permissions) == SqlScriptType.Permissions)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions;

            return(dmoStoredProcedure.Script(dmoScriptType, null, 0));
Esempio n. 3
        public static int GenerateRows(SqlScriptType type, StreamWriter writer, ITableSchema schema, Locator where, SqlScriptGenerationOption option, IProgress <int> progress)
            SqlScriptGeneration gen = new SqlScriptGeneration(type, schema)
                Where  = where,
                Option = option,

            return(gen.Generate(writer, progress));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptType">
        /// A SqlScriptType indicating what to include in the script.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL table.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The valid SqlScriptType values are: Create, Drop, Comments, Defaults, PrimaryKey, ForeignKeys, UniqueKeys, Checks, Indexes.
        /// </remarks>
        public string ScriptSchema(SqlScriptType scriptType)
            int dmoScriptType = 0;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Create) == SqlScriptType.Create)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Default | NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_NoDRI;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Defaults) == SqlScriptType.Defaults)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_Defaults | NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRIWithNoCheck;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.PrimaryKey) == SqlScriptType.PrimaryKey)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_PrimaryKey | NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRIWithNoCheck;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Checks) == SqlScriptType.Checks)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_Checks | NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRIWithNoCheck;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.ForeignKeys) == SqlScriptType.ForeignKeys)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_ForeignKeys;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.UniqueKeys) == SqlScriptType.UniqueKeys)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRI_UniqueKeys;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Indexes) == SqlScriptType.Indexes)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_DRIIndexes;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Drop) == SqlScriptType.Drop)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Drops;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Comments) == SqlScriptType.Comments)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders;

            return(dmoTable.Script(dmoScriptType, null, null, 0));
Esempio n. 5
 public void ExportScud(SqlScriptType type)
     if (tname != null)
         using (var writer = SqlFileName.CreateStreamWriter(cmd.Append))
             string sql = Compare.GenerateTemplate(new TableSchema(tname), type, cmd.HasIfExists);
         cerr.WriteLine("warning: table is not selected");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptType">
        /// A SqlScriptType indicating what to include in the script.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the SQL database.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The valid SqlScriptType values are: Create, Drop, Comments.
        /// </remarks>
        public string Script(SqlScriptType scriptType)
            int dmoScriptType = 0;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Create) == SqlScriptType.Create)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Default;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Drop) == SqlScriptType.Drop)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_Drops;

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Comments) == SqlScriptType.Comments)
                dmoScriptType |= NativeMethods.SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE.SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders;

            return(dmoDatabase.Script(dmoScriptType, null, 0));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the data in the SQL table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptType">
        /// A SqlScriptType indicating what to include in the script.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the data in the SQL table.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The valid SqlScriptType values are: Comments.
        /// </remarks>
        public string ScriptData(SqlScriptType scriptType)
            // Grab data from table
            DataTable[] tables = Database.Query("select * from [" + name + "]");

            DataTable table = tables[0];

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Comments) == SqlScriptType.Comments)
                sb.Append(String.Format(SR.GetString("SqlTable_ExportComment") + "\r\n", name));

            // If necessary, turn on identity insert
            bool hasIdentity = false;

            string[] columnNamesArray = new string[this.Columns.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Columns.Count; i++)
                columnNamesArray[i] = "[" + this.Columns[i].ColumnInformation.Name + "]";

                if (this.Columns[i].ColumnInformation.Identity)
                    hasIdentity = true;

            string columnNames = String.Join(", ", columnNamesArray);

            if (hasIdentity)
                sb.Append("SET identity_insert [" + this.Name + "] on\r\n\r\n");

            // Go through each row
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                object[] cols = table.Rows[i].ItemArray;
                sb.Append(String.Format("INSERT [{0}] ({1}) VALUES (", name, columnNames));

                // And through each column within the row
                for (int j = 0; j < cols.Length; j++)
                    if (j > 0)
                        sb.Append(", ");

                    System.Type dataType = table.Columns[j].DataType;

                    // If null, print null, otherwise output data based on type
                    if (table.Rows[i].IsNull(j))
                        // Database Null is just NULL
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Int32) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Int16) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Decimal) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Single))
                        // Numeric datatypes we just emit as-is
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.DateTime) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.String))
                        // Strings and date/time's get quoted

                        // Escape single quotes in strings (replace with two single quotes)
                        sb.Append(String.Format("'{0}'", cols[j].ToString().Replace("'", "''")));
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Boolean))
                        // Booleans are false=0 and true=1
                        if ((System.Boolean)cols[j])
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
                        // Byte arrays are in the form 0x0123456789ABCDEF
                        System.Byte[] array = (System.Byte[])cols[j];
                        for (int a = 0; a < array.Length; a++)
                        // Default is to call ToString() and quote it

                        // Escape single quotes in strings (replace with two single quotes)
                        sb.Append(String.Format("'{0}'", cols[j].ToString().Replace("'", "''")));


                // Stick in a GO statement to make batches smaller
                //if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0)
                //    sb.Append("GO\r\n");


            // If we turned on identity insert, turn it off now
            if (hasIdentity)
                sb.Append("SET identity_insert [" + this.Name + "] off\r\nGO\r\n");

Esempio n. 8
        public void ExportInsertOrUpdateData(SqlScriptType type)
            var option = new SqlScriptGenerationOption
                HasIfExists          = cmd.HasIfExists,
                InsertWithoutColumns = cmd.Has("no-columns"),

            if (tname != null)
                var node  = mgr.GetCurrentNode <Locator>();
                int count = 0;
                using (var writer = SqlFileName.CreateStreamWriter(cmd.Append))
                    //cout.WriteLine($"start to generate {tname} script to file: \"{SqlFileName}\"");
                    Locator locator = null;
                    string  WHERE   = "";
                    if (node != null)
                        locator = mgr.GetCombinedLocator(node);
                        WHERE   = $" WHERE {locator}";

                    long cnt = tname.GetTableRowCount(locator);
                    count = Tools.ForceLongToInteger(cnt);
                    using (var progress = new ProgressBar {
                        Count = count
                        count = Compare.GenerateRows(type, writer, new TableSchema(tname), locator, option, progress);
                    cout.WriteLine($"{type} clauses (SELECT * FROM {tname}{WHERE}) generated to \"{SqlFileName}\", Done on rows({cnt})");
            else if (dname != null)
                //cout.WriteLine($"start to generate {dname} script to file: \"{SqlFileName}\"");
                using (var writer = SqlFileName.CreateStreamWriter(cmd.Append))
                    var         md     = new MatchedDatabase(dname, cmd);
                    TableName[] tnames = md.TableNames();

                    if (tnames.Length > 5 && !cin.YesOrNo($"Are you sure to export {tnames.Length} tables on {dname} (y/n)?"))

                    CancelableWork.CanCancel(cts =>
                        foreach (var tn in tnames)
                            if (cts.IsCancellationRequested)

                            long cnt = tn.GetTableRowCount();
                            if (cnt > cfg.MaxRows)
                                if (!cin.YesOrNo($"Are you sure to export {cnt} rows on {tn.ShortName} (y/n)?"))
                                    cout.WriteLine("\n{0,10} skipped", tn.ShortName);

                            int count = Tools.ForceLongToInteger(cnt);
                            using (var progress = new ProgressBar {
                                Count = count
                                count = Compare.GenerateRows(type, writer, new TableSchema(tn), null, option, progress);

                            cout.WriteLine($"{count,10} row(s) generated on {tn.ShortName}");

                        cout.WriteLine($"completed to generate {type} clauses to \"{SqlFileName}\"");
                cerr.WriteLine("warning: table or database is not selected");
Esempio n. 9
 public SqlScriptGeneration(SqlScriptType type, ITableSchema schema)
     this.type   = type;
     this.schema = schema;
     this.script = new TableDataClause(schema);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the data in the SQL table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptType">
        /// A SqlScriptType indicating what to include in the script.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing a Transact-SQL command batch that can be used to re-create the data in the SQL table.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The valid SqlScriptType values are: Comments.
        /// </remarks>
        public string ScriptData(SqlScriptType scriptType)
            // Grab data from table
            DataTable[] tables = Database.Query("select * from [" + name + "]");
            DataTable   table  = tables[0];

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if ((scriptType & SqlScriptType.Comments) == SqlScriptType.Comments)
                sb.Append(String.Format(SR.GetString("SqlTable_ExportComment") + "\r\n", name));

            List <string> columnNamesList = new List <string>();

            // use the datatable column names, the SqlColumns class is
            // EXTREMELY slow at grabbing column information
            for (int idx = 0; idx < table.Columns.Count; ++idx)
                // skip over timestamp columns (what about BLOBs?)
                if (table.Columns[idx].DataType != typeof(Byte[]))

            string[] columnNamesArray = columnNamesList.ToArray();
            string   columnNames      = String.Join(", ", columnNamesArray);

            sb.Append("IF (SELECT IDENT_SEED('" + this.Name + "')) IS NOT NULL\r\n\t");
            sb.Append("SET identity_insert [" + this.Name + "] on\r\n\r\n");

            // Go through each row
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                object[] cols = table.Rows[i].ItemArray;
                sb.Append(String.Format("INSERT [{0}] ({1}) VALUES (", name, columnNames));

                // And through each column within the row
                for (int j = 0; j < cols.Length; j++)
                    Type dataType = table.Columns[j].DataType;
                    if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))

                    if (j > 0)
                        sb.Append(", ");

                    // If null, print null, otherwise output data based on type
                    if (table.Rows[i].IsNull(j))
                        // Database Null is just NULL
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Int32) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Int16) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Decimal) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.Single))
                        // Numeric datatypes we just emit as-is
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.DateTime) ||
                             dataType == typeof(System.String))
                        // Strings and date/time's get quoted

                        // Escape single quotes in strings (replace with two single quotes)
                        sb.Append(String.Format("'{0}'", cols[j].ToString().Replace("'", "''")));
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Boolean))
                        // Booleans are false=0 and true=1
                        if ((System.Boolean)cols[j])
//                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[])) {
//                        // Byte arrays are in the form 0x0123456789ABCDEF
//                        System.Byte[] array = (System.Byte[])cols[j];
//                        sb.Append("0x");
//                        for (int a = 0; a < array.Length; a++)
//                            sb.Append(array[a].ToString("X"));
//                    }
                        // Default is to call ToString() and quote it

                        // Escape single quotes in strings (replace with two single quotes)
                        sb.Append(String.Format("'{0}'", cols[j].ToString().Replace("'", "''")));



            // If we turned on identity insert, turn it off now
            sb.Append("IF (SELECT IDENT_SEED('" + this.Name + "')) IS NOT NULL\r\n\t");
            sb.Append("SET identity_insert [" + this.Name + "] off\r\nGO\r\n");

Esempio n. 11
        public void ExportDataToScripts(string query, string _DataDirectory, DataScriptType dataScriptType, SqlScriptType sqlScriptType, bool includeSoftDependencies, bool excludeUnwantedDependencies, bool autoMerge, string environmentName)
            Dictionary <string, ExtractedTable> results = ExportDataFromDatabase(query, includeSoftDependencies, excludeUnwantedDependencies);

            string dataScriptDirectory = string.Empty;

            if (dataScriptType == DataScriptType.Static)
                dataScriptDirectory = Path.Combine(_DataDirectory, "Static");
            else if (dataScriptType == DataScriptType.Test)
                dataScriptDirectory = Path.Combine(_DataDirectory, "Test");

            if (!Directory.Exists(dataScriptDirectory))

            // Check for existing script files if autoMerge not set
            if (!autoMerge)
                List <string> existingScripts = new List <string>();
                foreach (string tableName in results.Keys)
                    string scriptName = $"{tableName}.sql";
                    if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(dataScriptDirectory, scriptName)))
                if (existingScripts.Count > 0)
                    throw new System.Exception($"{sqlScriptType.ToString()} script already exists for: {string.Join(", ", existingScripts)}. Enable auto merge to merge the new data with the existing data.");
            // Cleanse data
            DataCleanser dataCleanser = new DataCleanser();

            dataCleanser.ReplaceImagePathFields(results.Values.Select(et => et.DataTable).ToList());

            // Create scripts for each table
            foreach (string tableName in results.Keys)
                FileInfo scriptFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dataScriptDirectory, $"{tableName}.sql"));
                // If script already exists, merge
                if (scriptFileInfo.Exists)
                    DataTable scriptDataTable = null;
                    if (sqlScriptType == SqlScriptType.Insert)
                        scriptDataTable = SqlDataScriptHelper.NewDataTableFromInsertScript(scriptFileInfo.FullName, DataParser.GetXmlSchemaFromDataTable(results[tableName].DataTable));
                    else if (sqlScriptType == SqlScriptType.Merge)
                        // todo
                        throw new System.Exception("Not implemented");
                string script = null;
                if (sqlScriptType == SqlScriptType.Insert)
                    script = SqlDataScriptHelper.NewInsertScriptFromDataTable(results[tableName].TableName.Schema, results[tableName].TableName.Name, results[tableName].DataTable, results[tableName].PrimaryKeyColumnNames);
                else if (sqlScriptType == SqlScriptType.Merge)
                    script = SqlDataScriptHelper.NewMergeScriptFromDataTable(results[tableName].TableName.Schema, results[tableName].TableName.Name, results[tableName].DataTable, false, true, environmentName, results[tableName].PrimaryKeyColumnNames);
                SqlDataScriptHelper.WriteScriptToFile(scriptFileInfo.Name, script, dataScriptDirectory, true);

            string sqlCmdScript     = SqlDataScriptHelper.NewSqlCmdScript(dataScriptDirectory, dataScriptType);
            string sqlCmdScriptName = string.Empty;

            if (dataScriptType == DataScriptType.Static)
                sqlCmdScriptName = "StaticData.sql";
            else if (dataScriptType == DataScriptType.Test)
                sqlCmdScriptName = "TestData.sql";
            SqlDataScriptHelper.WriteScriptToFile(sqlCmdScriptName, sqlCmdScript, _DataDirectory, true);
Esempio n. 12
 public void ExportScud(SqlScriptType type)
     if (tname != null)
         using (var writer = fileName.NewStreamWriter())
             string sql = Compare.GenerateTemplate(new TableSchema(tname), type);
         stdio.ErrorFormat("warning: table is not selected");
Esempio n. 13
        public static string GenerateTemplate(TableSchema schema, SqlScriptType type)
            TableName tableName = schema.TableName;
            TableClause script = new TableClause(schema);
            switch (type)
                case SqlScriptType.INSERT:
                    return script.INSERT(schema.Columns);

                case SqlScriptType.SELECT:
                    return script.SELECT(schema.Columns);

                case SqlScriptType.UPDATE:
                    return script.UPDATE(schema.Columns);

                case SqlScriptType.INSERT_OR_UPDATE:
                    return script.INSERT_OR_UPDATE(schema.Columns);

                case SqlScriptType.DELETE:
                    return new Dependency(tableName.DatabaseName).DELETE(tableName)
                     + script.DELETE(schema.Columns);

            return null;