Esempio n. 1
        internal static List <HealthbillingKeyValue> loadHealthbilling(int year)
            ReadProperty rp = new ReadProperty();

            try {
                strSQL = string.Format(@"SELECT EInfo_id,Month,SUM([1C]+[1D]+[1E]+[1F]) AS RESULT FROM emp_Healthbilling 
    WHERE Month BETWEEN 1 AND 12 AND Year = '{0}'GROUP BY EInfo_id, Month ORDER BY EInfo_id, CAST(Month AS INT)", year);

                List <HealthbillingKeyValue> obj = new List <HealthbillingKeyValue>();

                int month = 0;

                using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                    while (dr.Read())
                        month = dr["Month"].ToInt();
                        obj.Add(new HealthbillingKeyValue()
                            EinfoID     = dr["EInfo_id"].ToInt(),
                            Month       = dr["Month"].ToInt(),
                            Value       = dr["RESULT"].ToFloat(),
                            TextField14 = string.Format("Text{0}", rp.code14[month - 1].ToString()),
                            TextField15 = string.Format("Text{0}", rp.code15[month - 1].ToString()),
                            TextField16 = string.Format("Text{0}", rp.code16[month - 1].ToString()),
            catch (Exception) {
Esempio n. 2
        public static List <OutputXMLResult> QueryTestSoure()
            List <OutputXMLResult> soure = new List <OutputXMLResult>();

            strSQL = string.Format("SELECT EinfoID,ColumnName,TwelveMonth,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sept,Oct,Nov,Dec FROM A_IRSTest");
            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    soure.Add(new OutputXMLResult()
                        EinfoID     = dr["EinfoID"].ToString(),
                        ColumnName  = dr["ColumnName"].ToInt(),
                        TwelveMonth = dr["TwelveMonth"].ToString(),
                        Jan         = dr["Jan"].ToString(),
                        Feb         = dr["Feb"].ToString(),
                        Mar         = dr["Mar"].ToString(),
                        Apr         = dr["Apr"].ToString(),
                        May         = dr["May"].ToString(),
                        June        = dr["June"].ToString(),
                        July        = dr["July"].ToString(),
                        Aug         = dr["Aug"].ToString(),
                        Sept        = dr["Sept"].ToString(),
                        Oct         = dr["Oct"].ToString(),
                        Nov         = dr["Nov"].ToString(),
                        Dec         = dr["Dec"].ToString(),
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据Year获取Column15 Code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="year"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static string Code15(int year)
     try {
         strSQL = string.Format("SELECT Amount FROM ref_line15amount WHERE Year='{0}'", year);
         return(SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text, strSQL));
     catch (Exception) {
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取Column14 Code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="num"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static string Code14(int num)
     try {
         strSQL = string.Format("SELECT Code FROM ref_line14code WHERE id ='{0}'", num);
         return(SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text, strSQL));
     catch (Exception) {
Esempio n. 5
        internal static bool getRehireEmployeeDate(int EinfoID, int Year, ref int reHire, ref int end)
            bool result = false;

            strSQL = string.Format("EXEC sp_IRS_rehireEmplyee '{0}',{1}", EinfoID, Year);
            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    reHire = dr["mdtRehire"].ToInt();
                    end    = dr["mdtEnd"].ToInt();
                    result = reHire > 0 || end > 0;
Esempio n. 6
 internal static string Code15Date(int year)
     try {
         strSQL = string.Format("SELECT Date FROM ref_line15amount WHERE Year ='{0}'", year);
         string   result        = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text, strSQL);
         DateTime signatureDate = DateTime.MinValue;
         if (DateTime.TryParse(result, out signatureDate) && signatureDate > DateTime.MinValue)
     catch (Exception) {
Esempio n. 7
        internal static Dictionary <string, string> ALE1095CSoure()
            Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            strSQL = string.Format("SELECT NameALE ,EmployerEIN ,[Address] ,City,ST,Country,ZIP,NamePersonContact,ContactPhone,NameGovrnEntity,Entity_EmployeEIN,StreetEntity_address,Entity_city,Entity_state,Entity_countryandZip,Entity_contact,Entity_phone,Einfo_sig,Einfo_title,plan_start_month FROM ref_ALE");
            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    dic.Add("Text7", dr["NameALE"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text8", dr["EmployerEIN"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text9", dr["Address"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text10", dr["ContactPhone"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text11", dr["City"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text12", dr["ST"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text13", dr["ZIP"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text77", dr["plan_start_month"].ToString());
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Q: Should be 2D, because the employee's TD is 1/9/2015 years, he worked in January. Right?
        /// A: You are correct.The employee worked in January.As a result, it cannot be 2A or 2D.  If there is no record on emp_helathbilling for January, it has to be left blank
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="employee"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool TerminationBorder(List <HealthbillingKeyValue> query, IRSEmployee employee)
            if (query.Count > 0)
                var last = query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Month).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (last.Value > 0)
                    string start = employee.terminateDate.Month == last.Month
                        ? employee.terminateDate.ToString("MM/01/yyyy")
                        : string.Format("{0}/1/{1}", last.Month, employee.Year);
                    string end = employee.terminateDate.Month == last.Month
                        ? employee.terminateDate.ToShortDateString()
                        : DateTime.Parse(start).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString();

                    strSQL = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp_LeaveRecord WHERE EInfo_id={0} AND leaveType IN('SWOP','LWOP','SWP') AND leaveDate BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}' ",
                                           employee.EinfoID, start, end);
                    int result = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text, strSQL).ToInt();
                    return(result == 0);
Esempio n. 9
        internal static Dictionary <string, string> ALE1094CSoure()
            string sig = string.Empty;
            Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            strSQL = string.Format("SELECT NameALE ,EmployerEIN ,[Address] ,City,ST,ZIP,NamePersonContact,ContactPhone,NameGovrnEntity,Entity_EmployeEIN,StreetEntity_address,Entity_city,Entity_state,Entity_countryandZip,Entity_contact,Entity_phone,Einfo_sig,Einfo_title FROM ref_ALE");
            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    dic.Add("Text1", dr["NameALE"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text2", dr["EmployerEIN"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text3", dr["Address"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text4", dr["City"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text5", dr["ST"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text6", dr["ZIP"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text7", dr["NamePersonContact"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text8", dr["ContactPhone"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text9", dr["NameGovrnEntity"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text10", dr["Entity_EmployeEIN"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text11", dr["StreetEntity_address"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text12", dr["Entity_city"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text13", dr["Entity_state"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text14", dr["Entity_countryandZip"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text15", dr["Entity_contact"].ToString());
                    dic.Add("Text16", dr["Entity_phone"].ToString());

                    sig = dr["Einfo_sig"].ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sig))
                        dic.Add("Text19", String.Format("{0}&ac=eid", sig));
                    dic.Add("Text20", dr["Einfo_title"].ToString());
Esempio n. 10
        internal static List <IRSEmployee> loadAllEmployees(string Condition, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, EnumIRSTotalNumber tn = EnumIRSTotalNumber.Text18_20)
            List <IRSEmployee> Employees    = new List <IRSEmployee>();
            string             employeeType = "AND employee_type in('001','002','003')";

            if (tn == EnumIRSTotalNumber.ColumnC)
                employeeType = "AND employee_type in('001','002','003','004','005')";
            #region T-SQL
            strSQL = string.Format(@"SELECT 
,h.dept_id AS DepartId
, AS Department
,CASE WHEN isnull(a.Name_Middle,'') ='' THEN isnull(a.Name_First,'') +' , ' + isnull(a.Name_Last,'') ELSE  isnull(a.Name_First,'') +' , '+ isnull(a.Name_Middle,'') + ' , ' + isnull(a.Name_Last,'') END AS EmployeeName
, isnull(e.street1,'')+isnull(e.street2,'') AS Address	 
, Replace(Replace(, ',', ''),'''','') City	 
, Replace(e.ZipCode, ',', '') ZipCode
, cast(d.date_entry_to_agency AS DATE) HireDate
,cast(d.date_terminate_from_agency AS DATE) terminateDate
,CASE WHEN ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 EInfo_id FROM Position_Info aa WHERE aa.EInfo_id IS NOT NULL AND aa.EInfo_id=a.EInfo_id  GROUP BY aa.EInfo_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2),'')='' THEN '0' ELSE '1' END AS isRehire
    SELECT * FROM Person WHERE EInfo_id IN (
			SELECT DISTINCT a.EInfo_id  FROM person a 
			INNER JOIN Employment_Control b ON b.Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID
			INNER JOIN Employment_Info c ON c.Employment_System_ID = b.Employment_System_ID 
			INNER JOIN Position_Info d ON b.Position_System_ID=d.Position_System_ID
			CAST(position_start_date AS DATE)<'{2}' AND CAST(isnull(position_end_date,'12/31/2099') AS DATE)>'{3}' 
			AND d.EInfo_id IN (       
				SELECT EInfo_id FROM Position_Info 
				GROUP BY EInfo_id 
				HAVING COUNT(*)>=2
			) {4}
            AND (c.employment_status=1 OR year(c.date_terminate_from_agency)>='{1}')
			SELECT aa.EInfo_id FROM (
				SELECT  a.*  FROM person a 
				INNER JOIN Employment_Control b ON b.Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID 
					AND b.Update_Date = (SELECT Max(Update_Date) FROM Employment_Control WHERE Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID) 
				INNER JOIN Employment_Info c ON c.Employment_System_ID = b.Employment_System_ID 
				INNER JOIN Position_Info d ON b.Position_System_ID=d.Position_System_ID
				WHERE CAST(position_start_date AS DATE)<'{2}' {4}
                AND (c.employment_status=1 OR year(c.date_terminate_from_agency)>='{1}')
				SELECT  a.*  FROM person a 
				INNER JOIN Employment_Control b ON b.Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID 
					AND b.Update_Date = (SELECT Max(Update_Date) FROM Employment_Control WHERE Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID) 
				INNER JOIN Employment_Info c ON c.Employment_System_ID = b.Employment_System_ID 
				INNER JOIN Position_Info d ON b.Position_System_ID=d.Position_System_ID
				WHERE CAST(position_end_date AS DATE)<'{3}' {4}
				AND (c.employment_status=1 OR year(c.date_terminate_from_agency)>='{1}')
				) aa 
LEFT JOIN emp_Healthbilling b ON a.EInfo_id=b.EInfo_id AND b.Year = '{1}' AND = (SELECT TOP 1 FROM emp_Healthbilling aa WHERE aa.EInfo_id = a.EInfo_id ORDER BY aa.Month DESC)
INNER JOIN Employment_Control c ON a.Person_System_ID = c.Person_System_ID AND c.Update_Date = 
	(SELECT Max(Update_Date) FROM Employment_Control WHERE Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID)
INNER JOIN Employment_Info d ON c.Employment_System_ID = d.Employment_System_ID 
INNER JOIN Position_Info g ON c.Position_System_ID = g.Position_System_ID 
LEFT JOIN person_address e ON e.Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID  AND e.address_id =
	(SELECT max(address_id) FROM  person_address where Person_System_ID=a.Person_System_ID)
LEFT JOIN person_phone f ON f.Person_System_ID = a.Person_System_ID  AND f.phone_id=
	(SELECT max(phone_id) FROM  person_phone where Person_System_ID=a.Person_System_ID)
LEFT JOIN ref_department h ON h.dept_id=g.dept_id  
WHERE a.EInfo_id NOT IN(7840,7940,7950,7960)
ORDER BY a.EInfo_id", Condition, startDate.Year, startDate, endDate, employeeType);

            using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSQL)) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    Employees.Add(new IRSEmployee()
                        Department    = dr["Department"].ToString(),
                        DepartId      = dr["DepartId"].ToInt(),
                        Name_First    = dr["Name_First"].ToString(),
                        Name_Middle   = dr["Name_Middle"].ToString(),
                        Name_Last     = dr["Name_Last"].ToString(),
                        Address       = dr["Address"].ToString(),
                        C1            = dr["1C"].ToString(),
                        City          = dr["City"].ToString(),
                        D1            = dr["1D"].ToString(),
                        E1            = dr["1E"].ToString(),
                        EinfoID       = dr["EInfo_id"].ToInt(),
                        EmployeeName  = dr["EmployeeName"].ToString(),
                        F1            = dr["1F"].ToString(),
                        HireDate      = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["HireDate"].ToString()),
                        terminateDate = !dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("terminateDate")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["terminateDate"].ToString())
                        ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr["terminateDate"].ToString())
                        : DateTime.MinValue,
                        DOB = !dr.IsDBNull(dr.GetOrdinal("Date_Birth")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["Date_Birth"].ToString())
                        ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Date_Birth"].ToString())
                        : DateTime.MinValue,
                        Month       = dr["Month"].ToString(),
                        Name        = dr["Name"].ToString(),
                        SSN         = dr["SSN"].ToString(),
                        State       = dr["State"].ToString(),
                        Status      = dr["Status"].ToString(),
                        Year        = dr["Year"].ToString(),
                        ZipCode     = dr["ZipCode"].ToString(),
                        isRehire    = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(dr["isRehire"])),
                        ClosingDate = startDate
Esempio n. 11
        private static void Init(int Year)
            if (Output == null)
                Output = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Dictionary <string, string> input = new Dictionary <string, string>();


                input.Add("Check1", "false");
                input.Add("Check2", "false");

                DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(Year + 1, 1, 1).AddDays(-1);
                DateTime dtEnd   = new DateTime(Year, 1, 1);

                /*Please double check your formula for calculating 1094C items 18 and 20 to make sure it captures/include all employees in active status for at least one day of the selected year (e.g. 2015).*/
                var employees = DBSourceFactory.GetDBSource(Year);

                string sigDate = IRSQueryDB.Code15Date(Year);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sigDate))
                    input.Add("Text21", sigDate);

                input.Add("Text17", employees.Count.ToString());
                input.Add("Check3", "true");
                input.Add("Check4", "false");
                input.Add("Text18", employees.Count.ToString());
                input.Add("Check5", "true");
                input.Add("Check9", "true");//计算B列
                input.Add("Check10", "true");

                /*如果当前月为7月,则往前推一年再+1个月, 再-1天可以得到2014/7/1 - 2014/7/31 */
                //DateTime startDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Month + 1, 1);
                //DateTime endDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);

                //DateTime startDate = new DateTime()

                DateTime dtTemp = dtEnd;
                int      hire   = 0;
                //int terminate = 0;
                Dictionary <int, int> ColumnB = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                Dictionary <int, int> ColumnC = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                while (dtTemp <= dtStart)
                    /*Calculate total number of Regular Full Time”, “Regular Part Time” and “Part Time 30 HRs for each month of the selected Year and enter values*/
                    string strSQL = string.Format("SELECT count(*) FROM Employment_Info WHERE employee_type IN ('001','002','003')  AND date_entry_to_agency < '{0}' AND employment_status=1", dtTemp);
                    hire = int.Parse(SqlHelperIRS.ExecuteScalarToStr(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSQL));
                    ColumnB.Add(dtTemp.Month, hire);

                    /*Count ALL Employees including those terminated for the selected year. (count Regular Full Time”, “Regular Part Time” , “Part Time 30 HRs, Part time 20 hrs and substitutes)*/
                    //strSQL = string.Format("SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Employee_ID FROM Employment_Info WHERE date_terminate_from_agency BETWEEN '{0}' AND  '{1}' )A", dtTemp.AddMonths(-1), dtTemp.AddDays(-1));
                    //terminate = int.Parse(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text, strSQL));
                    //ColumnC.Add(dtTemp.Month, terminate);
                    var tmp = IRSQueryDB.loadAllEmployees("", dtTemp.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), dtTemp, EnumIRSTotalNumber.ColumnC);
                    ColumnC.Add(dtTemp.Month, tmp.Count);

                    dtTemp = dtTemp.AddMonths(1);

                /*Since box D is checked on line 22: it is not required to complete column (b).  Please remove your calculations for column B.*/
                var cb = input.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "Check9" && p.Value == "true").Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cb))
                    //Column B
                    input.Add("Text25", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 1).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text28", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 2).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text31", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 3).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text34", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 4).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text37", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 5).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text40", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 6).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text43", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 7).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text46", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 8).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text49", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 9).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text52", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 10).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text55", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 11).Value.ToString());
                    input.Add("Text58", ColumnB.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 12).Value.ToString());

                //Column C
                input.Add("Text26", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 1).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text29", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 2).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text32", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 3).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text35", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 4).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text38", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 5).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text41", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 6).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text44", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 7).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text47", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 8).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text50", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 9).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text53", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 10).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text56", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 11).Value.ToString());
                input.Add("Text59", ColumnC.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == 12).Value.ToString());
