Esempio n. 1
        private string FormatSQLFormula(string sqlFormula, ref SqlCommandTypes sqlCommandType, ref string connectionStringKeyName, ref string errorMessage)
            bool invalidFormula = false;

            if ((!sqlFormula.Contains("(")) || (!sqlFormula.Contains("(")) || (!sqlFormula.Contains("|")))
                errorMessage = string.Format("Error while parasing data, SQL query {0} is invalid. Valid SQL Queries are inside =SQL() or =STOREPROC()", sqlFormula);

            int start = sqlFormula.IndexOf("(");
            int end   = sqlFormula.LastIndexOf(")");

            if ((end < start) || ((end - start) < 5))
                invalidFormula = true;

            string formula = sqlFormula.Substring(0, start);

            if (formula.Equals("=SQL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sqlCommandType = SqlCommandTypes.SqlCommand;
            else if (!formula.Equals("=STOREPROC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                sqlCommandType = SqlCommandTypes.StoreProcedure;
                invalidFormula = true;

            if (invalidFormula)
                errorMessage = string.Format("Error while parasing data, SQL query {0} is invalid. Valid SQL Queries are inside =SQL() or =STOREPROC()", sqlFormula);

            string SQLQueryWithConnectionString = sqlFormula.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1);

            connectionStringKeyName = SQLQueryWithConnectionString.Split("|".ToCharArray())[0];
            string SQLQuery = SQLQueryWithConnectionString.Split("|".ToCharArray())[1];

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses attributes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">Master attribute list</param>
        /// <param name="column">A column(Attributes) to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="isSystemRow">true if processing system row</param>
        /// <param name="rowPosition">Row position, used only in error information, to identify row. 0(Zero) in case of system attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="doNotWriteErrorInTraceFile">To avoid confusion, if this is true, it wont write sql query formatting errors into trace file.
        /// (in case of first attempt, values may not be ready to replace in queries, which is absolutely a valid scenario)</param>
        internal void Parse(List <IdpeAttribute> attributes, Column column, bool isSystemRow, int rowPosition, bool doNotWriteErrorInTraceFile)
                List <SreType> sqlQueryTypes = new List <SreType>();
                for (int a = 0; a < attributes.Count; a++)
                    string value = string.Empty;
                    if (column[attributes[a].Name].IsNull == true)
                        value           = "NULL";
                        column[a].Error = new IdpeMessage(IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_SUCCESS);
                        value = column[attributes[a].Name].Value;

                    //if (attributes[a].Name == "AssetId")
                    //    Debugger.Break();

                    SreType SREType = SreTypeFactory.GetInstance(attributes[a].Name, value, attributes[a].Type,
                                                                 attributes[a].Formula, attributes[a].Minimum, attributes[a].Maximum, isSystemRow, rowPosition, this._SQLClientManager, this._DataSourceKeys);

                    column[a].Type = SREType;

                    if (column[attributes[a].Name].IgnoreParsing)
                        column[a].Error = new IdpeMessage(IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_SUCCESS);

                    if ((SREType.Type != AttributeTypes.Referenced) &&
                        (SREType.Type != AttributeTypes.NotReferenced) &&
                        (SREType.Type != AttributeTypes.Generated))
                        //parse rightway...We dont have SQL Queries to fire
                        //we can override errors for all except 'IsValid'...because if rule fails, we manually override its error msgs
                        //and if IsValid.err msg already populated, we will lose that...
                        if (attributes[a].Name == "IsValid")
                            IdpeMessage errMsg = SREType.Parse(false);
                            if (column[a].Error == null)
                                column[a].Error = errMsg;
                                column[a].Error.Message += column[a].Error.Message;
                            IdpeMessage thisResult = SREType.Parse(false);
                            if (column[a].Error == null)
                                column[a].Error = thisResult;
                                if (thisResult.Code != IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_SUCCESS)
                                    string oldErrorMsg = column[a].Error.Message;
                                    column[a].Error         = thisResult;
                                    column[a].Error.Message = string.Format("{0},{1}", column[a].Error.Message, oldErrorMsg);

                        //if codeset type, store enum value and code as well
                        if (SREType.Type == AttributeTypes.Codeset)
                            SreCodeset sreCodeset = SREType as SreCodeset;

                            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column[attributes[a].Name].ValueEnumValue))
                            //    column[attributes[a].Name].ValueEnumValue = column[attributes[a].Name].Value;

                            column[attributes[a].Name].ValueEnumCode         = sreCodeset.ValueEnumCode;
                            column[attributes[a].Name].ValueEnumValue        = sreCodeset.ValueEnumValue;
                            column[attributes[a].Name].ValueEnumReferenceKey = sreCodeset.ReferenceKey;
                            column[a].Value = SREType.Value;   //in case anything updated after parse(at this moment, formatted datetime)
                        //to be parsed once all others are parsed.

                    column[a].IsNull = SREType.IsNull;

                //we have parsed all other values except with sql queries, lets parse those.
                foreach (SreType item in sqlQueryTypes)
                    //if (item.ColumnName == "OldInvoiceNumber")
                    //    Debugger.Break();

                    Attribute currentAttribute = column[item.ColumnName]; //efficient, instead of calling string indxr multiple times.
                    if ((item.Type == AttributeTypes.Generated) && (!item.IsHavingSqlQuery))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAttribute.Value))
                            currentAttribute.Value = GetFormulaResult(item.Formula);

                        IdpeMessage thisResult = item.Parse(false);
                        if (currentAttribute.Error == null)
                            currentAttribute.Error = thisResult;
                            if (thisResult.Code != IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_SUCCESS)
                                string oldErrorMsg = currentAttribute.Error.Message;
                                currentAttribute.Error         = thisResult;
                                currentAttribute.Error.Message = string.Format("{0},{1}", currentAttribute.Error.Message, oldErrorMsg);
                    else if ((item.Type == AttributeTypes.NotReferenced) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAttribute.Value)))
                        //NotReferenced can not be empty at least.
                        currentAttribute.Error         = new IdpeMessage(IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_REFERENCED_TYPE_DATA_CAN_NOT_BE_NULL);
                        currentAttribute.Error.Message = string.Format(currentAttribute.Error.Message, PrintRowColPosition(item.RecordPosition, item.ColumnName, isSystemRow), currentAttribute.Value, item.ColumnName);
                        string          errorMessage            = string.Empty;
                        string          value                   = currentAttribute.Value;
                        SqlCommandTypes sqlCommandTypes         = SqlCommandTypes.Unknown;
                        string          connectionStringKeyName = string.Empty;
                        string          SQLQuery                = FormatSQLFormula(item.Formula, ref sqlCommandTypes, ref connectionStringKeyName, ref errorMessage);
                        string          FormattedSQLQuery       = string.Empty;

                        if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                            if (connectionStringKeyName != Constants.DefaultConnectionStringKeyName)
                                item.ConnectionStringKeyName = connectionStringKeyName;
                                //string k_n_type = _ApplicationKeys.GetKeyValue(connectionStringKeyName);
                                IdpeKey key = _DataSourceKeys.GetKey(connectionStringKeyName);
                                item.ConnectionString = key.Value;
                                item.DatabaseType     = (IdpeKeyTypes)key.Type;

                            if (sqlCommandTypes == SqlCommandTypes.SqlCommand)
                                FormattedSQLQuery = FormatSQLParameters(SQLQuery, value, column, ref errorMessage);
                            else if (sqlCommandTypes == SqlCommandTypes.StoreProcedure)
                                //FormattedSQLQuery =

                        if (errorMessage != string.Empty)
                            //Prepare return error message (and not the technical exception)
                            IdpeMessage returnMessage = new IdpeMessage(IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_TYPE_DATA_VALIDATION_FAILED_GENERIC);

                            //Write the error into trace with mapId.
                            Guid detailesMapId = Guid.NewGuid();

                            //Do not write in trace, as it is actually not an error, tried first attempt
                            if (!doNotWriteErrorInTraceFile)
                                ExtensionMethods.TraceError(string.Format("{0}:{1}", detailesMapId.ToString(), errorMessage));

                            //set mapId in client error msg
                            returnMessage.Message = string.Format("{0}. Map Id:{1}", returnMessage.Message, detailesMapId.ToString());

                            if (currentAttribute.Error == null)
                                //send the generic error with mapId
                                currentAttribute.Error = returnMessage;
                                if (currentAttribute.Error.Code != IdpeMessageCodes.IDPE_SUCCESS)
                                    string oldErrorMsg = currentAttribute.Error.Message;
                                    currentAttribute.Error         = returnMessage;
                                    currentAttribute.Error.Message = string.Format("{0},{1}", currentAttribute.Error.Message, oldErrorMsg);
                            currentAttribute.Error = item.Parse(false); //SQL Query results are always overridden.
                            currentAttribute.Value = item.Value;

                //Parsing done, as we have more data (SQL Parameters) now, lets just format all queries one more time, there might be few more parameters in context.
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Write(string.Format("Attribute parsing error, row position = {0}{1}{2}", rowPosition, Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString()));