static RoutinesTable() {
      Table = new RealSqlTable("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES");

      SpecificName = new SqlColumn("SPECIFIC_NAME", Table);
      RoutineSchema = new SqlColumn("ROUTINE_SCHEMA", Table);
      RoutineType = new SqlColumn("ROUTINE_TYPE", Table);
    static DbColumns() {
      Table = new RealSqlTable("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns");

      TableName = new SqlColumn("TABLE_NAME", Table);
      TableSchema = new SqlColumn("TABLE_SCHEMA", Table);
      ColumnName = new SqlColumn("COLUMN_NAME", Table);
        private static string GetColumnName(SqlColumn c) {
            return c.Text;
            return c.Name;
Esempio n. 4
        public void ImplicitConversion_WithSortOrder_ReturnsSort()
            var column = new SqlColumn("[dbo].[Users].[Id]");
            var sort = column + SqlSortOrder.Descending;

            Assert.Same(column, sort.Column);
            Assert.Equal(SqlSortOrder.Descending, sort.SortOrder);
Esempio n. 5
 public bool Equals(SqlColumn obj) {
   if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
     return false;
   if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
     return true;
   return base.Equals(obj) && Equals(obj.Name, Name) && Equals(obj.Table, Table);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Ctor_WithColumnName_SetsColumnNameProperty()
            var column = new SqlColumn("[dbo].[Users].[Id]");

            Assert.Equal("dbo", column.ColumnName.Segments[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Users", column.ColumnName.Segments[1]);
            Assert.Equal("Id", column.ColumnName.Segments[2]);
 internal override SqlRow VisitRow(SqlRow row)
     for (int i = 0, n = row.Columns.Count; i < n; i++) {
         row.Columns[i].Expression = this.VisitExpression(row.Columns[i].Expression);
         if (this.hasRowNumber) {
             this.CurrentColumn = row.Columns[i];
     return row;
        public void Equal_WithLeftAndRightOperand_ReturnsBinaryExpression()
            var left = new SqlColumn("dbo.Users.Id");
            var right = new SqlConstant(5);
            var expression = SqlExpression.Equal(left, right);

            Assert.Same(left, expression.Left);
            Assert.Equal(SqlBinaryOperator.Equal, expression.Operator);
            Assert.Same(right, expression.Right);
Esempio n. 9
        private static string GetDataType(SqlColumn sqlColumn)
            switch (sqlColumn.DataTypeName)
            case "bit":

            case "tinyint":

            case "smallint":

            case "int":

            case "bigint":

            case "real":

            case "float":

            case "decimal":
            case "money":
            case "smallmoney":

            case "time":

            case "date":
            case "datetime":
            case "datetime2":
            case "smalldatetime":

            case "datetimeoffset":

            case "char":
            case "varchar":
            case "nchar":
            case "nvarchar":
            case "text":
            case "ntext":
            case "xml":

            case "binary":
            case "image":
            case "varbinary":
            case "timestamp":

            case "uniqueidentifier":

            case "variant":
            case "Udt":

            case "Structured":

            case "geography":

                // Fallback to be manually handled by user
Esempio n. 10
 private void GetChildProperty(object entity, PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos, object property, SqlColumn column, SqlValue val)
     for (int n = 0; n < propertyInfos.Length; n++)
         //A.B.C 最后一个C是属性,前面的是类
         var    classInfo       = column.Name.Split('.');
         string childFirstClass = classInfo[0];
         string childField      = classInfo[classInfo.Length - 1];
         object childValue      = GetValue(column, val);
         if (classInfo.Length > 2)
             for (int m = 0; m < classInfo.Length - 1; m++)
                 string childClass1 = classInfo[m];
                 if (propertyInfos[n].Name.ToLower() == childClass1.ToLower())
                     var childType        = propertyInfos[n].PropertyType;//myclass
                     var childEntityClass = childType.Assembly.CreateInstance(childType.FullName, true);
                     var popchilds        = childType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                     propertyInfos[n].SetValue(entity, childEntityClass);
                     GetChildProperty(childEntityClass, popchilds, property, column, val);
             if (propertyInfos[n].Name.ToLower() == childFirstClass.ToLower())
                 var childType        = propertyInfos[n].PropertyType;
                 var childEntityClass = childType.Assembly.CreateInstance(childType.FullName, true);
                 var popchilds        = childType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                 var popchild         = popchilds.First(t => t.Name.ToLower() == childField.ToLower());
                 var emitSetter       = EmitHelper.CreatePropertiesFunc(popchilds);
                 popchild.SetValue(childEntityClass, childValue);
                 propertyInfos[n].SetValue(entity, childEntityClass);
 private static void AssertColumnSqlOptions(string expectedColumnName, SqlDbType expectedDataType, bool expectedAllowNull, bool expectedNonClusteredIndex, SqlColumn actualColumn)
     Assert.Equal(expectedColumnName, actualColumn.ColumnName);
     Assert.Equal(expectedDataType, actualColumn.DataType);
     Assert.Equal(expectedAllowNull, actualColumn.AllowNull);
     Assert.Equal(expectedNonClusteredIndex, actualColumn.NonClusteredIndex);
 public abstract string GetColumnCreation(SqlColumn column, DocumenterHelper helper, string extraAnnotation, string comment);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified <see cref="SqlColumn"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">
 /// The expression to visit.
 /// </param>
 public virtual void Visit(SqlColumn expression)
Esempio n. 14
 private SqlColumn FindColumn(IEnumerable<SqlColumn> columns, SqlColumn col) {
     foreach (SqlColumn c in columns) {
         if (this.RefersToColumn(c, col)) {
             return c;
     return null;
Esempio n. 15
        protected override SqlColumn VisitSqlColumn(SqlColumn sqlColumn)

Esempio n. 16
 public static ExcludedOperand Excluded(this SqlColumn self) => new ExcludedOperand(self);
Esempio n. 17
 public static EqualsOneOperator EqualsOne(this SqlColumn self, SqlColumn other) =>
 Operand.From(self ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(self)))
Esempio n. 18
 public static TableColumnOperand Column(this SqlColumn self) => new TableColumnOperand(self);
Esempio n. 19
 public static SqlFilterOperand Property(this SqlColumn self) => new SqlFilterOperand(self);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified <see cref="SqlColumn"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">
 /// The expression to visit.
 /// </param>
 public virtual void Visit(SqlColumn expression)
Esempio n. 21
        protected override void GenerateSelectSql_Where_Item(StringBuilder sb, IDataParameterCollection parameters, ref int parameterCounter, IConditionExpression conditionExpression, SqlColumn sqlColumn, bool includeTableNameAlias, IMappingProvider mappingProvider)
            if (conditionExpression.ConditionOperator == ConditionOperator.FullTextLike || conditionExpression.ConditionOperator == ConditionOperator.NotFullTextLike)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlColumn.Column.FullTextSearch))
                    throw ExceptionFactory.FullTextSearchNotSupported(sqlColumn.Column.PropertyName);
                string fulltextSearch = sqlColumn.Column.FullTextSearch;
                string tag            = conditionExpression.ConditionOperator == ConditionOperator.FullTextLike ? ">" : "<=";
                switch (fulltextSearch)
                case "contains":

                case "catsearch":

                    string s = fulltextSearch.Replace("{column}", sqlColumn.TableAliasAndColumn);
                    s = s.Replace("{parameter}", CreateParameterNameInStatement(parameterCounter));
                AddParameter(parameters, ref parameterCounter, conditionExpression.ConditionValue, sqlColumn.Column.PropertyType, sqlColumn.Column.Size);
                base.GenerateSelectSql_Where_Item(sb, parameters, ref parameterCounter, conditionExpression, sqlColumn, includeTableNameAlias, mappingProvider);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// 为指定的原始查询生成指定分页效果的新查询。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raw">原始查询</param>
        /// <param name="pkColumn">需要指定主键列</param>
        /// <param name="pagingInfo">分页信息。</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual SqlSelect ModifyToPagingTree(SqlSelect raw, SqlColumn pkColumn, PagingInfo pagingInfo)
            if (PagingInfo.IsNullOrEmpty(pagingInfo))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pagingInfo");
            if (!raw.HasOrdered())
                throw new InvalidProgramException("必须排序后才能使用分页功能。");

            //如果是第一页,则只需要使用 TOP 语句即可。
            if (pagingInfo.PageNumber == 1)
                raw.Top = pagingInfo.PageSize;

            /*********************** 代码块解释 *********************************
             * 转换方案:
             * SELECT *
             * FROM ASN
             * WHERE ASN.Id > 0
             * ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC
             * SELECT TOP 10 *
             * FROM ASN
             * WHERE ASN.Id > 0 AND ASN.Id NOT IN(
             *     SELECT TOP 20 Id
             *     FROM ASN
             *     WHERE ASN.Id > 0
             *     ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC
             * )
             * ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC

            var excludeSelect = new SqlSelect
                Top       = (pagingInfo.PageNumber - 1) * pagingInfo.PageSize,
                Selection = pkColumn,
                From      = raw.From,
                Where     = raw.Where,
                OrderBy   = raw.OrderBy,

            var res = new SqlSelect
                Top       = pagingInfo.PageSize,
                Selection = raw.Selection,
                From      = raw.From,
                OrderBy   = raw.OrderBy,

            var newWhere = new SqlColumnConstraint
                Column   = pkColumn,
                Operator = SqlColumnConstraintOperator.NotIn,
                Value    = excludeSelect

            if (raw.Where != null)
                res.Where = new SqlBinaryConstraint
                    Left     = raw.Where,
                    Opeartor = SqlBinaryConstraintType.And,
                    Right    = newWhere
                res.Where = newWhere;

Esempio n. 23
        internal bool RefersToColumn(SqlExpression exp, SqlColumn col) {
            try {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(refersDepth < 20);
                if (exp != null) {
                    switch (exp.NodeType) {
                        case SqlNodeType.Column:
                            return exp == col || this.RefersToColumn(((SqlColumn)exp).Expression, col);
                        case SqlNodeType.ColumnRef:
                            SqlColumnRef cref = (SqlColumnRef)exp;
                            return cref.Column == col || this.RefersToColumn(cref.Column.Expression, col);
                        case SqlNodeType.ExprSet:
                            SqlExprSet set = (SqlExprSet)exp;
                            for (int i = 0, n = set.Expressions.Count; i < n; i++) {
                                if (this.RefersToColumn(set.Expressions[i], col)) {
                                    return true;
                        case SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue:
                            return this.RefersToColumn(((SqlUnary)exp).Operand, col);

                return false;
            finally {
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 为指定的原始查询生成指定分页效果的新查询。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raw">原始查询</param>
        /// <param name="pagingInfo">分页信息。</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISqlSelect ModifyToPagingTree_With_NotIn(SqlSelect raw, PagingInfo pagingInfo)
            /*********************** 代码块解释 *********************************
             * 转换方案:
             * SELECT *
             * FROM ASN
             * WHERE ASN.Id > 0
             * ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC
             * 转换分页后:
             * SELECT TOP 10 *
             * FROM ASN
             * WHERE ASN.Id > 0 AND ASN.Id NOT IN(
             *     SELECT TOP 20 Id
             *     FROM ASN
             *     WHERE ASN.Id > 0
             *     ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC
             * )
             * ORDER BY ASN.AsnCode ASC

            //先要找到主表的 PK,分页时需要使用此主键列来生成分页 Sql。
            //这里约定 Id 为主键列名。
            var finder   = new FirstTableFinder();
            var pkTable  = finder.Find(raw.From);
            var pkColumn = new SqlColumn {
                Table = pkTable, ColumnName = EntityConvention.IdColumnName

            //先生成内部的 Select
            var excludeSelect = new SqlSelect
                Selection = new SqlNodeList
                    new SqlLiteral {
                        FormattedSql = "TOP " + (pagingInfo.PageNumber - 1) * pagingInfo.PageSize + " "
                From    = raw.From,
                Where   = raw.Where,
                OrderBy = raw.OrderBy,

            var res = new SqlSelect
                Selection = new SqlNodeList
                    new SqlLiteral {
                        FormattedSql = "TOP " + pagingInfo.PageSize + " "
                    raw.Selection ?? SqlSelectAll.Default
                From    = raw.From,
                OrderBy = raw.OrderBy,

            var newWhere = new SqlColumnConstraint
                Column   = pkColumn,
                Operator = SqlColumnConstraintOperator.NotIn,
                Value    = excludeSelect

            if (raw.Where != null)
                res.Where = new SqlBinaryConstraint
                    Left     = raw.Where,
                    Opeartor = SqlBinaryConstraintType.And,
                    Right    = newWhere
                res.Where = newWhere;

Esempio n. 25
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     SqlColumn c = this.FindColumn(this.row.Columns, col);
     if (c == null && col.Expression != null && !this.isInput && (!this.isNew || (this.isNew && !col.Expression.IsConstantColumn))) {
         c = this.FindColumnWithExpression(this.row.Columns, col.Expression);
     if (c == null) {
         c = col;
     else if (c != col) {
         // preserve expr-sets when folding expressions together
         if (col.Expression.NodeType == SqlNodeType.ExprSet && c.Expression.NodeType != SqlNodeType.ExprSet) {
             c.Expression = col.Expression;
         }[col] = c;
     return new SqlColumnRef(c);
 protected SqlColumnProperty(SqlColumn sqlColumn)
     SqlColumn = sqlColumn;
Esempio n. 27
 private void PushDown(SqlColumn column) {
     SqlSelect select = new SqlSelect(new SqlNop(column.ClrType, column.SqlType, column.SourceExpression), this.currentSelect.From, this.currentSelect.SourceExpression);
     this.currentSelect.From = new SqlAlias(select);
Esempio n. 28
 private SqlCondition(SqlColumn column, SqlComparasionOperator comparativeOperator, object value)
     Column = column;
     ComparativeOperator = comparativeOperator;
     Value = value;
Esempio n. 29
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn c) {
     if (!this.isDebugMode) {
         throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Column");
     if (c.Expression != null) {
     else {
         string aliasName = null;
         if (c.Alias != null) {
             if (c.Alias.Name == null) {
                 if (!this.names.TryGetValue(c.Alias, out aliasName)) {
                     aliasName = "A" + this.names.Count;
                     this.names[c.Alias] = aliasName;
             } else {
                 aliasName = c.Alias.Name;
     return c;
        public static void SetParamValue(DbParameter colParam, SqlColumn column, List <Func <DbParameter, string, bool> > stringParsers)
            if (column.Value == null)
                colParam.Value = DBNull.Value;
                switch (column.Type & BlittableJsonReaderBase.TypesMask)
                case BlittableJsonToken.Null:
                    colParam.Value = DBNull.Value;

                case BlittableJsonToken.Boolean:
                case BlittableJsonToken.Integer:
                    colParam.Value = column.Value;

                case BlittableJsonToken.LazyNumber:
                    colParam.Value = (double)(LazyNumberValue)column.Value;

                case BlittableJsonToken.String:
                    SetParamStringValue(colParam, ((LazyStringValue)column.Value).ToString(), stringParsers);

                case BlittableJsonToken.CompressedString:
                    SetParamStringValue(colParam, ((LazyCompressedStringValue)column.Value).ToString(), stringParsers);

                case BlittableJsonToken.StartObject:
                    var objectValue = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)column.Value;
                    if (objectValue.Count >= 2)
                        if (objectValue.TryGetMember(nameof(SqlDocumentTransformer.VarcharFunctionCall.Type), out object dbType) &&
                            objectValue.TryGetMember(nameof(SqlDocumentTransformer.VarcharFunctionCall.Value), out object fieldValue))
                            colParam.DbType = (DbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DbType), dbType.ToString(), false);
                            colParam.Value  = fieldValue.ToString();

                            if (objectValue.TryGetMember(nameof(SqlDocumentTransformer.VarcharFunctionCall.Size), out object size))
                                colParam.Size = (int)(long)size;
                    colParam.Value = objectValue.ToString();

                case BlittableJsonToken.StartArray:
                    var blittableJsonReaderArray = (BlittableJsonReaderArray)column.Value;
                    colParam.Value = blittableJsonReaderArray.ToString();

                    if (column.Value is Stream stream)
                        colParam.DbType = DbType.Binary;

                        if (stream == Stream.Null)
                            colParam.Value = DBNull.Value;
                            colParam.Value = stream.ReadData();

                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot understand how to save " + column.Type + " for " + colParam.ParameterName);
Esempio n. 31
 public ColumnAndOrder(SqlColumn sqlColumn, AscDesc order)
     : this(order)
     SqlColumn = sqlColumn;
 protected new TBuilder OrderBy(SqlColumn sqlColumn, OrderDirection direction) => (TBuilder)base.OrderBy(sqlColumn, direction);
Esempio n. 33
        public static List <IdentityMigration> CompareIdentity(SqlColumn columnOriginal, SqlColumn columnNew)
            var comparer = new ComparerIdentity();
            var changes  = comparer.CompareProperties(columnOriginal, columnNew);

Esempio n. 34
 internal override SqlTable VisitTable(SqlTable tab) {
     foreach (SqlColumn c in tab.Columns) {
         if (c == this.match) {
             if (this.found != null)
                 throw Error.ColumnIsDefinedInMultiplePlaces(GetColumnName(this.match));
             this.found = c;
     return tab;
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets an existing column as an FK, pointing to the <paramref name="referredColumnName"/> of <paramref name="referredTableName"/>, with the Nocheck property.
        /// Note <paramref name="referredColumnName"/> has to be a unique key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="singleFkColumn">The existing column to set as FK.</param>
        /// <param name="referredTableName">The name of the referred table.</param>
        /// <param name="referredColumnName">The name of the referred column.</param>
        /// <param name="fkName"></param>
        /// <returns>The original <paramref name="singleFkColumn"/>.</returns>
        public static SqlColumn SetForeignKeyToColumnNoCheck(this SqlColumn singleFkColumn, string referredTableName, string referredColumnName, string fkName = null)
            var property = new SqlEngineVersionSpecificProperty(MsSqlVersion.MsSql2016, "Nocheck", "true");

            return(singleFkColumn.SetForeignKeyToColumn(referredTableName, referredColumnName, property, fkName));
Esempio n. 36
 private void ForceLocal(SqlRow row, string name) {
     bool isLocal = false;
     // check to see if it already exists locally
     foreach (SqlColumn c in row.Columns) {
         if (this.RefersToColumn(c, this.found)) {
             this.found = c;
             isLocal = true;
     if (!isLocal) {
         // need to put this in the local projection list to bubble it up
         SqlColumn c = new SqlColumn(found.ClrType, found.SqlType, name, this.found.MetaMember, new SqlColumnRef(this.found), row.SourceExpression);
         this.found = c;
Esempio n. 37
 internal override SqlRow VisitRow(SqlRow row) {
     foreach (SqlColumn c in row.Columns) {
         if (this.RefersToColumn(c, this.match)) {
             if (this.found != null) {
                 throw Error.ColumnIsDefinedInMultiplePlaces(GetColumnName(this.match));
             this.found = c;
     return row;
Esempio n. 38
 private void AppendColumnUsage(SqlColumn sqlColumn)
Esempio n. 39
 internal override SqlExpression VisitTableValuedFunctionCall(SqlTableValuedFunctionCall fc) {
     foreach (SqlColumn c in fc.Columns) {
         if (c == this.match) {
             if (this.found != null)
                 throw Error.ColumnIsDefinedInMultiplePlaces(GetColumnName(this.match));
             this.found = c;
     return fc;
Esempio n. 40
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     return new SqlColumnRef(col);
Esempio n. 41
 internal virtual SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     col.Expression = this.VisitExpression(col.Expression);
     return col;
Esempio n. 42
            private SqlNode AccessMember(SqlMember m, SqlExpression expo) {
                SqlExpression exp = expo;

                switch (exp.NodeType) {
                    case SqlNodeType.ClientCase: {
                            // Distribute into each case.
                            SqlClientCase sc = (SqlClientCase)exp;
                            Type newClrType = null;
                            List<SqlExpression> matches = new List<SqlExpression>();
                            List<SqlExpression> values = new List<SqlExpression>();
                            foreach (SqlClientWhen when in sc.Whens) {
                                SqlExpression newValue = (SqlExpression)AccessMember(m, when.Value);
                                if (newClrType == null) {
                                    newClrType = newValue.ClrType;
                                else if (newClrType != newValue.ClrType) {
                                    throw Error.ExpectedClrTypesToAgree(newClrType, newValue.ClrType);

                            SqlExpression result = sql.Case(newClrType, sc.Expression, matches, values, sc.SourceExpression);
                            return result;
                    case SqlNodeType.SimpleCase: {
                            // Distribute into each case.
                            SqlSimpleCase sc = (SqlSimpleCase)exp;
                            Type newClrType = null;
                            List<SqlExpression> newMatches = new List<SqlExpression>();
                            List<SqlExpression> newValues = new List<SqlExpression>();
                            foreach (SqlWhen when in sc.Whens) {
                                SqlExpression newValue = (SqlExpression)AccessMember(m, when.Value);
                                if (newClrType == null) {
                                    newClrType = newValue.ClrType;
                                else if (newClrType != newValue.ClrType) {
                                  throw Error.ExpectedClrTypesToAgree(newClrType, newValue.ClrType);
                            SqlExpression result = sql.Case(newClrType, sc.Expression, newMatches, newValues, sc.SourceExpression);
                            return result;
                    case SqlNodeType.SearchedCase: {
                            // Distribute into each case.
                            SqlSearchedCase sc = (SqlSearchedCase)exp;
                            List<SqlWhen> whens = new List<SqlWhen>(sc.Whens.Count);
                            foreach (SqlWhen when in sc.Whens) {
                                SqlExpression value = (SqlExpression)AccessMember(m, when.Value);
                                whens.Add(new SqlWhen(when.Match, value));
                            SqlExpression @else = (SqlExpression)AccessMember(m, sc.Else);
                            return sql.SearchedCase(whens.ToArray(), @else, sc.SourceExpression);
                    case SqlNodeType.TypeCase: {
                            // We don't allow derived types to map members to different database fields.
                            // Therefore, just pick the best SqlNew to call AccessMember on.
                            SqlTypeCase tc = (SqlTypeCase)exp;

                            // Find the best type binding for this member.
                            SqlNew tb = tc.Whens[0].TypeBinding as SqlNew;
                            foreach (SqlTypeCaseWhen when in tc.Whens) {
                                if (when.TypeBinding.NodeType == SqlNodeType.New) {
                                    SqlNew sn = (SqlNew)when.TypeBinding;
                                    if (m.Member.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(sn.ClrType)) {
                                        tb = sn;
                            return AccessMember(m, tb);
                    case SqlNodeType.AliasRef: {
                            // convert alias.Member => column
                            SqlAliasRef aref = (SqlAliasRef)exp;
                            // if its a table, find the matching column
                            SqlTable tab = aref.Alias.Node as SqlTable;
                            if (tab != null) {
                                MetaDataMember mm = GetRequiredInheritanceDataMember(tab.RowType, m.Member);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mm != null);
                                string name = mm.MappedName;
                                SqlColumn c = tab.Find(name);
                                if (c == null) {
                                    ProviderType sqlType = sql.Default(mm);
                                    c = new SqlColumn(m.ClrType, sqlType, name, mm, null, m.SourceExpression);
                                    c.Alias = aref.Alias;
                                return new SqlColumnRef(c);
                            // if it is a table valued function, find the matching result column                                
                            SqlTableValuedFunctionCall fc = aref.Alias.Node as SqlTableValuedFunctionCall;
                            if (fc != null) {
                                MetaDataMember mm = GetRequiredInheritanceDataMember(fc.RowType, m.Member);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mm != null);
                                string name = mm.MappedName;
                                SqlColumn c = fc.Find(name);
                                if (c == null) {
                                    ProviderType sqlType = sql.Default(mm);
                                    c = new SqlColumn(m.ClrType, sqlType, name, mm, null, m.SourceExpression);
                                    c.Alias = aref.Alias;
                                return new SqlColumnRef(c);
                    case SqlNodeType.OptionalValue:
                        // convert option(exp).Member => exp.Member
                        return this.AccessMember(m, ((SqlOptionalValue)exp).Value);

                    case SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue: {
                            SqlNode n = this.AccessMember(m, ((SqlUnary)exp).Operand);
                            SqlExpression e = n as SqlExpression;
                            if (e != null) return sql.Unary(SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue, e);
                            return n;

                    case SqlNodeType.Lift:
                        return this.AccessMember(m, ((SqlLift)exp).Expression);

                    case SqlNodeType.UserRow: {
                            // convert UserRow.Member => UserColumn
                            SqlUserRow row = (SqlUserRow)exp;
                            SqlUserQuery suq = row.Query;
                            MetaDataMember mm = GetRequiredInheritanceDataMember(row.RowType, m.Member);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mm != null);
                            string name = mm.MappedName;
                            SqlUserColumn c = suq.Find(name);
                            if (c == null) {
                                ProviderType sqlType = sql.Default(mm);
                                c = new SqlUserColumn(m.ClrType, sqlType, suq, name, mm.IsPrimaryKey, m.SourceExpression);
                            return c;
                    case SqlNodeType.New: {
                            // convert (new {Member = expr}).Member => expr
                            SqlNew sn = (SqlNew)exp;
                            SqlExpression e = sn.Find(m.Member);
                            if (e != null) {
                                return e;
                            MetaDataMember mm = sn.MetaType.PersistentDataMembers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Member == m.Member);
                            if (!sn.SqlType.CanBeColumn && mm != null) {
                                throw Error.MemberNotPartOfProjection(m.Member.DeclaringType, m.Member.Name);
                    case SqlNodeType.Element:
                    case SqlNodeType.ScalarSubSelect: {
                            // convert Scalar/Element(select exp).Member => Scalar/Element(select exp.Member) / select exp.Member
                            SqlSubSelect sub = (SqlSubSelect)exp;
                            SqlAlias alias = new SqlAlias(sub.Select);
                            SqlAliasRef aref = new SqlAliasRef(alias);

                            SqlSelect saveSelect = this.currentSelect;
                            try {
                                SqlSelect newSelect = new SqlSelect(aref, alias, sub.SourceExpression);
                                this.currentSelect = newSelect;
                                SqlNode result = this.Visit(sql.Member(aref, m.Member));

                                SqlExpression rexp = result as SqlExpression;
                                if (rexp != null) {

                                    // If the expression is still a Member after being visited, but it cannot be a column, then it cannot be collapsed
                                    // into the SubSelect because we need to keep track of the fact that this member has to be accessed on the client.
                                    // This must be done after the expression has been Visited above, because otherwise we don't have
                                    // enough context to know if the member can be a column or not.
                                    if (rexp.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Member && !SqlColumnizer.CanBeColumn(rexp)) {
                                        // If the original member expression is an Element, optimize it by converting to an OuterApply if possible.
                                        // We have to do this here because we are creating a new member expression based on it, and there are no
                                        // subsequent visitors that will do this optimization.
                                        if (this.canUseOuterApply && exp.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Element && this.currentSelect != null) {
                                            // Reset the currentSelect since we are not going to use the previous SqlSelect that was created
                                            this.currentSelect = saveSelect;                                            
                                            this.currentSelect.From = sql.MakeJoin(SqlJoinType.OuterApply, this.currentSelect.From, alias, null, sub.SourceExpression);
                                            exp = this.VisitExpression(aref);
                                        return sql.Member(exp, m.Member);

                                    // Since we are going to make a SubSelect out of this member expression, we need to make
                                    // sure it gets columnized before it gets to the PostBindDotNetConverter, otherwise only the
                                    // entire SubSelect will be columnized as a whole. Subsequent columnization does not know how to handle
                                    // any function calls that may be produced by the PostBindDotNetConverter, but we know how to handle it here.
                                    newSelect.Selection = rexp;
                                    newSelect.Selection = this.columnizer.ColumnizeSelection(newSelect.Selection);
                                    newSelect.Selection = this.ConvertLinks(newSelect.Selection);
                                    SqlNodeType subType = (rexp is SqlTypeCase || !rexp.SqlType.CanBeColumn) ? SqlNodeType.Element : SqlNodeType.ScalarSubSelect;
                                    SqlSubSelect subSel = sql.SubSelect(subType, newSelect);
                                    return this.FoldSubquery(subSel);

                                SqlSelect rselect = result as SqlSelect;
                                if (rselect != null) {
                                    SqlAlias ralias = new SqlAlias(rselect);
                                    SqlAliasRef rref = new SqlAliasRef(ralias);
                                    newSelect.Selection = this.ConvertLinks(this.VisitExpression(rref));
                                    newSelect.From = new SqlJoin(SqlJoinType.CrossApply, alias, ralias, null, m.SourceExpression);
                                    return newSelect;
                                throw Error.UnexpectedNode(result.NodeType);
                            finally {
                                this.currentSelect = saveSelect;
                    case SqlNodeType.Value: {
                            SqlValue val = (SqlValue)exp;
                            if (val.Value == null) {
                                return sql.Value(m.ClrType, m.SqlType, null, val.IsClientSpecified, m.SourceExpression);
                            else if (m.Member is PropertyInfo) {
                                PropertyInfo p = (PropertyInfo)m.Member;
                                return sql.Value(m.ClrType, m.SqlType, p.GetValue(val.Value, null), val.IsClientSpecified, m.SourceExpression);
                            else {
                                FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)m.Member;
                                return sql.Value(m.ClrType, m.SqlType, f.GetValue(val.Value), val.IsClientSpecified, m.SourceExpression);
                    case SqlNodeType.Grouping: {
                            SqlGrouping g = ((SqlGrouping)exp);
                            if (m.Member.Name == "Key") {
                                return g.Key;
                    case SqlNodeType.ClientParameter: {
                            SqlClientParameter cp = (SqlClientParameter)exp;
                            // create new accessor including this member access
                            LambdaExpression accessor =
                                    typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(object[]), m.ClrType),
                                    Expression.MakeMemberAccess(cp.Accessor.Body, m.Member),
                            return new SqlClientParameter(m.ClrType, m.SqlType, accessor, cp.SourceExpression);
                if (m.Expression == exp) {
                    return m;
                else {
                    return sql.Member(exp, m.Member);
Esempio n. 43
        private SqlNode VisitAggregate(Expression sequence, LambdaExpression lambda, SqlNodeType aggType, Type returnType) {
            // Convert seq.Agg(exp) into 
            // 1) SELECT Agg(exp) FROM seq
            // 2) SELECT Agg1 FROM (SELECT Agg(exp) as Agg1 FROM group-seq GROUP BY ...)
            // 3) SCALAR(SELECT Agg(exp) FROM seq)
            bool isCount = aggType == SqlNodeType.Count || aggType == SqlNodeType.LongCount;

            SqlNode source = this.Visit(sequence);
            SqlSelect select = this.CoerceToSequence(source);
            SqlAlias alias = new SqlAlias(select);
            SqlAliasRef aref = new SqlAliasRef(alias);

            // If the sequence is of the form x.Select(expr).Agg() and the lambda for the aggregate is null,
            // or is a no-op parameter expression (like u=>u), clone the group by selection lambda 
            // expression, and use for the aggregate.
            // Final form should be x.Agg(expr)
            MethodCallExpression mce = sequence as MethodCallExpression;
            if (!outerNode && !isCount && (lambda == null || (lambda.Parameters.Count == 1 && lambda.Parameters[0] == lambda.Body)) &&
                (mce != null) && IsSequenceOperatorCall(mce, "Select") && select.From is SqlAlias) {
                LambdaExpression selectionLambda = GetLambda(mce.Arguments[1]);

                lambda = Expression.Lambda(selectionLambda.Type, selectionLambda.Body, selectionLambda.Parameters);

                alias = (SqlAlias)select.From;
                aref = new SqlAliasRef(alias);

            if (lambda != null && !TypeSystem.IsSimpleType(lambda.Body.Type)) {
                throw Error.CannotAggregateType(lambda.Body.Type);

            //Empty parameter aggregates are not allowed on anonymous types
            //i.e. db.Customers.Select(c=>new{c.Age}).Max() instead it should be
            //     db.Customers.Select(c=>new{c.Age}).Max(c=>c.Age)
            if (select.Selection.SqlType.IsRuntimeOnlyType && !IsGrouping(sequence.Type) && !isCount && lambda == null) {
                throw Error.NonCountAggregateFunctionsAreNotValidOnProjections(aggType);
            if (lambda != null)
      [lambda.Parameters[0]] = aref;

            if (this.outerNode) {
                // If this aggregate is basically the last/outer-most operator of the query
                // produce SELECT Agg(exp) FROM seq
                SqlExpression exp = (lambda != null) ? this.VisitExpression(lambda.Body) : null;
                SqlExpression where = null;
                if (isCount && exp != null) {
                    where = exp;
                    exp = null;
                else if (exp == null && !isCount) {
                    exp = aref;
                if (exp != null) {
                    // in case this contains another aggregate
                    exp = new SqlSimpleExpression(exp);
                SqlSelect sel = new SqlSelect(
                    this.GetAggregate(aggType, returnType, exp),
                sel.Where = where;
                sel.OrderingType = SqlOrderingType.Never;
                return sel;
            else if (!isCount || lambda == null) {
                // Look to optimize aggregate by pushing its evaluation down to the select node that has the
                // actual group-by operator.
                // Produce:  SELECT Agg1 FROM (SELECT Agg(exp) as Agg1 FROM seq GROUP BY ...)
                GroupInfo info = this.FindGroupInfo(source);
                if (info != null) {
                    SqlExpression exp = null;
                    if (lambda != null) {
                        // evaluate expression relative to the group-by select node
              [lambda.Parameters[0]] = (SqlExpression)SqlDuplicator.Copy(info.ElementOnGroupSource);
                        exp = this.VisitExpression(lambda.Body);
                    } else if (!isCount) {
                        // support aggregates w/o an explicit selector specified
                        exp = info.ElementOnGroupSource;
                    if (exp != null) {
                        // in case this contains another aggregate
                        exp = new SqlSimpleExpression(exp);
                    SqlExpression agg = this.GetAggregate(aggType, returnType, exp);
                    SqlColumn c = new SqlColumn(agg.ClrType, agg.SqlType, null, null, agg, this.dominatingExpression);
                    return new SqlColumnRef(c);
            // Otherwise, if we cannot optimize then fall back to generating a nested aggregate in a correlated sub query
            // SCALAR(SELECT Agg(exp) FROM seq)
                SqlExpression exp = (lambda != null) ? this.VisitExpression(lambda.Body) : null;
                if (exp != null) {
                    // in case this contains another aggregate
                    exp = new SqlSimpleExpression(exp);
                SqlSelect sel = new SqlSelect(
                    this.GetAggregate(aggType, returnType, isCount ? null : (lambda == null) ? aref : exp),
                sel.Where = isCount ? exp : null;
                return sql.SubSelect(SqlNodeType.ScalarSubSelect, sel);
Esempio n. 44
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col)
Esempio n. 45
            // add a new sub query that projects the given expression
            private SqlExpression PushDownExpression(SqlExpression expr) {
                // make sure this expression was columnized like a selection
                if (expr.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Value && expr.SqlType.CanBeColumn) {
                    expr = new SqlColumn(expr.ClrType, expr.SqlType, null, null, expr, expr.SourceExpression);
                else {
                    expr = this.columnizer.ColumnizeSelection(expr);

                SqlSelect simple = new SqlSelect(expr, this.currentSelect.From, expr.SourceExpression);
                this.currentSelect.From = new SqlAlias(simple);

                // make a copy of the expression for the current scope
                return this.ExpandExpression(expr);
    private static bool NeedsNumericRange(SqlColumn sqlColumn)
        var numericSqlColumn = sqlColumn.SqlDataType as SqlTypeNumberBase;

        return(numericSqlColumn != null);
Esempio n. 47
        private SqlSelect GenerateSkipTake(SqlSelect sequence, SqlExpression skipExp, SqlExpression takeExp) {
            SqlSelect select = this.LockSelect(sequence);

            // no skip?
            if (skipExp == null) {
                if (takeExp != null) {
                    select.Top = takeExp;
                return select;

            SqlAlias alias = new SqlAlias(select);
            SqlAliasRef aref = new SqlAliasRef(alias);

            if (this.UseConverterStrategy(ConverterStrategy.SkipWithRowNumber)) {
                // use ROW_NUMBER() (preferred)
                SqlColumn rowNumber = new SqlColumn("ROW_NUMBER", sql.RowNumber(new List<SqlOrderExpression>(), this.dominatingExpression));
                SqlColumnRef rowNumberRef = new SqlColumnRef(rowNumber);


                SqlSelect final = new SqlSelect(aref, alias, this.dominatingExpression);

                if (takeExp != null) {
                    // use BETWEEN for skip+take combo (much faster)
                    final.Where = sql.Between(
                        sql.Add(skipExp, 1),
                        sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.Add, (SqlExpression)SqlDuplicator.Copy(skipExp), takeExp),
                else {
                    final.Where = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.GT, rowNumberRef, skipExp);

                return final;
            else {
                // Ensure that the sequence contains elements that can be skipped
                if (!CanSkipOnSelection(select.Selection)) {
                    throw Error.SkipNotSupportedForSequenceTypes();

                // use NOT EXISTS

                // Supported cases:
                //  - Entities
                //  - Projections that contain all PK columns
                // .. where there sequence can be traced back to a:
                //  - Single-table query
                //  - Distinct
                //  - Except
                //  - Intersect
                //  - Union, where union.All == false

                // Not supported: joins

                // Sequence should also be ordered, but we can't test for it at this 
                // point in processing, and we won't know that we need to test it, later.

                SingleTableQueryVisitor stqv = new SingleTableQueryVisitor();
                if (!stqv.IsValid) {
                    throw Error.SkipRequiresSingleTableQueryWithPKs();

                SqlSelect dupsel = (SqlSelect)SqlDuplicator.Copy(select);               
                dupsel.Top = skipExp;

                SqlAlias dupAlias = new SqlAlias(dupsel);
                SqlAliasRef dupRef = new SqlAliasRef(dupAlias);

                SqlSelect eqsel = new SqlSelect(dupRef, dupAlias, this.dominatingExpression);
                eqsel.Where = sql.Binary(SqlNodeType.EQ2V, aref, dupRef);
                SqlSubSelect ss = sql.SubSelect(SqlNodeType.Exists, eqsel);

                SqlSelect final = new SqlSelect(aref, alias, this.dominatingExpression);
                final.Where = sql.Unary(SqlNodeType.Not, ss, this.dominatingExpression);
                final.Top = takeExp;

                return final;
 private static bool NeedsCharRange(SqlColumn sqlColumn)
     return(sqlColumn.SqlDataType.MaximumCharLength.HasValue && sqlColumn.SqlDataType.MaximumCharLength != -1);
Esempio n. 49
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     SqlColumn n = new SqlColumn(col.ClrType, col.SqlType, col.Name, col.MetaMember, null, col.SourceExpression);
     this.nodeMap[col] = n;
     n.Expression = this.VisitExpression(col.Expression);
     n.Alias = (SqlAlias)this.Visit(col.Alias);
     return n;
Esempio n. 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a valid C# default value for the given SQL datatype.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetCSharpDefaultValue(SqlColumn sql_column)
            // do we have a non default value?
            if (sql_column.DefaultValue != string.Empty)
                switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                //case SqlDbType.Binary:		        return "null";
                case SqlDbType.Bit:
                    if (sql_column.DefaultValue == "1")

                case SqlDbType.Char: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                case SqlDbType.Date: return(sql_column.DefaultValue.ToLower() == "getdate()" ? "DateTime.Now;" : "DateTime.Parse(\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\")");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime: return(sql_column.DefaultValue.ToLower() == "getdate()" ? "DateTime.Now;" : "DateTime.Parse(\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\")");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return(sql_column.DefaultValue.ToLower() == "getdate()" ? "DateTime.Now;" : "DateTime.Parse(\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\")");

                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return(sql_column.DefaultValue.ToLower() == "getdate()" ? "DateTime.Now;" : "DateTime.Parse(\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\")");

                case SqlDbType.Decimal: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                case SqlDbType.Float: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                //case SqlDbType.Image:               return "null";
                case SqlDbType.Int: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                case SqlDbType.Money: return(sql_column.DefaultValue + "m");

                case SqlDbType.NChar: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                case SqlDbType.NText: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                case SqlDbType.Real: return(sql_column.DefaultValue + "f");

                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("\"" + DateTime.MinValue.ToString() + "\"");

                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return(sql_column.DefaultValue + "f");

                //case SqlDbType.Structured:          return "null";
                case SqlDbType.Text: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime.Now");

                //case SqlDbType.Timestamp:           return "string.Empty";
                case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return(sql_column.DefaultValue);

                //case SqlDbType.Udt:                 return "null";
                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Guid.Empty");

                //case SqlDbType.VarBinary:           return "null";
                case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                //case SqlDbType.Variant:             return "null";
                case SqlDbType.Xml: return("\"" + sql_column.DefaultValue + "\"");

                    return("// NO DEFAULT AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());

            if (sql_column.IsNullable)
                switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
                case SqlDbType.Variant:
                    return("// NO DEFAULT AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());

                switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("0");

                case SqlDbType.Binary: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.Bit: return("false");

                case SqlDbType.Char: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.Date: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("0.0m");

                case SqlDbType.Float: return("0.0d");

                case SqlDbType.Image: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.Int: return("0");

                case SqlDbType.Money: return("0.0m");

                case SqlDbType.NChar: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.NText: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.Real: return("0.0f");

                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("0");

                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("0.0f");

                case SqlDbType.Structured: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.Text: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime.Now");

                case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("byte.MinValue");

                case SqlDbType.Udt: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Guid.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("string.Empty");

                case SqlDbType.Variant: return("null");

                case SqlDbType.Xml: return("string.Empty");

                    return("// NO DEFAULT AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());
Esempio n. 51
 private SqlColumnRef MakeFlattenedColumn(SqlExpression expr, string name) {
     SqlColumn c = (!this.isInput) ? this.FindColumnWithExpression(this.row.Columns, expr) : null;
     if (c == null) {
         c = new SqlColumn(expr.ClrType, expr.SqlType, name, null, expr, expr.SourceExpression);
     return new SqlColumnRef(c);
Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the proper cast to C# type for the given SQL datatype.
        /// Example: int -> Convert.ToInt32
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetCSharpCastString(SqlColumn sql_column)
            //if (sql_column.IsNullable)
            //    // TODO
            //    return string.Empty;
            switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
            case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("Convert.ToInt64");

            //case SqlDbType.Binary: return Convert"null";
            case SqlDbType.Bit: return("Convert.ToBoolean");

            case SqlDbType.Char: return("Convert.ToChar");

            case SqlDbType.Date: return("Convert.ToDateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("Convert.ToDateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("Convert.ToDateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime.Now");

            case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("Convert.ToDecimal");

            case SqlDbType.Float: return("Convert.ToDouble");

            //case SqlDbType.Image: return "null";
            case SqlDbType.Int: return("Convert.ToInt32");

            case SqlDbType.Money: return("Convert.ToDecimal");

            case SqlDbType.NChar: return("Convert.ToString");

            case SqlDbType.NText: return("Convert.ToString");

            case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("Convert.ToString");

            case SqlDbType.Real: return("Convert.ToDouble");

            case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime.Now");

            case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("Convert.ToInt16");

            case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("Convert.ToDecimal");

            //case SqlDbType.Structured: return "null";
            case SqlDbType.Text: return("Convert.ToString");

            case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime.Now");

            //case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return "string.Empty";
            case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("byte.MinValue");

            //case SqlDbType.Udt: return "null";
            case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Convert.ToString");

            //case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return "null";
            case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("Convert.ToString");

            //case SqlDbType.Variant: return "null";
            case SqlDbType.Xml: return("Convert.ToString");

                return("// NO CONVERSION AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());
Esempio n. 53
            internal override SqlRowNumber VisitRowNumber(SqlRowNumber rowNumber) {
                if (rowNumber.OrderBy.Count > 0) return rowNumber;

                SqlDuplicator dup = new SqlDuplicator(true);
                List<SqlOrderExpression> orderBy = new List<SqlOrderExpression>();
                List<SqlOrderExpression> existingOrders = new List<SqlOrderExpression>();

                if (this.rowNumberOrders != null && this.rowNumberOrders.Count != 0) {
                    existingOrders = new List<SqlOrderExpression>(this.rowNumberOrders);
                else if (this.orders != null) {
                    existingOrders = new List<SqlOrderExpression>(this.orders);

                foreach (SqlOrderExpression expr in existingOrders) {
                    if (!expr.Expression.IsConstantColumn) {
                        if (this.rowNumberOrders != null) {
                        if (this.orders != null) {


                if (orderBy.Count == 0) {
                    List<SqlColumn> columns = SqlGatherColumnsProduced.GatherColumns(this.currentSelect.From);

                    foreach (SqlColumn col in columns) {
                        if (col.Expression.SqlType.IsOrderable) {
                            orderBy.Add(new SqlOrderExpression(SqlOrderType.Ascending, new SqlColumnRef(col)));

                    if (orderBy.Count == 0) {
                        // insert simple column
                        SqlColumn col =
                            new SqlColumn(
                                sql.Value(typeof(int), this.typeProvider.From(typeof(int)), 1, false, rowNumber.SourceExpression)
                        orderBy.Add(new SqlOrderExpression(SqlOrderType.Ascending, new SqlColumnRef(col)));

                foreach (SqlOrderExpression sox in orderBy) {
                    rowNumber.OrderBy.Add(new SqlOrderExpression(sox.OrderType, (SqlExpression)dup.Duplicate(sox.Expression)));

                return rowNumber;
Esempio n. 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the minimum C# value for the given SQL datatype.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetCSharpMinValue(SqlColumn sql_column)
            switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
            case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("long.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Binary: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.Bit: return("false");

            case SqlDbType.Char: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.Date: return("DateTime.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("DateTime.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("DateTime.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("decimal.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Float: return("double.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Image: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.Int: return("int.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Money: return("decimal.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.NChar: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.NText: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.Real: return("float.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime.Now");

            case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("int.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("float.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Structured: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.Text: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("byte.MinValue");

            case SqlDbType.Udt: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Guid.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("string.Empty");

            case SqlDbType.Variant: return("null");

            case SqlDbType.Xml: return("string.Empty");

                return("// NO MIN VALUE AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());
Esempio n. 55
            internal override SqlAlias VisitAlias(SqlAlias a) {

                SqlTable tab = a.Node as SqlTable;
                SqlTableValuedFunctionCall tvf = a.Node as SqlTableValuedFunctionCall;

                if (this.addPrimaryKeys && (tab != null || tvf != null)) {
                    List<SqlOrderExpression> list = new List<SqlOrderExpression>();

                    bool isTable = tab != null;
                    MetaType rowType = isTable ? tab.RowType : tvf.RowType;
                    foreach (MetaDataMember mm in rowType.IdentityMembers) {
                        string name = mm.MappedName;
                        SqlColumn col;
                        Expression sourceExpression;
                        List<SqlColumn> columns;

                        if (isTable) {
                            col = tab.Find(name);
                            sourceExpression = tab.SourceExpression;
                            columns = tab.Columns;
                        else {
                            col = tvf.Find(name);
                            sourceExpression = tvf.SourceExpression;
                            columns = tvf.Columns; 

                        if (col == null) {
                            col = new SqlColumn(mm.MemberAccessor.Type, typeProvider.From(mm.MemberAccessor.Type), name, mm, null, sourceExpression);
                            col.Alias = a;
                        list.Add(new SqlOrderExpression(SqlOrderType.Ascending, new SqlColumnRef(col)));


                    return a;
                else {
                    return base.VisitAlias(a);
Esempio n. 56
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the SQL column name formatted to be used as a T-SQL
 /// variable. Sample: Foo -> @Foo;
 /// </summary>
 public static string ToTSQLVariableName(SqlColumn sql_column)
     return("@" + sql_column.Name);
Esempio n. 57
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     this.aliasMap[col] = this.currentAlias;
     return col;
Esempio n. 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the CSharp mapping of the SQL datatype.
        /// Maps actual datatypes, not datatype names.
        /// sample: varchar(50) -> string
        /// </summary>
        public static string SQLTypeToCSharpType(SqlColumn sql_column)
            if (sql_column.IsNullable)
                switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("long?");

                case SqlDbType.Binary: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Bit: return("bool?");

                case SqlDbType.Char: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Date: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("decimal?");

                case SqlDbType.Float: return("double?");

                case SqlDbType.Image: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Int: return("int?");

                case SqlDbType.Money: return("decimal?");

                case SqlDbType.NChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.NText: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Real: return("float?");

                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("short?");

                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("float?");

                case SqlDbType.Structured: return("// NO TYPE AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());

                case SqlDbType.Text: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime?");

                case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("byte?");

                case SqlDbType.Udt: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Guid?");

                case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Variant: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Xml: return("string");

                    return("// NO TYPE AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());
                switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("long");

                case SqlDbType.Binary: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Bit: return("bool");

                case SqlDbType.Char: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Date: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("decimal");

                case SqlDbType.Float: return("double");

                case SqlDbType.Image: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Int: return("int");

                case SqlDbType.Money: return("decimal");

                case SqlDbType.NChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.NText: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Real: return("float");

                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("short");

                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("float");

                case SqlDbType.Structured: return("// NO TYPE AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());

                case SqlDbType.Text: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime");

                case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("byte");

                case SqlDbType.Udt: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("Guid");

                case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("string");

                case SqlDbType.Variant: return("byte[]");

                case SqlDbType.Xml: return("string");

                    return("// NO TYPE AVAILABLE FOR " + sql_column.SqlDataType.ToString());
Esempio n. 59
 internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
     return base.VisitColumn(col);
Esempio n. 60
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a ASP.NET match of the SQL datatype
        /// </summary>
        public static string SQLToASPType(SqlColumn sql_column)
            #region Sample
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Boolean" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Byte" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Char" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="DateTime" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="DBNull" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Decimal" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Double" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Empty" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Int16" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Int32" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Int64" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Object" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="SByte" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="Single" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="String" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="UInt16" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="UInt32" />
            //    <asp:Parameter Name="foo" Type="UInt64" />

            switch (sql_column.SqlDataType)
            case SqlDbType.BigInt: return("UInt64");

            case SqlDbType.Binary: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.Bit: return("Boolean");

            case SqlDbType.Char: return("Char");;

            case SqlDbType.Date: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.Decimal: return("Decimal");

            case SqlDbType.Float: return("Decimal");

            case SqlDbType.Image: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.Int: return("Int32");

            case SqlDbType.Money: return("Decimal");;

            case SqlDbType.NChar: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.NText: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.NVarChar: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.Real: return("Decimal");

            case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return("Int16");

            case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return("Decimal");

            case SqlDbType.Structured: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.Text: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.Time: return("DateTime");

            case SqlDbType.Timestamp: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return("Byte");

            case SqlDbType.Udt: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return("String");

            case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.VarChar: return("string");

            case SqlDbType.Variant: return("Object");

            case SqlDbType.Xml: return("string");
