Esempio n. 1
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <!-- GetRaceFromBits -->
        /// <summary>
        ///      Converts the race indicators from CANVaS into the raceId in VABHAS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SqlInt32 GetRaceFromBits(DataRow field)
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Get the bits
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            SqlBoolean black  = InData.GetSqlBoolean(field, "Race_Black_Ind");
            SqlBoolean yellow = InData.GetSqlBoolean(field, "Race_Asian_Ind");
            SqlBoolean brown  = InData.GetSqlBoolean(field, "Race_Hawaiian_Ind");
            SqlBoolean red    = InData.GetSqlBoolean(field, "Race_Native_Am_Ind");
            SqlBoolean white  = InData.GetSqlBoolean(field, "Race_White_Ind");

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Add the bits
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            int total = 0
                        + (int)black.ToSqlInt32()
                        + (int)yellow.ToSqlInt32()
                        + (int)brown.ToSqlInt32()
                        + (int)red.ToSqlInt32()
                        + (int)white.ToSqlInt32();

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Use the bits
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            SqlInt32 raceId = SqlInt32.Null;

            if (total > 1)
                raceId = 13;               // 13. Two or more races.
            else if (black)
                raceId = 1;                // 1.  African American
            else if (yellow)
                raceId = 2;                // 2.  Asian
            else if (brown)
                raceId = 3;                // 3.  Native Hawaiian
            else if (red)
                raceId = 4;                // 4.  American Indian
            else if (white)
                raceId = 5;                // 5.  Caucasian
                raceId = 14;               // 14. Decline to Identify
Esempio n. 2
        public void ToSqlInt32()
            SqlInt32 sqlTestInt32;

            sqlTestInt32 = _sqlTrue.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.Equal(1, sqlTestInt32.Value);

            sqlTestInt32 = _sqlFalse.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.Equal(0, sqlTestInt32.Value);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ToSqlInt32()
            SqlInt32 SqlTestInt32;

            String error = "ToSqlInt32 method does not work correctly ";

            SqlTestInt32 = SqlTrue.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.AreEqual((int)1, SqlTestInt32.Value, error);

            SqlTestInt32 = SqlFalse.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.AreEqual((int)0, SqlTestInt32.Value, error);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ToSqlInt32()
            SqlInt32 SqlTestInt32;

            string error = "ToSqlInt32 method does not work correctly ";

            SqlTestInt32 = _sqlTrue.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.Equal(1, SqlTestInt32.Value);

            SqlTestInt32 = _sqlFalse.ToSqlInt32();
            Assert.Equal(0, SqlTestInt32.Value);