public override async Task Execute() { spriteSheet = BulletSheet; agentSpriteComponent = Entity.Get <SpriteComponent>(); var animComponent = Entity.Get <AnimationComponent>(); PlayingAnimation playingAnimation = null; // Calculate offset of the bullet from the Agent if he is facing left and right side // TODO improve this var bulletOffset = new Vector3(1.3f, 1.65f, 0f); // Initialize game entities if (!IsLiveReloading) { shootDelayCounter = 0f; isAgentFacingRight = true; currentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle; } CurrentAgentAnimation = currentAgentAnimation; var normalScaleX = Entity.Transform.Scale.X; var bulletCS = BulletColliderShape; Task animTask = null; while (Game.IsRunning) { await Script.NextFrame(); var inputState = GetKeyboardInputState(); if (inputState == InputState.None) { inputState = GetPointerInputState(); } if (inputState == InputState.RunLeft || inputState == InputState.RunRight) { // Update Agent's position var dt = (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Entity.Transform.Position.X += ((inputState == InputState.RunRight) ? AgentMoveDistance : -AgentMoveDistance) * dt; if (Entity.Transform.Position.X < -gameWidthHalfX) { Entity.Transform.Position.X = -gameWidthHalfX; } if (Entity.Transform.Position.X > gameWidthHalfX) { Entity.Transform.Position.X = gameWidthHalfX; } isAgentFacingRight = inputState == InputState.RunRight; // If agent face left, flip the sprite Entity.Transform.Scale.X = isAgentFacingRight ? normalScaleX : -normalScaleX; // Update the sprite animation and state CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Run; if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Run") { playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Run"); } } else if (inputState == InputState.Shoot) { if (animTask != null && !animTask.IsCompleted) { continue; } if (animTask != null && animTask.IsCompleted) { playingAnimation = null; } animTask = null; var rb = new RigidbodyComponent { CanCollideWith = CollisionFilterGroupFlags.CustomFilter1, CollisionGroup = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter }; rb.ColliderShapes.Add(new ColliderShapeAssetDesc { Shape = bulletCS }); // Spawns a new bullet var bullet = new Entity { new SpriteComponent { SpriteProvider = SpriteFromSheet.Create(spriteSheet, "bullet") }, rb, new BeamScript() }; bullet.Name = "bullet"; bullet.Transform.Position = (isAgentFacingRight) ? Entity.Transform.Position + bulletOffset : Entity.Transform.Position + (bulletOffset * new Vector3(-1, 1, 1)); bullet.Transform.UpdateWorldMatrix(); SceneSystem.SceneInstance.RootScene.Entities.Add(bullet); rb.LinearFactor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); rb.AngularFactor = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); rb.ApplyImpulse(isAgentFacingRight ? new Vector3(25, 0, 0) : new Vector3(-25, 0, 0)); // Start animation for shooting CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Shoot; if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Attack") { playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Attack"); animTask = animComponent.Ended(playingAnimation); } } else { CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle; if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Stance") { playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Stance"); } } } }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); var sprites = Content.Load <SpriteSheet>("UIImages"); var img1 = new ImageElement { Name = "UV 1 stack panel", Source = (SpriteFromTexture) new Sprite(Content.Load <Texture>("uv")) }; var img2 = new ImageElement { Name = "UV 2 stack panel", Source = (SpriteFromTexture) new Sprite(Content.Load <Texture>("uv")) }; img3 = new ImageElement { Name = "UV 3 stack panel", Source = (SpriteFromTexture) new Sprite(Content.Load <Texture>("uv")) }; stackPanel = new StackPanel { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical }; stackPanel.Children.Add(img1); stackPanel.Children.Add(img2); stackPanel.Children.Add(img3); var img4 = new ImageElement { Name = "UV grid", Source = (SpriteFromTexture) new Sprite(Content.Load <Texture>("uv")) }; var img5 = new ImageElement { Name = "UV grid 2", Source = (SpriteFromTexture) new Sprite(Content.Load <Texture>("uv")) }; var img6 = new ImageElement { Name = "Game screen grid", Source = SpriteFromSheet.Create(sprites, "GameScreen") }; img4.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 0); img4.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 0); img5.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 1); img5.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 0); img6.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 0); img6.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 1); img6.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnSpanPropertyKey, 2); grid = new UniformGrid { Columns = 2, Rows = 2 }; grid.Children.Add(img4); grid.Children.Add(img5); grid.Children.Add(img6); scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer { Content = grid, ScrollMode = ScrollingMode.HorizontalVertical }; contentDecorator = new ContentDecorator { Content = scrollViewer }; UIComponent.Page = new Engine.UIPage { RootElement = contentDecorator }; }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); sprites = Content.Load <SpriteSheet>("UIImages"); var lifeBar = new ImageElement { Source = SpriteFromSheet.Create(sprites, "Logo"), HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; lifeBar.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnSpanPropertyKey, 3); var quitGameButton = new Button { Content = new TextBlock { Text = "Quit Game", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; quitGameButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 0); quitGameButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 2); quitGameButton.Click += (sender, args) => Exit(); modalButton1Text = new TextBlock { Text = "Close Modal window 1", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }; var modalButton1 = new Button { Name = "Button Modal 1", Content = modalButton1Text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; modalButton1.Click += ModalButton1OnClick; modal1 = new ModalElement { Content = modalButton1, Name = "Modal 1" }; modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(Panel.ZIndexPropertyKey, 1); modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 1); modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 1); modal1.OutsideClick += Modal1OnOutsideClick; modalButton2Text = new TextBlock { Text = "Close Modal window 2", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }; var modalButton2 = new Button { Name = "Button Modal 2", Content = modalButton2Text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; modalButton2.Click += ModalButton2OnClick; modal2 = new ModalElement { Content = modalButton2, Name = "Modal 2" }; modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(Panel.ZIndexPropertyKey, 2); modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 1); modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 2); modal2.OutsideClick += Modal2OnOutsideClick; uniformGrid = new UniformGrid { Columns = 3, Rows = 3 }; uniformGrid.Children.Add(modal1); uniformGrid.Children.Add(modal2); uniformGrid.Children.Add(lifeBar); uniformGrid.Children.Add(quitGameButton); UIComponent.RootElement = uniformGrid; }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); sprites = Content.Load <SpriteSheet>("UIImages"); // Also draw a texture during the clear renderer // TODO: Use a custom compositor as soon as we have visual scripting? var topChildRenderer = ((SceneCameraRenderer)SceneSystem.GraphicsCompositor.Game).Child; var forwardRenderer = (topChildRenderer as SceneRendererCollection)?.Children.OfType <ForwardRenderer>().FirstOrDefault() ?? (ForwardRenderer)topChildRenderer; forwardRenderer.Clear = new ClearAndDrawTextureRenderer { Color = forwardRenderer.Clear.Color, Texture = sprites["GameScreen"].Texture }; var lifeBar = new ImageElement { Source = SpriteFromSheet.Create(sprites, "Logo"), HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; lifeBar.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnSpanPropertyKey, 3); var quitText = new TextBlock { Text = "Quit Game", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }; ApplyTextBlockDefaultStyle(quitText); var quitGameButton = new Button { Content = quitText, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; ApplyButtonDefaultStyle(quitGameButton); quitGameButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 0); quitGameButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 2); quitGameButton.Click += (sender, args) => Exit(); modalButton1Text = new TextBlock { Text = "Close Modal window 1", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }; ApplyTextBlockDefaultStyle(modalButton1Text); var modalButton1 = new Button { Name = "Button Modal 1", Content = modalButton1Text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; ApplyButtonDefaultStyle(modalButton1); modalButton1.Click += ModalButton1OnClick; modal1 = new ModalElement { Content = modalButton1, Name = "Modal 1" }; modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(Panel.ZIndexPropertyKey, 1); modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 1); modal1.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 1); modal1.OutsideClick += Modal1OnOutsideClick; modalButton2Text = new TextBlock { Text = "Close Modal window 2", Font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15") }; ApplyTextBlockDefaultStyle(modalButton2Text); var modalButton2 = new Button { Name = "Button Modal 2", Content = modalButton2Text, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Padding = Thickness.UniformRectangle(10), }; ApplyButtonDefaultStyle(modalButton2); modalButton2.Click += ModalButton2OnClick; modal2 = new ModalElement { Content = modalButton2, Name = "Modal 2" }; modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(Panel.ZIndexPropertyKey, 2); modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, 1); modal2.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, 2); modal2.OutsideClick += Modal2OnOutsideClick; uniformGrid = new UniformGrid { Columns = 3, Rows = 3 }; uniformGrid.Children.Add(modal1); uniformGrid.Children.Add(modal2); uniformGrid.Children.Add(lifeBar); uniformGrid.Children.Add(quitGameButton); UIComponent.Page = new Engine.UIPage { RootElement = uniformGrid }; }
protected override void LoadScene() { // Allow user to resize the window with the mouse. Game.Window.AllowUserResizing = true; // Create and initialize "Xenko Samples" Text var xenkoSampleTextBlock = new ContentDecorator { BackgroundImage = SpriteFromSheet.Create(SplashScreenImages, "xenko_sample_text_bg"), Content = new TextBlock { Font = WesternFont, TextSize = 60, Text = "Xenko UI Particles", TextColor = Color.White, }, Padding = new Thickness(35, 15, 35, 25), HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; xenkoSampleTextBlock.SetPanelZIndex(1); //********************************* // Confetti button var buttonImage = SpriteFromSheet.Create(SplashScreenImages, "button_long"); var xenkoButtonConfetti = new Button { NotPressedImage = buttonImage, PressedImage = buttonImage, MouseOverImage = buttonImage, Content = new TextBlock { Font = WesternFont, TextColor = Color.White, Text = "Click here to start the game over", TextSize = 24 }, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right, Padding = new Thickness(90, 22, 25, 35), // BackgroundColor = Color.DarkOrchid }; xenkoButtonConfetti.SetPanelZIndex(1); xenkoButtonConfetti.SetGridRow(1); xenkoButtonConfetti.Click += delegate { fusePercentage = 1f; desiredState = GameState.NewGame; var effectOffset = new Vector3(45 - xenkoButtonConfetti.RenderSize.X / 2, -5, 0); SpawnParticles(xenkoButtonConfetti.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector + effectOffset, Prefab, 2f); }; //********************************* //********************************* // Stars button var buttonStars = SpriteFromSheet.Create(SplashScreenImages, "button_short"); var xenkoButtonStars = new Button { NotPressedImage = buttonStars, PressedImage = buttonStars, MouseOverImage = buttonStars, Content = new TextBlock { Font = WesternFont, TextColor = Color.White, Text = "Congratulations", TextSize = 24 }, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right, Padding = new Thickness(90, 22, 25, 35), // BackgroundColor = Color.DarkOrchid }; xenkoButtonStars.SetPanelZIndex(1); xenkoButtonStars.SetGridRow(4); xenkoButtonStars.Click += delegate { desiredState = GameState.EndGame; var effectOffset = new Vector3(45 - xenkoButtonStars.RenderSize.X / 2, -5, 0); SpawnParticles(xenkoButtonStars.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector + effectOffset, Prefab, 2f); }; //********************************* var bottomBar = CreateBottomBar(); bottomBar.SetPanelZIndex(1); bottomBar.SetGridRow(6); var grid = new Grid { MaximumWidth = virtualWidth, MaximumHeight = virtualHeight, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, }; grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Auto)); // 0 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Auto)); // 1 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Auto)); // 2 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Auto)); // 3 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Auto)); // 4 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Fixed, 100)); // 5 grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition(StripType.Fixed, 50)); // 5 grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition()); grid.LayerDefinitions.Add(new StripDefinition()); grid.Children.Add(xenkoSampleTextBlock); grid.Children.Add(xenkoButtonConfetti); grid.Children.Add(xenkoButtonStars); grid.Children.Add(bottomBar); // Add the background var background = new ImageElement { Source = SpriteFromSheet.Create(SplashScreenImages, "background_uiimage"), StretchType = StretchType.Fill }; background.SetPanelZIndex(-1); Entity.Get <UIComponent>().Page = new UIPage { RootElement = new UniformGrid { Children = { background, grid } } }; }