Esempio n. 1
        public Video()
            m_Screen     = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 512, 32, (Sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE | Sdl.SDL_DOUBLEBUF | Sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT));
            m_ScreenSurf = (Sdl.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_Screen, typeof(Sdl.SDL_Surface));
            Sdl.SDL_PixelFormat format = (Sdl.SDL_PixelFormat)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_ScreenSurf.format, typeof(Sdl.SDL_PixelFormat));

            for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
                int b = ((i) & 0x7) * 0x49 >> 1;
                int r = ((i >> 3) & 0x7) * 0x49 >> 1;
                int g = ((i >> 6) & 0x7) * 0x49 >> 1;

                PALETTE[i] =
                    (r << format.Rshift & format.Rmask) |
                    (g << format.Gshift & format.Gmask) |
                    (b << format.Bshift & format.Bmask);
            m_ScreenSurf.pitch /= 4;

            Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("TurboSharp", null);

            m_VRAM      = new ushort[0x10000];
            m_SAT       = new SpriteAttribute[0x40];
            m_VCE       = new ushort[0x200];
            m_VCE_Index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
                m_SAT[i] = new SpriteAttribute();

            m_RenderLine = 0;
            m_DoSAT_DMA  = false;
            m_WaitingIRQ = false;

            m_VCE_DotClock  = DotClock.MHZ_5;
            m_VDC_Increment = 1;

            m_VDC_BSY = false;  // We don't halt the CPU
Esempio n. 2
    public static float AssignSpriteAttribute(GameObject go, SpriteAttribute sa) // return length
        float ret = 0f;

        if (sa == null)

        if (sa.isAnimation == true &&
            sa.controller != null)
            Animator a = go.GetComponent <Animator>();
            if (a == null)
                a = go.AddComponent <Animator>();

            a.runtimeAnimatorController = Instantiate(sa.controller);

            a.speed = sa.speed;


            ret = sa.length;
            Animator a = go.GetComponent <Animator>();
            if (a != null)

            go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sa.sprite;

Esempio n. 3
 public bool HasAttribute(SpriteAttribute attr)
     return((Attributes & (byte)attr) != 0);
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual DisplayObject SetFieldWithReflection(Texture2D texture, V2DInstance inst)
            DisplayObject result = null;

            Type   t        = this.GetType();
            string instName = inst.InstanceName;
            int    index    = -1;

            Match m = lastDigits.Match(instName);

            if (m.Groups.Count > 2 && t.GetField(instName) == null)
                instName = m.Groups[1].Value;
                index    = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.None);

            FieldInfo fi = t.GetField(instName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

            if (fi != null)
                Type ft = fi.FieldType;

                if (ft.BaseType.Name == typeof(V2DRuntime.Components.Group <>).Name &&                // IsSubclassOf etc doesn't work on generics?
                    ft.BaseType.Namespace == typeof(V2DRuntime.Components.Group <>).Namespace)
                    // eg ButtonTabGroup
                    if (fi.GetValue(this) == null)
                        ConstructorInfo ci = ft.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Texture2D), typeof(V2DInstance) });
                        result = (DisplayObject)ci.Invoke(new object[] { texture, inst });
                        fi.SetValue(this, result);
                else if (ft.IsArray)
                    object array       = fi.GetValue(this);
                    Type   elementType = ft.GetElementType();
                    if (array == null)
                        int arrayLength = GetArrayLength(instName);
                        array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, arrayLength);
                        fi.SetValue(this, array);
                    // add element
                    ConstructorInfo elementCtor = elementType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Texture2D), typeof(V2DInstance) });
                    result = (DisplayObject)elementCtor.Invoke(new object[] { texture, inst });

                    MethodInfo mi = array.GetType().GetMethod("SetValue", new Type[] { elementType, index.GetType() });
                    mi.Invoke(array, new object[] { result, index });
                else if (typeof(System.Collections.ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(ft))
                    Type[] genTypes = ft.GetGenericArguments();
                    if (genTypes.Length == 1)                     // only support single type generics (eg List<>) for now
                        Type   gt         = genTypes[0];
                        object collection = fi.GetValue(this);
                        if (collection == null)                         // ensure list created
                            ConstructorInfo ci = ft.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
                            collection = ci.Invoke(new object[] { });
                            fi.SetValue(this, collection);

                        // add element
                        ConstructorInfo elementCtor = gt.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Texture2D), typeof(V2DInstance) });
                        result = (DisplayObject)elementCtor.Invoke(new object[] { texture, inst });

                        PropertyInfo cm  = collection.GetType().GetProperty("Count");
                        int          cnt = (int)cm.GetValue(collection, new object[] { });

                        // pad with nulls if needs to skip indexes (order is based on flash depth, not index)
                        while (index > cnt)
                            MethodInfo mia = collection.GetType().GetMethod("Add");
                            mia.Invoke(collection, new object[] { null });
                            cnt = (int)cm.GetValue(collection, new object[] { });

                        if (index < cnt)
                            MethodInfo mia = collection.GetType().GetMethod("RemoveAt");
                            mia.Invoke(collection, new object[] { index });

                        MethodInfo mi = collection.GetType().GetMethod("Insert");
                        mi.Invoke(collection, new object[] { index, result });
                //else if (ft.Equals(typeof(TextBox)) || ft.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TextBox)))
                //    ConstructorInfo ci = ft.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
                //    result = (DisplayObject)ci.Invoke(new object[] { });
                //    fi.SetValue(this, result);
                else if (ft.Equals(typeof(DisplayObject)) || ft.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DisplayObject)))
                    ConstructorInfo ci = ft.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Texture2D), typeof(V2DInstance) });
                    result = (DisplayObject)ci.Invoke(new object[] { texture, inst });
                    fi.SetValue(this, result);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Not supported field type. " + ft.ToString() + " " + instName);

            if (result != null)
                result.Index    = index; // set for all object, -1 if not in collection
                result.RootName = instName;

                // apply attributes
                System.Attribute[] attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(fi);                  // reflection

                foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
                    if (attr is SpriteAttribute)
                        SpriteAttribute a = (SpriteAttribute)attr;
                        result.DepthGroup = a.depthGroup;

                    if (attr is V2DSpriteAttribute)
                        if (result is V2DSprite)
                            V2DSpriteAttribute a  = (V2DSpriteAttribute)attr;
                            V2DSprite          sp = (V2DSprite)result;
                            sp.attributeProperties = a;
                            sp.IsStatic = a.isStatic;

                // need to do this separately to ensure the depth group is set in previous step
                if (this is Screen)
                    Screen scr = (Screen)this;
                    // field attirbutes
                    foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
                        if (attr is V2DShaderAttribute && !scr.shaderMap.ContainsKey(result.DepthGroup))
                            V2DShaderAttribute vsa        = (V2DShaderAttribute)attr;
                            float[]            parameters = new float[] { };
                            ConstructorInfo    ci         = vsa.shaderType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { parameters.GetType() });
                                (V2DShader)ci.Invoke(new object[] { new float[] { vsa.param0, vsa.param1, vsa.param2, vsa.param3, vsa.param4 } })
Esempio n. 5

    private void LoadSprite()
        countLoadSprite = 0;


        string fullPath = Application.dataPath + "/" +
                          RESOURCES_PATH + "/" +
                          SPRITE_PATH + "/";

        // Sprite Directory 이하의 Directory 들을 가져옴
        string[]      targetDirectoryWithPath     = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath);
        List <string> targetDirectoryWithPathList = new List <string>(targetDirectoryWithPath);


        for (int i = 0; i < targetDirectoryWithPathList.Count; ++i)
            // directory 들 이하의 png file 들을 가져옴
            string[] spriteNameWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectoryWithPathList[i], "*.png");

            CustomLog.CompleteLog("Sprite Root: " + targetDirectoryWithPathList[i]);

            for (int j = 0; j < spriteNameWithPath.Length; ++j)
                if (spriteNameWithPath[j].Substring(0, 1) == EXCLUDE_KEYWORD)

                // 4 파트로 나뉜 이름
                string[] strType   = { "", "", "", "" };
                string[] splitName = GetSplitName(spriteNameWithPath[j]);

                // 소문자로 설정
                ToLowerNames(ref splitName);

                for (int k = 0; k < Mathf.Min(4, splitName.Length); ++k)
                    strType[k] = splitName[k];

                SpriteAttribute sa = new SpriteAttribute();

                // resource.load 를 위한 이름
                string resourceLoadName = GetLoadingName(spriteNameWithPath[j]);
                sa.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(resourceLoadName);

                if (GetSpriteAttribute(strType) == "")
                    sa.isAnimation = false;
                    sa.isAnimation = true;

                    sa.frameCount = GetSpriteFrameCount(strType);
                    sa.speed      = GetSpriteSpeed(strType);
                    sa.length     = (1f / (float)spriteDefaultFramePerSec) / sa.speed * (float)(sa.frameCount - 1);

                CutSpriteAttribute(ref strType);


                if (sa.sprite == null)
                        "Invalid Sprite: " + resourceLoadName,


                loadingSpriteNameList.Add(strType[0] + " " + strType[1] + " " + strType[2]);

                string category = strType[0];
                string name     = strType[1];
                string status   = strType[2];

                if (typeSpriteDic.ContainsKey(category) == false)
                    typeSpriteDic.Add(category, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, SpriteAttribute> >());
                if (typeSpriteDic[category].ContainsKey(name) == false)
                    typeSpriteDic[category].Add(name, new Dictionary <string, SpriteAttribute>());
                if (typeSpriteDic[category][name].ContainsKey(status) == false)
                    typeSpriteDic[category][name].Add(status, sa);

        for (int i = 0; i < targetDirectoryWithPathList.Count; ++i)
            string[] controllerNameWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectoryWithPathList[i], "*.controller");

            // load 된 sprite 가 animation 이면 attribute 에 controller 추가
            for (int k = 0; k < controllerNameWithPath.Length; ++k)
                string[] strTypeController   = { "", "", "" };
                string[] splitControllerName = GetSplitName(controllerNameWithPath[k]);

                // 소문자로 설정
                ToLowerNames(ref splitControllerName);

                for (int l = 0; l < Mathf.Min(3, splitControllerName.Length); ++l)
                    strTypeController[l] = splitControllerName[l];

                CutSpriteAttribute(ref strTypeController);

                SpriteAttribute sa = GetSpriteAttribute(strTypeController[0], strTypeController[1], strTypeController[2]);

                if (sa != null)
                    if (sa.isAnimation == true)
                        string controllerLoadName = GetLoadingName(controllerNameWithPath[k]);

                        sa.controller = Instantiate(Resources.Load <RuntimeAnimatorController>(controllerLoadName));

        CustomLog.CompleteLog("Load Sprite Count: " + countLoadSprite);
Esempio n. 6
        public void LoadSprite()
            countLoadSprite = 0;


            string fullPath = Application.dataPath + "/" +
                              RESOURCES_PATH + "/" +
                              SPRITE_PATH + "/";

            // Sprite Directory 이하의 Directory 들을 가져옴
            string[] targetDirectoryWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath);

            for (int i = 0; i < targetDirectoryWithPath.Length; ++i)
                // directory 들 이하의 png file 들을 가져옴
                string[] spriteNameWithPath = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectoryWithPath[i], "*.png");

                for (int j = 0; j < spriteNameWithPath.Length; ++j)
                    if (spriteNameWithPath[j] == EXCLUDE_KEYWORD)

                    // 4 파트로 나뉜 이름
                    string[] strType   = { "", "", "", "" };
                    string[] splitName = GetSplitName(spriteNameWithPath[j]);
                    for (int k = 0; k < splitName.Length; ++k)
                        strType[k] = splitName[k];

                    SpriteAttribute sa = new SpriteAttribute();

                    // resource.load 를 위한 이름
                    string resourceLoadName = GetLoadingName(spriteNameWithPath[j]);
                    sa.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(resourceLoadName);

                    sa.frameCount = GetSpriteFrameCount(strType);
                    sa.speed      = GetSpriteSpeed(strType, sa.frameCount);
                    sa.cycle      = (1f / (float)spriteDefaultFramePerSec) / sa.speed * (float)(sa.frameCount - 1);

                    CutSpriteAttribute(ref strType);


                    if (sa.sprite == null)
                            "Invalid Sprite: " + resourceLoadName,


                    loadingSpriteNameList.Add(strType[0] + " " + strType[1] + " " + strType[2]);

                    string category = strType[0];
                    string name     = strType[1];
                    string status   = strType[2];

                    if (typeSpriteDic.ContainsKey(category) == false)
                        typeSpriteDic.Add(category, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, SpriteAttribute> >());
                    if (typeSpriteDic[category].ContainsKey(name) == false)
                        typeSpriteDic[category].Add(name, new Dictionary <string, SpriteAttribute>());
                    if (typeSpriteDic[category][name].ContainsKey(status) == false)
                        typeSpriteDic[category][name].Add(status, sa);

            Debug.Log("Load Sprite Count: " + countLoadSprite);
Esempio n. 7
 public static void SetSpriteCycleTime(ref SpriteAttribute sa, float time)
     sa.cycle = time;
     sa.speed = (1f / (float)spriteDefaultFramePerSec) / time * (float)(sa.frameCount - 1);
Esempio n. 8
        public unsafe void Update()
            if (m_RenderLine + 1 > m_VDC_VDW)
                int DmaCycles = CYCLES_PER_LINE / (int)m_VCE_DotClock;

                if (m_DoSAT_DMA)
                    DmaCycles -= 256;   // We lose 256 cycles for SAT DMA

                    // COPY SPRITE DATA OVER
                    for (int i = 0, g = m_VDC_VSAR; i < 64; i++)
                        m_SAT[i].m_Y = m_VRAM[g++] - 64;
                        m_SAT[i].m_X = m_VRAM[g++] - 32;

                        m_SAT[i].m_Pattern = (m_VRAM[g] & 0x07FE) << 5;
                        m_SAT[i].m_CGPage  = (m_VRAM[g++] & 0x0001) != 0;

                        m_SAT[i].m_Palette  = ((m_VRAM[g] & 0xF) << 4) | ((i == 0) ? 0x4100 : 0x2100);
                        m_SAT[i].m_Priority = (m_VRAM[g] & 0x80) != 0;
                        m_SAT[i].m_Width    = ((m_VRAM[g] & 0x100) != 0) ? 2 : 1;

                        m_SAT[i].m_Height         = (((m_VRAM[g] & 0x3000) >> 12) + 1) << 4;
                        m_SAT[i].m_HorizontalFlip = (m_VRAM[g] & 0x0800) != 0;
                        m_SAT[i].m_VerticalFlip   = (m_VRAM[g++] & 0x8000) != 0;

                    if (m_VDC_SATBDMA_IRQ)
                        m_VDC_DS     = true;
                        m_WaitingIRQ = true;
                    m_DoSAT_DMA = false;

                if (m_VDC_DMA_Enable)
                    while (DmaCycles >= 2)
                        m_VRAM[m_VDC_DSTDECR ? m_VDC_DESR-- : m_VDC_DESR++] =
                            m_VRAM[m_VDC_SRCDECR ? m_VDC_DSR-- : m_VDC_DSR++];
                        DmaCycles -= 2;

                        if (--m_VDC_LENR == 0)
                            m_VDC_DMA_Enable = false;
                            if (m_VDC_VRAMDMA_IRQ)
                                m_VDC_DV     = true;
                                m_WaitingIRQ = true;
                int i;

                // Active Display

                int *spr = (int *)m_ScreenSurf.pixels.ToPointer();
                spr += m_ScreenSurf.pitch * 510;

                for (i = 0; i < (m_VDC_HDR + 1) * 8; i++)
                    spr[i] = 0;

                int BufferIndexes           = 0;
                SpriteAttribute[] SprBuffer = new SpriteAttribute[17];

                if (m_VDC_EnableSprites)
                    int BufferUsage;

                    for (i = 0, BufferUsage = 0; i < 64 && BufferUsage < 17; i++)
                        int y = m_SAT[i].m_Y;

                        if (m_RenderLine < y || m_RenderLine >= y + m_SAT[i].m_Height)
                        BufferUsage += m_SAT[i].m_Width;

                        SprBuffer[BufferIndexes++] = m_SAT[i];

                    if (BufferUsage > 16)
                        if (m_VDC_SprOvIRQ)
                            m_VDC_OR     = true;
                            m_WaitingIRQ = true;
                        BufferUsage = 16;

                for (i = BufferIndexes - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    int SprOffY;

                    if (SprBuffer[i].m_VerticalFlip)
                        SprOffY = SprBuffer[i].m_Height - 1 - m_RenderLine + SprBuffer[i].m_Y;
                        SprOffY = m_RenderLine - SprBuffer[i].m_Y;

                    int tile = SprBuffer[i].m_Pattern + ((SprOffY & 0xFFF0) << 3) + (SprOffY & 0xF);

                    int  x   = SprBuffer[i].m_X;
                    int *spx = spr;
                    spx += x;

                    if (x >= (m_VDC_HDR + 1) << 3)

                    if (x > -32)
                        switch (SprBuffer[i].m_Width)
                        case 1:
                            DrawSPRTile(ref spx, SprBuffer[i].m_Palette, tile, SprBuffer[i].m_Priority, SprBuffer[i].m_HorizontalFlip);

                        case 2:
                            if (SprBuffer[i].m_HorizontalFlip)
                                DrawSPRTile(ref spx, SprBuffer[i].m_Palette, tile + 64, SprBuffer[i].m_Priority, true);
                                DrawSPRTile(ref spx, SprBuffer[i].m_Palette, tile, SprBuffer[i].m_Priority, true);
                                DrawSPRTile(ref spx, SprBuffer[i].m_Palette, tile, SprBuffer[i].m_Priority, false);
                                DrawSPRTile(ref spx, SprBuffer[i].m_Palette, tile + 64, SprBuffer[i].m_Priority, false);

                if (m_VDC_EnableBackground)
                    // Fix for register latch mid frame
                    int RealBYR = (m_VDC_BYR - m_VDC_BYR_Offset) & 0x3FF;
                    int BATMask = (m_VDC_BAT_Width - 1);

                    // Set BAT address to the Y offset of the scanline
                    int BATLine = (((RealBYR + m_RenderLine) >> 3) & (m_VDC_BAT_Height - 1))
                                  * m_VDC_BAT_Width;
                    int BATAddress = (m_VDC_BXR >> 3) & BATMask;
                    int YOverFlow  = (RealBYR + m_RenderLine) & 0x7;

                    // We will be offsetting the screen by it's X-Scroll value
                    int *tileMap = spr;
                    tileMap -= m_VDC_BXR & 7;

                    for (i = -1; i <= m_VDC_HDR; i++)
                        int tile = m_VRAM[BATAddress | BATLine];
                        DrawBGTile(ref tileMap, (tile & 0xF000) >> 8, (tile & 0xFFF) << 4 | YOverFlow);
                        BATAddress = (BATAddress + 1) & BATMask;

                // Run the outputted value through the VCE
                int *src_a = (int *)m_ScreenSurf.pixels.ToPointer(), src_b;
                src_a += (m_ScreenSurf.w - (m_VDC_HDR + 1) * (int)m_VCE_DotClock * 4) / 2;
                src_b  = src_a += m_ScreenSurf.pitch * m_RenderLine * 2;
                src_b += m_ScreenSurf.pitch;
                int screenWidth = (m_VDC_HDR + 1) * 8;

                switch (m_VCE_DotClock)
                case DotClock.MHZ_10:
                    for (i = 0; i < screenWidth; i++, spr++)
                        if ((*spr & 0x6000) == 0x6000)
                            m_VDC_CR = m_VDC_Spr0Col;
                        int clr = PALETTE[m_VCE[*spr & 0x1FF]];
                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = clr;

                case DotClock.MHZ_7:
                    for (i = 0; i < screenWidth; i += 2)
                        int clr1 = *(spr++);
                        int clr2 = *(spr++);

                        if ((clr1 & 0x6000) == 0x6000 || (clr2 & 0x6000) == 0x6000)
                            m_VDC_CR = m_VDC_Spr0Col;

                        clr1 = PALETTE[m_VCE[clr1 & 0x1FF]];
                        clr2 = PALETTE[m_VCE[clr2 & 0x1FF]];

                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = clr1;
                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = ((clr1 & 0xFEFEFE) + (clr2 & 0xFEFEFE)) >> 1;
                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = clr2;

                case DotClock.MHZ_5:
                    for (i = 0; i < screenWidth; i++, spr++)
                        if ((*spr & 0x6000) == 0x6000)
                            m_VDC_CR = m_VDC_Spr0Col;
                        int clr = PALETTE[m_VCE[*spr & 0x1FF]];

                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = clr;
                        *(src_b++) = *(src_a++) = clr;



            // We are in vertical blank
            if (m_RenderLine + 1 == m_VDC_VDW)
                m_DoSAT_DMA = m_DoSAT_DMA | m_VDC_SATB_ENA;
                if (m_VDC_VBKIRQ)
                    m_VDC_VD     = true;
                    m_WaitingIRQ = true;
            else if (m_RenderLine + 0x3F == m_VDC_RCR)
                if (m_VDC_RCRIRQ)
                    m_VDC_RR     = true;
                    m_WaitingIRQ = true;
            // End of vertical sync
            if (m_RenderLine >= 262)
                int s = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Second;

                if ((s + 60 - LastSecond) % 60 >= 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} frames per second", FramesCalculated / 3);
                    FramesCalculated = 0;
                    LastSecond       = s;

                int ticks = Sdl.SDL_GetTicks();
                if (ticks < TargetTicks)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(TargetTicks - ticks));
                    TargetTicks = Sdl.SDL_GetTicks();

                TargetTicks += 1000.0 / 60.0f;

                m_RenderLine = 0;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="part"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override spritestudio.attribute.AttributeBase CreateKeyFrame( SpritePart part, SpriteAttribute.ValueBase value )
     Value v = (Value) value;
     return spritestudio.attribute.VertexUpdater.Create(, v.rt,, v.rb );