public void GetExportPosition(SpriteAtlas atlas, out Rectf rect, out Vector2f pivot, out Vector4f border) { Vector2f rectOffset; if (atlas == null) { Vector2f textureOffset = RD.TextureRect.Position; Vector2f textureSize = RD.TextureRect.Size; rectOffset = RD.TextureRectOffset; // should be equal to RD.TextureRect.Position - Rect.Position rect = new Rectf(textureOffset, textureSize); } else { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[RenderDataKey]; Vector2f textureOffset = atlasData.TextureRect.Position; Vector2f textureSize = atlasData.TextureRect.Size; rectOffset = atlasData.TextureRectOffset; rect = new Rectf(textureOffset, textureSize); } Vector2f sizeDif = Rect.Size - rect.Size; Vector2f pivotShiftSize = new Vector2f(Pivot.X * sizeDif.X, Pivot.Y * sizeDif.Y); Vector2f relPivotShiftPos = new Vector2f(rectOffset.X / rect.Size.X, rectOffset.Y / rect.Size.Y); Vector2f relPivotShiftSize = new Vector2f(pivotShiftSize.X / rect.Size.X, pivotShiftSize.Y / rect.Size.Y); pivot = Pivot - relPivotShiftPos + relPivotShiftSize; float borderL = Border.X == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.X - rectOffset.X; float borderB = Border.Y == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.Y - rectOffset.Y; float borderR = Border.Z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.Z + rectOffset.X - sizeDif.X; float borderT = Border.W == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.W + rectOffset.Y - sizeDif.Y; border = new Vector4f(borderL, borderB, borderR, borderT); }
void Get(int id, out SpriteAtlasData atlas, out SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite, out Sprite origin) { int atlasIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(id / 100000) - 1; int spriteIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(id % 100000 / 100) - 1; int originIndex = id % 100 - 1; atlas = null; sprite = null; origin = null; if (atlasIndex >= 0 && atlasIndex < atlasList.Count) { atlas = atlasList[atlasIndex]; } if (atlas == null) { return; } if (spriteIndex >= 0) { sprite = atlas.sprites[spriteIndex]; } if (originIndex >= 0 && originIndex < { origin =[originIndex]; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(8); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("打开图集编辑器", GUILayout.MinWidth(120))) { SpriteAtlasData gen = (SpriteAtlasData)target; if ( != defaultSpriteAtlasnName) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("提示", "请修改预设名" + defaultSpriteAtlasnName + "再操作", "Ok"); } else { SpriteAtlasEditorPopup v = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SpriteAtlasEditorPopup), false, "图集编辑器") as SpriteAtlasEditorPopup; v.SetGenerator(gen); v.Show(); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(8); }
void OnGUI() { if (Application.isPlaying) { GUILayout.Label("playing"); SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange = false; return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool scanAtlas = GUILayout.Button("Scan Atlas", GUILayout.Width(100)); bool scanGameObject = GUILayout.Button("Scan Reference", GUILayout.Width(100)); bool updateAtlas = GUILayout.Button("Update Atlas", GUILayout.Width(100)); SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange = GUILayout.Toggle(SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange, "watching"); scan_scene = GUILayout.Toggle(scan_scene, "scan scene"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Rect atlasRect = new Rect(0, 30, position.width / 2 - 5, position.height); if (m_AtlasListTree == null) { m_AtlasListTree = new AtlasListView(this); ReloadTreeView(); } m_AtlasListTree.OnGUI(atlasRect); if (m_ReferenceListView == null) { m_ReferenceListView = new ReferenceListView(); m_ReferenceListView.Reload(); } Rect refRect = new Rect(position.width / 2 + 5, 30, position.width / 2 - 5, position.height); m_ReferenceListView.OnGUI(refRect); if (scanAtlas) { ScanSpriteAtlas(); } if (scanGameObject) { SpriteReferenceInfo.Instance.Scan(scan_scene); } if (updateAtlas) { SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; if (m_AtlasListTree.GetSelectAtlas(out atlas, out sprite, out origin)) { TexturePacker.Pack(atlas.sprites, atlas.texture); atlas.Scan(); } } }
public void onSelectChange(AtlasListView view, SpriteAtlasData atlas, SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite, Sprite origin) { if (m_ReferenceListView == null) { return; } // m_ReferenceListView = new ReferenceListView(); // m_ReferenceListView.Reload(); if (origin != null) { var r = SpriteReferenceInfo.Instance.FindSpriteInfo(origin); m_ReferenceListView.refs = (r != null) ? r.objInfo : null; } else if (sprite != null) { var r = SpriteReferenceInfo.Instance.FindSpriteInfo(sprite.packed); m_ReferenceListView.refs = (r != null) ? r.objInfo : null; } else { m_ReferenceListView.refs = null; } m_ReferenceListView.ExpandAll(); }
public void CopyToTarget(SpriteAtlasData target) { target.version = SpriteAtlasData.CURRENT_VERSION; spriteDataList.Sort((a, b) =>; target.spriteDataList = spriteDataList.ToArray(); target.atlasTextures = atlasTextures; target.atlasMaterials = atlasMaterials; }
public static void CreateSpriteAtlas(string prefabName) { string path = GameEditorUtility.CreateNewPrefab(prefabName); if (path.Length != 0) { SpriteAtlasData spriteAtlasData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SpriteAtlasData>(); spriteAtlasData.version = SpriteAtlasData.CURRENT_VERSION; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(spriteAtlasData, path); //创建后拾取 Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(SpriteAtlasData)); } }
public void GetSpriteCoordinatesInAtlas(SpriteAtlas atlas, out Rectf sAtlasRect, out Vector2f sAtlasPivot, out Vector4f sAtlasBorder) { // sprite values are relative to original image (image, it was created from). // since atlas shuffle and crop sprite images, we need to recalculate those values. // if sprite doesn't belong to an atlas, consider its image as single sprite atlas Vector2f cropBotLeft; Vector2f cropTopRight; if (atlas == null) { Vector2f spriteOffset = RD.TextureRect.Position; Vector2f spriteSize = RD.TextureRect.Size; sAtlasRect = new Rectf(spriteOffset, spriteSize); cropBotLeft = RD.TextureRectOffset; } else { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[RenderDataKey]; Vector2f spriteOffset = atlasData.TextureRect.Position; Vector2f spriteSize = atlasData.TextureRect.Size; sAtlasRect = new Rectf(spriteOffset, spriteSize); cropBotLeft = atlasData.TextureRectOffset; } Vector2f sizeDelta = Rect.Size - sAtlasRect.Size; cropTopRight = new Vector2f(sizeDelta.X - cropBotLeft.X, sizeDelta.Y - cropBotLeft.Y); Vector2f pivot = Pivot; if (!HasPivot(File.Version)) { Vector2f center = new Vector2f(Rect.Size.X / 2.0f, Rect.Size.Y / 2.0f); Vector2f pivotOffset = center + Offset; pivot = new Vector2f(pivotOffset.X / Rect.Size.X, pivotOffset.Y / Rect.Size.Y); } Vector2f pivotPosition = new Vector2f(pivot.X * Rect.Size.X, pivot.Y * Rect.Size.Y); Vector2f aAtlasPivotPosition = pivotPosition - cropBotLeft; sAtlasPivot = new Vector2f(aAtlasPivotPosition.X / sAtlasRect.Size.X, aAtlasPivotPosition.Y / sAtlasRect.Size.Y); float borderL = Border.X == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.X - cropBotLeft.X; float borderB = Border.Y == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.Y - cropBotLeft.Y; float borderR = Border.Z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.Z - cropTopRight.X; float borderT = Border.W == 0.0f ? 0.0f : Border.W - cropTopRight.Y; sAtlasBorder = new Vector4f(borderL, borderB, borderR, borderT); }
public static SpriteAtlasData Get(string path) { TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; if (importer == null || importer.textureType != TextureImporterType.Sprite) { return(null); } if (importer.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Single) { return(null); } if (importer.spriteImportMode != SpriteImportMode.Multiple) { return(null); } string atlas_guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(atlas_guid)) { return(null); } string data_path = string.Format("{0}/{1}_SpriteAtlasData.asset", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path), System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); SpriteAtlasData data = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <SpriteAtlasData>(data_path); if (data == null) { data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SpriteAtlasData>(); data.texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(path); data.Scan(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(data, data_path); } else { if (data.texture == null) { data.texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(path); } } return(data); }
public void RemoveAtlas(SpriteAtlasData atlas, bool delete = false) { if (_spriteAtlasInfo.Contains(atlas)) { _spriteAtlasInfo.Remove(atlas); if (delete) { string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(atlas); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { Debug.LogFormat("Delete {0}", path); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(path); } } } }
public TextureExportCollection(IAssetExporter assetExporter, Texture2D texture, bool convert) : base(assetExporter, texture, CreateImporter(texture, convert)) { m_convert = convert; if (convert) { TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)MetaImporter; Dictionary <Sprite, SpriteAtlas> sprites = new Dictionary <Sprite, SpriteAtlas>(); foreach (Object asset in texture.File.Collection.FetchAssets()) { switch (asset.ClassID) { case ClassIDType.Sprite: { Sprite sprite = (Sprite)asset; if (sprite.RD.Texture.IsAsset(sprite.File, texture)) { SpriteAtlas atlas = Sprite.IsReadRendererData(sprite.File.Version) ? sprite.SpriteAtlas.FindAsset(sprite.File) : null; sprites.Add(sprite, atlas); AddAsset(sprite); } } break; case ClassIDType.SpriteAtlas: { SpriteAtlas atlas = (SpriteAtlas)asset; foreach (PPtr <Sprite> spritePtr in atlas.PackedSprites) { Sprite sprite = spritePtr.FindAsset(atlas.File); if (sprite != null) { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[sprite.RenderDataKey]; if (atlasData.Texture.IsAsset(atlas.File, texture)) { sprites.Add(sprite, atlas); AddAsset(sprite); } } } } break; } } textureImporter.Sprites = sprites; } }
public TextureExportCollection(IAssetExporter assetExporter, Texture2D texture, bool convert) : base(assetExporter, texture) { m_convert = convert; if (convert) { foreach (Object asset in texture.File.Collection.FetchAssets()) { switch (asset.ClassID) { case ClassIDType.Sprite: { Sprite sprite = (Sprite)asset; if (sprite.RD.Texture.IsAsset(sprite.File, texture)) { SpriteAtlas atlas = Sprite.HasRendererData(sprite.File.Version) ? sprite.SpriteAtlas.FindAsset(sprite.File) : null; m_sprites.Add(sprite, atlas); AddAsset(sprite); } } break; case ClassIDType.SpriteAtlas: { SpriteAtlas atlas = (SpriteAtlas)asset; if (atlas.RenderDataMap.Count > 0) { foreach (PPtr <Sprite> spritePtr in atlas.PackedSprites) { Sprite sprite = spritePtr.FindAsset(atlas.File); if (sprite != null) { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[sprite.RenderDataKey]; if (atlasData.Texture.IsAsset(atlas.File, texture)) { m_sprites.Add(sprite, atlas); AddAsset(sprite); } } } } } break; } } } }
List <Sprite> ScanGameObject(GameObject obj) { List <Sprite> single = new List <Sprite>(); if (obj != null) { SpriteReferenceInfo.ScanGameObjectSprite(obj, (o, s, p) => { string key = GetSpriteKey(s); List <SpriteReferenceInfo.GameObjectInfo> _refs; if (!refInfo.TryGetValue(key, out _refs)) { _refs = new List <SpriteReferenceInfo.GameObjectInfo>(); refInfo[key] = _refs; var oi = _refs.Find((i) => i.obj == obj); if (oi == null) { var info = new SpriteReferenceInfo.GameObjectInfo(obj); info.paths.Add(p); _refs.Add(info); } else { oi.paths.Add(p); } } SpriteAtlasData a = SpriteAtlasManager.Get(s.texture); if (a != null) { if (!atlas.Contains(a)) { atlas.Add(a); } } else { if (!single.Contains(s)) { single.Add(s); } } }); } return(single); }
public bool GetSelectAtlas(out SpriteAtlasData atlas, out SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite, out Sprite origin) { atlas = null; sprite = null; origin = null; IList <int> sel = GetSelection(); if (sel.Count == 0) { return(false); } Get(sel[0], out atlas, out sprite, out origin); return(true); }
private static void SetAtlas(string path, SpriteAnimationData spriteAnimationData) { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); FileInfo[] files = info.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { if (file.FullName.EndsWith("prefab")) //only prefab { string fullPath = getAssetPath(file.FullName); SpriteAtlasData objSpriteAtlasData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fullPath, typeof(SpriteAtlasData)) as SpriteAtlasData; if (objSpriteAtlasData != null) { spriteAnimationData.SpriteAtlasData = objSpriteAtlasData; } } } }
protected override void SelectionChanged(IList <int> selectedIds) { List <Object> objs = new List <Object>(); foreach (int id in selectedIds) { SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; Get(id, out atlas, out sprite, out origin); if (origin != null) { objs.Add(origin); } else if (sprite != null) { if (sprite.packed != null) { objs.Add(sprite.packed); } if (id % 100 == 0 && select_origin_with_pack && sprite.origin != null && sprite.origin != sprite.packed) { objs.Add(sprite.origin); } } else if (atlas != null) { objs.Add(atlas.texture); } if (_delegate != null) { if (atlas != null || sprite != null || origin != null) { _delegate.onSelectChange(this, atlas, sprite, origin); } } } Selection.objects = objs.ToArray(); }
public SpriteMetaData(Sprite sprite) { Name = sprite.Name; Alignment = SpriteAlignment.Custom; Vector2f rectOffset; SpriteAtlas atlas = sprite.SpriteAtlas.FindObject(sprite.File); if (atlas == null) { Rectf textureRect = sprite.RD.TextureRect; Vector2f textureOffset = sprite.RD.TextureRect.Position + Rect.Position; Vector2f textureSize = sprite.RD.TextureRect.Size; Rect = new Rectf(textureOffset, textureSize); rectOffset = sprite.RD.TextureRectOffset; } else { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[sprite.RenderDataKey]; Vector2f textureOffset = atlasData.TextureRect.Position + Rect.Position; Vector2f textureSize = atlasData.TextureRect.Size; Rect = new Rectf(textureOffset, textureSize); rectOffset = atlasData.TextureRectOffset; } Vector2f decSizeDif = sprite.Rect.Size - Rect.Size; Vector2f pivotShiftSize = new Vector2f(sprite.Pivot.X * decSizeDif.X, sprite.Pivot.Y * decSizeDif.Y); Vector2f relPivotShiftPos = new Vector2f(rectOffset.X / Rect.Size.X, rectOffset.Y / Rect.Size.Y); Vector2f relPivotShiftSize = new Vector2f(pivotShiftSize.X / Rect.Size.X, pivotShiftSize.Y / Rect.Size.Y); Pivot = sprite.Pivot - relPivotShiftPos + relPivotShiftSize; float borderL = sprite.Border.X == 0.0f ? 0.0f : sprite.Border.X - rectOffset.X; float borderB = sprite.Border.Y == 0.0f ? 0.0f : sprite.Border.Y - rectOffset.Y; float borderR = sprite.Border.Z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : sprite.Border.Z + rectOffset.X - decSizeDif.X; float borderT = sprite.Border.W == 0.0f ? 0.0f : sprite.Border.W + rectOffset.Y - decSizeDif.Y; Border = new Vector4f(borderL, borderB, borderR, borderT); Outline = sprite.GenerateOutline(Rect, Pivot); PhysicsShape = sprite.GeneratePhysicsShape(); TessellationDetail = 0; }
public List <SpriteAtlasData> GetSpriteAtlasDatasList() { IList <int> selectedIds = GetSelection(); List <SpriteAtlasData> objs = new List <SpriteAtlasData>(); foreach (int id in selectedIds) { SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; Get(id, out atlas, out sprite, out origin); if (!objs.Contains(atlas)) { objs.Add(atlas); } } return(objs); }
public void onSelectChange(SpriteAtlasManagerWindow.AtlasListView view, SpriteAtlasData data, SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo si, Sprite s) { if (s == null && si != null) { s = si.packed; } string key = GetSpriteKey(s); List <SpriteReferenceInfo.GameObjectInfo> list; if (refInfo.TryGetValue(key, out list)) { m_refList.refs = list; } else { m_refList.refs = new List <SpriteReferenceInfo.GameObjectInfo>(); } m_refList.Reload(); m_refList.ExpandAll(); return; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(8); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("打开图集编辑器", GUILayout.MinWidth(120))) { SpriteAtlasData gen = (SpriteAtlasData)target; SpriteAtlasEditorPopup v = EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SpriteAtlasEditorPopup), false, "图集编辑器") as SpriteAtlasEditorPopup; v.SetGenerator(gen); v.Show(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(8); }
public void SetGenerator(SpriteAtlasData spriteAtlasData) { this._spriteAtlasData = spriteAtlasData; this._spriteAtlasProxy = new SpriteAtlasProxy(spriteAtlasData); dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteAtlasData)) + "/"; }
private Vector2f[][] FixRotation(SpriteAtlas atlas, Vector2f[][] outlines) { bool isPacked = RD.IsPacked; SpritePackingRotation rotation = RD.PackingRotation; if (atlas != null) { SpriteAtlasData atlasData = atlas.RenderDataMap[RenderDataKey]; isPacked = atlasData.IsPacked; rotation = atlasData.PackingRotation; } if (isPacked) { switch (rotation) { case SpritePackingRotation.FlipHorizontal: { foreach (Vector2f[] outline in outlines) { for (int i = 0; i < outline.Length; i++) { Vector2f vertex = outline[i]; outline[i] = new Vector2f(-vertex.X, vertex.Y); } } } break; case SpritePackingRotation.FlipVertical: { foreach (Vector2f[] outline in outlines) { for (int i = 0; i < outline.Length; i++) { Vector2f vertex = outline[i]; outline[i] = new Vector2f(vertex.X, -vertex.Y); } } } break; case SpritePackingRotation.Rotate90: { foreach (Vector2f[] outline in outlines) { for (int i = 0; i < outline.Length; i++) { Vector2f vertex = outline[i]; outline[i] = new Vector2f(vertex.Y, vertex.X); } } } break; case SpritePackingRotation.Rotate180: { foreach (Vector2f[] outline in outlines) { for (int i = 0; i < outline.Length; i++) { Vector2f vertex = outline[i]; outline[i] = new Vector2f(-vertex.X, -vertex.Y); } } } break; } } return(outlines); }
protected override void KeyEvent() { base.KeyEvent(); if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != treeViewControlID) { return; } if (Event.current.type != EventType.KeyDown) { return; } if (GetSelection().Count <= 0) { return; } SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; if (!GetSelectAtlas(out atlas, out sprite, out origin)) { return; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) { if (sprite != null && origin == null) { if (sprite.delete || _refInfo.GetRefCount(sprite.packed) == 0) { sprite.delete = !sprite.delete; Repaint(); } } } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) { if (origin != null) { if ( != { sprite.RemoveOrigin(origin); Reload(); } } else if (sprite != null) { if (Event.current.control && sprite.packed == null && sprite.delete) { atlas.RemoveSprite(sprite); Reload(); } else { sprite.delete = true; Repaint(); } } else if (atlas) { // _manager.RemoveAtlas(atlas, true); // Reload(); } } int use = 0; if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.F5) { use = 1; } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.F6) { use = 2; } if (use != 0 && origin != null && origin == sprite.origin) { Sprite from = (use == 1) ? origin : sprite.packed; Sprite to = (use == 1) ? sprite.packed : origin; if (from == null || to == null || from == to) { return; } List <GameObject> objInfo = _delegate.GetReserenceObjects(from); if (objInfo.Count > 0) { List <GameObject> objs = new List <GameObject>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < objInfo.Count; i++) { var obj = objInfo[i]; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("replace", AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj), i / objInfo.Count); if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(GameObject)) { GameObject go = obj as GameObject; SpriteReferenceInfo.ScanGameObject(go, (c, p) => { SpriteReferenceInfo.ReplaceSprite(c, from, to); }); EditorUtility.SetDirty(go); objs.Add(go); } } foreach (GameObject go in objs) { SpriteReferenceInfo.Instance.Reload(go); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } Reload(); } } }
protected override DragAndDropVisualMode HandleDragAndDrop(DragAndDropArgs args) { if (args.parentItem == null) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); } // if ( == -1) return DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected; SpriteAtlasData atlas; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite; Sprite origin; Get(, out atlas, out sprite, out origin); List <Texture2D> draging_atlas = new List <Texture2D>(); Object[] objs = DragAndDrop.objectReferences; List <Sprite> sprites = new List <Sprite>(); foreach (var obj in DragAndDrop.objectReferences) { Sprite s = null; if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Sprite)) { s = obj as Sprite; } else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Texture2D)) { TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj)) as TextureImporter; if (importer.textureType != TextureImporterType.Sprite) { continue; } if (importer.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Multiple) { draging_atlas.Add(obj as Texture2D); continue; } else { s = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Sprite>(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj)); } } if (s == null || s.texture == atlas.texture) { continue; } if (atlas.HaveSprite( { continue; } sprites.Add(s); } if (atlas == null) { if (draging_atlas.Count == 0) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); } } else { if (sprites.Count == 0) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); } } if (!args.performDrop) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy); } if (atlas == null) { foreach (Texture2D tex in draging_atlas) { SpriteAtlasData spriteAtlasData = SpriteAtlasManager.Get(tex); if (!atlasList.Contains(spriteAtlasData)) { atlasList.Add(spriteAtlasData); } } } else { foreach (Sprite s in sprites) { atlas.AddSprite(s); } } DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); Reload(); return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy); }
void Reload() { atlas.Clear(); refInfo.Clear(); // single_sprites.Clear(); if (__debug) // debug { string[] mapSceneUI = { "prefabs/mapSceneUI/mapSceneUI.prefab", "prefabs/mapSceneUI/QuestGuideTip.prefab", "prefabs/mapSceneUI/MainUITeam.prefab", "prefabs/mapSceneUI/WorldBossBuffList.prefab", "prefabs/mapSceneUI/mapSceneQuestList.prefab", /* * "prefabs/battlefield/BattleDialog.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/BuffTips.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/MonsterInfo.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/pet.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/pet_enemy.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/RandomBuffSlots.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/ItemBoxPanel.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/randomBuffItem.prefab", * "prefabs/fightResult/FightResultFrame.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/storyloading.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemy.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemy2.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemy2.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemy2.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemy2.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/enemyBoss.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/BattlefieldTargetRingMenu.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/RoleInfoPanel.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/RoleInfoPanel.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/TeamMembers.prefab", * "prefabs/base/FightingBtn.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/randomBuffItem.prefab", * "prefabs/battlefield/randomHeroBuffItem.prefab", */ }; targetGameObjects.Clear(); foreach (string s in mapSceneUI) { string debug_prefab = "Assets/assetbundle/" + s; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debug_prefab) && (Selection.activeGameObject == null || AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Selection.activeGameObject) != debug_prefab)) { GameObject obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <GameObject>(debug_prefab); targetGameObjects.Add(obj); } } targetTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>("Assets/UI8/mapScene/mapSceneUI.png"); } SpriteAtlasData single = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SpriteAtlasData>(); = "Sprites"; foreach (GameObject obj in targetGameObjects) { var list = ScanGameObject(obj); foreach (var s in list) { string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(s.texture); if (path.StartsWith("Assets/assetbundle/")) { continue; } TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; if (importer == null || (importer.textureType == TextureImporterType.Sprite && importer.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Multiple)) { continue; } if (!single.HaveSprite(s)) { single.AddSprite(s); } } } if (single.sprites != null && single.sprites.Length > 0) { atlas.Add(single); } ReloadTreeView(); }
public SpriteAtlasProxy(SpriteAtlasData obj) { this.obj = obj; CopyFromSource(); }
public void Scan(bool single = false) { List <SpriteAtlasData> list = new List <SpriteAtlasData>(); try { int findCount = 0; string[] assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:texture"); for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++) { string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assets[i]); if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(string.Format("{0}", path), string.Format("{0}/{1}, {2}", i + 1, assets.Length, findCount), (float)i / (float)assets.Length)) { break; } if (InBlacklist(path)) { continue; } TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; if (importer == null) { continue; } if (importer.textureType != TextureImporterType.Sprite) { continue; } if (importer.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Single) { if (single) { singleSpriteList.Add(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Sprite>(path)); findCount++; } } else { SpriteAtlasData data = Get(path); if (data != null) { data.Scan(); list.Add(data); findCount++; } } } list.Sort((a, b) => { return(string.Compare(a.path, b.path)); }); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return; } _spriteAtlasInfo.Clear(); _spriteAtlasInfo.AddRange(list); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
void LoadTextureAndAtlasFiles() { if (_texturePtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Core.GetGlobalManager <ImGuiManager>().UnbindTexture(_texturePtr); } _spriteAtlasData.Clear(); _nonEditableAnimations.Clear(); _atlasAllowsAnimationEditing = true; _hasSlicedContent = false; var _atlasTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, File.OpenRead(_sourceImageFile)); _textureSize = new Num.Vector2(_atlasTexture.Width, _atlasTexture.Height); _textureAspectRatio = _textureSize.X / _textureSize.Y; _texturePtr = Core.GetGlobalManager <ImGuiManager>().BindTexture(_atlasTexture); _textureLoadedThisFrame = true; if (File.Exists(_sourceAtlasFile)) { _hasSlicedContent = true; _spriteAtlasData = SpriteAtlasLoader.ParseSpriteAtlasData(_sourceAtlasFile, true); // ensure animations are contiguous, since that is all we support. // First check that all frames are in order in the animations for (var j = 0; j < _spriteAtlasData.AnimationFrames.Count; j++) { var animation = _spriteAtlasData.AnimationFrames[j]; for (var i = 0; i < animation.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } if (animation[i] != animation[i - 1] + 1) { _atlasAllowsAnimationEditing = false; _nonEditableAnimations.Add(j); } } } // Next check that all frames are in order, ghetto style. We check that all the y-values of the rects // always increase or stay the same. Not perfect by any means, but we dont know if this is padded in some // odd way or contains sprites of odd sizes so this is a quick and dirty solution. var lastRectY = -1; for (var i = 0; i < _spriteAtlasData.SourceRects.Count; i++) { if (i == 0 || lastRectY <= _spriteAtlasData.SourceRects[i].Y) { lastRectY = _spriteAtlasData.SourceRects[i].Y; continue; } _atlasAllowsAnimationEditing = false; return; } } }
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args) { SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; Get(, out atlas, out sprite, out origin); if (atlas == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("atlas == null, {0}",; return; } if (args.item.depth == 0) { base.RowGUI(args); } else if (args.item.depth == 1) { var info = sprite; if (_dirty < 1) { if (info.FindOrigin()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(atlas); _dirty += 1; } } base.RowGUI(args); Rect re = args.rowRect; re.x = re.xMax - 100; re.width = 60; EditorGUI.LabelField(re, string.Format("{0}", (_delegate == null) ? 0 : _delegate.GetReferenceCount(info.packed))); // _refInfo.GetRefCount(info.packed)) if (info.origin != null && info.origin != info.packed) { int count = (_delegate == null) ? 0 : _delegate.GetReferenceCount(info.origin); if (count > 0) { re = args.rowRect; re.x = re.xMax - 60; re.width = 60; Color c = DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor; DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor =; EditorGUI.LabelField(re, string.Format("{0}", count)); DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor = c; } } Rect r = args.rowRect; r.x = r.xMax - 15; var d = !EditorGUI.Toggle(r, !info.delete); if (d != info.delete) { info.delete = d; EditorUtility.SetDirty(atlas); } } else if (args.item.depth == 2) { Rect r = args.rowRect; r.x += 60; r.width = 300; if (args.rowRect.width < 500) { r.width = args.rowRect.width - 200; } bool e = GUI.enabled; if (args.item.displayName == "----") { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); origin = (Sprite)EditorGUI.ObjectField(r, origin, typeof(Sprite), false); if (origin != null && EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // manual find origin TextureImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(origin.texture)) as TextureImporter; if (importer != null && importer.textureType == TextureImporterType.Sprite && importer.spriteImportMode == SpriteImportMode.Single) { sprite.AddOrigin(origin); sprite.origin = origin; EditorUtility.SetDirty(atlas); Reload(); } } } else { GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUI.ObjectField(r, origin, typeof(Sprite), false); GUI.enabled = e; r.x = r.xMax; r.width = 15; bool is_origin = origin == sprite.origin; bool nt = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, is_origin); if (nt != is_origin) { if (is_origin) { sprite.origin = sprite.packed; } else { sprite.origin = origin; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(atlas); } if (sprite.origin == origin) { r.x = r.xMax + 15; r.width = 15; bool nu = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, sprite.update); if (nu != sprite.update) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(atlas); sprite.update = nu; } } int count = (_delegate == null) ? 0 : _delegate.GetReferenceCount(origin); if (count > 0) { Rect re = args.rowRect; re.x = re.xMax - 60; re.width = 60; Color c = DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor; DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor =; EditorGUI.LabelField(re, string.Format("{0}", count)); DefaultStyles.label.normal.textColor = c; } } } }