Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> Sprinterz = new List <string>();

            Sprinterz.Add(@"                _____            _       _                ");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"               /  ___|          (_)     | |               ");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"               \ `--. _ __  _ __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ ____");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"                `--. \ '_ \| '__| | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|_  /");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"               /\__/ / |_) | |  | | | | | ||  __/ |   / / ");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"               \____/| .__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__\___|_|  /___|");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"                     | |                                  ");
            Sprinterz.Add(@"                     |_|                                  ");

            List <string> OnMarks = new List <string>();

            OnMarks.Add(@"                ____         __     __                __  __            _        ");
            OnMarks.Add(@"               / __ \        \ \   / /               |  \/  |          | |       ");
            OnMarks.Add(@"              | |  | |_ __    \ \_/ /__  _   _ _ __  | \  / | __ _ _ __| | _____ ");
            OnMarks.Add(@"              | |  | | '_ \    \   / _ \| | | | '__| | |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / __|");
            OnMarks.Add(@"              | |__| | | | |    | | (_) | |_| | |    | |  | | (_| | |  |   <\__ \");
            OnMarks.Add(@"               \____/|_| |_|    |_|\___/ \__,_|_|    |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  |_|\_\___/");

            List <string> GetReady = new List <string>();

            GetReady.Add(@"                _____      _     _____                _       ");
            GetReady.Add(@"               / ____|    | |   |  __ \              | |      ");
            GetReady.Add(@"              | |  __  ___| |_  | |__) |___  __ _  __| |_   _ ");
            GetReady.Add(@"              | | |_ |/ _ \ __| |  _  // _ \/ _` |/ _` | | | |");
            GetReady.Add(@"              | |__| |  __/ |_  | | \ \  __/ (_| | (_| | |_| |");
            GetReady.Add(@"               \_____|\___|\__| |_|  \_\___|\__,_|\__,_|\__, |");
            GetReady.Add(@"                                                         __/ |");
            GetReady.Add(@"                                                        |___/ ");

            List <string> Set = new List <string>();

            Set.Add(@"        _____ ______ _______    _ ");
            Set.Add(@"       / ____|  ____|__   __|  | |");
            Set.Add(@"      | (___ | |__     | |     | |");
            Set.Add(@"       \___ \|  __|    | |     | |");
            Set.Add(@"       ____) | |____   | |     |_|");
            Set.Add(@"      |_____/|______|  |_|     (_)");

            List <string> Dots = new List <string>();

            Dots.Add("        .....");
            Dots.Add("          .....");
            Dots.Add("        .....");
            Dots.Add("          .....");
            Dots.Add("        .....");

            List <string> Go = new List <string>();

            Go.Add(@"                   _____  ____     _   _   _ ");
            Go.Add(@"                  / ____|/ __ \   | | | | | |");
            Go.Add(@"                 | |  __| |  | |  | | | | | |");
            Go.Add(@"                 | | |_ | |  | |  | | | | | |");
            Go.Add(@"                 | |__| | |__| |  |_| |_| |_|");
            Go.Add(@"                  \_____|\____/   (_) (_) (_)");

            Console.ForegroundColor = GetRandomConsoleColor();
            PrintWDelay(Sprinterz, 100);

            string appVersion = "1.0.0";
            string appAuthor  = "Diego Castro";

             * Colors:
             * Red
             * Green
             * Yellow
             * White
             * Cyan
             * Blue
             * DarkRed
             * DarkYellow

            //Change text color
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            Console.WriteLine(" Version {0} by {1}", appVersion, appAuthor);
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of human players: (0-5) ");
            int numPlay = getInt("Enter the number of human players: (1-5) ", "Number of players must be an int");

            while (numPlay > 5 || numPlay < 0)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Players must be between 0-5");
                numPlay = getInt("Enter the number of players: (0-5) ", "Number of players must be an int");
            List <Player> Players = new List <Player>();

            for (int i = 1; i < numPlay + 1; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of player " + i.ToString());
                Player p = new Player();
                p.Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Play against computer (y/n)");
            string read = Console.ReadLine();

            while (read != "y" && read != "n")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter y or n");
                Console.WriteLine("Play against computer (y/n)");
                read = Console.ReadLine();

            if (read == "y")
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of computer players: (1-5) ");
                int numCPUPlay = getInt("Enter the number of computer players: (1-5) ", "Number of computer players must be an int");
                while (numCPUPlay > 5 || numCPUPlay < 1)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer Players must be between 1-5");
                    numCPUPlay = getInt("Enter the number of coputers players: (1-5) ", "Number of  computer players must be an int");

                for (int i = 1; i < numCPUPlay + 1
                     ; i++)
                    Player computer = new Player();
                    computer.Computer = true;
                    computer.Name     = "Computer " + i.ToString();

            if (Players.Count < 1)
                Player computer = new Player();
                computer.Computer = true;
                computer.Name     = "Computer 1";
            if (Players.Count < 2)
                Player computer = new Player();
                computer.Computer = true;
                computer.Name     = "Computer 2";

            bool KeepOnPlaying = true;

            List <Sprinter> SprintersList = new List <Sprinter>();

            for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
                Sprinter sprinter = new Sprinter();
                sprinter.Index = i;
                sprinter.color = GetRandomConsoleColor();

            int delay = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("What Race Speed would you like? (slow,medium, fast,instant)");
            string choice;

            choice = Console.ReadLine();

            while (choice != "slow" && choice != "medium" && choice != "fast" && choice != "instant")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option Try again");
                Console.WriteLine("What Race Speed would you like? (slow,medium, fast,instant)");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();
            if (choice == "instant")
                delay = 0;
            else if (choice == "fast")
                delay = 50;
            else if (choice == "medium")
                delay = 100;
                delay = 200;

            //Actual game goes here
            while (KeepOnPlaying)
                //Get guesses from players
                foreach (Player p in Players)
                    if (p.Lost == false)
                        if (p.Computer == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Hello " + p.Name + " please enter the number of the sprinter you think is going to win the race! (1-8) ");
                            int guess = getInt("Please enter the number of the sprinter you think is going to win the race!", "Sprinter number must be an int! (1-8)");

                            while (guess > 8 || guess < 1)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                Console.WriteLine("Guess must be between 1-8");
                                guess = getInt("Please enter the number of the sprinter you think is goint to win the race!", "Sprinter number must be an int! (1-8)");
                            p.Guess = guess;

                            Console.WriteLine("Place your bet " + p.Name);

                            int bet = getInt("Please place your bet.", "Bet must be an integer! (min bet 1000) ");

                            while (bet < 1000)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                Console.WriteLine("Bet must be > 1000!!!");
                                bet = getInt("Please place your bet.", "Bet must be an integer! (min bet 1000) ");

                            if (bet > p.Balance)
                                bet = p.Balance;
                            p.Currbet = bet;
                            int guess = _random.Next(1, 9);
                            if (p.Balance > 10000)
                                int bet = _random.Next(5, 10);
                                bet = bet * 1000;
                                if (bet > p.Balance)
                                    bet = p.Balance;
                                p.Guess   = guess;
                                p.Currbet = bet;
                                int bet = _random.Next(1, 5);
                                bet = bet * 1000;
                                if (bet > p.Balance)
                                    bet = p.Balance;
                                p.Guess   = guess;
                                p.Currbet = bet;

                foreach (Player p in Players)
                    if (p.Lost == false)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;
                        AddSponsor(SprintersList, p.Name, p.Guess);

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                PrintWDelay(GetReady, 450);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                PrintWDelay(Set, 350);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                PrintWDelay(Go, 100);

                //Have the sprinters race
                bool race_over = false;
                int  winner    = 0;
                while (race_over == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("          _________________________________________________________");
                    Console.WriteLine("        |                                                         |");
                    foreach (Sprinter s in SprintersList)
                        int advance = GetRandom(1, 9);

                        if (s.Index == advance)

                        if (s.Position > 50)
                            race_over = true;
                            winner    = s.Index;
                        // Console.WriteLine("  _________________________________________________________");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = s.color;
                        Console.WriteLine("        |" + s.Index + "     " + s.Race + s.SponsorsStr);
                        // Console.WriteLine("  _________________________________________________________");
                    Console.WriteLine("        |                                                         |");
                    Console.WriteLine("          _________________________________________________________");

                Console.WriteLine("Winner is " + winner.ToString());

                foreach (Sprinter s in SprintersList)
                    s.Position = 0;

                //If you win you get *2 money, else you lose whatever you bet

                foreach (Player p in Players)
                    if (p.Lost == false)
                        if (p.Guess == winner)
                            p.Balance += (p.Currbet * 5);
                            p.Balance -= p.Currbet;
                        if (p.Balance <= 0)
                            p.Lost = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("       " + p.Name + " went bankrupt :( ");

                int bankrupt = 0;
                foreach (Player p in Players)
                    if (p.Lost == false)

                if (bankrupt < 2)
                    KeepOnPlaying = false;

            string won = "No one :( ";

            foreach (Player p in Players)
                if (p.Lost == false)
                    won = p.Name;

            Console.WriteLine("            Winner is ....\n");
            PrintWDelay(Dots, 500);
            Console.WriteLine("              " + won + "!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
            Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing \n");
            PrintWDelay(Sprinterz, 100);
            Console.WriteLine("Made by Diego Castro - 2021");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Esempio n. 2
 public static void Main()
     Sprinter athlete = new Sprinter();